Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 323 Tie Ruyun proves himself, Xu Suyun makes a move

Friday, 1:30 p.m.

There are 30 minutes left until today's court session.

In the defense preparation room, Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun are preparing.

"Zhang Wei, is it necessary to be so formal?"

In the preparation room, apart from Kai Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun, there is also a professional hairdresser.

He is cutting and styling Tie Ruyun's hair, and even applying hairspray.

"Old man, this is your unprofessional..."

Zhang Wei said in a very experienced tone: "Today you are going to testify in court, and the image of the witness will directly affect the jury's impression of you!"

"That's not necessary. I think it's fine to wear a formal suit. There's no need to do your hair. Do you still need to use hairspray?"

As Tie Ruyun spoke, his head was held down by the stylist, and a pair of hairspray was squeezed onto his hair.

The stylist was fully fired, and Tie Ruyun's head was like a boat in the wind and waves, drifting with the current.

After 10 minutes, the stylist wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally called it a day.

"How about it, is it okay?"

Zhang Wei took out a small mirror and let Tie Ruyun look at his hairstyle by himself.

"It's a bit fancy, and I even dyed my hair a little bit, isn't it too much?"

"No, no, this is the effect you want!"

Faced with Tie Ruyun's worries, Zhang Wei laughed, "Don't forget, you want to make a good impression today, this look is a must!"

"Besides, this stylist is very expensive. The service fee for one outing costs tens of thousands of yuan. You don't want my money to be wasted, do you?"


Tie Ruyun pouted, somewhat disapproving.

Although he had heard that one should pay attention to appearance when appearing in court, but Zhang Wei's appearance was obviously a bit too much.

I don't know, I thought I was going on a blind date?

"Whether it's the QJ case or the PC case, the man's style is always the most important."

But Zhang Wei popularized science at this moment: "As long as you dress decently and give people a positive and sunny appearance, then the probability of your guilt is only 30%!"

"On the contrary, if your clothes are sloppy, your face is gloomy, and your spirit is low, the probability of guilt is close to 90%!"

"Although the verdict is based on the evidence, the jury is more based on the face. You have to understand this!"

Tie Ruyun didn't take it seriously, he thought Zhang Wei was bragging.

"Old Tie, for your own future, please be positive and sunny, is that okay?"

As Zhang Wei said, he leaned in front of Tie Ruyun, "If we win the case today, I'll invite you for the first three rounds of wine tonight!"

"Hey, who wants to drink with you?"

Tie Ruyun shook his head.

It's no fun drinking with you kid, I don't need it.

"By the way, your boy said that he has found the evidence, is it true?"

"Of course, old iron, how could I lie to you!"

Faced with Tie Ruyun's worries, Zhang Wei waved his hands with a relaxed expression.

"This time, not only did I know what happened in the case, but I even found the real mastermind behind the attack on you. Just wait and see, the trial will be very exciting later!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's expression, Tie Ruyun felt heart palpitations for no reason.

He always felt that someone was going to be unlucky.

"It's almost time now, let's go to court!"

"Oh well!"

After a little grooming, the two walked out of the preparation room and headed to the courtroom.


Court scene.

Many people came.

In the front row of the hearing booth, the new recruits from the local prosecutor's headquarters and the criminal department fought against each other. They almost occupied half of the hearing booth.

The newcomers on both sides follow the lead.

Guo Wufeng took the lead at the local prosecutor's headquarters, while Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng took the lead at the criminal department.

Guo Wufeng stared at the two little girls on the opposite side.

But Li Yueqin wasn't afraid of him. Although Lin Yumeng was a little scared, but now that everyone was watching the battle and didn't need to go to court, she wasn't afraid anymore.

So the two sides stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and neither of them accepted the other.

On the prosecution table, Xu Suyun sat alone.

But Chai Ping did not sit in the prosecution seat this time, but sat in the hearing stand, and was in the back row of the hearing stand.

In yesterday's court trial, Zhang Wei finally summoned Chai Ping, and his testimony made master Xu Suyun feel bad.

This apprentice will only cause trouble for himself, so why not go to the auditorium!

In the center of the hearing booth, Jincheng Law Firm also came.

It's a pity that it was Shen Zhengyi who came with the combination of dog legs, beasts and sluts.

Although they came to watch the trial on behalf of Jincheng in name, only they knew what was going on behind the scenes.

"Today is the final trial, right?"

"This Tie Ruyun is estimated to be detained for a few days, but although the case is small, the impact is not small!"

"The big boss values ​​his own face the most. If something like this happens inside the law firm, he will definitely deal with it seriously!"

"Don't talk about that Tie Ruyun at that time, maybe even Zhang Wei will get out!"

Speaking of this, Shin Zhengyi showed a smile of conspiracy success on his face.

The plan this time, I thought it was just to create some trouble for Tie Ruyun and the other.

He didn't expect the benefits brought by the plan to be so great that he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the door of the court opened, and Zhang Wei walked into the scene with Tie Ruyun.

The eyes of the audience immediately looked at the two of them.

And Zhang Wei's eyes, after scanning the people in the hearing booth, nodded towards the newcomers headed by Li Yueqin, and then smiled at Guo Wufeng.

But his smile was exchanged for Guo Wufeng's eyes full of killing intent.

He will never forget that Zhang Wei summoned his old father to court and then humiliated him in court.

Zhang Wei didn't care. After saying hello to Lao Guo, his eyes fixed on the three of Shen Zhengyi.

"Well done, you guys are really here, and it will save me wasting time!"

Zhang Wei was not surprised to see the three of Shen Zhengyi present.

Today is the last day of the trial of this case, and they must be present.

And because of their presence, today's case will definitely end.

Thinking of this, he and Tie Ruyun sat on the defense bench and began to wait for the hearing.

2 o'clock sharp.

"stand up!"

Following the court guard's announcement, Judge Liu walked into the courtroom.

He also swept around the hearing booth, and at the same time secretly said, "Good guy."

Sure enough, so many people came again.

This is not a big case, it is just an ordinary PC case, and it is still attempted.

Every time you engage in such a big battle, I feel a lot of pressure in my heart.

I think back when I was in the small court in the country, how many people came every time there was a court session?

There are more than 20 seats in the hearing booth, which may not be full.

You are outrageous, it is also a small case, and as a result, forty or fifty seats in the hearing booth are almost full.

However, he remained calm, his eyes swept to both the prosecution and the defense, and then to the jury.

After confirming that all the key people were present, he immediately struck the hammer: "This court announces that the indictment of Jincheng Law Firm lawyer Tie Ruyun by the Zhongcheng District Prosecutor's Office will continue today!"

"Yesterday, the prosecution has informed the court to end its testimony, so today it's the defense's turn to speak!"

"Thank you Judge Liu!"

Zhang Wei got up immediately and expressed his thanks.

"This court summons defendant Tie Ruyun to testify in court!"

As he spoke, he patted Tie Ruyun's shoulder, and the two walked into the court at the same time.

"Oh, you even made a shape?"

At the prosecution's seat, Xu Suyun also noticed the strangeness of the defense.

She saw that Tie Ruyun was wearing a trendy blue suit, discounted brightly colored leaders, and even had his hair done.

"Is this because the donkey is at the end of its rope and chooses to use image points to save it?"

As a seasoned prosecutor, Xu Suyun certainly knew what this move meant.

Taking the jury's impression points often means that the defense lawyer has run out of recruits, trying to use a little image change to win over the jury.

Of course, the effect of this trick is actually limited.

Xu Suyun looked at the jury box.

12 jurors, 3 men and 9 women.

At this moment, seeing Tie Ruyun's appearance change, 3-4 of the 9 females showed surprise, while 3 males showed no reaction at all.

Xu Suyun's face darkened, as if this image was really captured by the defense.

"3, 4, so many people have been recruited, it's okay!"

Seeing that his method had worked, Zhang Wei just curled his lips.

He muttered, looking towards the witness stand.

"Ahem, old iron, although everyone knows who you are, why don't you introduce yourself?"


Tie Ruyun nodded, and then introduced himself: "My name is Tie Ruyun, I am from the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm, and I am temporarily in charge of the Criminal Department."


Tie Ruyun's speech was suddenly interrupted by Zhang Wei: "Old Tie, everyone knows what you said, and I want you to say something that no one knows."

"Huh?" Tie Ruyun was confused.

Didn't you ask me to introduce myself? Why are you dissatisfied again?

"For example, are you married, do you have a girlfriend?"


When Tie Ruyun heard Zhang Wei's "sharp" question, he immediately scratched his head with embarrassment.

"That's right?"

Zhang Wei said, with a hey smile, "I'm already running around, and I haven't even held a girl's hand?"

Tie Ruyun blushed and lowered his head in shame.

"be opposed to!"

But at this moment, Xu Suyun seemed to sense something was wrong, and immediately questioned it.

"Your Honor, the defense is trying to use the defendant's pale emotional experience to deceive sympathy, which is obviously immoral!"

"I think it's really sympathetic for the man who is running to the fourth to have no girlfriend..."

Judge Liu glanced at Tie Ruyun, and there was a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

"Judge Liu!" Xu Suyun immediately shouted again, his eyes full of unkindness.


Sensing the coldness, Judge Liu immediately struck the hammer and warned the defense: "Lawyer Zhang, please put away your little thoughts, isn't it because you are in your thirties and don't have a girlfriend? Isn't it because you are busy with work and can't find a girlfriend?" When it comes to chatting with the opposite sex normally, what is there to sympathize with..."

As he spoke, as he spoke, tears flashed from the corners of Judge Liu's eyes, and he almost cried.

"Ahem, what Judge Liu said makes sense!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded, and then continued to ask questions.

"Then old man, let's not talk about this, I'll just ask you a simple question, what were you and another case involved, Gan Xiaowei, doing the night you were caught by the field office?"

Tie Ruyun didn't hesitate, and immediately said: "It was Saturday, and I helped Xiaowei handle a lawsuit on Friday. After the other party agreed to withdraw the case, I took her to go through the formalities of withdrawing the case on Saturday, and clean it up by the way. thing."

"It's been busy until the evening, and I will send her back to her residence."

Speaking of this, Tie Ruyun hesitated for a moment, but still confessed: "When I returned to the street where she lived, I saw that she was penniless and pitiful, so I took out some cash from her wallet and gave it to her. She was very sad. I was so moved that I suddenly offered to do me a favor..."

"She said thank you for helping her for so long and giving her back the money, so she wanted to repay me. Of course I clearly refused, but she still..."

Seeing Tie Ruyun's hesitation, Zhang Wei immediately interjected: "But she still insisted on serving you once, but you refused again, and the two of you just pushed back in the car. In the eyes of outsiders, you are like hugging, right? ?”

"I don't know what people outside the car think of me..."

"But that field clerk obviously thinks that you guys are going to have a 'car shock'?"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the jury seat with a smile, "This is what one of the parties, Tie Ruyun, said."

"It's all a misunderstanding. My client never thought of asking Gan Xiaowei to provide services. He just gave the latter 500 cash out of kindness and sympathy."

"But it was a coincidence that there were field personnel on duty on the street that day, and they took the prevarication of the two of them in the car as some kind of ambiguous behavior. This was just an ordinary misunderstanding."

Zhang Wei said with a look of helplessness on his face.

This is really just a misunderstanding, it's just that some people made a fuss out of a molehill, which caused this disturbance.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

Zhang Wei said, emphasizing it again, and then looked at Tie Ruyun.

The latter shook his head, because everything that should be said has been said.

"Your Excellency, we have nothing more to ask about the defendant!"

As he spoke, he walked out of the courtroom and returned to the defense stand.

Judge Liu nodded, and then looked at the prosecution seat.

Zhang Wei is done asking, now it's your turn, Mrs. Xu.

Xu Suyun got up slowly, with a cold face, and walked to the center of the court step by step.

Her walking still brought a lot of pressure to the court, at least Tie Ruyun's eyes gradually became serious.

He also knew that the next step was the difficulty.


There was no trace of emotion on Xu Suyun's cold face, "The defense actually said it was a misunderstanding, isn't that too funny?"

"There was a clear money transaction between the two. A man and a prostitute were involved in a car on a dimly lit street corner. You tell me it was a misunderstanding?"

Tie Ruyun immediately retorted: "It's really a misunderstanding!"


But Xu Suyun interrupted immediately, and said with a sneer: "This is all an excuse, it's all just your one-sided testimony, do you mean what you say?"

She said, walked back to the prosecution's seat, and took out a document.

"Here is Gan Xiaowei's testimony. She clearly told us and the court that Tie Ruyun tried to use her work to blackmail her to provide services for herself. This is the truth!"

As she spoke, she shook the documents in her hand to remind the jury and the court.

"And you, Tie Ruyun, in order to protect your job, to protect the face of yourself and the law firm, everything you said may be a lie!"

Xu Suyun pointed at Tie Ruyun and asked forcefully, "Did Lin Xiangtian, the big boss of your law firm, force you to resolve this matter as soon as possible. You felt the pressure, so you chose to lie in court!"

"No, the other party is guessing on their own!"

Xu Suyun's words were immediately interrupted by Zhang Wei.

"The objection is valid!" Judge Liu nodded and glanced at Xu Suyun.

As for the meaning of the warning, he knew that he was a soft-spoken person, and whether people would see it was a problem.

Xu Suyun was interrupted, but she was not angry at all. Instead, she said to the jury: "The defendant changed his look today and lied in public. He is obviously afraid. He is obviously ashamed!"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei stood up again with a displeased expression on his face.

Of course, this was on purpose, and he deliberately put on an unhappy expression to show the judge.

"Prosecutor, please pay attention!"

Of course Judge Liu saw it and understood the seriousness of the matter, so he struck the hammer immediately.

"Prosecutor, please stop speculating about the defendant's behavior for no reason. Please provide evidence to prove your speculation is correct!"

"Hmph!" Facing the warning, Xu Suyun snorted coldly, not intending to talk to Judge Liu at all.

Judge Liu is suffering, what can I do, I am a newcomer.

People don't give me face as a veteran, so I can't help it.

And after Xu Suyun did this, she saw that the 12 jurors in the jury were all thoughtful.


Whether Tie Ruyun lied, this point really needs to be considered.

If he wants to keep his job and prevent his immediate boss from getting mad at him, will he really lie in public?

Obviously it will!

Moreover, Gan Xiaowei also gave a testimony, and it was completely different from the defendant's testimony.

So who to trust?

All in all, the seeds of doubt have been planted.

Xu Suyun's goal has also been achieved.

She just wanted to make the jury feel that Tie Ruyun was a person who could lie in public for her own benefit.

But she also said that she had to add some impression to the jury.

"Defendant, you are a defense attorney, aren't you?"


"So in your defense career, have you helped the guilty get off the hook?"


Hearing this question, Tie Ruyun immediately fell into hesitation.

"be opposed to!"

At this time, Zhang Wei got up immediately, "The prosecution's question has no relevance to this case, and none of the previous cases my client participated in has any direct connection to this case!"

"But he hesitated, which means that he has indeed done something immoral, otherwise he would not hesitate, and should answer my question immediately!"

But Xu Suyun grabbed Tie Ruyun's hesitation and immediately emphasized it repeatedly to the jury.

"Judge Liu!" Zhang Wei spread his hands, and said that you can figure it out.

"Prosecutor, this court can no longer tolerate your behavior, and now declares that you are disqualified from continuing the questioning!"

Judge Liu finally made his move.

He knew it was meaningless to warn Xu Suyun, so he directly announced that he would be deprived of the cross-examination qualification of the other party.

Xu Suyun sneered, not annoyed at being disqualified at all.

Because her goal has been achieved.

That seed of doubt has now taken root.

Didn't you see that there were at least 10 jurors in the jury box, and they were deeply suspicious of the defendant's expression?

Knowing that your defendant is a defense lawyer, and a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in helping bad guys, they obviously won't believe you.

Take care!

Xu Suyun was full of confidence at the moment, because she knew that the defense had run out of moves.

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