Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 319 Summon Chai Ping? win back

Zhang Wei's round.

He stood up slowly, ready to go to court.

But just when Zhang Wei was about to shout "My turn, draw a card", his right hand was suddenly grabbed.

It's an old man!

"Don't embarrass her too much!"

A whisper came into the ear.

"Old Tie, you..." Zhang Wei was stunned.

What's your situation, let me not embarrass the other party?

That's a witness for the prosecution, you call your defense lawyer, don't make it difficult for the witness for the prosecution?

This is not the same as when you go to the battlefield and tell your soldiers not to kill the enemy when they go out to fight.

This is simply putting the cart before the horse!

It is not difficult for a defense lawyer to serve as a witness for the prosecution, but how can he help his client fight for his interests?

"Old man, you make it difficult for me..."

"Don't embarrass her!"

Tie Ruyun's words were full of requests.

He held Zhang Wei's hand and would not let go.

Zhang Wei saw a pair of eyes, the eyes were particularly determined, as if he saw soldiers who were fighting to the death.

After a long stalemate, Zhang Wei finally let go: "I'll try my best..."

The hand that was holding his right hand was finally released slowly.

This scene naturally made others puzzled.

Why is Zhang Wei still not in court? What is he doing?

But he himself was also puzzled, old iron, old iron, I didn't expect you to feel compassion at this time.

He complained wildly in his heart, if you can show this kind of momentum in normal times, how can you always be the door of the litigation department?

If you can show this kind of momentum, let alone the combination of beasts and sluts, maybe even Boss Shen dare not despise you, right?

It's a pity that Tie Ruyun was only tough once in a while.

After hearing Zhang Wei's promise, he returned to his role as a decadent middle-aged man.

And Zhang Wei finally went to court.

The audience held their breath, waiting for Zhang Wei to make a move.

"Hello, Gan Xiaowei!"

"You... hello..."

Looking at Zhang Wei, Gan Xiaowei's complexion was very bad.

There is both fear, anxiety, and a little nervousness.

"This kind of person is easy to break the defense!"

Seeing Gan Xiaowei's behavior like this, Zhang Wei said, I can break defense against this woman in minutes.

Just let me ask a few questions in a row, and then cooperate with some of my methods to put some pressure on the other party, and it will definitely reap results.

But when he thought that Tie Ruyun was almost begging him, he could only sigh inwardly.

Old iron, old iron, you have given me a problem...

"Gan Xiaowei, do you know my client?"


"According to my client, the two of you have known each other for five years. When you first entered the Liuying industry, he filed a lawsuit for the sake of it, and he didn't confiscate any money from that lawsuit. You, you also solved the case for you?"

"Yes, it is."

Gan Xiaowei lowered her head in embarrassment, her voice was as low as a mosquito moan.

"Can you answer louder, I'm afraid the jury won't hear you!"

Zhang Wei suddenly increased his tone.

But he complained in his heart, if it was a real cross-examination, I would directly roar and use a lion's roar to frighten me.

The effect must be better!

"Ah... oh... I see, I say yes!"

Gan Xiaowei was taken aback by Zhang Wei's reminder, but she nodded quickly.

"With the first time, there will be the second time. Do you remember how many times he helped you during these five years?"

"I..." Gan Xiaowei couldn't answer, she was at a loss for words.

"Let me guess, why did you testify in court..."

Zhang Wei said, suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately changed his words: "Oh, no, I used the wrong words, I apologize, your actions are not testimonials, but slander!"

"Let me guess, why did you appear in court to slander my client? You were threatened, or..."

He looked at the prosecutor's seat and at Xu Suyun, "Or, you made a deal with the prosecutor?"

As soon as this remark came out, nothing changed in the courtroom, but Xu Suyun frowned slightly.

Things like doing transactions cannot be discussed on the table.

"Gan Xiaowei, you have been a wandering warbler for five years. Although you were caught by the field work many times, it was an attempted act. Most of the crimes were based on criticism and education. The crimes were relatively minor, and you were not even punished."

"But according to the records kept by the Civil Investigation Division, I found out that you have two completed records. In other words, if you have a third record on your body, based on the cumulative calculation of criminal acts, then you will go to jail, isn't that right?"

"I... I haven't studied law... I don't know how to answer you..."

"It's okay, you don't understand, but someone understands!"

Zhang Wei chuckled and glanced at the prosecutor's seat.

"Then let's be straightforward, and I won't talk to you about what's there or what's not!"

He waved his hand and walked straight to the witness stand.

"Gan Xiaowei, have you reached an agreement with the prosecution to testify against my client in court, and the prosecution will let you come to court to testify against my client on trumped-up charges on the condition that you will be spared from prison?"


Gan Xiaowei immediately raised her head and looked at the prosecution seat.

What she saw was Xu Suyun's cold eyes and a slight shaking of his head.

"No... there is no such thing!"

This was Gan Xiaowei's answer, but it did not exceed Zhang Wei's expectations.

In fact, only half of his attention was on this woman, and the rest was usually followed by the other party's gaze, also locked on the prosecution seat.

"Are you sure?"


Gan Xiaowei denied it again, with a firm attitude.

"Then I understand!"

Zhang Wei spit out a word slowly.

This sentence made Xu Suyun on the prosecutor's seat frowned, and Chai Ping beside him let out a sigh of relief.

"But if you understand it, you understand it, I'm not someone who can suffer!"

Zhang Wei's next sentence made the two people on the prosecution table frown again.

"Judge Liu, I believe you have also heard what the prosecution witness said?"

"Well, did I hear it?" Judge Liu was stunned. I was sitting in the trial seat, how could I not hear it.

But shouldn't you ask the jury box?

Ask them if they can hear you, and ask me why?

Zhang Wei asked this question, and he still asked the judge, so he naturally had his intentions.

And his intention is...

"Judge Liu, since you have heard everything, the defense needs to summon an emergency witness for the question just now!"

"Emergency witness?" Judge Liu was stunned, and hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"He's in court, and on the prosecution bench!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand to accuse Fang Xi, with a sneer on his face, "Has the prosecution reached some kind of agreement with the witness Gan Xiaowei on this case, just ask someone to come up and ask, don't you know?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Judge Liu thought inwardly, "Good guy!"

You have started to make a show of it!

You actually summoned the prosecution, you are really audacious!

Zhang Wei's show operation also caused an uproar in the court.

The jury was fine. After all, they were ordinary people. Although they didn't understand Zhang Wei's operation, they didn't show too much surprise.

But on the hearing stand, there are quite a few people who are knowledgeable.

At this moment, when they heard that Zhang Wei was going to summon the prosecution to testify in court, they all opened their mouths in surprise, and couldn't even close them for a long time.

Summoning the prosecution to testify in court, is this a job that ordinary people can do?

Well, Zhang Wei is not an ordinary person, and it is not the first time he has done this.

"Fuck, this kid actually..."

If you want to say who reacted the most in the hearing booth, it would naturally be Guo Wufeng.

He immediately realized that Zhang Wei was really daring, and he was still a repeat offender.

I still remember Zhang Wei's first fight against the local prosecutor's headquarters, against Tan Yingying.

That case left a deep impression on Tan Yingying.

In the end, Zhang Wei's show operation, also known as "God's Hand", was to summon Tan Yingying, the prosecutor, to testify in court.

At the last moment, Tan Yingying even cried when asked, and answered questions in court crying.

But now, I didn't expect that Zhang Wei would make a fuss and want to summon Mrs. Xu in court!

"Objection!" Xu Suyun immediately got up and protested.

"I am the prosecutor of this case, and I am also the prosecutor of the case. I have no reason to accept such an unreasonable request!"

But Zhang Wei had expected this answer a long time ago, and immediately sneered, pointing to the position next to Mrs. Xu: "Mr. Xu, I am not going to summon you, but the person next to you!"

"Chai Ping?"


The two were stunned one after another, especially Chai Ping himself, whose eyes widened with disbelief.

Why did you summon me, I just followed the master to observe and study.


This is an indiscriminate disaster!

"Your Excellency, the witness clearly stated that he did not reach a deal with the prosecution, and I have doubts about this statement, so in order to resolve this doubt, please ask Prosecutor Chai Ping to help us verify this matter as an emergency witness, is that okay? "

Seeing that Zhang Wei spoke seriously, Judge Liu only hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Prosecutor Chai, if you have nothing to do, please come up and answer our doubts!"


Chai Ping looked at his master as if asking for help, but it was a pity that Xu Suyun couldn't refute.

She is the prosecution representative, but her apprentice is not!

Theoretically, if one's apprentice is summoned, he needs to testify in court.

So, she just shook her head and said there was nothing she could do.

"Gan Xiaowei, you can go to the prosecution witness stand and wait!" Judge Liu asked Gan Xiaowei to leave the witness stand to make room for Chai Ping.

Not long after, the witness stand was replaced, and Chai Ping sat up.

"Hello, Prosecutor Chai."

Zhang Wei smiled and greeted someone on the witness stand, but in exchange for that, he rolled his eyes.

Anyone who is summoned to court for no reason will not have a good face.

But Zhang Wei doesn't need Chai Ping's good looks, he just needs the other party's cooperation.

"Since you don't respond, I'll call you a witness!"

Zhang Wei said, his face tensed suddenly, "Witness, please tell me, where are you sitting now?"

"Witness stand!" Chai Ping said angrily.

"Wrong, you are sitting in court now, and the witness stand is under your butt!"

Zhang Wei asked solemnly: "Witness, please tell me, what is the price of perjury in court?"


As perjury, Chai Ping naturally knew what was at stake, but he didn't want to answer this question.

"If you don't say it, then let me say it. Once you lie in court and we find evidence to prove it, then you will be convicted of perjury in court and will be fined 3-7 years in prison."

"As the prosecutor of the Midtown District Prosecutor's Office and the defender of judicial power, once you give false testimony in court, you will be guilty of knowingly breaking the law, and the crime will be aggravated. The maximum penalty is 10 years in prison. Do you know that?"

Chai Ping suddenly fell silent.

"Witness, you have sworn, I believe you will not lie in court, right?"

Although Zhang Wei was smiling, there was a knife hidden in his smile.

"I...I definitely won't..." Chai Ping had no choice but to answer like this.

"That's good, let's get started!"

Zhang Wei said, raising a finger, "I only have one question, and that is about the prosecution witness Gan Xiaowei, did your prosecution reach a deal with her for testifying against my client in this case?"

The eyes of the audience, along with the question, turned to Chai Ping.

Chai Ping felt the hot sight around him, and felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his butt was a little itchy.

He looked at the prosecution seat, Xu Suyun was expressionless.

"I..." Chai Ping opened his mouth, but he thought of Zhang Wei's warning just now.

He was suffering a lot in his heart, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Witness, is this question difficult to answer? Yes, yes, no, no. How simple is it?"

Zhang Wei made a joke, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Witness, please answer this question!"

Judge Liu also immediately urged, this question is not difficult, why are you still hesitating, just tell the truth?

Is it hard to be honest?

This question is not easy to answer.

Because let's be honest, sometimes it's hard.

But at this moment, Chai Ping was caught in a dilemma.

He can't lie, because if he lies in court, once it is found out, his life will be over.

But if he didn't lie, his testimony would be extremely detrimental to Xu Suyun.

"Witness, please answer this question!"

Suddenly, Zhang Wei yelled sharply, then pointed at Chai Ping and asked, "Has your prosecution reached any kind of deal with Gan Xiaowei?"

This sudden move made Chai Ping tremble all over in fright, almost peeing in fear.

In the end, under multiple pressures and fear of perjury, Chai Ping had no choice but to admit: "There is..."

"Speak up, say it again, you speak in such a low voice, like a bitch!" Zhang Wei refused to let go, and drank again.

"Yes, we have reached a deal with Gan Xiaowei!"

This time, Chai Ping finally answered loudly.

Since you've accepted it, it doesn't matter.

"Oh, so you have reached a deal, let me guess, as long as Gan Xiaowei testifies against my client in court, then you can prosecute her for the third time for being suspected of prostitution, isn't that true?"


"It's your master Xu Suyun who proposed the deal, isn't it?"


"Then, in my opinion, your master Xu Suyun is a veteran at threatening others. This method is really good at using it~"


Chai Ping mechanically answered, but then realized that the last question seemed not a problem, so he reacted immediately.

"Ah, no, I said no, no, no, my master is not that kind of person!"

"Oh, your master is not that kind of person~"

Zhang Wei joked again, his face full of jokes.

It's like, the wife caught the cheating husband and his lover, and even if the husband took off his clothes and got into bed with his lover, he kept shaking his head and said that he was not that kind of person, they were just ordinary friends.

Who would believe it!

Anyway, Zhang Wei would definitely not believe it.

"I..." Chai Ping opened his mouth, about to explain.

"Thank you for the witness's answer. If your master doesn't want to cross-examine you, then you can leave the meeting!"

But Zhang Wei didn't give him a chance to explain, and asked him to leave directly.

Will Xu Suyun question Chai Ping, of course not.

Judge Liu looked at the prosecution seat, Xu Suyun shook his head with a cold face.

Judge Liu understood, and immediately announced: "Witnesses can leave the meeting, please Gan Xiaowei to appear in court again!"

Chai Ping could only return to the prosecution seat with apologies, but he didn't even dare to look at his master.

And Gan Xiaowei sat on the witness stand again.

"Gan Xiaowei, Gan Xiaowei, I'll give you a chance and you're useless!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"What did you say just now, that there was no deal with the prosecution, and now you still stick to that statement?"

"I..." Gan Xiaowei was speechless for a moment.

You have asked other prosecutors to testify, what else can I do?

"Now that we all know that you testified in court for yourself, can we doubt that you will slander others for your own freedom?"

"Isn't your accusation against my client unfounded and imposed on my client for your own freedom? Don't you dare say so?"

Gan Xiaowei dared not answer this question.

But in fact, she didn't need to answer, because everyone in court already knew the answer.

The answer is already obvious.

For yourself, you will obviously betray other people, even Tie Ruyun who has been helping you.

Zhang Wei got angry and yelled loudly in court: "Gan Xiaowei, your testimony is not convincing at all. Your previous accusations are all slander. You have disappointed my client very much!"

"To be honest, I also feel worthless for Lao Tie. He has helped you so much, but he didn't expect to help you like a white-eyed wolf. You actually did this kind of thing for yourself, you..."

"be opposed to!"

Just when Zhang Wei was speaking righteously and preparing to impassionedly reprimand Gan Xiaowei, Xu Suyun interrupted immediately.

If Zhang Wei continues to play this role, the role of prosecution witnesses will become smaller and smaller.

Of course, she knew in her heart that after Chai Ping admitted that there was a deal, Gan Xiaowei's testimony was no longer convincing.

"Well, since the prosecution is interrupted, then I don't bother to train you!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and looked towards the trial seat.

"Judge Liu, we have no questions to ask about this lying witness!"

After he finished speaking, he walked straight back to the defense bench.

When Tie Ruyun saw Zhang Wei coming back, he sat there and sighed.

Although he knew that Zhang Wei did this for his own benefit, but he didn't need to say those words at the last moment.

But now that he has said it all, he can't stop it.

And compared to other cases, this time Zhang Wei obviously kept his hand.

If it was before, Gan Xiaowei would have already broken her defense in court, and even confessed with tears.

Tie Ruyun had no doubt that if he hadn't asked Zhang Wei to keep his hand, he would really have done so.

Fortunately, the interrogation was over.

And with Zhang Wei's action, the wind direction of the court also changed at this moment.

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