Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 307 Snatching bags but not money? Excuse!

in court.

"On that day, I was walking on the street, and suddenly a man rushed in front of me, reaching out and trying to snatch the wallet in my hand!"

"May I ask the witness, is that man in court?"


Ms. Zong raised her hand and pointed at Yan Dayuan on the defense bench, "Here, that's him!"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I can recognize his appearance even if it turns into ashes!"

Hearing this, many people in the jury showed a clear look.


The murderer has been confirmed, but he is not the one in the dock.

Case closed!

In just a few sentences, the case is settled.

Close the case at the speed of light!

At the defense table, Zhang Wei naturally saw the mind of the jury.

Guys, the first question just closes the case, right?

Dare you go faster?

But he complained about it, and the prosecution's statement still had to continue.

"Then, Ms. Zong, what did this man do afterwards?"

"He snatched my wallet. I definitely wouldn't let it go, so I started fighting with her. But I'm a weak woman, and I'm old. How could I be his opponent? Why didn't he snatch the wallet?"

Ms. Zong said, showing the back of her hand, "Here, these are the scratches from being caught while fighting with him. This man is really bad!"

The jury understood, and many people nodded in agreement with this point.

"And after that?" Chai Ping continued to ask.

"After he snatched the wallet, he opened it directly in front of me, wanting to change the money. Of course I stared at him viciously, so I had to remember his appearance."

"However, after a while, he suddenly held up my wallet and started to rush towards me, yelling something while rushing. I was very scared at the time, so I ran away quickly."

"After that, I yelled 'killer' while running, hoping to attract other people's attention, and then I heard movement behind me, so I stopped."

As Ms. Zong said, she patted her chest with a look of rejoicing: "Fortunately, there are a few young men around. They heard me yelling for help, and they helped me throw that man down!"

"I see!"

Chai Ping nodded immediately, and said, "Then, if there were not those enthusiastic citizens' helpers, Ms. Zong, what do you think I would be treated?"

"I think..."


When Chai Ping led the witness to make speculations, Zhang Wei suddenly coughed.

Lin Yumeng on the side finally realized that this was a signal from the master.

"No, the prosecution is leading witnesses to speculate!"

"Well, the objection is valid!" The judge also nodded.

Chai Ping was taken aback by this sudden interruption.

Good guy, you Zhang Wei also said that you will not participate in the trial. Is this what you call not participating?

Zhang Wei responded to Chai Ping's gaze with a sneer.

What's wrong?

I have a sore throat, what's wrong with coughing?

You want to catch my tell?

dream you!

In this small confrontation, the defense naturally had the upper hand.

But Chai Ping wasn't annoyed, it was just that he couldn't understand Zhang Wei.

He asked again: "Ms. Zong, when the defendant was subdued, how did he see you?

"He, of course, looked at me with a fierce look. I feel that he wants to kill someone!"

"Against, lead witnesses to speculate!"

Chai Ping's question met Lin Yumeng's objection again.


This time, the judge also had an opinion.

How do you make two mistakes in a row?

Chai Ping immediately showed an apologetic expression, admitting his mistake.

Then he looked at the defense chair, looked at Yan Dayuan, and asked with a sneer: "Ms. Zong, can you please describe the most critical wallet in this case?"

"Of course, this wallet is a gift from my daughter. At that time, she bought a fan's wallet with cartoon patterns. Anyway, my daughter is very filial, so I will use it." Ms. Zong said directly without hesitation. .

After hearing this, Chai Ping concluded immediately: "Ms. Zong's wallet is a pink wallet with a cartoon hellokitty pattern printed on it. It is a gift bought by her daughter. Such a wallet, why did the defendant pay attention to it?"

"I remember that after the defendant was arrested, he once explained that the wallet was very similar to his, so he suspected that Ms. Zong had stolen his wallet."

"Then I feel strange, what kind of man would use such a wallet?"

After he finished speaking, he looked towards the jury box.

Many people were overjoyed, no matter men or women, they looked at the defendant Yan Dayuan with disbelief in their eyes.

Is it a bit too...

Just as Chai Ping was guiding the jury, Zhang Wei stabbed the young apprentice's arm.

"Objection!" The latter even stood up in reflex.

"Reasons for objection?" The judge was also taken aback.

"Master, what is the reason for the objection?" Lin Yumeng hurriedly called for help.

Zhang Wei quickly opened his mouth and made a mouth shape.

"Oh, the objection is a personal attack!"

Lin Yumeng said, and hurriedly added: "There is no rule, a gentleman can't use a pink wallet with a hellokitty, right?"


Although the judge also felt that this kind of thing was a bit abnormal, he couldn't help but beat the hammer and announced: "The objection is valid!"

"Jury, the prosecution's last statement just now is of a personal attack nature, please ignore it!"

Among the jury, two people nodded pretendingly, but more people did not respond.

Obviously, the judge's words did not play much restrictive effect.

Seeing his "remarkable results", Chai Ping is now satisfied.

"Your Honor, the prosecution has nothing to ask about this witness!"

He smiled and walked back to the prosecution's bench, closing his statement at the same time.

The next moment, all eyes were on the defense seats, or on Lin Yumeng.

The latter's little hands trembled a little, but he still suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and walked to the court.

"Hello, Ms. Zong."

"Hello, little girl."

Ms. Zong on the witness stand did not show much hostility after seeing Lin Yumeng in court.

"That... I want to ask, my client, Mr. Yan Dayuan, he stole your wallet, right?"

"Yeah, he snatched it. I know what you're going to ask. I don't have blind eyes, and I have very good eyesight. It's impossible to mistake someone. Besides, besides me, there were several young men at the scene. They It’s also impossible to admit the wrong person, if you don’t believe me, you can bring them to court, and we can confront each other!”

Ms. Zong answered some questions in advance like a prophet.

Needless to say, these questions must have been conceived by Chai Ping for her, which is also a common routine of defense lawyers.

Once the eyewitness makes an accusation, the defense lawyer will definitely raise objections with reasons such as "whether the witness saw it wrong" or "whether he didn't see it clearly".

If the witness is older, there will naturally be more reasons to use.

So in order to deal with the defense's tactics, Chai Ping naturally prepared countermeasures.

"That... I didn't want to ask these..."

But Lin Yumeng shook her head and denied it.

"I just want to ask, when my client Mr. Yan snatched your wallet, did he take the money in it?"

"This..." Ms. Zong was at a loss for words.

"Huh?" Lin Yumeng blinked and looked at the former.

"Witness, please think carefully before answering the question!" The judge immediately interjected and gave a warning.

"Well, I remember that he seemed to flip through the money at that time..."

"Did he take the money?"

"It seems... there really isn't..."

When Ms. Zong answered, her face became a little unnatural.

Because the man sitting in the dock snatched his wallet, but he didn't seem to really take the money out of it.

"Oh, then can I think that my client really didn't want to grab your wallet, but just thought your wallet was very similar to his, so he wanted to take it over to have a look?"


"be opposed to!"

Before Ms. Zong could answer, Chai Ping raised an objection.

Seeing this, the judge was also ready to speak.

"Your Honor, my questioning is over!"

But Lin Yumeng ended the question first, and went straight back to the defense bench.

This scene also made many people doubtful.

You just asked such a simple question, and it's over?

Is it a bit too short?

"Master, just ask a question, isn't it too short?"

Fortunately, Lin Yumeng raised questions for everyone.

"It's not short, it's not short, on the contrary, it's just right. You don't need to ask more questions. The jury only needs to remember one thing, that is, Yan Dayuan didn't want to steal money!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the jury seat and explained.

In the jury seat, many people showed puzzled eyes.

Grabbing wallets but not money, why?

Is the defendant's explanation true, that an old man really used a wallet with a pink cartoon pattern?

Seeing this effect, Zhang Wei nodded inwardly.

He is very satisfied with the result of this question, even if only one question is asked, it is enough.

Robbing wallets = stealing money, this is what many people subconsciously think, so in the eyes of many people, it is a felony of robbery.

But if only one bag was stolen without touching the money inside, then in the eyes of the jury, the nature would be completely different.

They will doubt the authenticity of the defendant's testimony, and this trace of doubt is Zhang Wei's purpose.


Chai Ping also noticed the change in the direction of the jury, and immediately showed anger.

And the newcomers in the hearing booth all showed expressions of admiration at this moment, and began to take notes frantically.

Because they also saw the change in the direction of the court, and it was all developing in favor of the defense.

"The prosecution?"

On the trial seat, the judge spoke again.

The anger on Chai Ping's face quickly subsided, and finally he sneered at Zhang Wei who was sitting on the defense bench.

I still have another trick, even if you get past the first witness, it depends on how you deal with the second one.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution requests to summon Cai Gan, the investigation officer who was in charge of handling the case at the time, to testify in court!"

"This court approves!"

Following his summons, a woman in her thirties walked into court.

She was wearing the uniform of the investigation department, with a serious face, quite serious.

"Hello Officer Cai!" Chai Ping also walked to the witness stand and greeted with a serious face.

"Hello, prosecutor!"

After hearing Cai Ganyuan's response, he immediately asked: "May I ask Cai Ganyuan, what did you hear the defendant say when you were arresting him?"

"He said he didn't intend to rob, and then made up a really outrageous reason."

"Did he say the victim's wallet looked like his?"

"Yes, but I think this reason is too perfunctory!"


Chai Ping pretended to be very surprised, and immediately asked: "Excuse me, why is this reason so perfunctory?"

Cai Ganyuan looked at the defense table, and then showed a disdainful smile: "I have heard this kind of excuse a lot. It is nothing more than the suspect seeing that there is too little money in his wallet, so he wants to use this excuse to get away with it!"

"In a situation like this, if you meet some timid victims and see that there is nothing missing in the wallet, maybe you won't pursue the defendant for fear of trouble, then he can continue to commit crimes until he is reported and arrested, or robbed. Only when you get a wallet with a lot of money will you stop!"

"Oh, so it is like this!"

Hearing this explanation, Chai Ping finally showed a look of "sudden realization".

And in the same way, the jury also showed the same expression when they heard these words.

Good guy, it seems that the defendant is still a habitual offender, and he actually thought of such an idea.

He must have seen that Ms. Zong had no money in her wallet, so he wanted to use this excuse to get rid of the charges, but he didn't expect to be thrown down by three or four big men before returning the wallet.

"Mr. Cai, can I ask again, is this the defendant's first violation of the law?"

"Of course not, he is a habitual offender!"

Cai Ganyuan said, recalling: "According to our investigation of criminal records, the defendant's first crime was at the age of 16, which was the crime of theft. After that, his criminal records began to increase, including not only theft and robbery, but also assault. Attacking others, gathering crowds to gamble, violating the law, etc..."

As Cai Ganyuan released a long list of records, the court's wind direction changed again.

This time, the jury looked at the dock with strong disdain.

You are still a habitual offender, and you have committed many crimes!

Although many of them are not considered felonies, you must be good at petty theft, misread you!

Then the witness's explanation just now makes sense. You are a habitual offender, and you must be thinking of using that reason to prevaricate.


You are definitely guilty!

It can be said that the jury at this moment almost expressed their inner thoughts through their expressions.

If the voting starts now, it must be guilty, and it is still guilty by unanimous vote.

Seeing the jury's reaction, Chai Ping smiled again this time.

Take care!

"Thank you Cai Ganyuan for your answer, the prosecution has no more questions to ask!"

He thinks he has achieved the lore.

Not only did the defense's rebuttal just now be dismissed, but it also allowed the jury to learn about the defendant's numerous crimes.

Moreover, Cai Ganyuan is a relatively serious witness, and he believes that it is absolutely impossible for the defense to bring her down.

Therefore, Chai Ping felt relieved and ended the question directly.

"The defense, it's your turn!"

The judge hurriedly opened his mouth and reminded the defense to come up for cross-examination.

The little apprentice wanted to go to court, but when he saw Cai Ganyuan's icy gaze, he immediately lowered his head and hesitated.

"Master, what should I do, I'm a little scared..."

"What are you afraid of? Just ask what you should. Did I train you for so long in vain?"

Zhang Wei cheered and encouraged Lin Yumeng again, and then pushed her out.

The little apprentice took small steps and walked to the witness stand step by step.

"Hello, Witness..."

"Hello, lawyer!"

Cadre Cai didn't have a good attitude towards Lin Yumeng.

Her answer was concise, or without a trace of emotion, as cold as a machine.

"Excuse me, witness, did you not believe my client when you caught him..."

"Of course, my job is to get in touch with bad guys, and when a bad guy is caught, no one will voluntarily plead guilty, unless he has a brain problem!"

"But my client, my brain is fine..."

"So he made an excuse, but I broke it down!"

Cadre Cai sneered, you, a defense lawyer, are really substandard in asking questions.

At the same time, Chai Ping on the prosecution bench also laughed.

This one seems to be a sure thing, oh no, it's a sure thing!

Cadre Cai could easily answer Lin Yumeng's questions.

What else do you have, hurry up and take it out!

"Well, I want to ask, you just said a lot about my client's criminal record, right?"


"Then, when was the last time my client committed a crime?"

"Last time?"

Cai Ganyuan showed a hint of doubt on his face, but quickly searched for the data in his mind.

"The last time Yan Dayuan committed a crime was five years ago. The crime was fighting in the street, and then he was imprisoned for two years. He performed well in prison..."

"Then may I ask, what is the average interval between crimes committed by my client before?"

"It happens every year. In terms of the average cycle, there is no statistics."

"Witness, that is to say, before the last crime, my client was arrested for crimes every year, but after the last time, is it possible that he has reformed?"


Cadre Cai's expression finally changed.

Because of this kind of thing, it's hard for her to judge.

"My client hasn't done anything bad for 5 years. He has been honest for 5 years. How could he suddenly grab other people's wallets with itchy hands?"

"It's really hard for me to answer this question, because I'm not the defendant himself, so I don't know what he thinks!"

Lin Yumeng nodded, but still asked, "Is that possible?"

"Against, lead witnesses to speculate!"

Chai Ping saw Cadre Cai showing hesitation, so he got up quickly.

He didn't expect that this serious officer Cai would be affected by a little girl's question.

"Your Honor, there is a reason for me to ask this question, because the witness is an experienced operator, he must have had contact with many suspects, so she must have contact with people who have similar experiences to my client!"

"This... seems to make sense..."

The judge also hesitated.

On the one hand, what Chai Ping said made sense, but what Lin Yumeng said also made sense.

In the end, he decided to leave the question to the witnesses themselves.

"Officer Cai, can you answer this question?"

"I think so!"

"Well then, you can answer!"

The judge agreed, and Chai Ping had no choice but to sit down.

After thinking about it for a while, Cai Gan replied: "I don't rule out the possibility, although many people will not always be honest, but people like the defendant, who have been honest for five years, do have the possibility of reforming themselves! "

"Thank you witness, I have no questions to ask!"

When Lin Yumeng heard this answer, she immediately expressed her gratitude, and finally bowed to the witness stand at 90°.

And with this question, the wind direction of the court changed again.

This time, though, the wind was slightly in the defence's favor.

Just finished nucleic acid

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