Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 310 Where is the old iron? detention room

(Depressed, there are positives at the door of the house, nucleic acid for 3 consecutive days, the community is closed...emmm...)


Tuesday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

Zhang Wei naturally got up very early and came to work early in the morning.

No way, he is the one who wants to compete for the outstanding employee of the year.

"Morning, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Good morning, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Good morning, Lawyer Zhang, good morning!"

Today Zhang Wei is not sitting in his office, but guarding the office area of ​​the criminal department.

After the newcomers in the department checked in, they all greeted him with a very respectful attitude, and there was even a hint of admiration in their tone of greeting.

Zhang Wei waved his hands in response, trying to keep himself aloof and majestic.

"Master, good morning~"

But his aloofness and majesty couldn't hold back immediately after seeing the little apprentice's feeble greeting.

I saw Lin Yumeng with messy hair, two dark circles under her eyes, and a look of sleepiness.

"Xiaomeng, what's the matter with you, you won the case yesterday?"

Zhang Wei looked puzzled: "Why do you look like you didn't sleep all night because of self-blame after you lost the case?"

"Master, I was so excited because I won the case again yesterday, so I didn't fall asleep all night..."

The little apprentice opened his sleepy eyes and responded weakly.

"How can I do that, look at your appearance, if you don't sleep, you will be gone!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly grabbed Lin Yumeng's favorite blanket from her seat.

"Go, go, go to my office to catch up on sleep. My sofa is yours. Don't let me see you in the office today, or I will ask you!"

"Master, how can I do that? If someone goes to work and sleeps, I feel very sorry..."

"What are you afraid of? Old Tie is not here. Don't worry about your mental burden. Your body is more important. Besides, it's not like I can't see that you're fishing every day. This time, I'll let you fish well this time. It's a reward for you to win the case." La."

As Zhang Wei said, he directly pushed the little apprentice into his office.

After seeing her finally lie down, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This little apprentice just doesn't make people worry!

Fortunately, the old iron is not here, otherwise...


It was only then that Zhang Wei remembered what his task was to stay in the office area early this morning.

He wants to wait for Tie Ruyun.

This guy has been off work for a few days?

Fortunately, he is still the leader of the office, the main person in charge, and he has been absent from work for almost three days, right?

Counting from last Friday, adding up yesterday and today, exactly three days.

The head of the department didn't see anyone for three days, isn't that unreasonable?

In fact, the new people in the office are also strange.

Why did Boss Tie, who led them in the first place, have been missing for the past few days.

It's the last week of June, some concluding work is about to start?

Ordinary law firms will ask newcomers to write summary reports, monthly summary instructions, etc. at the end of the month.

But if Tie Ruyun is not around, no one will give orders.

Although Li Yueqin really wanted to do this, but this kind of thing had to be decided by the big leader, and she had just become the team leader not long ago, so she couldn't give orders yet.

So, the most critical question is, what about Tie Ruyun?

Zhang Wei saw that all the newcomers had arrived, and Xiao Li was already in place, but Tie Ruyun still didn't show up.

"No, Old Tie may have run into something!"

Thinking about it, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Hearing the notification that he couldn't get through the phone, Zhang Wei froze for a moment.

Tie Ruyun couldn't even answer the phone, what happened?

You have to ask someone who knows the situation.

In the entire office, the only person who could know about Tie Ruyun's recent situation was Tie Cuilan.

Criminal Department, General Assistant Office Area.

Since Tie Ruyun was promoted and the criminal team became the criminal department, Tie Cuilan has also been promoted.

She is now the chief assistant of the criminal department, and she also has her own administrative office area in the criminal department. Jincheng even arranged two assistants for her.

After all, she was in charge of the clerical work of a group before, but now it is a department, and the workload is too much for one person.

At this moment, Tie Cuilan is busy with clerical work with two female assistants.

"Xiao He, you made a mistake with this form. What I want is a statistical form. What you gave me is not a statistical report. These figures need formulas!"

"Xiao Zhou, have you applied for all the departmental materials you applied for? Next month, our criminal department will be in its second month of operation. These logistical support must keep up!"

Tie Cuilan looked like a big sister, teaching two newcomers to the office.

"Miss Cuilan!"

Suddenly, a head popped out of the office door.

"Oh, it's Zhang Wei, what are you doing in our administrative office?"

Zhang Wei's appearance made the two newcomers in the office, Xiao Zhou and Xiao He, look up.

"What are you looking at, go about your own business!"

Tie Cuilan urged, and then walked in front of Zhang Wei.

"Sister Cuilan, do you know where Lao Tie is?"

"Cousin, I don't know where he is. In fact, I didn't contact him this weekend."

"You can't get in touch either?"

"Yeah, I thought it was because you have a lot of work in the criminal department, and he is too busy. Looking at you, isn't your cousin busy with the criminal department?"

"Good guy, Lao Tie is really missing!"

Since Tie Cuilan has no clues about Lao Tie, Zhang Wei can only say goodbye.

He walked in a hurry with a worried look on his face.

"This is the lawyer Zhang, right?"

"It looks ordinary, but I didn't expect him to be a famous 'murder lawyer'!"

"Maybe, this is pretending to be a pig and eating the boss. It looks ordinary, but there is obviously a monster living inside."

"Yeah, I heard that being a lawyer is full of bad water in my heart, and this Lawyer Zhang must have a sea in his heart!"

Just after Zhang Wei left, the two newcomers in the administrative office whispered something.

Of course, Zhang Wei didn't know about this.

He didn't know that his name was very big in Jincheng Law Firm, very big.

But Zhang Wei doesn't care about his own fame now, nor does he care about the attitude of the administrative staff towards him.

What he cares about now is where is the old iron?

After finding no clues from Tie Cuilan, Zhang Wei had no choice but to find someone else.

The first person he thought of was naturally the caring little padded jacket, the gentle and lovely "second daughter" Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Zhang Wei immediately took out his mobile phone, ready to send a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Ding dong!

But before the message was sent, another message interrupted him.

[Xia Qianyue: Is this person from your office? He has been detained here for almost 30 hours. He looks so miserable, huh? 】

【Xia Qianyue: "Picture"】

Looking at a picture sent by Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei was on the spot.

In the picture is the detention room, inside the dark iron fence, sitting a man with a decadent expression.

He was wearing a suit, sitting in a corner, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

This person is none other than Tie Ruyun that Zhang Wei has been talking about.

[Zhang Wei: Hanhan, why is Lao Tie at your place? 】

[Xia Qianyue: I don’t know, it’s not our 7th team’s case. When I mentioned the suspect today, I found him familiar/confused]

[Zhang Wei: That's fine, I'll come over right away! 】

Zhang Wei put down his phone and hurried to Li Yueqin's side.

"I know where Old Tie is, I'll go find him!"

After a word of advice, he sent another message to Zhang Xinyan, asking him to get the car ready.

A few minutes later, the vehicle set off from the underground garage and went straight to the Wuxie's detention room.


Martial Arts Association, temporary detention room.

Tie Ruyun was a very decadent looking person.

Coupled with being locked in the detention cell for more than 30 hours, he is now even more decadent.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the detention room, and Lin Ruonan appeared.

I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck, Tie Ruyun's case was also taken charge of by the Serious Case 1 Team.

The interrogator happened to be Lin Ruonan again.

"Tie Ruyun, you are a lawyer, and you are also a lawyer of Jincheng, and a criminal defense lawyer. I believe that you should know what you have committed without me!"

Lin Ruonan said with a little contempt on his face, "How can a person like you make such a low-level mistake and be caught by us?"

"I was wronged!"

Tie Ruyun replied, but it was funny to himself.

As a criminal defense lawyer, what he heard the most was this sentence from the client.

Unexpectedly, one day, he himself would come to the scene himself.

"In your current state, you can't even defend yourself, right?"

Lin Ruonan shook his head, and then said: "And even if you can defend yourself, we still have witnesses and that woman's testimony, you can't escape!"

"I never thought of running away, I'm innocent!"

"Are you sure, but you gave the money back then, and we saw that woman flirting with you in the car, and even wanted to take off your clothes!"

"I said, it was a misunderstanding!"

Tie Ruyun raised his head and explained something for himself, but there seemed to be no light in his eyes.

Lin Ruonan could tell that the mentality of the person in front of him must have collapsed.

"If I were you, I would choose to let your colleague defend you. You have the right to hire a lawyer. Would you like me to contact Jincheng for you..."


Hearing that Lin Ruonan wanted to help, Tie Ruyun hurriedly stopped him.

"Hmph, when is it, do you still care about these influences?"

Seeing this, Lin Ruonan sneered, with even more contempt on his face.

Don't think I don't know what you, Tie Ruyun, are afraid of. It's nothing more than the fear that your affairs will affect the face of the criminal department and the image of the law firm.

But these are all imaginary, all external things, you should take care of yourself.

"Tie Ruyun, let me tell you one last time, in fact, you can plead guilty, you..."

"A lawyer is here~"

Just when Lin Ruonan was about to speak righteously and warn her again, a hurried greeting interrupted her.

Hearing this voice, Lin Ruonan's heart skipped a beat.

"Troublesome people are coming!"

She didn't need to look to know who was coming.

Because this voice is too familiar to her.

If you haven't heard of him, hear his voice first.

Zhang Wei!

The trump card of the criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm and the most troublesome enemy of the local prosecutor's headquarters, their criminal investigation department also listed this person as a "dangerous person".

Of course, it is not a dangerous person in criminal offenses, but a dangerous person among lawyers. There is an essential difference between the two.

In fact, the latter is more dangerous!

"Hey, Team Leader Lin, what a coincidence?"

Zhang Wei came to the detention room and greeted Lin Ruonan.

Immediately afterwards, he pretended to be surprised and looked into the detention room.

"Old iron, what's the matter with you, old iron, why did you see you here?"

"Zhang... Zhang Wei, you are here..."

Tie Ruyun forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Leader Lin, what's going on, old iron, why don't you come and talk to me. Oh, yes, I suspect that you have abused him. Otherwise, how can such a spirited person like my leader become like this now? Please Quickly explain this situation!"

"By the way, I still want to ask a doctor to evaluate my leader's physical and mental condition. Please contact the cooperative medical institution. If there is any problem with my leader's body, I will definitely make you compensate!"

Hearing Zhang Wei asking himself again and making many demands, Lin Ruonan felt another headache.

Sure enough, confronting someone who understands the law and is not afraid of them is a headache.

The key to the request made by the other party, they have no way to refuse.

"Okay, then you wait here, I will contact the hospital and prepare a case report for you!"

Lin Ruonan said that he really didn't want to see Zhang Wei, so he left directly.

"Zhang Wei, don't worry, I feel pretty good..."

"No, you're not feeling well and you're exhausted and stressed!"

Zhang Wei directly interrupted Tie Ruyun, and said righteously: "Old Tie, the investigation department can temporarily detain you for up to 48 hours, and now only 30 hours have passed, you don't want to continue to stay in this detention room for 18 hours, do you?" , you are not satisfied with having a hospital bed for you to sleep in?"

"Uh... alright!"

Tie Ruyun was moved by Zhang Wei's words, and nodded solemnly.

A few minutes later, Lin Ruonan came with the hospital staff, and the latter group carried Tie Ruyun away on a stretcher.

It wasn't until seeing Tie Ruyun being sent to the ambulance that Zhang Wei felt relieved.

"Leader Lin, let me explain now. Our leader has formally hired me as an attorney just now. You can tell me about his situation!"

"Here, it's all in this report, take your time and read it!"

Lin Ruonan said, and handed a copy of the report directly to Zhang Wei.

"Leader Lin, don't leave, I have to ask you for the details of the case..."

"I will arrange for my subordinates to contact you, and if you have any questions, contact him directly!"

Lin Ruonan said that he didn't want to deal with Zhang Wei for a moment, so he hurried away.

"What, am I a scourge?"

Zhang Wei touched his nose, a little speechless.

He is such a kind person, why are so many people afraid of him?

These are all misunderstandings of him by the worldly people, Zhang Wei is a very easy-going person.

Thinking of this, he recruited Zhang Xinyan and continued to drive back to the law firm.

In the car, he directly started to look through the case report.

"Damn it, the old iron is actually a prostitute!"

As a result, Zhang Wei couldn't hold back when he saw the first page.

Tie Ruyun, Tie Ruyun, I didn't expect that you would look at such an honest person and...

But that's right, the old man is almost 40.

It is said that he is still single and doesn't even have a girlfriend.

It's not surprising to indulge once in a while.

For Tie Ruyun's behavior, Zhang Wei expressed his understanding.

After all, Tie Ruyun is not himself, but he has a girlfriend.

"Prostitution, what is the place, what's the price, are the girls there good?" Zhang Xinyan, who was driving, also became interested when he heard what Zhang Wei said.

"Smelly brother, drive your car. Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. Do you want me to contact Miss Xiao Wu and tell her that her brother is going to find a good girl to talk about life?"

"Don't, it's okay if I don't talk!"

Hearing that Zhang Wei wanted to contact Zhang Xinwu, Zhang Xinyan immediately shut up.

"Wait, what's a good girl?"

"Oh, it's the jargon of our criminal defense lawyers. Good girls refer to women from brothels in ancient times. They were also called prostitutes at that time. This name has been used to this day. Many people also like to call them Miss, but we think this kind of girl belongs to women. Bodhisattva, also called a good girl!"

Zhang Wei made a popular science sentence.

The main thing is the word "good girl". It sounds less offensive than a prostitute. Even if you say it to outsiders, it's not easy to draw eyes.

Zhang Xinyan agreed, and said to himself: I also want to meet a good girl, I am already so old, I haven't even held a girl's hand yet...


Jincheng law firm.

Criminal Department Office.

After Zhang Wei returned to the law firm, he did not speak out about Tie Ruyun's affairs, but returned to his office.

On the sofa, Lin Yumeng was still asleep, she kicked the blanket under the sofa, waving her hands wildly, half of her face was left in the corner of her mouth, her sleeping position was very touching.

But Zhang Wei didn't bother to take care of her anymore. After covering her with the blanket again, he started to work.

It's too embarrassing for Lao Tie to go out to prostitute and get arrested, and he has to worry about the face of the department.

In short, the impact of this matter is not small, especially when Lao Tie is still a lawyer.

But Zhang Wei was also surprised, because according to the case report, the woman involved in the prostitution party was a "traveling warbler".

Liuying is also an insider word, which means a good girl with a flowing nature.

This kind of job is not a fixed job, and it is the lowest grade among good girls. Generally, the price of one job is only between tens and hundreds of dollars.

"What's the matter, Lao Tie is the person in charge of our criminal department office, even if you want to go whoring, you should choose some higher-grade ones, right?"

"For example, those bunny girls in the Jincheng Club, although they are buses, they are at least upscale, and they are safer in the Jincheng Club, aren't they?"

"No matter how bad it is, you can go to some clubs or model agencies and rent out a few princesses or business female models. It's better than looking for Liu Ying?"

"Those female models, S and T brands, are also quite high-end, so they are worthy of your worth as the person in charge of the criminal department."

Zhang Wei couldn't help but hold his forehead with one hand, and secretly scolded Tie Ruyun for not living up to expectations.

Now, as an experienced driver, he is reviewing Tie Ruyun, a novice driver.

There was a "traffic accident" as soon as I was on the road. Don't be a "driver" in this life.

"Xiao Wei?"

But when looking through the report, Zhang Wei found a somewhat familiar name.

Tie Ruyun seemed to have mentioned the name of that Liu Ying.

In Zhang Wei's mind, a passage came to mind.

When returning to the law firm from Jincheng Club on Thursday afternoon, Tie Ruyun received a call, which seemed to be from Xiaowei.

"So, there's something wrong with this case!"

While Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, his expression became a little unnatural.

Because in this case, Tie Ruyun was probably framed by someone?

Who could it be, or is there some coincidence in it?

This point is worth pondering...

"Zhang Wei, it's not good!"

Just as Zhang Wei was thinking, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

"Xiao Li, don't be surprised, what's going on?"

"Ah, what's the matter, what's the matter, have I been found out about my slacking off to sleep!"

This shout interrupted Zhang Wei's thoughts and even woke up Lin Yumeng who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

"Zhang Wei, something is wrong, the law firm is spreading rumors that the team leader has been arrested for soliciting prostitutes!"

Li Yueqin didn't care about anything else, and immediately shouted.

Zhang Wei's heart suddenly "thumped".

Who... leaked the news?

The traffic arteries are separated by containers, iron horses, and water horses. The community can only enter and cannot enter. Three consecutive days of nucleic acid testing, at least 7 days of lockdown at home, praise our leaders in Wuxi, act immediately when the epidemic is discovered, and act resolutely!

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