Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 306 Black-bellied Xiao Su, the little apprentice becomes a negative teaching material

Monday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Department.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to the last week of June.

On the first day of the fourth week, the criminal department was still busy.

The busiest among them is Li Yueqin.

"Strange, why didn't the old man go to work?"

After Zhang Wei came to the law firm, he found that Xiao Li had arrived earlier than himself and had been busy with document preparation.

And these tasks were originally in charge of Tie Ruyun.

"The head of the iron team sent me a message on the weekend, saying that he still needs a little time to deal with things, and asked me to help with it on Monday..."

This is Xiao Li's explanation to Zhang Wei.

"Good guy, did the old man encounter a difficult case?"

Zhang Wei muttered something, but he had confidence in Lao Tie.

After all, the other party is the head of the criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm, and the former head of the criminal team.

If he can't handle even a little "little thing", wouldn't he be ashamed of his name.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei turned his mind back to himself.

He walked to the office area of ​​the criminal department and waved to the little apprentice who was sitting there.

The latter immediately got up with the folder in his arms, and went to the writing board in the office with Zhang Wei.

"Ahem, here I am announcing a few things!"

As Zhang Wei opened his mouth, all the newcomers around looked over.

"First of all, it is naturally the case that you are most concerned about. I know that the old iron said that newcomers should not touch the case for the time being!"

"But he is him, and I am me. I think that for newcomers, exposure to cases is the best way to grow, so I have 10 public welfare cases at hand, which can be given to you!"

Hearing this, the newcomers were all excited.

It's great, it's only the first month of joining the law firm, and I can get in touch with the case, it's just... bliss

After all, in their impression, joining a big law firm, not to mention the first month, even the first quarter or even the first year, it is impossible for them to get in touch with the case.

Their classmates are all complaining. During the first year of internship after joining the law firm, they are all helping practicing lawyers. The most work every day is writing documents, reviewing texts, proofreading texts, making notes on case summaries, etc. Anyway, they are all Tedious and time-consuming work.

And the practicing lawyers who lead them will say that newcomers survive the first year in this way, and if you want a case, wait until the internship period is over.

Compared with them, Zhang Wei is not too happy here.

"At that time, you two will be in charge of handling the case. The two of you can tell the truth about each other, supervise each other, and discuss countermeasures with each other."

"But these cases, I will send them to you in two days, because many of you have not even participated in an ordinary case, and you need to follow the experience of at least one case."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei pointed at Lin Yumeng, "So, I asked your Team Leader Lin to pick a case specially to lead the charge for you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Yumeng immediately felt a lot of pressure and panicked.

As for the newcomers, they were a little disappointed when they heard that Zhang Wei didn't plan to give them a case, but after hearing that he would do it a few days later, and that Lin Yumeng would lead the battle, they all looked forward to it.

As expected of the famous lawyer Zhang, this was all thought out for them.

Let team leader Lin play an exemplary role, and they can just learn how "professional lawyers" handle cases.

"Lawyer Zhang is really considerate!"

"Lawyer Zhang is worthy of being a lawyer!"

"Lawyer Zhang is really considerate of newcomers!"

For a moment, such praises flashed in the minds of all the newcomers.

"Xiaomeng, write the case information on the board and let them all read it!"


Lin Yumeng got the order and began to clearly write the information of the case summary on the clipboard.

Soon, the circumstances of the case were written.


"Isn't this case too outrageous?"

"A big man with a hellokitty purse, or pink?"

"There must be a limit to lying, I think this man must be lying!"

When the case information was revealed, the performance of the newcomers did not exceed Zhang Wei's expectations.

"Do you all think this case is outrageous?" He tapped his fingers on the clipboard and asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's outrageous!" Several newcomers nodded.

"Then if I say that this case is actually not bad, and there are some hits, do you believe it?" Zhang Wei continued with a smile.


The newcomers looked at each other, feeling that Zhang Wei was joking.

In such an outrageous case, it feels like there are 12 jurors, unless some of them have brain problems, it is impossible for them to believe the defendant, right?

But when they thought that Zhang Wei said this, they fell into hesitation again.

Is this case really open?

But many years of experience in studying the law told them that this case was really worthless, and Zhang Wei was actually joking.

Therefore, the newcomers are caught in contradictions.

In theory, the case should not be fought, because no one would believe the defendant's words.

But what if you have to fight?

Zhang Wei had a panoramic view of the situation of the newcomers.

Then they spotted Su Xiaoqian, the most active girl among this year's newcomers.

"Xiao Su, after reading this case, what do you think?"

"Hmm..." Su Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, and after thinking for a while, she replied, "Lawyer Zhang said that when we fight criminal defense cases, we are actually dealing with the public prosecutor."

"So we can get rid of the prosecutor..."


After hearing Su Xiaoqian's answer, Zhang Wei hurriedly interrupted.

Good guy.

You girl, it's all black inside!

This speech is too dangerous!

"Xiao Su, can you give the prosecutor a chance to live? Can we stop talking about this?"

Zhang Wei quickly waved his hand, signaling you not to think about it.

Su Xiaoqian hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "If the public prosecutor can't do it, why don't we kill the witnesses?"

Zhang Wei:? ? ?

"Lawyer Zhang, what I said is not what you think. We can do something to make the witnesses change their words?"


Hearing Su Xiaoqian's words, Zhang Wei interrupted again.

"Bribing a witness is illegal. At least after you take over the case, theoretically you cannot contact the prosecution witness in private, otherwise you will be accused by the prosecution of harassing the witness. If it is serious, the other party will even prosecute you for obstructing justice. , the consequences are very dangerous!"

"But if the witnesses don't change their words, the case can't be closed, right?"

Su Xiaoqian thought for a while, but could only shake her head.

If none of these methods can be operated, then it means that he is definitely going to lose.

"No, no..."

Zhang Wei shook his finger, showing an inscrutable smile: "In fact, this case has been fought, and the winner or loser has not yet been decided. We still have hope of winning!"

"And if we operate properly, our chances of winning are not small!"

Having said that, he looked at Lin Yumeng again: "Apprentice, when will this case be in court?"

Lin Yumeng immediately opened her notebook and reported: "The case will start in court tomorrow, and it will be tried quickly. There is no physical evidence, only witnesses!"

"Oh, there is no physical evidence!"

Zhang Wei muttered for a while, feeling that this was intentional for the prosecution.

Because the most favorable evidence for the defendant Yan Dayuan is that he really has a pink hellokitty wallet.

Of course, this possibility is really unlikely.

But if he did have such a wallet, it would explain his previous outrageous behavior.

In order to guard against this, the prosecution used means to persuade the court, activated the summary procedure, and tried it quickly.

The advantage of the simplified procedure is that the court hearing is fast, the cycle is short, and there is even no pre-trial and second-trial.

If it starts on the same day, the case will be heard and the result will be decided on the same day.

But the disadvantage is that it will skip the proof, or there is no public evidence to help the defendant.

But without physical evidence, it doesn't mean it can't be operated!

"Well, I see, it's better that way!"

As Zhang Wei said, he hooked his fingers towards the little apprentice.

Lin Yumeng naturally leaned forward.

"Apprentice, you operate like this you understand?"

"Understood, master, don't worry, I can handle this matter well!"

After a few words in the ear, the little apprentice immediately accepted the order and nodded solemnly.

"Very well, then go down and get ready!"

Zhang Wei waved him off and let the little apprentice prepare by himself.

And he continued to take over from the old iron and was responsible for leading the newcomers.

"Then I won't say much, and everyone will see the outcome tomorrow. Whether this case can be fought and how to fight it, everyone, please look forward to it!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he tapped the case information on the clipboard again to ask the newcomers to pay more attention, and then returned to his office.

The newcomers whispered to each other and started discussing.

What they discussed most was naturally about this case.

This case was obviously impossible to fight, but Zhang Wei said it could be done.

They are also looking forward to seeing Zhang Wei's methods tomorrow.

No, it should be said that it was Lin Yumeng's operation.


The next day, Tuesday.

The court date of the case.

Zhang Wei and the little apprentice, of course, rushed to the city court early in the morning.

In the preparation room of the Municipal Court, they met with the client, Yan Dayuan.

"When it's your turn to speak in court, you just say that. Although you think it's outrageous, this is a necessary step to win over the jury. Do you understand?"

After Zhang Wei handed something to Yan Dayuan, he repeatedly told him several times.

The latter looked a little unnatural and suspicious, but he still nodded.

Anyway, he doesn't count on other people anymore. The lawyer Zhang in front of him seems to be more reliable, and he may be right.

As for that girl, since entering the preparation room, she has been flipping through the documents, flipping through a few pages and then flipping back, she doesn't look very smart at first glance.

"Well, can I ask, what will happen to me if I can't convince the jury?"

"You are charged with robbery with the intention of chasing the victim. Generally, the sentencing standard for this crime is 3-10 years. In my opinion, you should start with 3 years!"

"But I really didn't want to snatch her wallet!" Yan Dayuan shouted injustice.

At that time, I had a sudden convulsion. The woman definitely robbed my wallet, so I had to confirm it.

Didn't you "return" the wallet to the other party in the end?

Why is it like this, and I will be imprisoned for more than three years?


What a shame!

Yan Dayuan cried out for himself here, while Zhang Wei turned his head to look at the little apprentice.

"How about it? Are you ready? The court time in the morning is coming?"

"Master, I'm a little nervous~"

The little apprentice raised his head and said timidly.

"It's not your first time in court. Why are you nervous? This kind of thing is familiar once and twice. You are also a veteran driver of the court, you should understand everything!"

Zhang Wei said something, and after cheering up the little apprentice, he took her and the defendant out of the preparation room and rushed to the court.

Court scene.

This time, because of the expedited trial, the venue of the trial is a small court.

The front row of the hearing booth, two full rows, were occupied by newcomers from the criminal department.

However, there were not many people watching this case, and there was still a little space in the back, and there could be a few more spectators.

This scene also made the monitoring party of this case feel a little pressure.

"There are so many people, and they are all from the defense, so the pressure is not small!"

On the prosecution table, sat an "acquaintance" of Zhang Wei.

Chai Ping, a prosecutor at the Midtown District Attorney's Office.

He was the prosecutor in charge of the Tian Lixiong case.

That case can be said to have refreshed his cognition.

The little brother wanted to bask in the sun, and then fell in love with a prostitute. Relying on these two outrageous defenses, Zhang Wei actually succeeded in exonerating the defendant.

This has also become a knot in Chai Ping's heart that cannot be untied.

In such a case, he actually lost. He vowed that the next time he saw Zhang Wei, he would make him look good!

The door of the courtroom was wide open, and then the defense trio walked into the courtroom.


Seeing the person coming, Chai Ping was instantly taken aback.

Do you want to be so smart, you came just after I told you?

"Hey, isn't this Prosecutor Chai from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zhongcheng District?"

Zhang Wei also recognized Chai Ping, and immediately smiled and greeted him.

"Lawyer Zhang, I heard that you used insidious means to kill Cheng Lisha, a famous host in our city?"

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing which pot Chai Ping did not open and which pot to lift, Zhang Wei immediately denied San Lian.

Just kidding, the matter of Cheng Lisha has nothing to do with me at all, okay?

Why do people now feel that they forced each other to death?

"Hmph, today I'm going to show you, the 'murder lawyer', the strength of our Midtown District Prosecutor's Office!"

Chai Ping ignored Zhang Wei's greeting, and sneered, his mouth full of confidence.

"It's useless for you to let me see it. I'm not a defense lawyer. This time the defense lawyer is my apprentice!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and said that he was just here to listen.

As he spoke, he pointed at Lin Yumeng, then walked to the prosecution's seat and sat down.

Although he was sitting in the prosecution seat, he was just watching the trial for a good seat.


Chai Ping glanced at Lin Yumeng beside Zhang Wei, feeling that he had been insulted.

Good guy, you actually let your apprentice deal with you. When did I, Chai Ping, become so easy to bully?

That girl looks like a newcomer at first glance, so I must give her a good look.

Yes, this trial, let's see how I defeat her!

At the defense table, Lin Yumeng was still a little nervous.

Suddenly, she felt a cold gaze from behind.

"Wow, it's so scary, this prosecutor seems to want to eat himself..."

"What to do, I'm scared, I'm so panicked..."

Lin Yumeng retreated in her heart, her little face was full of uneasiness.

The prosecution and the defense took their seats in different minds.

"All rise!"

As the court time came, the judge finally entered.

The judge who appeared in court this time was a young judge whom Zhang Wei didn't know.

But after the latter stepped onto the trial seat, he and Chai Ping nodded.

Obviously, the prosecutor and the judge know each other, and they seem to be quite familiar with each other.

This is a disadvantage.

"Ahem, this court announces that the robbery case of the defendant Yan Dayuan is now in court, because the case is going through a fast trial process, so everything is kept simple!"

As the judge said, he nodded to the court guard beside him: "Let the jurors come in directly!"

Thought to be a summary procedure, the jurors are only half of the number of criminal cases, and there is no screening process.

The jury entered, and was seated quickly.

"The prosecution and the defense each explain their arguments in the trial. Please be concise and clear!"

Following the judge's announcement, Chai Ping stood up first: "The defendant, Yan Dayuan, robbed in the street with the intention of committing murder. The prosecution believes that his behavior constituted serious robbery!"

"This court understands!"

The judge nodded, then turned to the defense.

Under the gaze of everyone, the little apprentice stood up: "Your Honor... We believe that the defendant was wronged. He did not commit these crimes. He was just..."

"Ahem, this court has said that the court's argument should be as concise as possible, and you should focus on it!"

The judge suddenly interrupted her and gave a reminder.

This scene caused all the newcomers in the hearing booth to open their notebooks and start recording.

The statement of claim at the beginning of the trial must be concise, otherwise it will suffer a big loss like Team Leader Lin.

Lin Yumeng at this moment has become a negative teaching material.

And Chai Ping, who was on the prosecution seat, couldn't help laughing.

That's it?

Is your Zhang Wei's apprentice at this level?

It seems that today's case will be won easily!

Chai Ping had imagined that after defeating his apprentice, he could use his apprentice to mock his master.

If you, Zhang Wei, are capable, how can you teach a parallel apprentice.

In the final analysis, you still rely on luck to win the case, right?

The sarcasm in Chai Ping's eyes grew stronger.

Zhang Wei can naturally feel this.

"Good guy, you want to disgust me, don't you?"

Zhang Wei ignored him, but instead patted the young apprentice on the shoulder, and encouraged him in a low voice: "Don't be nervous, just be more straightforward, and tell the purpose directly!"


The little apprentice responded, and then looked at the judge: "Your Honor, we choose to plead not guilty!"


The judge nodded, it's good that you said so earlier.

The four words "defense of innocence" are enough to explain your purpose.

After recording it in the notebook at hand, he glanced at the jury.

After confirming that the jury had heard the arguments of both parties, he hammered the hammer and announced: "Then, since both the prosecution and the defense have stated their arguments, the prosecution, please prepare and start making statements!"

Chai straightened his collar and strode up to the courtroom.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution requests that the victim of this case, Ms. Zong, be summoned to the court to state the course of the case!"

"Well, let her come up!"

Following Chai Ping's summons, a middle-aged woman walked into court.

She is the victim of this case and the informant, the woman whose wallet was robbed by Yan Dayuan.

Of course, Yan Dayuan said that he had thought of snatching this woman's wallet.

Zhang Wei watched the witness go to court, and began to think in his heart, what would be the next flaw in the testimony of this witness.

In short, I have to help my apprentice win this case!

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