Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 311 The Incident, Whoring or Whoring?

(There is a case at the door, I have to get busy, it's very annoying... Update, I will try my best to ensure it!!!)


"Zhang Wei, something is wrong, the law firm is spreading rumors that the team leader has been arrested for soliciting prostitutes!"

Hearing this news from Li Yueqin's mouth, Zhang Wei was stunned.

Because of this matter, theoretically speaking, it is impossible to spread so fast.

Although it is impossible to hide this matter, Tie Ruyun has only been detained for more than 30 hours, and the case has not yet been finalized.

Even if the case is released later and the prosecutor is ready to prosecute him, it will be a few days later.

But now that the law firm has already spread the news, isn't that justified?

Could it be that, like me, Zhang Wei, you also have eyeliners in the serious crimes team?

Zhang Wei is very suspicious, others also have a girlfriend who is in the crime team...

But now is not the time to think about why this incident got out, what he needs to do is to deal with the subsequent impact of this incident.

"Zhang Wei, the secretary of the big boss sent me a message just now, saying that the big boss wants to know the ins and outs of this matter!"

Tie Cuilan also ran over in a panic, and the moment she opened her mouth, it was a big deal.

Lin Xiangtian also heard about this incident, and asked the secretary to convey the news, saying that he wanted to understand the situation.

"Okay, I'll wait..."

Zhang Wei was about to say something, but the phone vibrated suddenly.

The incoming call shows "unknown number".

Zhang Wei was stunned. Why did things explode all of a sudden? He couldn't take it easy.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Lin Jincheng!"

There was a cold and serious voice on the other end of the phone.

Three simple words, but revealed supreme majesty.

Damn it, the emperor!

Zhang Wei felt so stressed that even the father of the big boss was alarmed.

"You all get out!" He hurriedly waved away Li Yueqin, Tie Cuilan, and Lin Yumeng, who was sleepy and hadn't recovered completely.

After the office was empty, he sat down and continued to answer the phone with the same serious expression.

"Old Master Lin, why did you call too?"

"I'm just asking, is it true?"

"What about the old man?"

"Don't answer questions with questions!"

Hearing the warning on the other end of the phone, the corners of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched.

But he still replied in a positive tone: "At present, there is not much information, but I don't think it is true. There are some problems in this case. He should be framed!"


"Yes, because I just took over the case, and I haven't even read the case report, let alone find evidence to prove it!"

"Do you know that I, Lin Jincheng, have always paid attention to reputation, and even a small stain in Jincheng is not allowed to exist!"

Hearing Lin Jincheng's accentuated tone on the phone, Zhang Wei laughed inwardly.

You really care about face, don't you still want to let me go?

You and your son Lin Xiangtian are two double-standard dogs!

Of course, these words cannot be said in person, as long as you know them in your heart.

Zhang Wei argues with reason: "The stain really shouldn't exist, and it will be fine if it is cleaned up, but if the stain is not our fault, but was framed and poured dirty water, so what?"

"You know, no one has dared to speak to me like that for a long time!"

"I just said what I should say as a defense lawyer!"

Zhang Wei said, and added: "Master Lin, you and I are both lawyers. As a defense lawyer, can't we reasonably doubt it?"

"Okay, I'll give you some time to deal with it. It's the end of this month. I don't hope that at the beginning of next month, there will be no rumors about Jincheng in the East!"

After Lin Jincheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone without even giving Zhang Wei a chance to refute.

"Old guy, your attitude makes me very unhappy!" Zhang Wei looked at the phone and murmured.

What Lin Jincheng meant just now was obviously to tell Zhang Wei to clean up this matter.

How to deal with it?

Zhang Wei walked out of the office quickly and came to the side of the little apprentice Lin Yumeng.

"Zhang Wei, the big boss..."

Tie Cuilan on the side hurriedly reminded her that the boss's secretary was still urging her.

"Xiaomeng, don't get confused, use my mobile phone to call your father!"

Zhang Wei handed the mobile phone to the young apprentice who was still yawning and asked him to dial.

"Sister Cuilan, I will explain the situation directly to the big boss, don't worry!"

After a word of comfort, Lin Yumeng finally entered the number.

Zhang Wei took the mobile phone and walked directly to the corridor outside the criminal department.

After waiting for a while, the phone finally connected.

"Boss Lin, strike!"

"My God, another perfect parabola!"

"This ball is less than 30 meters away from the hole, that's great, Mr. Lin!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a burst of compliments and applause.

Needless to say, Lin Xiangtian is playing golf again.

"Hey, that red guy, don't you know I'm playing golf?"

After a while, Lin Xiangtian received the call.

"Director Lin, I'm Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

Lin Xiangtian's tone suddenly became serious.

"My girl dialed the number for you?"


"That's fine, these are small details. You know what I'm asking you about, Tie Ruyun's matter..."

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it!"


On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei obviously didn't expect to say that suddenly.

This tone seemed like Zhang Wei was saying to Lin Xiangtian: I can handle this matter, so you can do whatever you want, don't be so stupid.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

Zhang Wei is so brave, he dared to talk to himself like this.

"Zhang Wei, do you dare to talk to me like this, kid? Do you know that if Tie Ruyun can't handle it well, then..."

"Director Lin, I'll play a recording for you, listen to me..."

Zhang Wei was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Xiangtian, but played the recording directly.

"You know, no one has dared to speak to me like that for a long time!"

"As a defense lawyer, I just said what I should say! Mrs. Lin, you and I are both lawyers. As a defense lawyer, can't we reasonably doubt it?"

"Okay, I'll give you some time to deal with it. It's the end of this month. I don't hope that there will be no gossip about Jincheng in the East at the beginning of next month!"

After the recording was played, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

Lin Xiangtian didn't speak, naturally because he recognized whose voice was recorded.

What else can I do, my father has already spoken, as a son, do I still dare to disobey his old man?

Don't be funny, I've been afraid of the old man since I was a child, and I'm afraid now!

Lin Xiangtian didn't speak, Zhang Wei said naturally: "Director Lin, I have already communicated with your father, and he also gave me full authority to handle this matter, and I will clean it up before the end of the month!"

"I can assure you that if this matter is not resolved next month, I will voluntarily go to your father to be punished!"

Hearing this, the other end of the phone spoke: "You said this, but I didn't say anything!"

"Anyway, since you've already said that, then you should take the blame for it, and I'll wait for your news!"

After finishing speaking, the phone was hung up, and Lin Xiangtian didn't intend to ask about this matter anymore.

Now that the old man has spoken, he doesn't bother to worry about it.

Anyway, he is not the one who is responsible, so he is happy to relax.

Even if I feel uncomfortable in my heart, it’s a big deal to hit two more shots today~

Lin Xiangtian didn't ask questions anymore, but Zhang Wei started to have a headache again.

Because when he finished the phone call and returned to the office of the criminal department, he found that the newcomers were all looking at him eagerly.

Lin Yumeng, Li Yueqin, Su Xiaoqian, and other newcomers.

"Master, the team leader won't really..." The little apprentice was the first to hold back, hesitant to speak.

"Xiao Meng, do you look down on Lao Tie?"

"No, no, I know the team leader must have been wronged!"

The little apprentice hurriedly shook his head, but after shaking his head, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Master, the team leader was really wronged, right?"

Get rid of, who is Lao Tie, you still doubt him?

"Old Tie must have been wronged. He is the boss of the criminal department and an excellent criminal defense lawyer. How can he not know the consequences of these things?"

"But the law firm has spread all over the place. Several of my friends have sent me messages. Some of them are not from our Jincheng, but from other law firms?"

Su Xiaoqian hurriedly took out her mobile phone and opened the V letter chat window.

"Oh, the other law firms also know?"

Zhang Wei's eyes instantly turned cold.

Behind this incident, someone must be fueling the flames. Tie Ruyun was sent to the medical institution to rest in the morning. It was almost noon, and it seemed that the whole world knew about it.

If there is no gossip here, who will believe it?

"Let's ignore the internal affairs of the law firm. I believe that Lao Tie is a man. He has been single for nearly 40 years. If he wants to relapse, he will relapse early. It is impossible to make such a low-level mistake!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand to signal the newcomers to feel at ease.

"Also, regarding this matter, I hope you..."

"We know, keep our mouths shut, never talk about it, we know!"

Su Xiaoqian was the first to respond, and immediately gave Zhang Wei a "Don't worry" look.

"No, Xiao Su, don't rush to talk, can you let me finish?"

Zhang Wei was slightly speechless, and then continued: "I need you to talk more, and then ask where the news came from first, I want to trace the source of the news!"

"But now that so many people know about it, who knows where it came from?"

The newcomers all looked at each other in blank dismay, what's wrong with this?

"It's very simple, you do it like this!"

Zhang Wei said, conspiring with the newcomers: "If someone asks you for information, you should chat first. After chatting too much, ask who he heard from, and then find that person, and continue to ask him who the source of the news is. !"

"Such a cycle goes on and on, step by step, and after peeling off the cocoon, we will definitely be able to find out which department or person the source comes from!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, the couple nodded immediately to express their understanding.

Su Xiaoqian also raised her hand and asked, "Then what if it's news from V letter?"

"Then flip through the chat history page by page!"

"What if the record is deleted?"

"Then tell me the approximate time, that person's account number, and I'll let the 'professionals' find it!"

"Then what if..."

"Xiao Su, can you stop being arguing, why are there so many things, I'm very busy!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoqian wanted to argue again, Zhang Wei immediately became unhappy.

How can there be so many horns, can't you even do little things?

"Oh, I see, Lawyer Zhang, let's do it right away, right away!"

The newcomers dispersed and started to get busy.

But they are also curious, because Zhang Wei did not order them to shut up, but asked them to find the source of the information, which is very strange

Because usually when encountering such a thing, don’t you just seal it up and block the source?

But they did not reject this, on the contrary they showed great interest.

The newcomers dispersed, leaving only Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng in the criminal department.

"Zhang Wei..." Li Yueqin pondered for a long time, and when she was about to speak,

"Stop!" Zhang Wei predicted in advance and interrupted directly.

"Next, I will go to Lao Tie. I will handle this matter. You can do whatever you want. If Lao Tie is wronged, I will help him prove his innocence!"

Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng nodded obediently

With Zhang Wei's words, they felt relieved.

After all, this is Zhang Wei, a formidable person that neither of them can catch up with.

"Then I'm leaving first, you guys go to work, if possible, help the newcomers to inquire together, I also know if there is a ghost in the law firm!"

Zhang Wei warned again, and he left Jincheng Law Firm and went straight to the medical institution.


Central Hospital.

A nursing ward.

Tie Ruyun fell asleep after all, and resisted for more than 30 hours, unless an iron man could resist.

Although Tie Ruyun has the word "iron" in his name, he is not made of iron.

In the ward, lying on the soft bed, naturally fell asleep all at once.

What's more, he didn't even know when Zhang Wei arrived.

When he woke up, it was already late afternoon and evening.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Not much, sleep from noon to afternoon!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and threw a report in his hand in front of Tie Ruyun.

"You should be thankful, no, they should be thankful that you are fine and the medical examination report is normal, otherwise I will sue them for bankruptcy!"

The so-called medical examination report was naturally requested by Zhang Wei, so it was considered a free medical examination.

Tie Ruyun didn't read the report, he knew he was fine.

"How does that go?"

Tie Ruyun looked at Zhang Wei.

The matter here naturally does not refer to himself, but whether this matter has affected the law firm.

"It's very bad. The law firm has spread the word that you were arrested for soliciting prostitutes, and there are all kinds of remarks!"

"Some people say that you were caught when you went to whoring, and you got the stolen goods. Some people said that you didn't pay, wanted to go whoring for nothing, and scuffled with them, and then you were arrested. Others said that you made their women's bellies bigger, After the woman reported the crime, she came to your door and arrested you."

As Zhang Wei said, he opened the chat window on his mobile phone, which contained feedback from newcomers in the law firm.

This is also the disadvantage of online channels, all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere, there are all kinds of rumors.

And the rumors became more and more outrageous, and there were even rumors that Tie Ruyun and the good girl were regular customers and had been in love for a long time.

"I asked the newcomers in the criminal department to track down the source of the rumors, but you know, it is generally difficult to find the source of things like rumors."

Zhang Wei chuckled, then crossed his arms and looked at the person involved.

"Old man, don't you explain?"

"I'm telling you, right after your accident, the top management of the company called me in person. If this matter is not handled properly, both of you and I will lose our jobs!"

"Of course, I have already achieved financial freedom. If this case cannot be completed, it will be nothing more than changing to another law firm and becoming a lawyer myself. But if you don't handle this matter well, you may have to bear a lifetime of infamy! "

"Alas—" Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Tie Ruyun let out a long sigh.

"This matter, speaking of it, is also a misunderstanding..."


Zhang Wei didn't understand right away, if this was a misunderstanding, how could it be such a big deal?

He immediately picked up the chair and sat in front of Tie Ruyun.

"Then let's start from the beginning, starting with this woman named Xiaowei, what happened that day?"

"Xiaowei, she is my former client, she has been..."

As Tie Ruyun said, he glanced at Zhang Wei.

"I understand, good girl, don't explain, I am familiar with this business!"

The corners of Tie Ruyun's mouth twitched, and he looked at Zhang Wei with some depression.

How do you talk like an old driver, does your girlfriend know that you are so knowledgeable?

"She is a street..."

"Liuying, in our industry, people of this nature are called Liuying. It's not high-end, and it's far worse than those young models in clubs!"

Zhang Wei shook his hand and said with disdain.

Tie Ruyun: "emmm..."

Good boy, why do you know better than me?

"Okay, that's Liu Ying!"

Tie Ruyun began to tell what happened in the past few days.

Xiaowei called him on Thursday night to ask her to help resolve a lawsuit, and the fact is that she has been arrested again and is about to be sued.

Xiao Wei is an old client of Tie Ruyun. Although it has always been a public welfare case before, Tie Ruyun has also persuaded this girl, hoping that she will change to another industry.

It's a pity that Xiao Wei has devoted herself to the service industry since a very early age, and has no experience in other industries. She is still a wanderer until now.

Tie Ruyun helped her and helped her get rid of the accusation.

Afterwards, Tie Ruyun was kind enough to drive Xiaowei back.

"That day, it was a Saturday, I drove her to the neighborhood near the workplace, and when I was about to send her away, I gave her some money in a moment of softness."

"Then Xiaowei said, she said..."

Tie Ruyun raised his eyes, looked at Zhang Wei, and sounded a little embarrassed.

"Is she embarrassed to take your money and is going to help you?"

"Yes, but I refused at the time and pushed her away, but she still refused to let go. The two of us were entangled like this. Then my car door was knocked on. It was the field staff who found us!"

"Oh, I see……"

Zhang Wei showed a look that he had expected a long time ago, and wondered to himself.

"So, this field worker has actually been paying attention to you for a while, and he happened to see you giving Xiaowei cash, and then saw that she was about to take off your clothes?"

Tie Ruyun was a little ashamed, lowered his head, and said embarrassedly: "Yes."

"But we were in the car at the time, and there were occasional people passing by on the nearby streets. How could I be in the car, with her on the street..."

"Old man, I don't know if you have heard a word called 'car shock'?"

Zhang Wei patted the latter on the shoulder and sighed again.

"To be honest, your matter is indeed a bit of a misunderstanding, but there is indeed a cash transaction between you, and Xiaowei is a wanderer, so it's hard not to remind people of something?"

"Although you subjectively have no intention of prostitution, from the perspective of the field agent who caught you, you have already paid money, and objectively, you are preparing to commit prostitution."

Zhang Wei frowned after analyzing it.

Because of this case, it is not easy to handle.

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