Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 316 Covering questions, moonlight in front of the bed?

The jury system has been questioned since its inception.

However, the existence of the jury reflects democracy very well and increases the people's sense of participation in the law.

Of course, it is impossible for the jury to be absolutely fair and just.

The only thing the court can do is to let the 12 participating jurors try to be as objective and fair as possible.

For example, select candidate jurors in different regions and industries and add them to the big list.

During the pre-trial, coupled with the screening mechanism for the prosecution and the defense to ask questions, it is theoretically enough to ensure the fairness of the jurors.

But sometimes, it's just such a coincidence.

In the big list, there suddenly appeared many, or most of them were women.

This is not impossible. On the contrary, since the establishment of the jury system, there have been many cases where men or women occupy the majority of the jury, or even one-sided.

So although it is very speechless, Zhang Wei knows that he cannot use the reason that there are more women on the jury than men to deny the jury candidates.

Moreover, his words and deeds are easily misunderstood by others.

One more thing, the jury is all women.

Radical topics such as a well-known lawyer looking down on women may spread on the Internet.

Although such rumors, distorted facts, and out-of-context things are often done by professional trolls and Internet trolls, but Zhang Wei has no time to deal with these people now.

Well, it's better to have one less thing.

If you don't speak, you won't make a mistake!

That's what he said, but Zhang Wei knew that he had to do something, otherwise Xu Suyun would get rid of all the men in the jury box, which would be extremely detrimental to Lao Tie.

"Ahem, Your Honor, I have objections to the prosecution's question!"

Zhang Wei got up immediately and interrupted Xu Suyun.

"Although this case is about prostitution, the prosecution hastily asked the jury whether any jurors and friends have participated in similar acts. It is an act of prying into the privacy of others' lives. It is extremely immoral. Please warn the judge, thank you! "

Judge Liu couldn't help but nodded.

It's really inappropriate for you, Xu Suyun, to ask such a question.

How can someone ask you if you have been a prostitute as soon as they come up?

He also used friends as an excuse to pretend that he didn't know.

You are such a friend, isn't it yourself?

Therefore, Judge Liu nodded, and then looked at the court: "Ahem, Master Xu..."

Xu Suyun turned cold, and gave Judge Liu a cold look.

Judge Liu was so frightened that his hands trembled, and he secretly scolded himself for making such a low-level mistake.

"Well, prosecutor, please don't ask these privacy questions, the jury can refuse to answer such questions!"

"Troublesome boy!"

When Xu Suyun heard this, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

But what Judge Liu said made all the men among the jurors secretly heave a sigh of relief.

This question is really hard to answer.

If you answer that you have participated in it, maybe your wife will call to question right away.

If you answer a friend, will the wives of those friends catch themselves and ask who they are?

If I really said it, wouldn't my friend want to break up with me, can I still be friends?

Therefore, Zhang Wei helped them speak, which was considered to resolve their embarrassment.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

Xu Suyun snorted coldly and made way for the question.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath and calmly walked to the court.

His purpose was simple, to leave the four men in the jury box.

As for the rest, they are definitely women, and he has to screen them out.

At least those who are relatively extreme in their thinking and most hostile to veterans should be eliminated.

Thinking so, Zhang Wei asked the first question.

"Excuse me, is there anyone here who is dissatisfied with his salary?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

What is the question, asking about salary?

Are you sure you're screening jurors?

"be opposed to!"

Sure enough, some people raised objections on the spot.

Xu Suyun got up immediately and asked: "Your Excellency, what is the situation? This is a courtroom, not a job fair. What does the defense lawyer mean by asking about salary?"

Not only her, but no one in the audience understood Zhang Wei's intentions.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled in his heart: "Stupid, if you want to find people with relatively extreme thinking, you can't screen them out by asking some irrelevant questions."

"Either don't ask, if you want to ask, you have to ask something they care about, and what is more important to them than a worker's salary?"

Faced with Xu Suyun's accusation, Zhang Wei was very calm: "Judge Liu, I think that as a defense lawyer, I have the right to ask any questions, right?"

"And I didn't ask the specific amount of the juror's salary, and it doesn't involve any privacy issues. I believe that there is no reason for my question to be objected, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang is right!"

Judge Liu could only nod, and warned the prosecution: "Prosecutor, your objection is invalid, and the defense is free to ask any questions. If he asks some inappropriate questions, I will warn you!" "

Xu Suyun sat down helplessly, with hatred in his eyes.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and his eyes fell back to the jury seat again.

"Ma'am, are you satisfied with your salary?"

"Of course I'm not satisfied!"

The woman who was questioned immediately said impatiently: "I work overtime every day, and the salary is enough. Those bosses are too dark-hearted!"

"Oh, looking at you, you are very dissatisfied with your salary?"

"Of course, I even complained!"

The woman said, crossing her waist: "In our company, the leaders are basically men. They get tens of thousands of yuan in salary every month, and leave everything to their subordinates. They boss us around every day. I I can't stand them!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded, and then looked at the other jurors.

He found that many other people agreed with the woman's statement.

Now, he knew what to do.

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Judge Liu, the defense thanks this lady for her answer, and requests that she and jurors No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 11 be eliminated!"

Zhang Wei eliminated 5 people in one go, and of course they were all women.

Judge Liu was obviously aware of Zhang Wei's intentions, but his questions were asymmetrical with his purpose, so he didn't find any flaws.

"Please leave the juror you clicked on!"

Under his command, the five women got up one after another.

After Judge Liu finished speaking, he glanced at Zhang Wei with a look of questioning in his eyes.

Zhang Wei naturally nodded with a smile, meaning: I will continue.

"Then next, I will do an on-site questionnaire survey, please cooperate!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured towards the defense bench.

Tie Ruyun looked around and found that he was the only one in this direction, and quickly pointed to his face.

Zhang Wei immediately pointed to his notebook on the defense bench, and then to the projector behind the witness stand.

Tie Ruyun sighed and understood at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't bring an assistant with him. Although he was the defendant, he could only be the assistant for the sake of the case.

Soon, under the operation of the old iron, the notebook and the projector were linked.

"Old Tie, please open Qiandu and search for the word 'ordinary people' in the search bar."

Although Tie Ruyun was confused, he still clicked on the search button.

As you type "ordinary people", pictures appear one after another.

Most of the pictures are selfies of men and women, and some family photos, but they are all full of smiling faces and positive sunshine.

Zhang Wei ordered again: "Old Tie, enter 'young man' again and continue searching!"

Tie Ruyun had no choice but to do so, type in "young man" and search.

Immediately, more photos appeared, and many of them were a bit eye-catching.

For example, photos of dyed hair, exaggerated gestures, movements, and even some deadly actions appeared.

"Old man, keep typing 'local' to search!"

Tie Ruyun had no choice but to continue to do so.

There are many photos of the smiling faces of grandparents and aunts on the webpage.

"And then there's 'Outlander.'"

Following Zhang Wei's order, Tie Ruyun entered.

The web page changed again, and it became a photo of many people carrying luggage bags and wearing worn-out clothes, walking in the streets and alleys.

"Everyone, now that the photos are finished, what do you think?"

"be opposed to!"

After Zhang Wei asked the question, Xu Suyun was the first to stand up and object.

"Your Honor, what is this, unequal discrimination?"

She got up and spread her hands in protest: "This is a courtroom, to judge whether the defendant is guilty, not an anti-discrimination lecture. We are not discussing the issue of social discrimination in Dongfangdu!"

"Glad the prosecutor mentioned the word 'discrimination'!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei laughed, "Actually, I never said that this is discrimination. Some people think of what problems can be explained by browsing pictures on the webpage!"


Xu Suyun immediately frowned, frowning slightly.

Good guy, Zhang Wei actually dug a hole for himself.

She didn't bother to talk anymore, so she just sat down and said nothing.

Without Xu Suyun's interference, Zhang Wei turned to look at the jury.

"Everyone, how do you feel when you saw this group of pictures just now?"

"Sir, tell me!"

Zhang Wei began to roll the roll.

"I think the pictures on this web search are a bit inappropriate!" The man said frankly, scratching his head.

"Well, what about the lady?"

"I don't have any opinion. It's just a few pictures. What can I do?"

The woman's tone was rather impatient, but Zhang Wei kept the woman's reaction in mind.

"What about this gentleman?"

"I think..."

Zhang Wei questioned five people in a row, three men and two women.

"Your Honor, we accept Juror No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, and No. 9, and at the same time request Juror No. 3 to leave!"

In the end, he ruled out the woman whose tone was impatient, but left another one with a milder answer.

"I'm done asking my questions for now, Mrs. Xu, do you want to continue?"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Xu Suyun again.

The latter snorted coldly, but got up anyway.

And Zhang Wei was able to return to the defense bench.

Tie Ruyun quickly approached and asked, "Zhang Wei, what is the purpose of you asking me to search for these just now?"

"It's useless, I just let you search casually."


Tie Ruyun was confused, is this all right?

I see that the four keywords you searched are related to a certain extent, and I thought you wanted to explain some problems.

In the end, you told me that you just searched casually, this...

Zhang Wei saw Lao Tie's doubts, and explained with a smile: "Think about it, my purpose is to keep men and exclude women. Of course, I can't clearly state my purpose, and I can only use other methods."

"The search term just now is just an excuse. I just want to keep the man. It was just a cover for my purpose. Don't think too much about it."

As Zhang Wei said, his attention returned to the court again.

Here, Xu Suyun didn't ask any questions, but paced back and forth in front of the jury seat.

However, combined with his general aura of Miejue Shitai, it still created a lot of pressure on the jury.

Many people subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva to relieve their inner tension.

Suddenly, Xu Suyun pointed at a man, his face turned cold: "You, you can leave the table!"

"Me?" The man was slightly taken aback, a little stunned.

You didn't even ask a question, so you ruled me out?

"be opposed to!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei stood up.

He must object, because Xu Suyun kicked out a male juror for no reason, which is not what he wanted.

Zhang Wei looked at Judge Liu, spread his hands and said, "What is the public prosecutor doing, ordering others at will without distinction?"

"Hmph, I think this man has no concentration, so I just took two random steps. He is so nervous. If there is an unexpected situation or deadlock during the trial, it will be difficult for him to maintain fairness!"

On Xu Suyun's side, he gave an explanation that sounded reasonable.

"This is sophistry, groundless!" But Zhang Wei refused to accept it.

He said, pointing to the jury box, "If according to what you said, there are jurors No. 13, No. 15 and Juror No. 16 among those who swallowed their saliva just now, are you nervous about them just because they are women?" Does behavior turn a blind eye?"

When Xu Suyun heard what Zhang Wei said, he suddenly laughed.

"Well, they can leave too!"


Zhang Wei thought to himself, good guy, this woman actually planned to directly sacrifice the other three women in order to exclude her intended juror.

"Your Excellency, my request is also very reasonable. If you don't even have a little bit of concentration, you may not be able to fulfill your duties as a juror, and it will also affect the fairness and justice of the court!"

"This... that's fine, please leave the jury whose name is called."

Judge Liu hesitated again and again, and finally nodded.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's your turn again!"

Xu Suyun's goal was completed, and she walked back to the prosecutor's seat again.

Next, it was Zhang Wei's turn again.

He got up quickly and walked to the jury box.

"I would like to ask everyone, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words 'Moonlight in front of your bed'?"

This question stunned all the jurors.

Isn’t this a poem? What does this sentence conjure up?

But Zhang Wei's questions are not over yet.

"Please raise your left hand if you think of the moon for the first time, and raise your right hand if you think of the bed!"

Immediately, the jury was divided into two camps, some raised their left hands and some raised their right hands.

After Zhang Wei glanced around, he immediately said: "Judge Liu, the defense requests that jurors No. 17, 18, 21 and 22 be eliminated!"

Judge Liu, including Xu Suyun, did not raise any objections.

They didn't quite understand Zhang Wei's last question.

Those who were named were all women. After they left the table, Judge Liu finally announced with a hammer.

"Very good, now we have a jury, now the court is adjourned temporarily, and the court will start after lunch!"

Courts began to dissolve.

Zhang Wei walked back to the defense bench, and Tie Ruyun immediately got up and leaned forward.

"Your last question..."

"No way, old iron, don't you understand?"

Understand what a ghost!

Tie Ruyun is almost speechless, how do I understand your question?

Is that something people can understand?

Zhang Wei immediately leaned in front of Tie Ruyun and smiled: "Moonlight in front of the bed, what did you think of?"

"It's just ancient poetry, what else can it be?"

"Old Tie, there are no outsiders here, who are we with whom, do you think of a girl named Mingyue who is naked on the bed?"

"Ah, this..."

Tie Ruyun's expression changed immediately, and he secretly said, "Good guy."

Good ancient poems are all played by you.

The author who writes poetry, do you know that your thoughts are so dirty?

"Then you asked before..."

"Yes, I asked the jury, what is the first thing you think of, is it the moon or the bed, that's the intention!"

Zhang Wei chuckled and explained: "When you think of the moon, it means that you don't think about it, and it also means that your thoughts and morals are noble, and you may not be able to tolerate sand in your eyes."

"But if you think of a bed, you may think of what I said. Such a person has a flexible bottom line and is exactly the juror I need."

After explaining, Zhang Wei patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder again.

"Old man, you should be glad that I finally asked this question, eliminated several difficult jurors, and left some people who may be beneficial to you."

"I hope..."

Tie Ruyun curled his lips, wanting to say that he disdains these fancy things, but he was embarrassed.

After all, Zhang Wei is also thinking about himself.

"Let's go, let's go to dinner, there is still a tough battle to fight after dinner!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, winked with the newcomers in the hearing booth, and walked out of the courtroom.

Tie Ruyun quickly followed, but when he passed the hearing stand, he exchanged glances with Shen Zhengyi and the others.

Shen Zhengyi showed a hint of sarcasm, while Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren beside him had cold faces.

Tie Ruyun shook his head inwardly, but still nodded to Shen Zhengyi.

After all, everyone is the leader of the department, and they are also colleagues. The other party was once their superior, so they have to be polite.

But if Zhang Wei saw this scene, he would definitely stop Tie Ruyun.

Some people, even if you respect him, he will not respect you.

Doing this kind of thing is thankless.

Doing meaningless things is a waste of time.

The hearing booth became empty one after another.

"Mr. Xu, this time I can count on you!"

If you want to say that the person who cares most about this case, besides the parties involved, maybe only Lao Guo.

He looked at the vacant seat in the court with complicated eyes.

I, Guo Wufeng, must take revenge and witness the defeat of Zhang Wei with my own eyes!

Not for anything else, just for that breath.

And that humiliating... Dad

It's been a lot of stress these days... work stress.

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