Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Happy Labor day! Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a monthly pass, sprint activity!

There are additional updates for completing objectives!

Cough cough, close to home, today is Labor Day...

Labor Day is a holiday for our workers. The author Jun here wishes all readers a happy holiday!

Of course, this year's Labor Day holiday, we have to respond to the call of the country and celebrate the holidays nearby. Don't just go out casually and cause chaos to the country's epidemic prevention work. Everyone can play at your doorstep.

The author Jun naturally responded to the call, honestly coded at home, and updated readers.

I just had my teeth pulled out yesterday, and it still hurts a bit, but when I think of the readers, the author even endures the pain and wants to update it for everyone! (ω)

Finally, ask for a monthly pass!

The author set up a monthly ticket sprint for May 1, and after completing the 3000 monthly ticket sprint in the event, I will give you 3 more chapters!

Even if he is enduring the pain and the loneliness of not being able to go out to play on May Day, the author will code it up for everyone!

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