Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 312 Seek proof, Mrs. Xu? gossip source

Zhang Wei left the ward.

Because he couldn't find any information here.

Based on Tie Ruyun's dictation alone, no clues could be found.

But he has already learned the ins and outs from Tie Ruyun's mouth, of course this is just the ins and outs that Tie Ruyun saw.

Zhang Wei knew that besides Lao Tie and Xiao Wei, there was another thing.

That is the spread of cases, and someone must be behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

This is something other than the two parties involved.

And there is another point that makes Zhang Wei feel strange.

Why didn't Xiaowei come forward to clarify, but instead informed the field office and the investigation department that Tie Ruyun was going to prostitute?

According to what Tie Ruyun said, he helped Gan Xiaowei, so the latter should be grateful to him?

But instead of thanking him, Gan Xiaowei framed him. What's the reason?

There are only two possibilities.

Either Tie Ruyun lied, but this is unlikely.

Based on Zhang Wei's understanding of Lao Tie and the change of expression on the other party's statement of the case just now, Zhang Wei can conclude that Lao Tie is not lying.

Then there is only another possibility, Gan Xiaowei lied!

A wandering warbler, why would he lie?

Then there are many reasons.

After all, she herself was paid to do things, and she still charged by the hour and by the number of times.

As long as someone can afford the price, she can do anything.

It's not difficult for her to tell a lie!

Zhang Wei's mind became active, and he had already guessed part of the truth.

Someone paid Xiaowei to change her words and made her slander Tie Ruyun.

Then, let's prove it!

Who on earth is it?

There are many people who can get in touch with Xiaowei, but Zhang Wei is the only one who can't.

He couldn't see Gan Xiaowei, nor could he confront this woman face to face.

Because he is a defense lawyer, and Gan Xiaowei is a witness for the prosecution.

The prosecution will definitely prosecute Tie Ruyun next, so things will be difficult.

You have to find someone who has no stake in Tie Ruyun and who can get in touch with Xiaowei.

Zhang Wei thought of many candidates in his mind, and soon he set his goal.

Take out your phone and turn it on.

"Hey, are you Hanhan? Are you off work?"

"Oh, I'm still in the serious crime team, right? I just want to ask you for a favor."

"Okay, I said it, there is a whoring case in the serious case group 1..."

"Yes, you heard it right. It's a whoring case. I don't know how the Serious Crime Squad handles a whoring case, and it's an attempted whoring case?"

"Well, I need you to help me ask the prosecution witness, the woman named Xiaowei, what's going on with her. I suspect she's lying."

"Understood, understood, you definitely won't be able to see it, and I didn't expect you to. If possible, bring an expert interrogator over there to help me find out about this woman!"

"You said Lao Xing, right? That's just right. He still owes me a favor, so let's take him with him. He should be an old fritter."

"OKOK, then you are busy, mua~"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei's brows still did not relax.

"Today is Tuesday, we have to get these things done by Friday!"

He glanced at the time, if today passed, there were still three days left.

This is the deadline given to him by Lin Jincheng, he has to prove Lao Tie's innocence and finish this matter.


at the same time.

Criminal Investigation Division, Serious Case Group 7 Office.

After Xia Qianyue hung up Zhang Wei's phone, she went directly to the old fritters from the serious case 7 team.

"Old Xing, I need help!"

"Xiao Xia, what can you do for me?"

Lao Xing raised his head and looked at the clock on the wall, "It's almost time to get off work, why don't we talk about it tomorrow..."

Xia Qianyue glanced at the others, they were all busy at their workstations.

She hurriedly lowered her head and leaned in front of Lao Xing, "It's Zhang Wei who asked us for help!"

"Oh, it's Zhang Wei!"

Hearing that Zhang Wei was the one who wanted to help, Lao Xing immediately got excited.

"You should have said it earlier. Let's talk as we go. As long as it is not a matter of principle, I will definitely not refuse!"

Lao Xing and Xia Qianyue immediately walked out of the office of Group 7, lowering their heads to discuss while walking.

"It turned out to be like this, I thought it was something, no problem, let's go!"

After learning about Zhang Wei's request, Lao Xing assured him that the matter would not be difficult.

He immediately drove, carrying Xia Qianyue straight to the destination.

Oriental Capital.

In Central, a certain alley.

The street was dark, and a vehicle was heard on the corner of the street, and a person inside was holding a telescope and monitoring a room on the street.

Boom boom boom!

A knock on the window interrupted his concentration, he turned his head and was an acquaintance.

After rolling down the car window, he immediately smiled and said, "Oh, Lao Xing, why are you here?"

"Xiao Xu, I'm bringing a newcomer to handle a case today."

As Lao Xing said, he leaned in front of Xiao Xu, "I heard that there is a witness in your group 1, who is a wandering warbler in this area. We happen to have a case, and the suspect has also been in this area, so I want to ask her if she has seen him." Meet our suspect."

"This... is not good..."

Xiao Xu's face showed embarrassment.

Because his job is to ensure that the witness is not disturbed by anyone outside the investigation department.

"Xiao Xu, I'm not talking about you, don't we understand the rules?"

Seeing Xiao Xu's distressed face, Lao Xing immediately said angrily, "What does the rule say, witnesses cannot be disturbed by anyone other than the investigation department, right?"


"That's it, don't we belong to the investigation department?"


Xiao Xu was taken aback for a moment, then pondered.

It seems that this is really the case.

Lao Xing and the newcomer are indeed members of the investigation department, but they are not in the same group.

"Xiao Xu, I'm not talking about you. Sometimes you have to be flexible to be a human being. Every time your first team has a serious case, our seventh team will not always assist you. Now that our seventh team has a case, your first team is Aren't you going to help us?"

"Well, it seems to be the same reason..." Xiao Xu nodded again.

"That's it!"

Lao Xing clapped his hands as he spoke, ready to take Xia Qianyue up.

But he didn't take a few steps, and suddenly turned around again, with a curious expression on his face: "By the way, Xiao Xu, I'm just curious. When did the serious crime team take care of the whoring case?"

Xiao Xu looked left and right, saw no one around the street, and hooked his fingers at Lao Xing.

"Brother, a crime of organized prostitution is involved here, and this witness is just a part of it. You just need to know it, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh, so that's the case. Then I heard that the prosecution will prosecute the client. Why?"

"Well, according to the above, it seems that the news was released on purpose to cover up, to make people outside think that this is just a simple prostitution case, to attract attention!"

"Oh, that's it, thank you Xiao Xu, I understand!"

"Brother, don't say that I said it!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, we haven't been here today, we don't know anything, don't worry!"

Lao Xing laughed, waved his hands immediately, and led Xia Qianyue into the street.

5 minutes later, in the room.

Lao Xing and Xia Qianyue met the woman named Xiaowei after surfacing their identities.

This woman looked quite young, about 25 years old, wearing colorful clothes.

But because of years of work, her face revealed a sense of vicissitudes.

Xiaowei was also looking at Lao Xing and Xia Qianyue, especially looking at Xia Qianyue, she only had envy in her eyes.

Because the skin of the girl in front of me is well maintained, her facial features are also very delicate, and her body is full of youthful breath, she looks like a child of a rich family.

Lao Xing was also looking at Xiaowei, but his eyes were quite calm.

"We came here today mainly to ask about Tie Ruyun."

Hearing this name, Xiaowei's complexion changed.

This reaction could not be concealed from Lao Xing's eyes.

"Gan Xiaowei, according to our investigation records, you and Tie Ruyun should know each other. You have known each other for more than 5 years. From the first year, he has been your defense lawyer. It is reasonable to say that he is your benefactor. Ah, why did you frame him this time after helping you out of detention and jail so many times?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Xiaowei immediately shook her head, expressing her denial.

But the trembling hands betrayed her heart.

Seeing this scene, Lao Xing knew it in his heart.

"You were threatened, right? If you still have some conscience in your heart, can you tell us who threatened you?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything, I don't know anything..."

"If you do this, it will make it very difficult for us. If our later investigation finds that you have lied, then not only will you not be protected, but you will also be imprisoned for perjury and obstructing judicial investigation!"

Xiaowei's face changed, as if she was in hesitation.

"Also, have you considered Tie Ruyun's feelings? He is a good lawyer and has been helping you all the time. But what did you do? You betrayed him. Are you repaying your kindness?"

"I really don't know anything, I don't know?"

"you do not know?"

Lao Xing chuckled, showing disdain on his face: "People in our line of business have no other skills, but it's too easy to see through a person's lies."

"Gan Xiaowei, you must have received money. The nature of your job is to collect money to handle affairs. I can only say that Tie Ruyun really misunderstood you and actually defended you. The thing he probably regrets the most is Confiscate your money!"

"Oh, but that's right, your money is not clean, and he should not take your money. Gan Xiaowei, since you don't cooperate, then we can only leave, but I think Tie Ruyun should completely admit it. I can't believe you are this kind of person!"

As Lao Xing said, Zhao Xia Qianyue winked, and the two got up immediately, ready to leave.

"I didn't take the money, I didn't take the money!"

Suddenly, Xiaowei spoke and shook her head with a look of fear.

"You didn't take the money?" Lao Xing hurriedly asked again: "Then you are..."

beep -

Suddenly, a harsh horn sounded from a car below.

Hearing this voice, Lao Xing secretly thought it was a pity.

This is Xiao Xu signaling to himself that someone is coming and they must withdraw.

"Okay, Gan Xiaowei, remember it, we haven't been here today, we are from Tie Ruyun's side, if you still feel sorry for him in your heart, then don't say anything!"

Lao Xing hurriedly told him that he could see that Xiaowei felt guilty towards Tie Ruyun, so in order not to expose himself, he could only move out the other party.

The two quickly evacuated, as if they had never appeared before, and left quickly.

Xiaowei's residence, the doorway.

"This is it, the witness is here."

There was Xiao Xu's voice at the door.

"I see, that's it, you stay outside the door, don't let anyone disturb us!"


The door of the room opened again, and two people, a man and a woman, walked in.

Xiao Xu guarded the door, not letting anyone approach.

But in fact, he was also in a panic because he was not sure whether Lao Xing would leave or not.

Fortunately, there was no movement inside for a long time, which meant that Lao Xing had left.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt strange at the same time.

Because the two people inside, logically speaking, shouldn't have come so early.

The appointment time between the local prosecutor's office and their crime team should be tomorrow.

When did the people from the District Prosecutor's Office become so dedicated and come to witness overnight?

However, these have nothing to do with him as a guard. He is only responsible for guarding the witnesses and keeping suspicious people away.

Not long after, the two people who went in finally came out.

"I didn't expect that this time, the client was actually Tie Ruyun from Jincheng Law Firm. It really opened my eyes!"

"Master, you have to decide for me!"

"Hmph, it's your own incompetence, and you lost to others again. But it's not surprising, what level is that Zhang Wei, and what level are you, it's normal for you to lose to him!"

"Master, how can you say that about me, I'm working hard too!"


Among a man and a woman, the woman squinted at the person behind her, her eyes full of disdain.

If Zhang Wei were here, he would be surprised, because the man was Chai Ping, the prosecutor of the Zhongcheng District Prosecutor's Office who had lost to him twice.

And when he walked around, he was half a body behind the woman, and he respectfully called the former a master. The status of a woman in the Zhongcheng District Prosecutor's Office should not be low.

"Have you finished your questioning?" Xiao Xu immediately approached and greeted with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's over!"

The woman responded blankly, then walked straight past without saying hello to Xiao Xu.

When Xiao Xu saw the woman's attitude, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

But then, he remembered the woman's nickname again, and he was relieved.

"Hey, I don't know who will be the opponent of this 'Master Xu' this time, and I wonder if that defense lawyer can withstand the pressure!"

Mrs. Xu, of course, is not the real Mrs., but a nickname given by her opponent. After calling her for a long time, everyone secretly called her by that.

Her real name is Xu Suyun, and she is the ace prosecutor of the Zhongcheng District District Prosecutor's Office.

Because during the court trial, he always maintained a cold face, and his methods were tough, and his style of acting was sharp and tricky, so he was often associated with Miejue Shitai.

That's why she got the title of "Master Xu".

Of course, when it comes to Mrs. Xu from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zhongcheng District, ordinary defense lawyers have trembling calves.

Even some old lawyers would take a deep breath or feel a headache for a while when they heard that their opponent was Mrs. Xu.

Of course, someone is obviously not included here.


Evening, Lin Mansion.

"Well, I see, thank you, Hanhan, and thank Lao Xing for me too."

"Next, I'm going to deal with the matter at hand, you should go to rest too."

"Well, I know, if I need it, I will ask you for help."

"So, good night, mua~"

After thanking Xia Qianyue and saying good night to each other, Zhang Wei immediately went to the evidence board in the room and began to summarize the information.

He wrote two names on it, Tie Ruyun and Gan Xiaowei, and then drew a line and a question mark on Gan Xiaowei's name.

"Old Xing is worthy of being an old fritter. His interrogation experience is really rich. Just a few questions made me understand the ins and outs."

Zhang Wei has learned some key information from Lao Xing and Xia Qianyue.

Gan Xiaowei told Lao Xing that she did not collect money.

Then Gan Xiaowei's reason for perjury was not for money, but for being threatened.

The pressure from the outside forced her to change her confession and slander Tie Ruyun.

"But here comes the question, what threat did Gan Xiaowei receive? Who threatened her to testify against Lao Tie?"

He doesn't know who this threat is, and there is no clue at present.

But what is certain is that Gan Xiaowei's testimony is absolutely untrustworthy. Next, she only needs to find the person who threatened her to find a breakthrough.

Zhang Wei rubbed his forehead, and began to think about ways to break the situation.

There are only so many clues at present, and he has to find the rest by himself.

"Liuying, Liuying, the work is naturally fluid. Gan Xiaowei should not be doing it alone, so there is a 'chicken head' above them. This person should be in charge of managing a few Liuying, and may know some information. "

"Even, the person who threatened Gan Xiaowei might be this Jitou, but why did he threaten Tie Ruyun? Ordinary Jitou has no connection with Laotie. Could it be that Laotie really didn't give money after whoring, which made him angry Chicken head, that's why you retaliated against him?"

Zhang Wei thought for a while and thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Lao Tie just looks honest, but he actually did a lot of prostitutes behind his back?

"No, no, Jitou and Laotie are a cooperative relationship. He helps Liuying to file a lawsuit, which is tantamount to helping Jitou. Jitou also needs to rely on Liuying to make money, so even if Laotie is free whoring, Jitou should be Please be happy!"

After figuring this out, Zhang Wei felt that the chicken head should not be the target of suspicion.

But he can go to Gan Xiaowei's Jitou to ask about the situation. After all, these professionals are more aware of their situation.


At this time, there was another news on the V letter.

Zhang Wei opened it and saw that it was news from Su Xiaoqian, a rookie in the criminal department.

[Su Xiaoqian: Lawyer Zhang, I have made a major discovery! /excited】

[Zhang Wei: Oh, what's going on? 】

[Su Xiaoqian: Lawyer Zhang, I did a lot of asking for you! 】

[Su Xiaoqian: There is a senior of mine in the real estate department of our law firm. He said he heard it from a girl in the finance department. Then I went to ask the girl, and she said that she heard about it from a male lawyer in the project department who was chasing her. A colleague of the male lawyer told me that they all heard it from the administrative department. The sisters in the administrative department said that they accidentally heard one of them mention it when they were chatting with the sisters in the children's department. Then I found that one, and she quietly told me that a girl in the litigation department told her the news and sent it to her privately. Come out, I didn't expect it to spread so quickly...]

[Zhang Wei: I understand! /grateful】

[Su Xiaoqian: No thanks, I am already very happy to be able to help Lawyer Zhang/Happy]

[Su Xiaoqian: But if you really want to thank me, can you give me a case/Looking forward]

[Zhang Wei: Definitely next time, let’s go together next time~]

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