Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 304 Revenge on Tie Ruyun? Fishing Apprentice

Zhang Wei never expected to meet acquaintances here.

Or... colleagues.

Of course, the people inside and they are actually colleagues from the original department, but now...

Zhang Wei ignored the one who called his name just now, but walked to the door of the room and shouted inside:

"Boss Shen, what a coincidence, you guys just now...exchanged the departmental culture of the Litigation Department?"

The people who had a "friendly exchange" with the three bunny girls just now were none other than Shin Zhengyi and his two henchmen, Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren.

Zhang Wei didn't expect that this was a working day on Thursday, and Shen Zhengyi brought two of his men to the Jincheng Club to prosper?

He was wondering why Shen Zhengyi had been defending the combination of beasts and bitches when he was in the litigation department. It turned out to be because of this reason.

A good brother is only a good brother who has been prostituted together, and one of us?

"Zhang Wei, you are presumptuous, why are you talking to Boss Shen!"

The person at the door was Li Qingshou. He had already pulled up his trousers at the moment, and his words were stiff.

As for Shin Zhengyi, he was still sitting on the sofa in the room at this moment, slightly out of breath, obviously he had "overworked" just now, and needed to reply.

Wang Jianren also pulled up his pants, walked up to the "good brother", and glared at Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, don't think that if you join the criminal department, you can be reckless if you become an ace. Jincheng is a place where seniority is judged. Boss Shen is a senior partner!"

Hearing the sarcasm from the group of beasts and sluts, Zhang Wei retorted: "Senior partner, to put it bluntly, is a senior wage earner. The big boss gave everyone the title of partner, just to make you feel awesome!"

"You are presumptuous!" After hearing this, Shin Zhengyi couldn't help it immediately, and stood up too.

But after all, he is at this age, and he has expended a lot of physical strength just now, and now his legs are a little weak, and even Zhang can't stand still, so he needs to be supported.

"I'm presumptuous, what's wrong?"

Seeing Shen Zhengyi's performance, Zhang Wei laughed immediately.

"Besides, have you seen this guy next to me? The boss of the Criminal Department, Tie Ruyun Tie, is also the department leader!"

After pulling Tie Ruyun over, Zhang Wei pointed at the combination of beasts and sluts, and said with a sneer, "You two are just the supervisors of the litigation department, you can be regarded as the second in command and the third in command. Nothing to say?"


It is naturally impossible for the combination of beasts and sluts to express themselves.

Who is Tie Ruyun?

Back then, he was a subordinate of their litigation department, and he was in charge of the criminal team. In the litigation department, grandma didn't love her uncle or uncle.

Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren have always sent Tie Ruyun as their subordinates, and whenever they have chores, they will be left to Tie Ruyun.

Now that he turned back and became the head of the criminal department and became the iron boss, they still couldn't accept it.

The former subordinates are now the bosses of a department, and they are higher in rank than them. In terms of status, everyone is also a junior partner, and the cards are all the same.

Can the two accept it? Of course they can't!

"Damn you..."

The Beast and Bitch were about to say something, but Shin Zhengyi held the shoulders of the two of them.

"Give me a hand, you two, my legs are a little weak!"

As expected of Boss Shen, he uttered the most unimpressive words in the most ruthless tone.

Relying on the support of the slut, Shen Zhengyi finally recovered.

In his pair of old eyes, a eagle-like sharp gaze flashed, and his gaze was fixed on Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun.

However, under the brewing, there was no storm.

On the contrary, after Shin Zhengyi took a deep breath, he suddenly showed a "smile".

"Zhang Wei, I heard that you won the lawsuit again, and you still won against Guo Wufeng. Congratulations?"

"Boss Shen is joking. There are winners and losers in the lawsuit. It's just that I just happened to be lucky."

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of someone who came out of my litigation department."

Boss Shen clearly exaggerated Zhang Wei, but he also exaggerated his department.

"And Tie Ruyun, the new department will depend on you in the future. As the person in charge, you have to set an example!"

"Thank you Boss Shen for your concern, I understand!"

Although Tie Ruyun was surprised, why is Shin Zhengyi so easy to talk to today? Taste him, but he won't praise others at all.

Today he kept exaggerating Zhang Wei and himself. Didn't he change his gender, or... the bunny girl's credit?

Although there is a saying that after a man does something, he will enter the so-called sage mode. At this time, the man seems to have the compassion of a sage.

I didn't expect it to be so...

"That's good, that's good. You should have received the invitation card, and you are considered VIPs now. There are many rules in this club. I hope you will keep them in mind."

"Li Xiaowang and I still have something to discuss, so I won't waste your time, just do whatever you need to do!"

As Shin Zhengyi said, he waved his hand, which meant to see off the guests.

Although he still looked like a leader, Zhang Wei didn't intend to get entangled in this. Instead, he took a look at Shen Zhengyi and left with a smile.

But after walking a few steps, the smile on Zhang Wei's face suddenly disappeared, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Although you are pretending to be polite, you can't hide the look in your eyes that want to make trouble. Do you really think I can't see it?"

Zhang Wei whispered with his lips, and sneered in his heart.

He could see that Shin Zhengyi was not what he appeared to be, which reminded him of someone.

Yue Junzi who is smiling proudly!

The same person is a gentleman in front, and the back is a beast, and the same smile hides a knife, cruel and merciless!

the other side.

Inside the VIP room of the three of Shin Zhengyi.

The door of the room was closed again, and Shin Zhengyi and the three had already sat back on the sofa.

"It's unlucky to meet the two of them!"

"Yeah, it's not good to meet anyone. I actually met Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun. These two guys are really embarrassing now!"

"Who made them all get promoted? One became an ace lawyer, and the other was so incredible that he went directly to the 25th floor to become a department leader!"

"Damn it, we did our best for the law firm, but we couldn't get promoted. How could he, Tie Ruyun, be the head of the department?"

"However, if you think about it, if they go to the 25th floor, they will be trampled under our feet!"

"We are on the 26th floor, they are falling, what you said is actually..."

Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren, while muttering, gave full play to the spirit of Ah Q.

So what if you go to the 25th floor, I can still step on you!

But they can only think about it in their hearts, even if they run into each other inside the law firm, they don't dare to step on each other.

This is also the reason why Shen Zhengyi forbears just now. Everyone is at the same level, and it is different now.

"Boss Shen, what do you think we should do? Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun are too embarrassing now, and I don't feel grateful to you at all!"

"That's right, that's right, you brought them to the top before, and now they are members of the criminal department, but they don't show any gratitude to you at all. They are just white-eyed wolves!"

Hearing what the combination of beasts and sluts said, Shen Zhengyi also felt that Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun were a little out of touch.

You were in the litigation department before, and I was the head of the department. Now that you have gone to the criminal department, did you really forget the "kindness" you had in the litigation department?

How should I say, I am also your former boss, you have to show me some respect.

"Hmph, two little brats, once they gain power, they'll just ascend to heaven!"

Shin Zhengyi waved his hand, pretending to be generous.

But then, a stern look appeared in his eyes again, "But these two guys are too arrogant, we really need to teach them a lesson!"

Shen Zhengyi is not really generous. He was just pretending in front of Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun just now.

Seeing this, Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren also looked at each other and smiled.

This is their leader, and it really was all a scene just now!

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, just cause them some trouble, and it's best to disgust them for a while!"

Shen Zhengyi said, but his brows were tightly furrowed: "By the way, don't touch this Zhang Wei for now. Although I don't want to admit it, he is indeed very capable. Being able to defeat the local prosecutor's headquarters many times proves that he is tricky!"

"Don't touch him, just give Tie Ruyun something to do. It's best to make him unable to sit still in the position of the head of the criminal department, and let his butt sit crooked!"

"Okay, Boss, we know what to do, let's arrange it now!" Hearing the boss's order, the beast and bitch group naturally nodded in agreement.

Shen Zhengyi then gave a few more instructions, and both of them agreed.

After leaving the VIP room, Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren's expressions became serious.

"There are many ways to fix Iron Ruyun, but when thinking about the meaning of Boss Shen, we must pay attention to the influence, and at the same time let him ruin his reputation. What's the deal?"

"Boss Shen means that the matter should not be big, but the incidental impact should not be small. This shows that the boss is still concerned about the reputation of the law firm. It is okay to smear Tie Ruyun, but it cannot hurt our law firm."

"As expected of Boss Shen, he always thinks of the law firm. I'm really touched."

The two were excited for a moment, looking like they were licking a dog.

But soon, they thought of business again.

"The boss is not here, let's stop licking it, go to the contact person, and prepare to do something for Tie Ruyun!"

"Yes, yes, contact, go to contact!"

After Wang Jianren responded, he suddenly said: "Why don't you contact my cousin, he is a man of the Tao, and he is still under Lord Bao, he must have means!"

"Is that cousin of yours the 'Biao Brother' on the road?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"That's fine. After all, it's a matter of dealing with your own people. It would be even better if you can outsource it!"

"Then do this, I'll contact my cousin right away!"

The two didn't think about it, and felt that it would be better to invite outsiders.

And the other party is Wang Jianren's cousin, so he is trustworthy.


at the same time.

Inside the Golden City Club.

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun are sitting in the reception hall on the first floor.

Surrounded by all kinds of lawyers, many people gathered together like them, chatted, drank drinks, and some even ordered meals here, including Zhang Wei.

Jincheng Club provides a buffet, but you need to order extra, but fortunately, the price is not expensive.

It is said that the signature dish here is lobster, and the chef's craftsmanship is quite good.

So Zhang Wei ordered a piece of lobster meat to try, while Tie Ruyun worried that there would be too many people around and it would not be a good influence.

"You kid is really serious. When you eat in this kind of place, others are looking at you. Pay attention to the influence?"

Tie Ruyun was talking about Zhang Wei, but his eyes swept around.

Not to mention, many people looked over, especially when they saw Zhang Wei gobbling it up, and they all shook their heads.

"Old man, what do they think of me is their business. People have to eat when they are hungry. By the way, you and I came here early in the morning. Can you do it without eating?"

"I'll go back and eat!"

Tie Ruyun waved his hand. After all, he is also a leader now, so he has to worry about face.


Zhang Wei chuckled, contemptuous of Tie Ruyun's performance.

Such things as face are not gained by maintenance, but by strength.

As long as you have the strength, even if you hit bad shots every time you play golf, and you can't get into the hole with hundreds of shots, someone will lick you!

Just like a fat man...

After he was full, Zhang Wei patted his stomach and felt very refreshed.

"Let's go, go back!"

The two returned.

After meeting Zhang Xinyan in the parking lot, he returned to the law firm.

On the way, Zhang Xinyan suddenly got excited and asked about the club.

"By the way, what kind of place is this Jincheng Club? Seeing that there are all good cars parked in the parking lot, the grade inside should be very high, right?"

"Yes, the grade is not low, and they are all good cars. Although many of them are second-hand, the paint is bright enough and can be repainted. It is more exciting to drive than a first-hand car. And many people like to mix it up. You drive Mine, I'll drive yours."

Tie Ruyun, who was sitting on the co-pilot, sounded wrong.

How does this sound like your kid is driving?

No, it's not serious driving, but the kind that is not serious!

"Jingle Bell!"

As Tie Ruyun was thinking, the phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Oh, Xiao Wei, what's wrong with you?"

"You were arrested again, isn't it?"

"Okay, okay, I'll come right over, come right over!"

Tie Ruyun hung up the phone in a hurry, then looked at Zhang Wei.

"Well, Zhang Wei, can you drop by the detention center? Would you mind giving me a lift?"

"Yes, yes, but old iron, is your friend okay, and you still have to go to the detention center?"

"She is either my friend, or my former client, a worker in the service industry. I heard that she has been a good person, so why..."

"Oh, it turns out they are workers in the service industry!"

Zhang Wei immediately nodded in understanding, it turned out that she was a "good girl" in a certain sense.

"Smelly brother, change lanes and send my leader to the detention center!"


Of course Zhang Xinyan turned around and drove towards the detention center.



Jincheng law firm.

Zhang Wei came back alone, and Lao Tie was still dealing with clients in the detention center, so he couldn't get out.

So he didn't go back to the office on a rare occasion, but came to the office area of ​​the criminal department.

Before the old iron came back, he told him to take care of the newcomers. Of course, he had to give the leader some face.

"Hehe, everyone is busy!"

Many newcomers are dealing with paperwork, and some are studying old cases, observing case summaries, and writing some written reports and summaries.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Ace is good!"


When Zhang Wei appeared, they got up to say hello one after another, and their attitudes were very polite.

"Sit down, sit down, everyone is colleagues, don't be so polite!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and then walked to the position of the team leader.

Lin Yumeng had already X dropped the webpage just now, so she was not afraid of Zhang Wei peeking at the screen.

But Zhang Wei already knew that this girl was slacking off again. Seeing how guilty she was just now, she must be fishing for work again.

"Xiao Meng, look at Xiao Li, who is working meticulously during working hours. You are also the team leader after all, so you need to set an example!"

"Master, you know me, I..."

The little apprentice pouted, looking unhappy.

She really doesn't want to be the leader of this group. Once things get more complicated, it will be too hard and tiring. How can she have time to fish and watch dramas?

"Xiao Li, let me ask, has the old iron arranged any cases for newcomers recently?"

"No, the boss has been letting newcomers learn written records and watch court trial videos, and it hasn't reached the actual combat stage yet!"

"How can this work?"

Hearing Li Yueqin's answer, Zhang Wei shook his head.

For newcomers, the efficiency of learning characters is the lowest. If there is a case, it is the fastest way to train.

And there will be no shortage of criminal defense lawyers.

You can go to the court to receive public interest cases casually, and there is absolutely no shortage of case sources.

After all, public interest cases can never be finished.

"Lawyer Zhang, is there really a case?"

The newcomers sitting not far away also heard Zhang Wei's words, and immediately a girl stood up.

"It's Xiao Su, I think you can try to get involved with some cases!"

"Okay, okay!" Su Xiaoqian was the first to clap her hands.

"Yeah!" The other newcomers also looked excited.

"No, master, the team leader said that we cannot allow newcomers to participate in the case for the time being, because it is irresponsible to the client!"

But an untimely voice interrupted them.

The little apprentice sullenly put on an expression of "I'm serious".

"Oh, no~"

The newcomers suddenly became unhappy again, and sat back one by one.

"What did the old man say?"

"That's right, the team leader specifically told us not to let newcomers get in touch with the case too early!" The little apprentice said solemnly.

"That's it..."

Zhang Wei pondered for a moment, then looked at his cute little apprentice again.

"Xiaomeng, since you joined the criminal department, have you taken any new cases?"

"Ah I?"

The latter pointed to himself with a look of astonishment.

"Well... isn't the department busy recently, so I... haven't taken any cases..." The little apprentice lowered his head and explained aggrievedly.


Zhang Wei chuckled, if you are busy, little girl, there will be no idlers in Jincheng Law Firm.

"Xiaomeng, I think what Lao Tie said makes sense. It's really not good for newcomers to get in touch with the case too early, but well, if you bring them in touch with the case, isn't that all right?"

"I see that you often sneak around at your work station on weekdays. Why don't you come to a case and let the newcomers be your assistants to watch and accompany you to handle the case?"

This time, it was Zhang Wei's turn to be serious, looking at his little apprentice with a serious face.

"Master, are you joking, how can I..."

"Xiaomeng, you have to take a case, otherwise you will be useless if you fish every day!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's serious face, Lin Yumeng choked back the words of refusal.

And the new people around, when they heard that there was a new case to contact, they all became excited about the case.

Although I wasn't the one who took the case, at least I didn't need to continue looking at the old case and looking through the documents, which is a good thing.

What could be more attractive than participating in a new case all the way?

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