Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 318 Gan Xiaowei Appears

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Following Zhang Wei's question.

The tide of the court has indeed changed.

The key is that he cut into the direction of thinking, which made many people in the court have a little understanding.

Yes, Tie Ruyun is almost 40 years old.

And just finished a lawsuit in those few days, and had to finish the finishing work, and finally sent the client back, and had to drive all the way.

Who still thinks about whoring when they get there? Don't they all want to go back to spend the weekend and rest?

You want to have a shot in the car, isn't it a little too abnormal?

He is not a strong young man in his twenties, but a middle-aged man in his late twenties.

At this age, to use a word, it is really a bit "powerless".

In the jury seat, the only three male jurors showed understanding eyes.

Even many older women nodded unconsciously.

They also have husbands, and they also know that their husbands are at this age, and they have almost the same problem.

Human energy is limited after all, especially the nature of the high-intensity work of lawyers.

After you've worked so hard on the lawsuit, you can't wait to go home and fall asleep, and you still want to drag someone else's good girl to come here once, pull you down!

After all, there is a limit to human ability, unless you are not a human being.

Can Tie Ruyun not be a human being?

Of course not.

Sensing the change in the direction of the court, Zhang Wei did not immediately end the question.

The main opponent this time is Mrs. Xu, this woman is not easy, and I have to accumulate as many advantages as possible.

Because the next witness must be...

Gan Xiaowei!

"At least create as many advantages as possible before this woman appears!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei looked away from the jury and turned to the witness stand.

"Witness, please ask another question. If you went to whoring, would you pay 500 yuan at once?"

"Ah, this..."

This time, the male field agent finally couldn't answer.

What do you mean I go whoring?

I'm married, okay? Can you stop asking nonsense?

If my wife came today, wouldn't it be over?

"Well, I have no experience in this field..."

The male field worker looked a little embarrassed, he really couldn't answer this question.

"Then let me put it another way, you are familiar with that street, right?"

"Forget it."

"You should be familiar with the wandering warblers on that street, how much do they generally charge?"

As Zhang Wei asked, he walked up to the witness, "Since Gan Xiaowei is an acquaintance of your branch office, you should have inquired about her charging standard. There should be a confession record in the archives of the bureau, right?"

"Yes, I have also asked about their charging standards, but they are divided into many standards. I don't know what you want to ask..."

"Just the simplest, how much is a short fast meal once?"

"Short snack?"

The male field worker is not an old driver, so he didn't understand what this meant.

"It's a shot anytime, anywhere, and the battle usually ends within 30 minutes." Zhang Wei approached him and said furtively.

The male field worker was stunned for a moment, but still replied: "50 times... the time is 30 minutes... right?"

He was a little unconfident.

"Oh, 50 once, within 30 minutes?"

Zhang Wei raised his hand, made a five with his left hand, and a three with his right hand, and looked at the jury with a smile.

Using his movements, he successfully attracted the attention of 12 jurors.

"Then my client gave Gan Xiaowei 500 yuan. According to the price of short fast food, wouldn't it take 300 minutes? Calculated, it would be a full 5 hours!"

5 hours, an astonishing amount of time.

Can Tie Ruyun persist for 5 hours?

It can be possible, but the premise is that you have to catch your life.

"Maybe...not the short fast food you said?"

But the male field worker suddenly interjected.

"Oh, not a short snack?"

Zhang Wei also smiled, and immediately asked, "What is that?"


It's like a novice going to the PC for the first time. When you ask what package they have, they say a lot of professional terms.

What are "Beautiful Man Blowing Xiao", "Waves in White Tiao", "Roaming Red Rope", "An Arrow Through the Heart", "Crystal Love", "Desert Storm", "Ice and Fire", "Electric Light and Poisonous Dragon Diamond" such as.

Your eyes are dazed, you don't understand anything, and you complain in your heart, what is this all about?

The witness has encountered this situation now, he is not a veteran driver, and does not understand Zhang Wei's allusion.

"Let me guess, small bag, big bag or all inclusive?"

As Zhang Wei said, he spread his hands and pointed to the defense bench.

"Witness, please take a look at my client. He is not a strong guy, but a decadent middle-aged man. He is almost in his fourth year. He has filed a lawsuit in the past few days. Do you think he still has the strength to deal with all these fancy things?" something?"

"This..." The witness was also speechless.

The point is, what he said makes sense.

"Objection!" Xu Suyun finally couldn't help it.

If this is not interrupted, the trial scene will become a science popularization meeting for old drivers.

"Ahem, objection is effective!"

Judge Liu hurriedly responded, and at the same time warned Zhang Wei: "The defense lawyer, please pay attention to your speech, this is the scene of the court!"

"Understood, I take back my last words!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, but then concluded again: "Although that is the case, please take a look at my client. Is he the kind of person who can persist for an hour? I think he will disarm for at most one minute. So please understand him!"

Hearing this, Tie Ruyun on the defense table turned green.

Good guy!

You are a good fellow!

This is public revenge, isn't it?

Zhang Wei, let me ask myself if I have offended you, why do you need to blackmail me so much?

What a minute, I can't understand!

"For this witness, my supplementary questions are over!"

Under Tie Ruyun's slightly threatening gaze mixed with disgust and contempt, Zhang Wei walked back to the defense bench step by step.

The witness stood up, nodded to the judge and the prosecution, and finally left the courtroom.

But when he walked out of the court, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Did I really make a mistake?

As the person involved, he was a little skeptical, so the others would naturally...

Many people in the jury and hearing seats were thoughtful.


No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Tie Ruyun to have the thought to go whoring!

Although this is not an objective fact, everyone understands the truth.

For a moment, more than 70% of the eyes in the court were looking at Tie Ruyun, and their eyes were mixed with understanding and sympathy, as well as a trace of pity.

Middle-aged man, no girlfriend, only one minute, it's too difficult...

"Hey, hey, they don't look at me right!"

Tie Ruyun felt the burning eyes all over his body, and immediately looked at Zhang Wei, "You have to take responsibility for me, you bastard..."

"Old Tie, if I were you, you should worry about yourself!"

Zhang Wei interrupted with a wave of his hand, signaling Lao Tie to shut up.

"I have dealt with the prosecution's first witness, but they still have a second key witness!"

Hearing the words "key witness", Tie Ruyun's angry face suddenly changed.

Become a little helpless and a little incomprehensible.

Obviously, he didn't understand why Gan Xiaowei would slander herself.

Just after the witness left the seat, Judge Liu looked at the prosecution seat.

Xu Suyun got up immediately, glanced at the defense bench, and then said coldly: "Judge Liu, the prosecution requests that the key witness in this case, Gan Xiaowei, be summoned to testify in court!"

"This court approves!" Judge Liu nodded, expressing his approval.

The court door opened again, and then the audience looked over.

Gan Xiaowei appeared again, but this time her complexion was not very good.

As she walked up to the court step by step, she could feel the gaze projected from all around her.

It was a look of strong contempt and disgust, which she was too familiar with.

This is how ordinary people view prostitutes in public.

It was also when prostitution was in progress, and the wife took the whole family to kill the place, and the relatives and friends around looked at her when she caught her husband.

All in all, it made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, her back stabbed with cold light, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Gan Xiaowei walked onto the witness stand with difficulty, and then saw Tie Ruyun sitting on the defense stand.

Her eyes were full of complexities, including fear, shame, and an inexplicable torment.

All in all, she finally sat on the witness stand with difficulty.

Xu Suyun also got up at this time and walked to the center of the court.

"Witness, please explain your identity to everyone!"

"I... my name is Gan Xiaowei, and I am... a... service worker."

Gan Xiaowei revealed her own information.

"Hmph!" Xu Suyun snorted coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Well, witness, please tell everyone, what you said to us that day, and please explain the defendant's true character, and let everyone see it!"


Gan Xiaowei lowered her head, looking a little scared, but still said in a slightly flustered tone: "It was Saturday, my lawyer and I finished handling the case, went to the detention room to complete the formalities and records, and then he sent I'm going back to my 'work' place..."

"At the corner of the street, he suddenly made an excessive request to me, asking me to be in the car with him...and his..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Tie Ruyun, then quickly lowered her head, with a frightened expression on her face.

"This is obviously a lie!"

But at the defense table, Zhang Wei caught a trace of shame.

This shame is the uneasiness of conscience caused by lying and slandering Tie Ruyun.

He can be 100% sure that Gan Xiaowei has lied.

But he is him, others are others.

Others don't have his ability to see through lies.

So under Gan Xiaowei's statement, everyone heard a story.

It was actually Tie Ruyun who asked Gan Xiaowei to do this, and it was still on the street, so it was considered a public place.

"So the defendant asked you to provide her services in the car?"

Xu Suyun asked immediately.

"Yes... yes." Gan Xiaowei lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

"Then what else did he say, I believe you must have been reluctant at the time?"

"Yes, I was very scared because of the detention. When I heard the lawyer's request, I wanted to object at first...but...but he threatened me, and said that if I didn't serve him well, I would put him in prison. I'll send it back..."

"Where are you going to send it back?"

"Send me back to the detention center, and put me in prison, I, I don't want to go to prison, so I can only..."

At the end of Gan Xiaowei's speech, she was almost crying.

She was really crying.

I just don't know if it's because I'm afraid of Tie Ruyun, or because I've lied and my conscience is disturbed...

"Oh, if you say that, doesn't it mean that the defendant not only wanted to do those things in the street, but also used the convenience of his own status to blackmail you with words?"

Xu Suyun said, looking at the dock, "Lawyer Tie is worthy of being a lawyer, he can't go to court, but he is very good at bullying a woman!"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei directly raised his hand and made a gesture of protest towards the trial seat, but he didn't get up.

Because veterans in the court know that this sentence was deliberately said by the prosecution, just to steal a chicken.

If the defense objects, the prosecution will also immediately...

"Oh, I take back what I just said!"

Xu Suyun immediately sneered and chose to take it back.

Although this sentence was interrupted by Zhang Wei's warning, it had an effect.

Seeing that in the jury seat, the originally sympathetic gaze towards Tie Ruyun gradually turned into suspicion.

Many of the jurors found that they might have misread the person.

When they think about it carefully, they are right.

This kind of thing depends on people, sometimes it comes on a whim, and it may...

Although the speech of the previous witness and the summary of the defense lawyer showed that human energy is limited, everyone is different after all.

Now the woman also said that Tie Ruyun might like to play this tune in the car.

As a result, the first witness was caught on the spot!

Get the stolen goods!

It turned out that the first witness really witnessed an illegal transaction.

The direction of the court has changed again.

This time, except for the 3 men in the jury seat, the remaining 9 women all looked at the dock with obvious or subtle eyes.

Xu Suyun also noticed the changes in the court at the first time, and at the same time she was secretly happy, she decided to expand the results of the battle.

"May I ask the witness, as far as you know, apart from threatening you, has the defendant also used the nature of his work to make similar threats to other women in your industry?"

Gan Xiaowei raised her head again and glanced at the dock.

She was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Yes, not only me, but also several sisters, who have also been threatened by him..."


What Xu Suyun wanted was an affirmative answer, so he pointed to Tie Ruyun and asked, "Is the person you mentioned threatening you and your sister the man sitting in the dock?"


Hearing this answer, Xu Suyun finally laughed.

There was an uproar in the courtroom.

The truth finally came out.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the hearing booth, and the reaction in the jury was strong.

In the back row of the hearing booth, the newcomers from the criminal department all showed helplessness and astonishment, and even the girls showed a hint of disdain.

"I didn't expect our boss to be such a person!"

"We misread you!"

"Boss Tie, this is the last time I will call you boss, if there is still a court session, please forgive me for not being there to support you!"

The confidence of the newcomers was also shaken, and they could not support from the bottom of their hearts a criminal who took advantage of his position to threaten prostitutes.

"very good!"

Similarly, some people were happy in the front row of the hearing.

One of them is naturally Guo Wufeng.

When he saw Gan Xiaowei explaining the situation in person, he was so happy that he almost stood up and applauded.

"Zhang Wei, let's see how you die now!"

In his heart, he wished to speed up time and let time come to the final ruling moment.

With the current trend of the court, once the verdict is entered, the defendant can be said to be 100% guilty.

Likewise, the location next door.

"As expected of Mrs. Xu, she really has the ability!"

Shin Zhengyi looked at the triumphant Xu Suyun in the field, and couldn't help giving her a thumbs up in his heart.

Didn't see the witness's statement, Zhang Wei didn't even have a word of objection?

What does this mean? It means that Zhang Wei has been manipulated by this woman.

"Boss Shen, looking at it this way, the prosecution has a great chance of winning!"

"Yes, boss, once Tie Ruyun is convicted, he will no longer be the boss of the criminal department, and the boss will even fire him himself!"

The combination of beasts and sluts has already begun to fantasize about how Tie Ruyun will be devastated after the trial is over.

"Don't worry, don't worry!" But Shen Zhengyi waved his hand, and raised his hand as a gesture.

"Boss, you order!" Wang Jianren and Li Qingshou immediately stepped forward.

"Let me just ask, if you can't handle the affairs on your side cleanly, don't let Zhang Wei get caught!"

"Boss, don't worry, things over there are fine."

Wang Jianren immediately patted his chest and promised, "This time it is my cousin who is in charge of the affairs. He is a member of the third master Bao. Who dares to touch him, let alone Zhang Wei. Even if someone from the serious crime team touches him, he must Take care of the people behind them!"

"Well, then I don't worry, since he belongs to Mr. Bao, Zhang Wei will not be able to move!"

Hearing Wang Jianren's assurance, Shen Zhengyi was relieved.

Since the person he arranges is his own, and he is also a member of Mr. Bao, then it will definitely be fine.

Because he knew that behind Third Master Bao, there was a big man.

That one is the legendary Tiger Lord!

in court.

The prosecution's heart was full of joy.

Chai Ping thought to himself, he deserves to be his master.

Next, please continue, but you must avenge me!

Xu Suyun was even more proud, but even though she was full of pride in her heart, her face was still as cold as frost.

Xu Shitai's skill in nourishing qi is not covered by it.

She took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and then said:

"Witness, thank you for your key testimony under a lot of pressure. I think the court has already understood how much determination you have put in and how much pressure you have endured to testify in court."

"But I want to tell you here, please rest assured, we will help you decide, all the faults should be borne by the defendant, the unscrupulous lawyer, you are not at fault."

"If you encounter similar oppression in the future, please don't be afraid, Judge Liu and I will make the decision for you!"

"Ah?" Judge Liu on the trial bench subconsciously froze for a moment.

You talk about yours well, why did it come to my head.

I still call the shots?

I can't even handle this small case right now, so don't let me get involved in anything else, can I confess first?

"Your Honor, I have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Finally, Xu Suyun finally finished asking questions, and walked back to the prosecution's seat as if triumphant.

Naturally, Chai Ping greeted her with admiring eyes.

"Since the prosecution has finished questioning, it's your turn for the defense..."

As the judge spoke, Zhang Wei also took a deep breath, and slowly got up.

Next, it's his turn!

Toothache, angry, high work pressure, very irritable... help

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