Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 315 Contempt and indifference, are they all women?

Thursday, court day.

City Court, a preparation room.

"The pre-trial hearing will start this morning, and the court will start in the afternoon. We all need to cheer up!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the other people in the preparation room.

Today's preparation room is extremely crowded.

Because the entire criminal department came, not only the client Tie Ruyun, his capable subordinates Lin Yumeng and Li Yueqin, but also newcomers including Su Xiaoqian.

Originally, they were supposed to go directly to the hearing booth at the court, but they all wanted to see the department leaders, so they followed them to the preparation room.

Tie Ruyun was also very pleased to see the newcomers supporting her.

"Boss, don't worry, even if you really go whoring, we won't look down on you. In our hearts, you are still our boss!"

Su Xiaoqian even took the lead and said a word of encouragement to Tie Ruyun.

Tie Ruyun: "emmm..."

"Okay, the court will be held later, you go to the hearing stand to grab a seat first, I still have something to say with the old man!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly urged and sent the others away.

The newcomers and apprentices left one after another, and the preparation room was finally quite empty.

Seeing that everyone had left, Tie Ruyun looked over: "Zhang Wei, what are you going to do with this case?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly: "Old Tie, let me ask a lot, do you mind being ashamed?"

"Damn it, don't even think about it!"

With Tie Ruyun's understanding of Zhang Wei, he naturally understood the purpose of the other party's words.

What the hell do you want?

Do you want to slander my innocence, saying that I am in love with Gan Xiaowei?

"Zhang Wei, I still have to show my face. If you do this, how will I behave in the future?"

"What's the matter? My uncle is not the same as being criticized now. His good brothers are very afraid of him now, and they dare not take a bath with him."

Zhang Wei chuckled and quickly gave an example.

Wasn't that how I fought my uncle's case back then.

Although the eldest brother may not be able to be a man in this life, as long as the case is won, it will be fine.

"Old man, listen to me, there is an advantage to doing this!"

"When the witness goes to court, if Gan Xiaowei gives some testimony against you, I can also use the reason of 'hate because of love' to deal with it, and I guarantee that she will be indisputable!"

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Tie Ruyun's shoulder, speaking earnestly.

This trick is definitely the best solution at present.

You and Gan Xiaowei have this lawsuit because of love and hate. Once the jury or the court learns about the situation, it is entirely possible to withdraw the lawsuit.

After all, the public prosecution is for the justice of the people, not for the quarrel between young couples.

"No, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Tie Ruyun continued to shake his head, showing extreme resistance.

"I'm warning you, if you dare to use it, I'll plead guilty and make you lose to Mrs. Xu. If you push me, I can do anything!"

Knowing that Zhang Wei might do this, Tie Ruyun hurriedly spoke harshly.

It's really urgent, I'd rather have broken jade than whole tiles!

"Okay, okay, since you insist..."

Looking at Tie Ruyun, Zhang Wei extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to do his ideological work.

Since Lao Tie didn't want to, he didn't force it either.

Anyway, his comeback method is not limited to this one.

It's just that if the old iron is willing to sacrifice his reputation, he can save a lot of effort.

"That's fine, let's go to court too. This morning is the preliminary hearing, and the prosecution's statement in the afternoon has nothing to do with us!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and led Tie Ruyun straight to the courtroom.


Municipal Court, small court.

Because the nature of the case is a prostitution case, to be honest, the impact of this case is really not big.

Therefore, the municipal court will not waste much resources, so it will be given to a small court.

But even in the small court, many people came today, and the hearing booth was almost full.

In the front row of the hearing seat, Guo Wufeng was the first to bear the brunt, with a dirty face, as if everyone owed him money.

Beside Guo Wufeng, there were also some newcomers from the local prosecutor's headquarters.

Although they are their own people, they also subconsciously keep a distance from Director Guo.

"Look carefully and study hard. This time, Zhang Wei's opponent is the trump card Mrs. Xu in Zhongcheng District."

"Show it to me. Don't miss a single detail. When you go back, each person will submit a 1,000-word review of the trial to me!"

When the newcomers heard the last request, they immediately had a bitter face, but they dared not refuse.

And Guo Wufeng didn't care about the complaints of the newcomers, he brought the newcomers here just to watch Xu Suyun and Zhang Wei fight.

But every time the word "Zhang Wei" was mentioned, he would itch with hatred.

It was this kid who invited his father to the court, and asked his own father to train him for five minutes in front of the whole court.

That was five full minutes, God knows how he got through it.

So when he heard that Zhang Wei was going to have a trial again, and the defendant was still Zhang Wei's leader, and the case involved was prostitution, he naturally rushed over.

Not only did he come by himself, but he also brought the new recruits from the felony and misdemeanor divisions of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

What's more, Zhang Wei's opponent this time is Mrs. Xu, who is also the trump card of Zhongcheng District's reputation.

Guo Wufeng naturally knew Mr. Xu well.

It can only be said that this court trial game is very interesting.

"Mr. Xu, it's up to you this time, give me a hard blow to that kid's spirit!"

In Guo Wufeng's heart, he cheered for Xu Suyun, wishing he could wave and shout in the audience with cheering flowers in his hands.

In the front row of the hearing booth, Zhang Wei also saw a surprising person.

"Boss Shen, why are you here?"

Yes, besides the "enemy" Guo Wufeng, the people sitting in the front row of the hearing stand also belonged to the "teammate" Shin Zhengyi and other people from Jincheng Jincheng Law Firm.

Shin Zhengyi has come, and he is naturally accompanied by a combination of dog legs, beasts and sluts.

Shen Zhengyi ignored Zhang Wei directly, and cast his eyes on Tie Ruyun behind him.

"Tie Ruyun, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You are so morally corrupt, and it has also lowered the reputation of our Jincheng law firm!"

"If I were you, I would resign immediately. I can't afford to lose this person. You are ashamed of the boss's trust and you for doing this kind of thing..."

Unexpectedly, when Shen Zhengyi opened his mouth, there was a burst of cynicism, which made Tie Ruyun spit.

And Tie Ruyun just lowered his head, not daring to respond.

This appearance, on the contrary, looks like a child who has made a mistake and is being reprimanded by his parents.

Seeing that Lao Tie didn't respond, Zhang Wei sighed inwardly.

Is this a conditioned reflex?

You have been the team leader under Shin Zhengyi for so long, and now that they are training, do you subconsciously treat yourself as a younger brother?

"Old man, go and sit down first!"

Zhang Wei directly asked Lao Tie to go to the dock, while he stayed alone in the front row of the hearing booth.

"Boss Shen, as a colleague, shouldn't you support Lao Tie?"

"Hmph, how dare you talk to Boss Shen like that when you're just a trump card?"

"That's right, that's right, are you teaching us how to do things?"

Shen Zhengyi didn't even bother to respond to Zhang Wei's words, and the sluts around him just used their identities to speak, and they were also sarcastic.

"Is that so, you don't have the right to reprimand Lao Tie, do you?"

But Zhang Wei chuckled, everyone should stop laughing at fifty steps.

The three of you are in the Jincheng club, don't you have more fun than others?

"Zhang Wei, if I'm not, let Tie Ruyun admit his mistake quickly, and this matter will be over, why bother to go to court?"

"Isn't it just whoring? No man has ever made a mistake. As a leader, I don't care about these things. I only care about the impact this incident has on our Jincheng. Listen to me and let him admit it. If whoring fails, do it." Imprison for a few more days, it's a trivial matter!"

Shin Zhengyi finally spoke, speaking to Zhang Wei in the tone of an elder or a leader, teaching and reprimanding Zhang Wei at the same time.

When he spoke, he acted as if I did this for the sake of the law firm, and you must understand me.

What is this, moral kidnapping?

"Boss Shen, have you never suspected that Lao Tie was wronged?"


Shin Zhengyi sneered, and laughed with the animal and bitch organization around him.

"If Tie Ruyun was wronged, can he be caught?"

"Catch it, isn't it an attempt this time?"

Zhang Wei also chuckled, why don't you just put aside the facts and not talk about it?

So it was determined that Tie Ruyun was guilty, and everything was based on the premise that Tie Ruyun was guilty?

What is the difference between you and those demented mobs on the Internet, maybe some Internet trolls are more moral than you.

"Since Boss Shen thinks Lao Tie is guilty, I hope that when the time comes, you will be able to admit your mistake, because you have wronged Lao Tie!"

"Hmph, you should think about it carefully, how can you survive from Master Xu's hands!"

After Shen Zhengyi finished speaking, he didn't intend to argue with Zhang Wei anymore, and sat down straight after a sneer.

"Ms. Xu, in my opinion, it's nothing more than that!"

Zhang Wei had already dealt with Xu Suyun during the motion procedure, and he was not afraid of him.

Seeing that Shen Zhengyi and the other three put on an attitude of watching a show, Zhang Wei was extremely contemptuous of these three.

Shouldn't you trust your colleague immediately when something happens to your nominal colleague?

These three let their colleagues admit their mistakes in the first place, it's simple.

Are they for your good?

No, they are doing it for the firm's reputation, that's all.

Zhang Wei didn't bother to talk to these three anymore. After waving to the newcomers in the back row of the hearing stand, he also sat on the defense stand.

Xu Suyun had already taken his place at the prosecution seat at the next table, and Chai Ping was waiting on his side, like a little attendant who was busy before and after.

After noticing Zhang Wei's gaze, Xu Suyun sneered back with a terribly cold expression.

"As expected of a teacher, this pressure is enough!"

Zhang Wei directly ignored Mr. Xu's coercion, and got together with Tie Ruyun to discuss before the battle.

"Zhang Wei, what kind of jury do you want when you ask questions later?"

"Of course, the more men the better!"


"You, what, don't you understand?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, with an expression of "Are you stupid".

"Old man, this is a prostitution case. Men may understand this kind of thing, but women will definitely not understand it?"

"So how do you screen the jury, ask them if they're male or female, and weed out the female jurors?"

"That must not work, Master Xu will stop me!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the neighbor, then said with a smile: "But don't worry, I have my own way!"

After giving Lao Tie a look of "Don't worry, everything is up to me", Zhang Wei calmly straightened his posture.

Because court time is coming.

The atmosphere in the audience was dignified, and many people came to the hearing booth. Everyone held their breath and waited.

"stand up!"

With a loud shout from the court guard on duty, everyone got up.

Under the gaze of the audience, the young judge Liu walked into the court and stepped onto the trial bench.

After looking around, he secretly clicked his tongue.

Good guy, why do I always meet so many people every time I handle a small case.

Is that Guo Wufeng?

Lost so badly before, and made a comeback today?

Or are you here at the hearing stand with a bunch of newcomers from the local prosecutor's headquarters to create pressure on me?

There are also the prosecution and the defense. Although they already knew it was the two of them, Judge Liu still felt a lot of pressure when he saw them again in court.

Not to mention Zhang Wei, a man with a great reputation.

Mrs. Xu on the other side is also not a good stubble.

The two are fighting between dragons and tigers this time, a battle between lions and tigers.

He, a little judge, couldn't bear such torture.

I just hope that the two of them today will be able to do less showy operations.

His little heart can't bear it.

After hitting the hammer, Judge Liu announced in court:

"Cough, after communicating with the department, the court decided that the impact of this case is relatively small, so it has been decided that this morning will be a preliminary trial, and the court will be formally opened in the afternoon. Now, please state your arguments in court!"

Accompanied by the judge's words, Xu Suyun was the first to get up.

"We believe that the defendant, Tie Ruyun, has been working as a criminal defense lawyer for many years, and has used power to oppress and threaten many women, including the prostitute Gan Xiaowei in this case, to force them to have improper relationships with him. The defendant Therefore, the prosecution believes that Tie Ruyun, as a criminal defense lawyer, used his status to seek unjust gains for himself, and the circumstances belonged to the crime of abuse of power and coercion. .And he has the status of a lawyer, knowing the law and breaking the law, he should be punished!"

Xu Suyun's words caused an uproar in the entire court.

No one expected that the prosecution's accusation was so serious. Wasn't this an ordinary attempted prostitution?

So it becomes a crime of coercion to force a woman to have an improper relationship with him by taking advantage of his position?

"Fuck, this is slander!"

Hearing the prosecution's accusation, Tie Ruyun couldn't sit still.

This is planning to punish me to death, to slander me for doing such a thing, am I such a bottomless person?

"Old man, calm down!"

Zhang Wei was quite calm, and patted Tie Ruyun's shoulder to show his comfort.

Others don't believe you, but I do.

If you, Tie Ruyun, had the guts, you wouldn't be like that in the law firm.

After hearing the prosecution's argument, Judge Liu complained about "exaggeration" in his heart, and then looked at the defense.


Zhang Wei hurriedly got up.

"Your Excellency, and everyone in the court, I can tell you very responsibly that my client, Tie Ruyun, is innocent. He has never done anything to testify against the prosecution. You don’t even have a girlfriend, so how can you use your status as a defense lawyer to coerce those good girls and force them to have sex with you?”

"Here I must reiterate that the accusations made by the prosecution are all wrong. My client is an old virgin who is almost 40 years old. He is innocent, and he is also innocent!"

When Tie Ruyun on the side heard Zhang Wei's proposition, she was "moved" and cried.

Don't tell me I'm a virgin!

Just say I'm innocent, okay?

Do you want to do this, believe it or not, I will cry for you?

It's a shame...

Sure enough, after Zhang Wei's proposition was finished, the hearing booth began to discuss a lot.

Many people looked at Tie Ruyun with a trace of sympathy.

I'm almost 40, and I don't have a girlfriend yet.

"Don't worry about it, old man. I just said this to impress the jury and the hearing room."

Zhang Wei comforted, but also smiled inwardly.

You tell the jury that the client is innocent, and they are tired of hearing it, so how can they talk to you?

But if you tell them that my client is approaching 40 and still a virgin, they will remember it and feel sympathy for you.

Doesn't the jury remember that?

No matter how the prosecution and the defense argue, the jury will always remember that there is a nearly 40-year-old virgin sitting on the defense bench.

This is the routine of using the most attractive things to deepen the memory in court.

If there is anything attractive about Tie Ruyun, it is naturally that he is almost 40 and has no girlfriend.

"Hmph, pretending to be smart!"

Xu Suyun at the next table also heard Zhang Wei's intention and snorted coldly.

This kind of cleverness in court defense is only used by sneaky people.

She, Xu Suyun, doesn't bother to do this.

And to deal with Zhang Wei, she has plenty of means.

"Ahem, then since both parties have stated their claims, then..."

Judge Liu tapped the hammer and looked left and right again.

Time to bring up the jury candidates.

Tingwei immediately opened the railing of the jury box to let the jury candidates enter.


But as the candidate jury entered the scene, Zhang Wei suddenly couldn't hold back.

"Zhang Wei, aren't there too many women on the jury?"

Tie Ruyun also noticed something strange, and quickly turned his face away.

"Yes, what's the situation?" Zhang Wei looked at the jury candidates in astonishment, and counted "1234..."

He took a cursory glance, there were more than twenty jurors, only four were men, and the others were all women.


Remember what he said to Tie Ruyun before the trial?

Men may understand things like prostitution, but women certainly cannot!

Good guy, in the end, you put all the women in the jury box, right?

How to play this?

Hell difficulty?

"Ahem, may I ask, which of you will come first?" Judge Liu asked in court.

"I believe Lawyer Zhang should know that women are the priority, so I'll come first!"

Xu Suyun got up immediately, and stopped Zhang Wei with a word on the spot.

She walked to the jury seat by herself, glanced at everyone, and then said:

"I believe that everyone has read the case information before the trial. Of course, it's okay if you haven't read it. I can tell you that the defendant in this case is suspected of prostitution, and has been prostitution for a long time."

"So I would like to ask, if any of you have experienced it personally, or have friends who have been prostitutes, please stand up and withdraw from this case voluntarily."

"Because I will assume that you will have sympathy for the defendant, which is not conducive to the impartiality of the jury!"

Following Xu Suyun's question, the expressions of several men in the jury became a little unnatural.

Only men can participate in prostitution, or have experience in this field.

Xu Suyun's purpose is also very simple, to screen out the men in the jury box!

And this trick is what Zhang Wei is most worried about.

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