Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 326 Closing, matching, Zhao Qingyan's reminder

On Friday evening, at the gate of the courthouse.

"Go back, go back, I wish you a good weekend!"

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun waved their hands and said goodbye to the newcomers.

At this moment, they are naturally in a good mood.

Because he won the case, he cleared his grievances.

For a defense lawyer, the happiest time is naturally when he wins the case.

"See you boss on Monday, and lawyer Zhang on Monday!"

"Goodbye Lawyer Zhang!"

"Boss Tie, I knew you were innocent, so see you on Monday!"

The newlyweds waved goodbye to the two one after another, ready to enjoy the weekend.

"Old man, let's go!"

Zhang Wei also took Tie Ruyun to the parking lot of the court.

Zhang Xinyan has long been waiting here.

"Go, go to the old street bar!"

Zhang Wei mentioned a place, and Zhang Xinyan drove on the road immediately.

"Old Street Bar?"

Tie Ruyun hesitated for a moment, but seeing that Zhang Wei was in high spirits, he didn't stop him.

in the car.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and was about to dial a number.

Jingle Bell!

But someone seemed to have guessed his thoughts and called him directly.

The number shows unknown.

"Hello, is Mrs. Lin?"

"You are very smart!"

On the other end of the phone came Lin Jincheng's indifferent voice.

"Master Lin, I wanted to report the situation to you, but judging from your tone, I should know the result?"

"The moment you summoned Wang Jianren to court, I knew the answer!"

Zhang Wei secretly said in his heart, what a guy, he deserves to be Lin Jincheng, he is indeed amazing.

This information network, as well as the intuition that predicts things like a god, really makes people have to sigh.

As expected of a character who has lived so long, old Jiang Hu.

"Then, some of the people involved in this case, they..."

"I know what you want to say. I will definitely not forgive Wang Jianren. As for Shen Zhengyi and Li Qingshou, I will not touch them for the time being. After all, they are my son's subordinates, so I can't do it for him!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, but complained wildly in his heart.

You really are a double-standard dog, aren't we your son's subordinates?

If we lose the case, will you think about it and give your son face?

It's not all excuses to say that it's not good to replace Yuezu, and to use his son as a shield.

To put it bluntly, you just don't want to deal with Shin Zhengyi.

Sure enough, the members of the Lin family are typical double-standard dogs.

Oh, except for my little apprentice.

She is so stupid, completely different from her grandfather and father...

"Well, Mrs. Lin, my mission has been completed, right?"

"Well, your performance is not bad... Dududu..."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Jincheng snorted, and then hung up the phone.

Hearing the blind tone on the phone, Zhang Wei was speechless again.


I have won such a beautiful victory, but there is only one sentence "it's okay"?

Lin Jincheng, I, Zhang Wei, remember you!

As Zhang Wei spoke, the loud car horn sounded in his ears.

He glanced out the car window, they had already reached the city center, so the traffic lights ahead were blocked...

It's Friday now, and it's approaching the rush hour. The traffic in Dongfangdu can only be said to be uncongested at this point.

By the time we got to the gate of the Old Street Bar, it was already around 7 o'clock in the evening.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, can I go in and have a drink?"

"Brother stinky, you are still driving me back. Do you want to get a ticket or go to jail? Let me just say that I won't defend you against drunk driving!"

"Let me just say..."

Zhang Xinyan looked helpless, but he could only withdraw his thoughts.

Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving, he understands this.

Zhang Wei took Tie Ruyun directly into the old street bar.

Although it is a bar located in the city center, the interior of Old Street Bar is relatively quiet.

Many people sat in their seats and didn't talk to each other. They even seldom looked and talked, and they all lowered their heads and drank mulled wine.

"Zhang Wei, this old street bar is usually engaged in the business of Wuxie Chaco. Look around, many of them are officers of the criminal department!"

As Tie Ruyun said, she moved closer to Zhang Wei's ear and whispered forcefully.

He had also heard of the Old Street Bar, which was also known as "the bar for the operatives of the Martial Arts Association".

Even by the name, everyone knows who the people who come here to drink are.

Because this place is between the headquarters of the Wushu Association and the family building, it is not too far from both sides, even if you are drunk, you can walk a few steps to your residence, so many operators come here to spend money.

Moreover, the work pressure of the operators is not small. If they encounter a difficult case, the pressure will be even greater, and they will all choose to come here to relieve the pressure.

This is also the strange part of Tie Ruyun, even if Zhang Wei wants to treat guests to drink, why would he choose to come here?

"Come on, old man, sit down!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to a place on the bar, and then took Tie Ruyun to sit down.

"Aren't you two people from the criminal department or even the investigation department?" The bartender smiled immediately when he saw the two of them.

"Why, we don't look like people in the criminal department. Our job is to contact criminals every day?"

Zhang Wei also laughed, the bartender was obviously a bit concerned.

"You must be lawyers!"

Unexpectedly, the bartender told the origin of the two at a glance.

"Oh, I would like to hear more about it..."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out 100 yuan from his pocket and pressed it on the table with two fingers.

He hasn't ordered yet, and it's obviously not the money for drinks, but a tip.

Seeing this scene, the bartender was overjoyed.

I like such guests and are willing to give money.

"It's very simple. People in the criminal department always have a lot of resentment, especially when they encounter big cases, their faces are as dark as it is on a rainy day!"

The bartender said, pointing to the two people in the corner.

The two looked like they belonged to the criminal department, they were discussing something with their heads down, their eyes looked around from time to time, and they looked like murderers.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei knew it in his heart.

The two of them saw that they had encountered a murderous case, and the boss gave them pressure, so they came here to drink.

"But I see that you two don't have this feeling in your body, and especially you, you walk with a sense of confidence, which is not what the investigation department can have!"

The bartender said, pointing to Zhang Wei's clothes.

"Also, although the benefits and benefits of the investigation department are good, everyone has to perform tasks. Even if they wear formal clothes, they cost a thousand dollars at most. The clothes are expensive. If there is an accident, it is broken or rubbed, Rather waste it."

"But the suit you're wearing, the fabric and workmanship cost tens of thousands of dollars at least, which is enough to cover my salary for half a year!"

As the bartender spoke, he leaned in front of Zhang Wei and whispered in his ear: "The investigation department is a bunch of poor people, how can you be so generous with tips like you!"

"Well said."

Zhang Wei removed the finger that was holding Qian, and the bartender thanked him again, and smiled and took Qian under his command.

"You two barristers, what would you like to drink?"

"I don't dare to be a barrister. As for drinks, we haven't got all the people yet!"

"not here?"

This time, not only the bartender, even Tie Ruyun was taken aback.

In terms of feelings, you didn't just invite me to drink, you also invited other people?

"Oh, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei saw someone coming at the door, the one he was waiting for.

The bartender and Tie Ruyun looked around and saw a tall woman walking in with a stern face.

"Team Lin!"

"Lin Ruonan?"

The bartender and Tie Ruyun naturally knew the person, and were immediately surprised.

Good guy, the person Zhang Wei is waiting for is Lin Ruonan.

Lin Ruonan didn't seem to notice Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, and went straight to the bar.

"Old rules, a glass of cold beer without ice!"

"Team Lin, are you drinking alone?"

Only then did Lin Ruonan realize that the two people next door looked familiar.

"Zhang Wei, Tie Ruyun, is it you?"

Lin Ruonan was a little surprised to meet Zhang Wei in the old street bar.

"Why are you here?"

"The bar is open for business, why can't we come?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and quickly gave up his position.

"And it's not me looking for you today, it's our old man looking for you!"

He pushed Lao Tie and let the latter come to Lin Ruonan.

"Team Lin, you wronged our old man before, and now I want you to apologize, isn't it too much?"

"Zhang Wei, what a shame..."

Tie Ruyun waved his hand immediately, indicating that there is no need to do so.

"You... you... are you waiting for me on purpose?"

Lin Ruonan frowned, but when he thought about it, he seemed to have gone too far.

Under Tie Ruyun's surprised gaze, she sincerely apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Lawyer Tie, I misunderstood you. I've heard about your lawsuit, and congratulations on clearing up your grievances!"

"Captain Lin, what a shame, I'm not in the way..."

Tie Ruyun waved his hands quickly, and his face turned red when facing Lin Ruonan.

This is ashamed.

Zhang Wei could tell at a glance that Lao Tie was shy.

As the person in charge of the criminal department, he can face some criminals without changing his face, but when facing Lin Ruonan, he is actually shy.

"Bartender, prepare drinks for them, I'll treat them for the first three rounds!"

As Zhang Wei said, he threw a whole lot of money on the bar.


Seeing this scene, the bartender suddenly laughed.

With so much money, not to mention the first three rounds, the first ten rounds are enough.

Sure enough, lawyers are earning a lot of money, at least they are more willing to give money than this group of investigators.

"Zhang Wei, what do you mean, buy me a drink?" Here, Lin Ruonan sensed something was wrong.

You have nothing to show your courtesy, you are either rape or robbery.

"Team Lin, what are you thinking? Why are we either rape or steal? Old Tie and I are looking for something to do with you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a file bag from the inside of his suit and handed it to the other party.

"This is……"

Lin Ruonan was not ambiguous, and directly opened the file bag, which contained several documents.

"I heard that you are currently investigating a prostitution ring case, and here is a statement from a tainted witness!"

Zhang Wei pointed to a page in the document and explained: "Wang Jianbiao is a member of the gang in charge of managing this area. He collected the monthly payment from those chicken heads and provided them with prostitution sites and necessary protection. Now he is distributing these Everyone has confessed, and it is a declaration of testimony, which has legal force, and you can use this testimony to apply for a search and arrest warrant from the judge, hoping to help your case!"

"You are..."

Lin Ruonan looked at the document in his hand with a look of astonishment.

The case that their group 1 is currently investigating is a prostitution ring.

But how did Zhang Wei know?

Moreover, how did Zhang Wei persuade Wang Jianbiao to reveal the information? He is a member of a gang. Unless he is under great pressure, he can't let go, right?

And she also heard that Wang Jianbiao also acted as Zhang Wei's temporary rebuttal witness in today's trial.

Zhang Wei not only asked Wang Jianbiao to cooperate, but also asked him to confess his "business partner", which is simply unbelievable.

But Zhang Wei said that this is not his own credit, but a simple deterrent of force.

If it weren't for Hanhan, he wouldn't be able to get these things done so quickly.

"Team Lin, we will give these documents to you as a gift. After all, assisting the investigation department to solve the case is what we law-abiding citizens should do!"

"Law-abiding citizen?" Lin Ruonan laughed when he heard Zhang Wei's words.

Don't you criminal defense lawyers always jump around the edge of the law?

Why are you suddenly so kind to help our investigation department solve the case?

"Oh, by the way, Captain Lin, since I have cooperated so much, can I make another request?"

Hearing this, Tie Ruyun suddenly became nervous.

Zhang Wei, could it be that he wants to ask Lin Ruonan to associate with him?

This is too embarrassing, here are all people from the investigation department, he...

He swore that if Zhang Wei made any excessive demands, he would immediately deny them and speak up with justice!

"What request?" Lin Ruonan also became interested, and hurriedly asked.

"It's very simple. In this case, there is a wandering warbler named Gan Xiaowei. I want you to help her. She was also coerced and perjured herself as a last resort. Can you please let her be a tainted witness?"

"Oh, the name of Liuying, could it be that the prosecution witness in your case?"

"Yes, that's her!"

"But she doesn't always..."

Lin Ruonan pointed to Tie Ruyun with a strange expression on his face.

People have betrayed you, and you still repay your hatred with virtue?

When did your ideological awareness, conduct and morality become so high?

Tie Ruyun also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Zhang Wei didn't make any excessive demands.

And he also considered Gan Xiaowei, which Tie Ruyun didn't expect.

"Zhang Wei, I thank you on Xiaowei's behalf!"

"You're welcome, it's all I should do!"

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Tie Ruyun's shoulder again, and leaned into his ear: "Old Tie, I've done everything I can to help you now. Do you know why I let you do styling today? This is the first impression, you have to fight for it!"

"Then, Team Lin, Lao Tie, I still have a little girl who needs to be taken care of at home. You can drink slowly and talk slowly."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei waved his hand and said goodbye.

Leave the stage here to Tie Ruyun and Lin Ruonan.

"Lawyer Tie, you have a very good subordinate!"

Watching Zhang Wei leave, Lin Ruonan was quite emotional.

Not to mention helping the leader win the lawsuit, but also solving Gan Xiaowei's problem by the way, this subordinate is really thoughtful.

"He is not my subordinate, I can't control this kid!"

Tie Ruyun scratched his head in embarrassment.

From the first day this kid joined the lawyer, he didn't regard the other party as a subordinate.

In other words, this kid is not a mediocre person.

There is no one who would flirt with the leader on the first day of joining a law firm. I guess this is the only kid, right?

The point is, his ability is outrageous, and he can handle any case in his hands.

How could such a person be someone else's subordinate all the time?

"By the way, Team Lin, that kid paid a lot for drinks, we have to kill him hard!"


Lin Ruonan, on the other hand, showed a bold demeanor.

The two drank and chatted at the old street bar.


At night, Sifangmen Street.

When Zhang Wei returned to the gate of the Lin Mansion again, he saw that the gate of the Zhao Mansion next door was actually open.

Zhao Qingyan was lying in the yard, as if looking at the stars.

"Zhang Wei, are you back?"

Probably aware of Zhang Wei, Zhao Qingyan stood up with a smile and said hello.

"Uncle Zhao, it's almost July, why don't you go back to the yard to escape the summer heat?"

"That's right. Although this is an old house owned by our ancestors, it is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is much more comfortable than the air conditioner in the company."

Zhao Qingyan said with a smile, and suddenly changed the topic: "By the way, your boy performed very well in today's case. I have heard about your trial, but I have taught Mrs. Xu a lesson!"

Old Zhao has heard of it?

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, but he was relieved when he thought of the other party's identity.

"Oh, by the way, Zhang Wei, I have to tell you something!"

Zhao Qingyan suddenly put away his smile, with a hint of solemnity on his face.

"The East is not peaceful recently!"

"Uncle Zhao, what do you mean by unfair?"

"Dongfangdu, something important will happen recently, and you may be involved in it."

"Involved me?"

Hearing what Zhao Qingyan said, Zhang Wei also became serious.

"You should have seen Hua Chaofan recently, right?"

"See, he still wants to take over Miss Wu's house?"

"That's right. He was rebellious when he was a child. After the death of Mr. Hua, he may become even more unpredictable. You should be careful!"

Zhao Qingyan said, sighed, and then walked back into the house.

Due to some rules, he can't reveal many things, but a reminder to Zhang Wei is enough.

"Uncle Zhao, you don't know anything, do you?"

"That's not true. I don't know anything. I'm just typing codes to develop. In short, you should be careful. If you encounter any dangerous things, think twice before acting!"

Zhao Qingyan waved his hand and told Zhang Wei again.

Zhang Wei wrote down this reminder before returning to the Lin Mansion.

As soon as he came back, he saw Zhao Xiaoxiao's resentful eyes.

This girl should have caught up on sleep in the morning and noon, and she looked good, at least she didn't have dark circles under her eyes.

"I'm hungry!"

"Understood, understood, the second girl is hungry and has to cook for you!"

Zhang Wei laughed and went straight to the kitchen.

After a while, the pots and pans moved together.

After a while, a table of meals was finally ready.

In the kitchen, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao sat and ate facing each other.

"Second girl, do you know Hua Chaofan?" Zhang Wei raised his mouth suddenly when he moved his chopsticks.

"That unlovable uncle of the Hua family?"

"you know?"

Zhang Wei didn't expect that Zhao Xiaoxiao really knew each other.

But when he thought that his family members might be family friends, he was relieved.

After taking a sip of the meal, Zhao Xiaoxiao tried hard to recall what happened when she was a child, "I just remember that this uncle is not very talkative. Every year when the five families get together, he doesn't talk too much..."

"Five families?"

Zhang Wei quickly caught a point.

Hua Chaofan's family, Zhao Qingyan's family, even if you add the Lin Mansion where you live, there are only three families, so who are the other two families? Are their ancestors all in Sifangmen Street?

"Oh, there are Wu Family and Zhang Family, but one of them is a Wu Fu, and I don't like the other one very much!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she waved her hand with a look of disgust.

"Wu Family, Zhang Family..."

Zhang Wei frowned, and began to sort out the information in his mind.

Could it be that among these five families, the Mei family is the same as the Lin Jiahua family, are they all big families?

So Zhao Xiaoxiao's Zhao family was originally a big family?

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