Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 305 The little apprentice is afraid? wallet robbery case

Saturday, overtime day.

Zhang Wei came to the law firm early in the morning again.

There is currently no one in the criminal department, he was the first to arrive.

But this is normal, after all, it is the weekend, and everyone does not go to work on weekends.

Zhang Wei came here naturally because of overtime work.

After all, he's a strong contender for Employee of the Year.

"What about Xiaomeng, didn't you agree to come together in the morning?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the office of the criminal department, and found that the other person he had made an appointment with hadn't arrived.

If Zhang Wei is a representative of hard work and a strong contender for outstanding employees, then his little apprentice is a negative teaching material in the workplace.

Every day during the working day, I fished and paddled, and every time I watched her work, I was secretly watching dramas and watching dramas. Even if I became the team leader, I didn't set an example.

Such people are generally the priority of the department to clean up.

But who let people have the father of a big boss of a law firm?

In other words, the whole Jincheng belongs to her family.

Who dares to kill the big boss's daughter?

If it was in the past, Zhang Wei was most annoyed by this second generation, who could not be beaten or scolded.

But if the other party is a cute girl, then that's another story.

Moreover, the little apprentice still respects Zhang Wei, and occasionally shows eye-catching operations. These are the advantages of the little apprentice.

As long as she is sensible and abides by the concept of time, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei waited for another hour.

At nearly 10 o'clock, the elevator doors finally opened.

"Yeah, late, late~"

With a panicked cry, the little apprentice finally rushed in.

Looking up at the time, it will be almost 10 o'clock.

And the time she and Zhang Wei made an appointment yesterday was at 8:30...

Lin Yumeng: emmm...

The little apprentice's heart "thumped", and then he raised his eyes to look at his master Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei crossed his arms at the moment, with a gloating expression on his face.

This expression is telling you that if you are late, you will be punished!

Fuck Fuck Fuck!

Seeing the master's expression, Lin Yumeng secretly said that he would suffer.

what to do?

Could it be that he can only use nirvana?

Thinking of this, the little apprentice hurriedly pretended to be aggrieved and pitiful, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Master, it's not my fault. It's all my fault. He's sick. I have to stay on the bed to take care of him. You have to trust me, I don't want to be late..."


Zhang Wei naturally didn't believe Lin Yumeng's explanation.

Why is the quilt late, and you still have to stay on the bed to take care of each other, what a liar?

However, Zhang Wei was too lazy to expose the other party, but waved his hand perfunctorily: "Xiaomeng, your ability to tell stories still has a lot of room for improvement. My suggestion is to be more pragmatic and stay close to reality, not fairy tales." story!"


Lin Yumeng didn't dare to cry anymore, and her expression became more restrained, because she really couldn't pretend anymore.

"Okay, since you're here, let's get to work!"


As Zhang Wei said, he brought his cute little apprentice to the large meeting room of the criminal department.

Here, several folders have been turned.

"First of all, I have to clarify with you why I came to work overtime today."

"Xiaomeng, you are also the team leader now, and you have to set an example. Since the old iron said that newcomers cannot accept cases for the time being, as the team leader, you have to play a good role in leading the newcomers. We have seen the capabilities of the Criminal Department."

"So, I took advantage of yesterday's Friday to find a lot of public interest cases in the court, but none of these cases were accepted. In the end, the court will assign them to you. You can choose one from here."

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to the folders on the table and motioned Lin Yumeng to take one at random.

The little apprentice naturally didn't dare to object, so he chose the one closest to him, and opened the first page to have a look.

"Ah, the QJ case!"

She exclaimed, and then looked at Zhang Wei aggrievedly.

Those innocent little eyes seemed to be saying: Master, it's not that he doesn't want to go to court, it's just that the family really can't take this case.

"That's fine, change to another one." Zhang Wei shook his hand.

The little apprentice picked up the second document and opened it.

"Ah, a murder case!"

She once again looked at Zhang Wei with aggrieved eyes.

It's not that I don't want to fight this case, it's just that I can't accept it physically.

"Okay, another one." Zhang Wei said again.

The third case...

"Ah, burglary, and killed the owner's dog, this suspect is too hateful!"

"Master, it's not that they don't want to pick it up, it's just that my family also has a dog. I hate those who kill dogs the most!"

"Okay, change again!"

The fourth case...

"Ah, this time it was a husband and wife quarrel. The man accidentally injured his wife and is now being prosecuted."

"Master, people don't want to take this kind of case, because this man is too hateful, how can he do it after arguing with his wife?"

"Okay, change again!"

The fifth case...

The sixth case...

After seven or eight cases in a row, Lin Yumeng rejected them all.


Finally, Zhang Wei sensed something was wrong and hurriedly called to stop.

The little apprentice originally looked through a case and was about to tell a reason he had prepared in his mind, but he forcibly held back.

Zhang Wei walked up to the little apprentice, made a circle around her, and looked at her carefully.

"Xiaomeng, are you afraid?"

"Wow, no way...Master, you are joking, how could I be afraid..."

The little apprentice's eyes dodged, and his explanation was quite submissive.

"Good apprentice, do you know that when you want to explain, you must face the other party squarely!"

"And your current expression and posture make your explanation seem rather weak. You have completely forgotten what I taught you. If you can't even convince me, how can you convince the jury?"

Looking at the little apprentice's evasive eyes and his completely unconvincing expression, Zhang Wei shook his head with emotion.

It seems that the time of fishing has finally made his little apprentice decadent.

Sure enough, people can't touch fish, otherwise they will be lazy.

"That's fine, don't pick it!"

"Really, master?"

When the little apprentice heard this, his face was excited, and he finally didn't have to work overtime.

"I'll help you pick one!"

But Zhang Wei's next words made the little apprentice's face collapse instantly.

Feelings, still can't escape~

Zhang Wei casually flipped through the rest of the folders, and soon found a case.

"Let's just say this. Robbing a wallet in the street didn't cause anyone any harm. It's a case with little impact. It's just right for you to practice!"

As Zhang Wei said, he handed over the folder to the young apprentice and asked her to understand the case carefully.

"Before eating, read the summary of the case for me. We will meet the suspect in the afternoon. When you are resting at home tomorrow, think about how to handle this case. I will see how you behave next Monday!"


The little apprentice pursed his lips and reluctantly responded.

It can be seen that she is still somewhat resistant to accepting the case.

The whole morning passed while Lin Yumeng looked through the cases.


When it was almost noon, the little apprentice's stomach growled again.

"Master, I got up in a hurry and didn't have breakfast..."

The little apprentice looked at Zhang Wei anxiously again, his face full of pity.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei prepared lunch for two people.

"You are lucky, Lao Tie and I went to Jincheng Club on Friday and tasted their signature lobster dish, so today I also made lobster!"

"Yeah, Master, you are the best~"

Seeing the lobster meat and other delicious dishes, the little apprentice moved his index finger and his big eyes turned into crescent moons.

A pleasant lunch time that always goes by quickly.

After a delicious meal, the two naturally took a lunch break, and then set off for the detention center.


Dongfangdu, the detention center.

For Zhang Wei, this detention center is like his home.

He knew more about this place than he knew about Dongjiang Yipin's house.

Although this may sound awkward, it is the truth.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, good afternoon!"

"Field Officer Lu, you are on patrol again!"

"Hello, Aunt Wang, it's your turn to sweep the floor again today!"

"Chef Zheng, have you just finished lunch in the cafeteria? What dishes are you preparing for those detainees today?"

Along the way, Zhang Wei and everyone he met were able to say hello and even chat a few words, which also surprised Lin Yumeng who followed him.

"As criminal defense lawyers, apart from the courtroom, the detention center is also the place we visit most often. For these places, you need to be familiar with a knowledge called "People Network", which can help you a lot when necessary!"

Naturally, Zhang Wei didn't miss this opportunity to enlighten his disciples, and immediately began to explain.

Once you step into the society, you will inevitably come into contact with two subjects other than "knowledge", "connections" and "emotional intelligence".

These two subjects are things that you don't know much about, or even learn at all in school.

But I have to admit that although these two courses are not taught in school, they are the most needed courses for you to step into the society.

"Network" determines the resources you can obtain, and "Emotional Intelligence" determines the way you treat people and things in society.

As long as you finish these two courses seriously, you can be like a fish in water in society.

Of course, these two courses are still too early for her as a simple apprentice.

Detention facility, meeting room.

The master and apprentice waited for a while, and the suspect finally arrived under the escort of two field staff.

"Hello, is this Mr. Yan Dayuan?"

Zhang Wei got up first to say hello, and the little apprentice stood up after being stunned for a moment.

"Are you, my defense attorney?"

Yan Dayuan is a man with a moustache. He looks in his thirties. He has an ordinary appearance and no distinctive facial features. The only thing that stands out is the studs on his earrings, which makes people feel unserious.

He looked at Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng, a little stunned.

These two look a little too young.

They should all be lawyers who have come out to practice. All in all, they are all rookies.

"You're lucky kid, Lawyer Zhang was able to take your case, so be lucky!"

But one of the guards escorting him suddenly patted Yan Dayuan on the shoulder, and said something that the latter didn't quite understand.

However, the two were only responsible for sending Yan Dayuan over, not responsible for explaining these things, after sending them off, they went outside to guard.

In the meeting room, Yan Dayuan took his seat, facing Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng.

"Both of you are my lawyers?"

"No, I'm just in charge of leading apprentices, this is your defense lawyer!"

Seeing the other party's question, Zhang Wei quickly pushed the little apprentice out.

"Oh, hello, my name is Lin Yumeng, and I'm your future defense lawyer~"

Yan Dayuan looked at the cute appearance of the little apprentice, but was speechless in his heart.

Although the girl in front of him is quite cute, he is more concerned about whether he can get rid of the accusation and gain freedom.

"Well, I want to ask, are you sure about this case?"

This sentence is the most concerned question of every suspect.

After all, they don't care who the defense lawyer is, they only care about whether these people can help them.

But after the question was asked, the scene was a little silent.

After a while, Zhang Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Xiaomeng, why don't you answer the client's question?"

"Yeah, am I the answer?"

The little apprentice was stunned for a moment, with an innocent expression on his face.

Zhang Wei:? ? ?

Yan Dayuan:? ? ?

Zhang Wei held his forehead with one hand, and said helplessly, "Xiaomeng, you read the summary of the case. If you don't answer, who will answer?"

"Oh, it seems to be..."

The little apprentice couldn't help but nodded, and after realizing that Zhang Wei was still looking at him, he hurriedly replied: "That..."

"Say it to him!"

Zhang Wei pointed to Yan Dayuan, this is your client.

Lin Yumeng hurriedly turned her head and looked at the future client, "Oh, that...that, how should I put it, I think this case is not easy to fight..."

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, what I waited for was this answer.

Yan Dayuan immediately raised his hand and asked loudly toward the door: "Well, can I change lawyers?"

"Of course not. They are lawyers appointed by the court. If there is no moral violation, they cannot be replaced. Even if their professional knowledge is not up to standard, you must admit it!"

The field staff guarding the door responded immediately after hearing it.

Yan Dayuan could only put down his raised hand resentfully, and then looked at Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng with resentment.

This expression seems to be saying: I don't trust you, please let me go...

"Ahem, it's time for you to ask about the details of the case!"

Zhang Wei coughed, as if he didn't hear the other party's raised hand to speak, and poked the little apprentice's arm with his elbow.

Lin Yumeng immediately understood, took out her notebook, and started asking questions:

"Mr. Yan, can you please tell me about the situation at that time?"

"I read the summary of the case. It says that you robbed a lady's purse in public and chased her for several streets with the intention of committing murder."

"Fortunately, it was stopped by passers-by in the end, so no casualties were caused, but your behavior was also convicted of robbery because of the purse snatching and subsequent pursuit, not the lesser crime of robbery."

"Do you have anything to explain about this?"

After asking the question, she looked at Yan Dayuan eagerly.

The latter hesitated for a moment, knowing that he had no way to change his lawyer, so he could only accept his fate.

"Well, I want to say, I didn't actually want to rob that woman's wallet at all, do you believe it?"

"But you robbed it, snatched the wallet from her hand, and it was still on the street. Isn't this considered robbery?"

"I said I drank alcohol the next day, so I made a mistake, do you believe it?"


Lin Yumeng froze for a moment, then looked at Zhang Wei.

The latter's expression is very calm, because he has seen no matter how outrageous the case is, this explanation is not very surprising.

Seeing that Lin Yumeng couldn't ask why, Zhang Wei immediately took over the right to speak.

"Well, Mr. Yan, why don't you tell us what happened in the case from your own point of view. In this way, we can better stand on your point of view and find a way to solve this matter for you."

"All right……"

Yan Dayuan thought about it, and felt that it made sense.

He pondered for a moment and began to explain:

"Actually, that day, I was really confused and not clear-headed, so I made a little mistake. Of course, I really didn't intend to steal other people's wallets, I just..."

Following Yan Dayuan's explanation, the expressions of Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng began to change.

Zhang Wei was quite calm, but after hearing Yan Dayuan's eloquent explanation, Lin Yumeng's mouth almost opened into an "O" shape.

Because the other party's explanation is really... outrageous!

Five minutes later, Yan Dayuan finished his explanation.

"Okay, Mr. Yan, we understand, and then we will find a way to help you solve this problem!"

Zhang Wei took over the conversation again and made necessary guarantees with Yan Dayuan.

"Lawyer, I know my explanation is outrageous, but please believe me!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan, no matter how outrageous the case is, we have seen it before, and we won't be surprised by your explanation!"

Zhang Wei reassured, and the three ended the meeting.

At the gate of the detention center, Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng were still recalling the client's explanation.

"Master, isn't this too outrageous?"

"The man said that he had no intention of robbing Qianbao, but just because he happened to see the wallet in the woman's hand that was exactly the same as his own, so he thought his wallet had been robbed by the other party, and then 'take' his wallet back when he got excited."

"After a while, he found that the wallet was not his own, so he planned to return it to the woman, but the woman started running, and he chased after him, calling 'your wallet' while chasing it back, but the woman didn't hear it, it was too big Shout 'Killer'."

"In the end, a few enthusiastic citizens saw their pursuit and threw him down suddenly. While saving the woman, they also turned him over to the Wushu Association, and then he was detained in a detention center."

Lin Yumeng complained while flipping through the records in the notebook.

This case is too... outrageous.

"Xiaomeng, do you still remember what I taught you, as long as the customer does not show an obvious lying reaction, we must treat him as telling the truth!"

"Master, this case is too outrageous, are you sure he didn't lie?"

"What's the matter, sometimes the truth is outrageous!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, raised his finger, and emphasized: "The most indispensable thing in the world is people!"

"And once there are more people, all kinds of weird things are likely to happen."

"In my opinion, Yan Dayuan is not lying. He may have just misread it. That woman happened to buy the exact same wallet as him. He also happened to be confused because he drank alcohol last night."

Lin Yumeng nodded after hearing this, but then asked:

"But is it too abnormal for a big man to use a pink hellokitty wallet?"

"Maybe he has a girlish heart?"

Zhang Wei laughed, but didn't explain it.

Anyway, what they want to do is to prove Yan Dayuan's innocence.

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