Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 322 Terrifying Xia Qianyue, the competition is over

Two contests have been completed, with one win and one loss, and the situation is quite tense.

And now there will be a third game.

This time, both sides became tense.

"Master, are you sure?"

"Master Leopard, are you asking me a question?"

Facing Third Master Bao's question, Master Zhagu raised his slightly white eyebrows.

Guys, who do you look down on?

Who am I, I am Master Zaku!

"Oh, sorry, I was too nervous!"

It was only then that Third Master Bao remembered, what kind of person is this person in front of him, and it was really stupid to ask this question by himself.

Master Zaku, that is the master of martial arts in their country, a master figure who has been treated by the head of the country.

And he has been interviewed by many foreign media, and he is also well-known in the international martial arts circle.

Such a person can already be described as a master... no, a martial arts master.

How can a master of martial arts be invincible in the face of a yellow-haired girl with no hair at all?

the other side.

"Hanhan, are you sure?"

"Zhang Wei, are you asking me a question?"

Facing Zhang Wei's question, Xia Qianyue raised her delicate eyebrows.

Guys, who do you look down on?

Who am I, I am Xia Qianyue!

"Oh, sorry, I was too nervous!"

It was only then that Zhang Wei remembered, what kind of person is this person in front of him? It was really stupid to ask this question by himself.

Xia Qianyue, that is the person he knows with the most terrifying force value, and he has never seen anyone who can block her punch.

If so, then give it another punch.

All in all, as the most terrifying existence on Zhang Wei's side, she has the terrifying nickname of a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

How can such a person be afraid of a bad old man?

However, Zhang Wei felt that Master Zaku should not be an ordinary person.

But in order not to hurt Xia Qianyue's self-confidence, he still leaned forward, pointed to the opposite side and said, "Hanhan, if you really fight that old man, how many tricks do you think you can win?"


Xia Qianyue's eyes locked on Master Zaku, "I actually checked it with my eyes just now, and the density of Qi on the other side is not bad. If he can hide, it may take a little effort!"

"Then what if you don't hide?"

"Don't hide?"

Xia Qianyue blinked, a little surprised.

Will people stand stupidly and let you hit them, and then don't hide?

But she still speculated and replied: "If you don't hide, maybe, maybe, probably, I can handle it with one punch!"



Seeing Xia Qianyue nodding and responding seriously, Zhang Wei hurried forward again.

"Hanhan, let me ask you, if we operate like this, are you sure..."

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, Xia Qianyue blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

But after hearing Zhang Wei's idea, she immediately lost her shyness like a little girl and thought again.

"Well, yes, I'm fine!"

After listening to Zhang Wei's attention, Xia Qianyue immediately glanced at Master Zaku again, then nodded solemnly.

"you sure?"

"Very sure!"

Xia Qianyue answered in an affirmative tone, which also made Zhang Wei know.


Zhang Wei took a step forward and shouted to Master Zaku: "Master, we have a proposal!"

As soon as this remark came out, Third Master Bao immediately took a step forward, "Why, do you want to go back on your word?"

He could see that Zhang Wei's party was definitely cowardly.

Seeing that their own master Zaku was about to play, they obviously felt the pressure and were ready to go back on their word.

Don't think that I don't know what you guys are going to do. My third master Bao has been on the road for so many years. Who are you kidding with your little thoughts?

"You guys misunderstood, I don't want to go back on my word, I just want to modify the rules of the competition!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly explained, and pointed to the sky at the same time, "Look, it's getting late now, everyone is busy going back to rest, or let's make a quick decision!"

"How about a quick fight?" Third Master Bao immediately asked.

"It's very simple. The last representative sent by our two sides only uses moves and parries during the contest. They can't choose to move and dodge. The two sides take turns to use a move. If they can't defeat the opponent, they will switch to the opponent!"

"No dodging, only being beaten, taking turns to move?"

After hearing this, Third Master Leopard exchanged a glance with Master Zaku.

What kind of comparison is this, everyone standing and being beaten by each other?

"Boy, are you hiding a trick to let Master Zaku suffer from your beating for nothing?"

"Everyone misunderstood, this time we came here with sincerity, so we will let Master Zaku make the first move!"

Just when Master Bao was suspicious, Zhang Wei responded immediately.

"Go first?"

Third Master Leopard was finally stunned, the conditions offered by the other side are too good, right?

Let Master Zaku make the move first, and he can't dodge. Doesn't this mean that he has given the opportunity to make the first move to his own side?

"Master, you..."

"Third Master Bao, I know what you're going to ask, but if the opponent really doesn't dodge, I can end the game with one move!"

Master Zaku said, his face was full of confidence.


Who am I?

I am Master Zaku, a martial arts master who is well-known throughout Blue Star.

You let a little girl compete with me now, and you are planning to compete with me in a round of moves. Both sides can't dodge?

Isn't this looking down on me?

Seeing that Master Bao did not answer, Master Zhagu immediately urged: "Master Bao, promise him!"


Third Master Bao did not hesitate, because no matter how it sounds, this rule is beneficial to his own side.

"Well, we agreed to your boy's request, but don't go back on your word. So many of us are staring at you, if you go back on your word, I'll have your juice!"

"Of course, I, Zhang Wei, am very trustworthy!"

Hearing that Mr. Bao agreed, Zhang Wei also smiled.

After some "friendly negotiations" between the two sides, the rules were changed.

Xia Qianyue and Master Zhagu each took a few steps forward and came to the arena.

Xia Qianyue's wrist was obviously ready to accept the move.

As for Master Zaku, there was a hint of a smile on his face, because he wanted to use the next move to finish off the other party!

"Little girl, it looks like you don't know what you will face next!"

As he spoke, he uncovered the robe he was wearing, and then flung it violently.

In an instant, a body covered in hideous wounds appeared in front of everyone.

Master Zaku is nearly a hundred years old, and his figure is not slender and thin, with undulating muscles on his chest and arms.

Of course, the scars full of stories are even more attractive.

"I have practiced martial arts for 60 years, and I have experienced more than a thousand battles in my life. Whether it is martial arts attainments or combat experience, I can kill you a few streets in seconds!"

"Little girl, it's still too late for you to admit defeat. I don't want to use my true skills to defeat a brat who doesn't even have a concept of Qi. It will make me feel boring!"

Xia Qianyue didn't take Master Zaku's words very seriously, but she was still moving her body and warming up.


Seeing that Xia Qianyue didn't take her "good advice" seriously, Master Zhagu stared immediately with a beard and a little displeasure on his face.

"Since you insist on this, then I will let you, little girl, see what a martial arts master is!"

Because Master Zaku made the move first, he was naturally ready to kill the opponent with one blow.

And this little girl's attitude also made him feel disrespected.

Master Zaku decided to use all his strength in this move!


With one foot slamming on the ground, a burst of air roared.

Master Zhagu put his legs into a horse stance, clasped his palms together, and mobilized the Qi in his whole body in an instant.


Under the mobilization of qi, his beard rose upward in a way that violated Newton's theorem, and the qi on his body and the air around him also rose in reverse.

"Damn it, Saiyans!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei immediately thought of the explosion of a certain anime protagonist. The appearance of Master Zaku at this moment is definitely comparable to that of a Saiyan.

Zhang Wei regretted it. Why did he have to respect the old and love the young? Why didn't he insist on the principle of women first and let Xia Qianyue take the lead.

If the look on the opposite side is really as powerful as the anime, Hanhan will definitely not be able to take it.

But in the arena, Xia Qianyue looked very relaxed when facing the explosive master Zaku, but also made a preparatory move to parry.

"Little girl, accept the move!"

After the detonation was over, Master Zaku let out a loud shout, his legs stomped on the ground again, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.


In the air, the roar of a sonic plane galloping across the sky could be vaguely heard, and at the same time the ground exploded, and a figure rushed out like lightning.

Master Zhagu's blow brought up a gust of wind, even blowing away the third master Bao and others behind him.

They secretly shouted good guy!

Isn't Master Zaku's fighting power too high? Is this still human?

In the field, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

30 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, 1 meter...

The two meet!


The third wave of air burst out, and there was a heavy sound like the beating of a Huanglu bell.

Needless to say, Master Zaku and Xia Qianyue must have fought each other, or according to the rules, Master Zaku's attack hit Xia Qianyue.

Because the rules cannot be dodged, the latter can only take Master Zaku's shocking blow.

"Ahem, cough, why is there so much smoke?"

Zhang Wei waved his hand quickly, trying to disperse the smoke in front of him, and looked towards the field.

The smoke and dust dispersed faintly under the breeze, and the two figures in the field gradually became clear.

I saw the two people in the field, all maintaining a fighting posture, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

Xia Qianyue crossed her arms, making a parrying movement, while Master Zaku's palms pressed firmly on the pair of slender crossed arms.

The two of them remained motionless, but Zhang Wei saw two 2-meter-long pits dragged out of the ground under Xia Qianyue's feet.

That's a cement floor, not a mud floor, but a concrete floor, and it's all like this.

If this attack hits an ordinary person, wouldn't it directly smash the body to pieces?

But what was the result?

Xia Qianyue actually blocked Master Zaku's attack.

"How can it be!"

In the rear, Third Master Bao and the others were all stunned.

"How can it be?"

In the arena, Master Zaku's eyes widened with astonishment.

He couldn't figure out how the little girl in front of him took his attack.

This is not scientific!

blah... blah...

But in the next moment, his astonishment turned into pain, and at the same time, the skin on the surface of his hands exploded, and the flesh and blood flew away, and the blood gushed like a fountain.

There is another Newton's theorem, the action of force is reciprocal.

When you punch someone, it means that someone punches you.

Similarly, Master Zaku's attack hit Xia Qianyue's crossed arms, and Xia Qianyue's attack hit Master Zaku's palm with similar force.

The body of the latter is obviously not as strong as the former.


Master Zhagu yelled again, and flew back.

But he yelled that because of the severe pain from the injury.

As he retreated, he picked up the robe on the ground, tore off the corner of the robe and wrapped it around his hands to stop the bleeding.

"Master Zaku, it's my turn to make a move..."

But the next moment, under Xia Qianyue's words, his old face couldn't hold back at all.


Forgot about this.

His move is over, and the result is obvious.

The girl is not only fine, but also has the strength to ask him this question.


"Master, then I'm here, accept the move!"

Just as Master Zhagu was about to open his mouth to say something, he saw Xia Qianyue on the opposite side clenched his fists and rushed out like a cheetah.

While sprinting, her speed gradually increased, and the energy around her suddenly exploded, turning into the posture of a fierce tiger.

"Damn it, the qi is transformed!"

Seeing this scene, Master Zaku was horrified.

What kind of novice is this damn, this damn is a humanoid tyrannosaurus, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

"What should I do, do I want to escape?"

"If you avoid it, wouldn't my master's face be lost..."

"If you don't avoid it, how can I survive with this move..."

Facing the mighty blow of the opponent, in the heart of Master Zaku, there is a battle between heaven and man.

And as Xia Qianyue approached, his body was retreating uncontrollably under the impact of the blow.

It wasn't that he wanted to retreat, but that the wind pressure was so strong that he could hardly stand up, and the wind pressure made him unable to open his eyes.

But Master Zaku knew that this was not the limit of the opponent's strength.

The opponent's strongest strength is the moment when he moves close to him.

But now he felt that it was difficult, and the last blow was absolutely irresistible.

The distance between the two is also shortening rapidly.

50 meters, 10 meters, 2 meters...


Just when Master Zhagu could clearly sense that the tiger was approaching and he had to make a final decision, he finally let out a sharp shout.

Just like that, Xia Qianyue also responded.

At the critical moment, her fist stopped an inch in front of Master Zaku's forehead.


A wave of air surged, swept across the area behind Master Zaku, and brought about a violent storm.

On the sea in the rear, the waves surged up, separated layer by layer, and turned into diffuse white and turbid spray.

Even if this punch hits the air, the wind and waves it brings up are so powerful.




This scene made Zhang Wei on the side, including Third Master Bao and others, all stunned, and countless people gasped subconsciously.

So scary!

So scary!

Is that human being?

Are you sure this isn't a scene only found in fantasy novels?


Master Zaku finally breathed a sigh of relief, because the strength of this blow was all behind him.

The crackling sound of air tearing echoed in his ears, and it was hard to imagine that this was something that ordinary people could make with their fists.

On the sea behind, the waves have not subsided.

At the same time, what didn't subside was the panic and fear in Master Zaku's heart.

His facial muscles twitched uncontrollably.

If this punch hit him, it is estimated that his two apprentices would not need to think about whether to take the ashes back.

Because of that punch, he was already crushed.


Master Zaku coughed to cover up his inner fear.

"Little friend's skill is so shameless..."

He said, holding his trembling legs with his hands that were still bleeding.

"Today's martial arts competition, this old man thinks he missed you, so let's not mention the result..."

If you don’t say anything, it doesn’t mean you haven’t lost~

Anyway, I didn’t say that I lost, what you think is all your business, it has nothing to do with me~

Master Zaku smiled slightly, waved his hands, and walked towards the positions of his two apprentices.

"The old man is just a little tired, let's stop here for today's competition!"

Flash, flash!

Master Zaku now only wants to go to the hotel to stay, he wants to take a good bath, and change his pants by the way.

At the last moment of life and death just now, he couldn't hold back for a while, he really peed...

Take advantage of the fact that no one else is aware of it now, so hurry up and dodge first.


But just as Master Zaku was about to run away, Zhang Wei interrupted him suddenly.

"Since the master admits that he has lost, then our bet!"

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

Master Zhagu denies Sanlian in his heart. This is what you think, but I didn't say anything.

But seeing that Xia Qianyue was also looking at him, Master Zaku couldn't refute, otherwise he was afraid that the opponent would have another round of competition.

"This little friend's skill really impresses this old man. The result of this competition is already obvious. This old man is ashamed of himself!"

Master Zhagu recognized it, so it was the turn of Third Master Bao and the others to get restless.

"Boss, don't abandon me!" Sang Biao was definitely the most afraid.

Seeing Zhang Wei's side staring at him, he was terrified.


"A Biao, don't worry, I won't abandon you!"


"When will you come back, you know where to find me..."

"Boss, you..."

"What are you, you are willing to bet and admit defeat, do you know that!"

Facing Sangbiao's pleading, Third Master Bao turned his head, and his tone suddenly became extremely cold.


Didn't you see people looking over?

He suspected that if he said "no" casually, he wouldn't be able to leave today.

That punch was almost in the air. If it hit him, wouldn't everyone be gone?

So, Ah Biao!

Some things, you have to learn to bear by yourself.

"A Biao, don't worry, my Third Master Bao promises you, as long as you can come back alive, I will always leave a place for you under my command."


Sangbiao was about to cry, but unfortunately he was not moved.

He doesn't dare to run now, because his legs are weak, how can he run?

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue also walked in front of him with smiles on their faces.

"A Biao, come with us, there are some things we need to ask you clearly!"

"Two heroes, heroine, I listen to you..."

Sangbiao forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and followed Zhang Wei and his party.

Seeing Zhang Wei and the others leave, Third Master Bao and Master Zaku all heaved a sigh of relief.

"Master, where are we going now?"

"I'm going to the hotel... No, I'm going to the men's clothing store!"

"Ah, what are you doing at the men's clothing store?"

"I'm going to buy a new pair of pants..."

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