Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 317 When Xu Suyun made a move, Zhang Wei asked about privacy?

In the afternoon, the lunch break is over.

The courtroom returned to its morning crowd again.

Everyone entered the arena one after another, the prosecution and the defense took their seats, and everyone took their seats.

Following the court guard's announcement, Judge Liu entered the arena.

He looked around and confirmed the presence of three key figures, Zhang Wei, Tie Ruyun and Xu Suyun.

Well, everyone is here.

As for the others, it doesn't matter!

He took another look, and the jury was seated.

3 men and 9 women, the number of women is overwhelming.

"I hope this trial can end soon, and I hope the jury can remain fair and just."

The young judge Liu looked at the seats of the prosecution and the defense, and murmured in his heart: "Of course, what I hope most is that these two can do less fancy operations. I'm afraid my heart can't bear it."

After forcing himself not to think about it, Judge Liu hit the hammer.

"Now this court announces that the trial has officially begun, first the prosecution..."

Xu Suyun didn't wait for Judge Liu to finish speaking, she got up and walked to the center of the court, and began to present the case.

"Everyone, I'm Xu Suyun from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zhongcheng District. I know that many people know me. Of course it doesn't matter!"

"The important thing is that the person sitting on the defense table, his name is Tie Ruyun, is a defense lawyer in the criminal team of Jincheng Law Firm."

"According to the testimony I got, when Tie Ruyun was engaged in defense work, he used his position to oppress several clients and asked them to provide them with free sexual services. conduct..."

"be opposed to!"

Xu Suyun hadn't finished speaking when an interruption sounded from the prosecution's seat.

At the trial seat, Judge Liu secretly said that it was true.

Sure enough, I still think too little, Zhang Wei even interrupted the opening statement directly, and there will be more tricks in the future.

He is already mentally prepared.

"Defense lawyer, what do you mean, I'm making an opening statement, what are you interrupting me for?"

Xu Suyun is not a vegetarian either, so being interrupted made her very upset, so she immediately questioned her in a cold voice.

"It's nothing, I just want to remind the prosecution that Lao Tie is now the head of the criminal department, and is no longer an ordinary defense lawyer. There is a small problem with the title of your statement!"

Zhang Wei laughed, made a reminder gesture, and then sat back with a smile.

"Zhang Wei, shouldn't you object to her accusation?"

Tie Ruyun on the side hurried up and said in a low voice.

"No, her accusation is correct. Isn't Gan Xiaowei's testimony the same as what she said? How can this be refuted?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, expressing that he was helpless.

Brother, they are making a court statement.

Moreover, the statement is based on the testimony provided by the witness. How can I refute it?

If you really want to refute, that is the next thing, I have to produce evidence to refute.

If Zhang Wei doesn't refute, then Xu Suyun can continue to export.

She almost pointed at Tie Ruyun's nose and cursed: "Tie Ruyun, as a criminal defense lawyer and even the department head of the law firm, knows how to break the law, and the crime is aggravated!"

"With his own actions, he has tested the bottom line of law and morality, and even made our Eastern Capital's judicial circle show off. I think that he should be severely punished and must not be tolerated!"

Having said this, Xu Suyun took a deep breath before looking at the trial seat.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution requested the first witness to be summoned. He happened to witness Tie Ruyun and a prostitute committing violations of law and discipline in the car at night last weekend, which corrupted social morality and morals!"

"This court approves!"

Following Judge Liu's nod, a man in his thirties, wearing a field service uniform, walked into the courtroom.

He looks ordinary, can be said to have no characteristics.

"Hello, Field Service!"

"Hello, prosecution."

The man's response was also so ordinary that it was easy to ignore.

"Would you please tell us what the defendant did that night?"


The male field worker thought for a while and recalled: "That night, when I was on duty in a nearby street, I saw a car parked at the corner of an alley, and I saw a man and a woman in the car."

"Because there are many women in the illegal service industry near that alley, so I paid more attention to it. I think there is a problem with this man and woman."

"When I leaned forward, I happened to see..."

He said, pointing at Tie Ruyun, "...I happened to see him taking money from his wallet to the woman in the passenger seat!"

"How much money did you take out?" Xu Suyun hurriedly asked.

The male field worker recalled, "There must be a stack of money, I guess it is more than 500!"

As soon as this remark came out, many voices appeared in the audience.

Most of the women on the jury bench looked at Tie Ruyun with disgust.

Apparently, they thought Tie Ruyun was paying for prostitution.

"Old man, do you have anything to explain?"

Zhang Wei also turned his head and looked at Tie Ruyun.

"The amount of money is correct, but the money is not what you think. I think Xiaowei is miserable, so I gave her some money for emergency, let her eat something, buy some clothes..."

Tie Ruyun lowered his head and explained in a low voice.

"But you do have money exchanges, and it happened to be seen by a field officer."

Zhang Wei's eyes locked on the witness stand.

It seems that this man is not lying.

He did see the scene where Tie Ruyun handed over the money to Gan Xiaowei.

It's a pity that this behavior is an act of kindness by Lao Tie, but in the eyes of others, it is a service fee for illegal transactions.

"Excuse me, witness, what else did you see these two people doing in the car?"

"I saw the woman take off the man's clothes after taking the money!"

"anything else?"

"The man didn't stop me, and then I went up!"

This time, the movement around was even bigger.

In the jury seat, the gaze towards Tie Ruyun was even more unkind.

Even many people in the hearing table cast contemptuous glances at the defense table.

Among them, even the newcomers in the criminal department, especially the girls among the newcomers.

Although they support Tie Ruyun in principle, they are full of disgust towards someone's behavior psychologically.

"Thank you for the witness's answer, my question is over!"

Xu Suyun saw that the effect of the questioning was good, so she naturally returned to the prosecution seat satisfied.

Zhang Wei got up and walked slowly to the witness stand.

"Hello, Witness!"

"Hello, lawyer."

The man's answer was very calm, as if he was as calm as water.

"Excuse me, witness, you saw the so-called money transaction between my client Tie Ruyun and Gan Xiaowei, another client in this case, right?"


"Then did you hear their conversation?"

"They were in the car, and I was about 10 meters away from them, so I couldn't hear the conversation."

"That is to say, the so-called money transactions and the so-called collection of money are just inferences you made based on experience?"

"be opposed to!"

When Xu Suyun heard Zhang Wei's words, she immediately stood up and objected, "The defense lawyers are speculating on their own!"

"Judge Liu, I just mentioned another possibility at that time. I don't think the prosecution has any way to prove my inference is wrong?"


Judge Liu felt a headache.

This is the first witness, this is the first witness, are you so tit for tat?

Although I am a judge, please understand my work, okay?

In such a small case, I would be afraid if you put on an appearance of "death is a matter of life and death".

"After considering one or two things in this court, it is believed that the prosecution cannot produce valid evidence to refute the reasonable doubt raised by the defense, so the objection is invalid!"

Judge Liu finally made a judgment, and Xu Suyun could only sit down with his eyes squinted.

"Witness, please answer my question. Did you rely on your so-called experience to judge the relationship between my client and another client in this case?"

"This..." A trace of astonishment appeared on the originally calm face of the male field agent.

"If you want to say that, I have no objection..."

As he spoke, he did not forget to add: "But I want to say that nine out of ten of the vehicles that appeared on that street belonged to prostitutes, and their behavior forced me to make this association."

"But you can't deny that there are some contingencies, right?"

"There are accidents in everything, and of course I have no objection."

"The truth is, my client didn't think about those things at all. He just gave money to Gan Xiaowei out of his own kindness, and asked her to eat a good meal and buy some new clothes!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the jury: "My client's behavior is a kind of gift out of his own good intentions, and it is not illegal to do good and help others in law."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Tie Ruyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is what he wants to emphasize, and this is the truth he wants everyone to know.

He really just gave Gan Xiaowei a sum of money out of his own kindness.

In the jury seat, some people bowed their heads in silence, while some people looked at Tie Ruyun suspiciously.

Obviously, they all think that Zhang Wei's explanation is somewhat unreasonable.

In other words, there are too few people who can take the initiative to help others these days, and they still help a sex worker without asking for anything in return.

This is really... unreliable!

"Judge Liu, I have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Seeing that his speech had a certain effect, Zhang Wei also hurriedly ended the questioning.

This is the first witness, and the impact on the trial is not too great, and there is no need for him to chase after him.

His output needs to be played at the most critical time in order to have the greatest effect.

"Since the defense has also ended the questioning, then..."

"Your Excellency, please wait a moment, the prosecution wants to ask more questions!"

Just when Judge Liu was about to let the witness leave, Xu Suyun stood up.

The witness's butt just left the chair, so he had no choice but to continue to sit back.

"The defense's question just now was aimed at the witness's years of inspection experience. He was deliberately misleading the court and trying to convince you of the so-called very few incidents!"

Xu Suyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. After realizing Zhang Wei's purpose, he directly opened his mouth to extinguish the flames.

Then she didn't give Zhang Wei a chance to refute, and immediately asked: "Witness, do you know Gan Xiaowei?"

"Of course I know her. She is a frequent visitor to our branch. She has been providing illegal prostitution services for others over the years, and we have caught her several times."

"Then that street, are you familiar with it?"

"This problem has always existed on that street, and we have cracked down on it several times, but to be honest, this kind of thing has been banned repeatedly, and all we can do is to unblock it from time to time."

"So, if on that street, at night, a man gave money to a prostitute in the car, does that mean that the man is most likely paying for whoring?"


"So, what did those men say when they were caught?"

"The stories they make up are getting better and better."

"Among them, is there any reason for giving her a sum of money to buy clothes and a meal, as the defense lawyer said, because he felt pitiful for the prostitute?"

"Yes, there are more!"

The male field worker said with a chuckle and gave an example: "Some people say that a prostitute looks like their sister, so they think the prostitute is pitiful, so they give her money. But we took it back to check the household registration information, and the parents only have one son."

As soon as this remark came out, many people laughed.

The three men in the jury box also showed tacit smiles at this moment.

They are familiar with this excuse, even if they are not familiar with it, they have heard similar jokes.

Anyway, when caught, the story is always the next one is more exciting.

Anyway, one last sentence: Comrade Wuxie, please believe me, I'm telling the truth!

That's the way it should be!

Anyway, after listening to this round of speeches, many people felt that Xu Suyun was right.

"Oh, I see. According to what you said, in fact, the so-called explanation of the defense lawyer is very likely to be an excuse!"

At the end Xu Suyun also summed up in a strange way, then walked back to the prosecutor's seat with a sneer.

There was a lot of discussion in the court, and indeed, as she expected, there were definitely more people who believed in the prosecution than in the so-called "excuses" of the defense.

"Since the prosecution has sat back, you, the witness..."

"Judge Liu, the defense wants to ask additional questions!"

Now that Xu Suyun had already started, Zhang Wei naturally couldn't fall behind, so he got up immediately.

Judge Liu was speechless.

Do you have so many questions?

Why didn't you ask just now?

Zhang Wei was also speechless.

How did you ask just now? Just now the court is not like it is now. I have to ask additional questions to ease the situation.

If you want to complain, why don't you complain about Mrs. Xu?

Let me ask you if Xiao Liu dares to do it?

Well, Xiao Liu naturally didn't dare.

He nodded to Zhang Wei, indicating that he could come up.

"Excuse me, witness, are you married?"


When this question came out, the audience was stunned.

Does the case have anything to do with whether the witness is married or not?

"I'm married."

Although the male field worker was surprised, he still answered honestly.

"Then let me ask again, how is your relationship with your wife?"

"It's pretty good..."

The male field worker is speechless, what kind of questions are they asking.

Zhang Wei got excited, and asked with a smile: "Okay, I would like to ask, do you come here every few days, or to put it this way, how many days do you pay the public rations?"


The witnesses are speechless, why are you asking this?

The jury was also speechless, which is a question the court can ask.

The hearing booth was even more speechless. What are you doing, the defense lawyer? What is the purpose of your asking these questions? We can't figure it out at all...

"be opposed to!"

Just when Zhang Wei asked the third question, Xu Suyun stood up immediately.

"Your Excellency, this is the scene of the courtroom, not a tea party, let alone a place to chat. What kind of questions are the defense lawyers asking?"

He finished speaking to Judge Liu, and then fired at Zhang Wei: "Defense lawyer, what is your intention? Can you ask some level questions? Are you trying to delay time and ask some meaningless questions? , you are simply wasting taxpayers' money, you are simply ruining the atmosphere of the court, you..."

"Your Honor, I assure you that the questions I asked are all meaningful!"

"you sure?"

Judge Liu looked at Zhang Wei, and then turned to look at the witness.

"Witness, if the question involves privacy, you can refuse to answer it!"

After finishing speaking, Judge Liu looked at Xu Suyun again, "The objection is invalid!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and walked up to the witness, "Witness, how often do you and your wife come?"


Witnesses are thinking whether to refuse this question because it is too personal.

But he was also afraid that if he refused, what would happen to the defense lawyer.

Although his expression was calm, he began to think quickly in his heart, and finally he felt that this question was not impossible to answer.

"We do it once a week now."

"Oh, once a week, has it always been this frequency?"

"That's not true. When we were young, the highest time was once a day, which lasted for more than a month."

"What is the reason for your frequency to drop?"

"Of course it's due to physical reasons, as well as energy. The frequency is too high to bear."

"very good!"

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction, and then raised his hand to point to the defense seat: "My client Tie Ruyun is almost 40 years old, and he is older than you. Do you think he can do it? He can maintain his energy. Once a day?"


The witness was stunned, my good fellow, this is your purpose.

Tie Ruyun was also confused, you are asking too much.

What do you mean I can't do it anymore, can I keep doing it once a day?

Zhang Wei, you are enough, if you ask me again, I will stand up and object!

Don't think I dare not!

The witness glanced at the defense chair tentatively, and replied: "He, I don't think so?"

"Well, no way!"

Zhang Wei turned around and smiled.

This smile made Tie Ruyun uncomfortable no matter how he saw it.

"Then let me ask again, if my client just finishes handling a case, and you know that it takes a lot of energy to deal with the case, do you think he still has the energy to do these things after the lawsuit?"


This time, the witness finally didn't know how to answer.

"Is this question difficult to answer? Then please think about it in another way. If you participated in a fierce court trial yesterday, after helping the client get rid of the suspicion, you have to get up early the next day to help the client organize documents, pack things, and fix the problem. After all the formalities, you will drive for a while when you come back, do you still have the energy to do the work?"

The witness opened his mouth, and finally admitted frankly: "If it was me... I probably don't have that kind of thought..."

"Isn't that enough?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, pointed at Tie Ruyun and said, "You're an outsider, and you can still exercise every day, but you can't stand it, let alone my client? He sits in an office every day, how can he have time to exercise? "

As soon as these words were said, many people in the court felt that Tie Ruyun seemed to have no possibility of committing a crime.

He is so tired, does he still have the mind to go whoring?

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