Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 308 Yan Dayuan proves himself, the case and the rabbit?

Zhang Wei said that the jury is nothing but fools.

If the wind blows in the courtroom, they will fall there.

Facts have proved that this is really true.

Now because of a simple problem, the situation has changed.

Lin Yumeng questioned the witness, and the latter's answer also met the defense's expectations.

Whether the defendant Yan Dayuan has the possibility of rehabilitating and rehabilitating.

The answer is of course yes!

After all, you have to think on the bright side of everything, you can't completely deny people opportunities, can you?

So whether Yan Dayuan really snatched Ms. Zong's wallet because of the wallet problem, no one knows the real situation.

And Lin Yumeng hurriedly ended the question, which was also done under Zhang Wei's instruction.

Because too much talk is bound to fail.

This witness seemed to be a difficult person to get along with. If he asked too many questions, he might give answers that were unfavorable to the defendant.

So you only need to get what you want, and it's not safe to waste time by procrastinating.

After getting the answer you want, you can end the questioning directly, without giving the witness and the prosecution a chance to refute.

Lin Yumeng completed this task very well, and now she is back on the defense bench.

The cross-examination of the second witness ends.

"The prosecution?"

The judge looked at Chai Ping with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

The latter stood up slowly, but there was a hint of doubt on his face.

He is thinking, he is measuring.

What is the impact of the questions raised by the defense just now on this case?

Now, the first witness, the victim, has finished speaking.

The second witness, the officer of the investigation department, also finished his speech.

Do I need to call a third witness to testify in court?

If summoned, will it have a big impact on the case?

Chai Ping believed that even if he summoned a third witness, it would be of limited help to the trial.

Because the two people who should speak the most almost killed the defense, but the defense can always regain a little advantage in desperate situations.

If new witnesses are called, it is likely that the advantage created by the first two witnesses will disappear, giving the defense more opportunities.

After thinking for a while, Chai Ping made a decision.

"Your Honor, the prosecution has concluded its case statement, and will not continue to call new witnesses!"

Chai Ping finished his testimony. He believed that the advantage in the early stage was large enough and he did not need the help of a third witness.

"Okay, the defense has finished presenting evidence, and it's the prosecution's turn to speak!"

With the judge's announcement, the floor finally came to the defense.

"Mr. Yan, it's your turn!"

Zhang Wei reminded in a low voice, indicating that the defendant should testify in court.

Lin Yumeng also took the notebook and walked to the court.

"Your Honor, the defense summoned the defendant Yan Dayuan to testify in court!"

Yan Dayuan got up at the same time and walked to the witness stand.

The eyes of the whole audience came together, whether it was the jury seat or the hearing seat, they all looked at the two people in the court.

All held their breath, waiting for the first question from the defense.

"Ahem, hello, Mr. Yan, are you single?"

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Yumeng asked the first question.

As soon as this question was uttered, Yan Dayuan, who had just sat on the witness stand, was shocked immediately.


What question did you ask, I didn't catch it, can you ask it again?

Not only him, but the jury and hearing seats were also shocked.

Even Chai Ping, the judge and the prosecution, were equally astonished.

How can anyone ask such a question, and ask the other party if they are single right away?

Are you asking a question?

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Yumeng didn't wait for her answer, but looked at Yan Dayuan innocently.

"Well...Although I'm single, I have someone I like..."

Yan Dayuan resisted the embarrassment in his heart and answered this question.

"Then you bought a fan hellokitty wallet, is it because of this reason?"

"how do you know?"

This time, it was Yan Dayuan's turn to be surprised.

I bought this wallet myself, in fact, because of the woman I like.

The other party likes this kind of cute things, so he bought a wallet of this style in order to have some common hobbies with women.

But these, he didn't talk much with the defense, how did the other party guess?

Zhang Wei said that this is too easy to guess.

How could an old man, and a social person with a series of bad records, suddenly change his temper and buy such a girly wallet?

there is only one truth!

That's because of women!

For a person like Yan Dayuan, if he wants to change the past, abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and start a new life, he must meet a woman he likes.

Otherwise, apart from women, the only things that can make a gentleman change his outlook on life and values ​​are major events such as the death of his parents.

According to Zhang Wei's investigation, Yan Dayuan's parents divorced long ago, and his relationship with Yan Dayuan is not good, so the possibility of the latter can be ruled out.

Now that I have someone I like, no wonder I can use such a pink wallet, it's all because of the influence of women.

So when Yan Dayuan showed a look of astonishment, the audience was a little stunned.

But after a lot of people thought about it carefully, they finally understood.

"Mr. Yan, please answer my question accurately. Did you buy a wallet with the same style as her because you have a woman you like?"

"Since you have said it all, then I must confess!"

Yan Dayuan looked helpless, originally he was just unrequited love, and he didn't want to expose it in court.

But his own lawyer pierced this layer of paper in public.

He only likes now, the girl he likes, who doesn't know that she is being tried in court, and will not search the court's trial records in the future.

After all, he wanted to hide this feeling in his heart.

This idea sounds like an old licking dog.

After noticing the change in the jury, Zhang Wei on the defense bench finally smiled.

"Not bad, the effect is out!"

Yan Dayuan's self-report made the jury feel sympathetic.

Originally, in their impression, Yan Dayuan should be a person "full of evil".

But now, they found that Yan Dayuan also has a touch of cuteness and a touch of down-to-earth.

As long as this is maintained and the jury has a certain understanding of Yan Dayuan, then there is naturally hope for the case to be reversed.

So, what Lin Yumeng needs to do next is...

"Mr. Yan, when you saw a wallet in the victim's hand, what was your immediate reaction?"

"I was very panicked and uneasy at the time. I was afraid that my wallet would be lost. Then I looked in my pocket and found that the wallet was really gone."

Yan Dayuan said, showing a look of panic: "Although a wallet is worthless, this wallet represents a beauty in my heart. I am afraid that I will lose this beauty, so I..."

"I was agitated and acted irrationally. I..."

In the end, he was already full of guilt.

"If Ms. Zong hadn't left, I would like to say sorry to her here. I shouldn't have acted so irrationally at the time. I should have stepped forward and explained my concerns to her, asking her to let her go. Let me take a look at the contents of the wallet, is it the same as my wallet!"

"So, you feel very guilty?"

"Of course, I am very sorry for Ms. Zong, and I am also very sorry for myself. Why did I act so irrationally? I obviously have many choices. I can use a more kind way to prove that the wallet is not mine. !"

"I see!"

Seeing Yan Dayuan apologizing in public, Lin Yumeng nodded in satisfaction.

Many people in the jury were thoughtful.

At the hearing, the newcomers also felt that this matter was really a misunderstanding as Yan Dayuan said.

Even the judge had a trace of doubt in his heart.

Although this case looks like a robbery.

But isn't it really possible, is it a rather funny misunderstanding?

"Your Honor, I have nothing more to ask about my client!"

Seeing that the questioning had achieved results, Lin Yumeng immediately ended her testimony and returned to the defense bench.

Under such circumstances, Chai Ping stood up immediately.

On his face, there was some anger and some displeasure.

I worked so hard and took so much time to bring in two witnesses.

As a result, a few questions from you pulled the jury back?

Although the direction of the court is still in the direction of the prosecution, who can guarantee whether the jury will follow the wind and whether there will be fools.

This is a criminal case, and it must be passed unanimously. Once one or two votes are against, there may be a verdict of not guilty.

And this result is unacceptable to the prosecution.

So Chai Ping now has to go all out and use his repeated questioning methods to bring the jury back again.

"Defendant, what you said just now was to say that your criminal behavior was completely a ridiculous misunderstanding?"


Yan Dayuan nodded immediately, and raised his hand to scratch his head: "Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, but I want to say that the fact is like this, it's all a misunderstanding!"

"This is really an old-fashioned excuse. Do you think anyone will believe your excuse?"

Chai Ping walked up to the witness stand, and said with a stern expression, "You clearly treat all of us as fools, do you think your excuses can fool me?"

At the defense table, Zhang Wei stabbed the neighbor next door.

"Objection!" Lin Yumeng stood up immediately.

"The objection is valid!"

The judge stopped asking the reason, but looked at Chai Ping, "Prosecutor, please ask questions instead of expressing emotion!"

"Sorry, Your Honor!"

Chai Ping immediately apologized, but there was no sincerity on his face.

His face turned cold again in an instant, and he began to ask questions.

"Excuse the witness, you said you have a pink wallet, but we have never seen this wallet, who knows if it is an excuse you made up!"


Yan Dayuan immediately denied it, and put his hand into his pocket.

"Look, isn't this my wallet?"

As he said, he took out a pink wallet with a hellokitty pattern from his pocket.

Not to mention, this wallet looks quite delicate, it looks like a girl's wallet!


In the courtroom, countless people were stunned.

Didn't you say that you lost your wallet? How did you get it?

You have been locked up in the detention center for so many days, is the wallet also in the detention center?

After taking out the wallet, Yan Dayuan scratched his head in embarrassment again, and explained: "I drank too much that day, and I was in a daze, so I left the wallet in the apartment. It happened that my apartment was a bit messy, and the wallet happened to be in a place where I couldn't see it. to the place."

"When I went out the next day, I was still a little confused, and I didn't know if I left my wallet at home."

"When I walked to the street, I happened to see Ms. Zong holding a wallet exactly like mine. I subconsciously took out my pocket, but didn't take out the wallet!"

"Then I was excited for a moment, thinking that she stole my wallet, so..."

There is no need for him to talk about the next thing.

Ms. Zong had already told the court everything.

What happened then was a farce.

Yan Dayuan snatched Ms. Zong's wallet. After checking, he found that he had taken the wrong one. It was not his wallet, so he thought about returning it.

Ms. Ke Zong was so scared that she ran away immediately, shouting "Killer" while running.

Yan Dayuan actually ran wildly behind, shouting "Return your wallet", but Ms. Zong didn't hear it.

In the end, the big men made a sudden move and threw themselves directly at Yan Dayuan, making him feel the atmosphere of philosophy once.

But at this moment, seeing the wallet in Yan Dayuan's hand, Chai Ping was also caught off guard.

He never expected that Yan Dayuan really had a wallet exactly like Ms. Zong's.


You old man, with such a "cute" wallet, are you a psychopath!



Lying down a big trough!

Chai Ping was speechless.

And the change in his expression was noticed by many people.

on the hearing bench.

"I see, this is what Lawyer Zhang said, by surprise!"

The newcomers took out pens and paper and began to record frantically, especially Zhang Wei's last move to take out the wallet, which made all the newcomers give their thumbs up.

If you want to say who is best at catching the prosecution by surprise, it must be Zhang Wei, he is a professional.

The defense table.

Lin Yumeng finally smiled, showing her sharp little canine teeth, and the uneasiness in her heart dissipated a lot.

"It's not bad!" Zhang Wei on the side commented that the effect of this trick is not bad.

Naturally, he found this wallet in Chai Ping's apartment, and asked Lin Yumeng to hand it over to the other party before the trial.

The purpose is to let everyone in the court see this scene, the moment Yan Dayuan took out his wallet.

Now everyone knows that he really didn't lie, he really has a pink cartoon-style wallet.

This move was surprisingly successful, and the effect was very good.

"This... this wallet..."

Chai Ping, on the other hand, was obviously caught off guard by this move.

"Prosecution, prosecution?"

The judge couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Chai Ping twice before finally calling Chai Ping back to his senses.

"Sorry, I was a little too surprised just now, I apologize, I lost my composure..."

Chai Ping immediately said that he lost his composure.

But then, he kicked the defense bench with a vicious look.

It must be Zhang Wei, he deliberately slipped the wallet to the defendant, deliberately let her do this in court.

Damn it, he figured it all out!

After taking a few deep breaths, Chai Ping finally adjusted his mentality.

"Prosecution, who can prove that this wallet is yours?"

"I can prove it myself. Look here, there is my ID card, my work permit, and my photo."

Yan Dayuan immediately took out these items from his wallet and showed them to the jury one by one.


Chai Ping was speechless again.

It seemed that this wallet really belonged to the other party, and it was not just taken out temporarily.


He raised his finger for a long time, but unfortunately he couldn't hold back a word.

Obviously, Zhang Wei's routine disrupted the rhythm of his questions.

Now, Chai Ping is completely out of control.

"Prosecution, do you still want to ask questions?"

The judge hurriedly urged, what kind of thing did this look like when he stood there for a long time.

Court time is precious, okay?

"Your Honor, I... I have nothing to ask!"

Chai Ping had no choice but to choose to end in a hurry at the last moment.

The judge nodded in understanding, then glanced at the defense bench.

Lin Yumeng shook her head. There was only one witness for the defense, and there were no other witnesses.

The judge understood.

Chai Ping also knew this. The defense only had the defendant's own testimony and no other witnesses.

It's a pity that he didn't defeat the defendant, but let the defendant escape his own cross-examination by luck.

But he won't just give up, because there will be closing arguments at the end.

Thinking of this, Chai Ping gave the defense bench another vicious look.

He swore that when the closing statement was made, he would make Zhang Wei look good.

No, it should be to make his female apprentice look good, this time his opponent is Zhang Wei's apprentice.

I know you, Zhang Wei, are great, but it's impossible for your apprentice to be too.

He looked like a newcomer at first glance, so the closing statement was probably incomplete.

I want to use my closing statement to crush you!

With this in mind, Chai Ping returned to the prosecution seat.

The judge glanced at the time and immediately struck the hammer.

"Ahem, this court is now announcing that the court will be adjourned for one hour. Everyone will have lunch first. After lunch, both parties will start their closing statements!"

With the judge's announcement, the court was dissolved.

Everyone dispersed to prepare for lunch.

Zhang Wei also rushed to the court preparation room with the defendant Yan Dayuan and his young apprentice.

15 minutes later.

"Hello, your takeaway has arrived!"

Under the delivery of the delivery boy brother, the food for Zhang and others arrived.

"finally reached!"

"I'm starving to death!"

"Sitting in the hearing booth for so long, my stomach is already growling!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, for the lunch. Although it's just a takeaway, thank you too!"

In this preparation room, there were not only the three of Zhang Wei, but also all the newcomers from the criminal department.

It was rare for Zhang Wei to be generous and treat everyone to takeaway.

But when it was time to eat, the little apprentice lost his appetite.

"Xiaomeng, what's the matter with you, worried about the closing statement?"

"Yes, master, what should I say in the closing statement?"

Hearing the young apprentice's sullen speech, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Hahaha, I thought it was a big deal. I didn't expect you to worry about this. It's just a small problem."

As Zhang Wei said, he moved closer to the little apprentice's ear and whispered, "What you need is just a story, a story that can convince the jury of you, a true story."



Zhang Wei nodded, and then said with an analogy: "Have you seen magicians, one of their special skills is to grab a rabbit out of their hats!"

"I think what you need right now is that rabbit!"

Lin Yumeng tilted her head, as if thinking, what does the case have to do with the rabbit?

I was woken up by thunder in the morning, it was thundering and raining again, I really wanted not to go to work, emmm...

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