Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 327 Guiding newcomers, is the veteran in love?

July, the beginning of the month.

In Dongfangdu this month, the weather is extremely hot.

Not only because of the arrival of the summer vacation, but also because the East is going to hold a grand festival of martial arts.

It is said that this grand meeting is called "Southern Martial Arts Conference", and it is also called "No. 1 Martial Arts Club in the World", "The Strongest Battle on Earth" and other gimmicky names by netizens.

Of course, this was all caused by netizens, and the public name of this event was just "Martial Arts Conference".

Simple four words, without any magical power, but they can always become the talk of the streets.

"Did you watch the selection today?"

"Did you watch the live broadcast of yesterday's Martial Arts Conference?"

"Oh my god, I heard that there are female martial artists participating in the competition. I wonder if they can fight?"

"Now that traditional martial arts are in decline, many of them are liars. I don't know if there will be people with real skills in this competition?"

"Those advertisements have a lot of publicity. I don't know if the products they sell are good..."

These are what you can hear from passers-by when you walk on the road.

It is said that the sponsors of the Martial Arts Conference are all well-known companies in the Eastern Capital.

Each round of advertising space covers various products in life.

Youdao is not profitable, so ZB experts will naturally publicize this martial arts conference desperately for the sake of advertising investment and income.

They have to get back all the money invested, so naturally they have to work hard to promote it.

This has also led to the current situation. Everyone knows the word "Martial Arts Conference", and people talk about it wherever they go.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

"I heard that there is a handicap in the Martial Arts Tournament. Bet on the player you like. If he wins the first place in the tournament, wouldn't we give it away?"

"You can pull it off. There are hundreds of participants in the Martial Arts Conference. It's the same as a football world game. Before the game starts, the chance of which team you can beat to win the championship is 1%. You have to spend money in vain. ?"

"I'm just talking about it. If you win the upset, then the one with the highest odds will pay 100 to 1!"

"Then do you know who to beat? I just watched it yesterday. There is still a round of trials to compete in the Martial Arts Tournament in the Eastern Capital. As for the contestants from all over the world, you don't know them well. How do you bet?"

"In that case, why don't we go to worship a Buddha after work and ask the Buddha to bless us?"

"The six roots of monks are pure, and you can't be contaminated by gambling. It's better to go to the koi pond for good luck, which is more reliable!"

Although the newcomers are busy, the conversations that appear from time to time are all about the martial arts conference.

"Don't talk, don't talk, just got a new case, I have to think about how to fight this case?"

"You're right. The new case is also important. This is the stepping stone for me to enter the legal profession. I must win the first case!"

"I still won the case. I heard that lawyers basically can't win their first case. I think it's good to be able to settle."

"That's okay. My client is intentionally hurting someone, and I'm convicted of intentional injury. My requirements are not high. If it's less than 2 years, it's considered a success..."

"That's all you've got. My client has committed theft. I think he can stay for a few years as long as he pleads guilty~"

"Cut, you're even more useless!"

After chatting about gossip for a while, the couple still proceeded to the case in front of them.

After all, this was their first case, so they had to be treated seriously.

In a separate office.

Looking at the busy newcomers in the office hall, Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

Sure enough, for new lawyers, what is the most important thing for them.

It was neither a request from the leader nor a variety of paperwork, but each case.

No matter it is any lawyer, he longs to speak eloquently in court and beat his opponent to pieces.

Zhang Wei is more optimistic about the vigor shown by this group of newcomers at the moment.

These people have a bright future.


Suddenly, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang.

It's a V letter reminder, there is new news.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone and saw that it was Xia Qianyue's message.

[Xia Qianyue: Zhang Wei, we are going to participate in the trials today~]

[Xia Qianyue: The venue is at the city gymnasium, do you want to come and see it? 】

[Zhang Wei: Of course, I'll be there soon! 】

After replying to the message, Zhang Wei planned to send a message to Zhang Xinyan to ask him to prepare the car.

As a result, he just opened the message window when he slapped his head and remembered something.

"Almost forgot, this stinky brother and sister Xiaowu also went to compete on behalf of the Zhang Martial Arts Hall!"

Zhang Xinyan and Zhang Xinwu are both contestants, and they are going to participate in today's selection competition. They have already gone.

Fortunately, the selection competition was held at the Municipal Gymnasium, which could be reached by subway.

It's only ten minutes away from the subway near Jincheng Group.

On the contrary, if you drive, if you go to the Martial Arts Conference, you may be blocked a few streets away.

"Yes, let's take the subway there!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei decided to ask Lao Tie for a vacation.

After all, I have to support my girlfriend, Xia Qianyue participated in the competition, how could I not come to the scene to cheer for her?

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei walked out of the office and walked towards Tie Ruyun's office.

"Lawyer Zhang, I have a question to ask!"

"Lawyer Zhang, can I ask you to answer my doubts?"


Zhang Wei stopped and looked at the newcomers.

"What's the situation, you have a question, why don't you ask the old man, he is the person in charge, right?"

Zhang Wei is puzzled?

Today is a working day on Monday, and the newcomers have also received their cases.

As the person in charge of the department, Tie Ruyun should be on the sidelines to take care of the whole process. How do you see the appearance of the newcomer, the old iron man disappeared?

Besides, even if Lao Tie is not here, there are Xiao Li and Xiao Meng...

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei looked at the workstations of Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng.

Li Yueqin was busy in front of the computer, her hands didn't stop for a moment, obviously she was working hard.

And Lin Yumeng next door, when she noticed Zhang Wei's gaze on her, she was shocked and hurriedly pretended to be working hard.

Good guy, the little apprentice is fishing again...

Don't think that if I can't see it, I don't know what you were doing just now. I'm probably browsing the web and watching videos again!

Zhang Wei sighed and compromised: "Okay, what's your problem?"

A newcomer immediately asked: "Lawyer Zhang, my client was charged with the crime of intentional wounding. I heard that the victim was seriously injured. That's 3-5 years. How can I reduce the defendant's sentence to less than 2 years?" ?”

Zhang Wei pondered for a moment, then replied: "Serious injury, it depends on how you define it. Has the victim had a disability appraisal? You can contact the victim's previous doctor, or investigate his medical records, as long as you can prove that your client did something wrong." Before, he was injured, so there is room for manipulation in the definition of serious injuries."

Seeing Zhang Wei's answer, the newcomers all cheered up.

A girl immediately approached Zhang Wei and raised her hand to ask: "Lawyer Zhang, I also have a difficult problem here. The case is stuck in the chain of evidence. My client insists that he is innocent and that his friend is the suspect." People, but the investigation department does not accept his request, how can we investigate and reconcile him?"

Zhang Wei took the case file from the girl, "Let me take a look at your case. There are many people's DNA records at the scene, right? Then you go to that friend's DNA for comparison. As long as his friend's DNA appears at the scene, it will be You can convince the investigation department to start investigating your friends as well!"

"But how do you get this? It's impossible for you to ask his friend that we suspect that you are related to a criminal case. Please provide DNA to assist us in our investigation?"

The girl said, a little worried: "Even the investigation department may not be able to get the DNA, we are just defense lawyers for the defense..."

"Hehe, does this stump you?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the newcomers and said with a smile, "Have you ever heard of the 'swag test'?"

The newcomers looked at each other and shook their heads.

Zhang Wei handed the document back to the girl, patted her on the shoulder, and encouraged: "There are actually many ways to find the target's DNA, and the method I gave is completely legal, but you need to be able to bear the hardships." !"

"What's the pain?"

"Go to the garbage bag of the target's house. There must be domestic garbage in the garbage, and the household garbage will definitely contaminate the target's DNA!"

The girl understood immediately and swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time.

A girl really can't do this sort of garbage thing.

No wonder Zhang Wei said that he would suffer, and this matter did suffer.

"Lawyer Zhang, and I..."

"My case, my case..."

Seeing that Zhang Wei gave "expert-level" advice, which broadened their thinking, all the newcomers raised their hands enthusiastically and surrounded him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time, take your time..."

Zhang Wei naturally responded calmly and calmly, giving guidance and advice to every newcomer.

After more than ten minutes, he was able to get out.

"Old man, I want to ask for leave!"

Zhang Wei directly pushed open the door of Tie Ruyun's office.

As a result, as soon as he poked his head out, he saw Tie Ruyun tremble with fright, and the mobile phone in his hand dropped to the ground.

"Oh, Zhang Wei, don't scare me!"

When Tie Ruyun saw the person coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

His expression and demeanor at the moment are exactly the same as the little apprentice who was caught fishing at work.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

Zhang Wei showed a trace of doubt, and hurried into the office.

"No, I just want to see if Team Leader Lin has sent me a message..."

Tie Ruyun explained, took out the phone again, opened the V message, and stared at the chat screen.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei immediately regained his spirits, "Hey, V letter friends have added it, why don't you send messages to chat?"

"The team leader Lin is a member of the serious crime team. He's so busy with work, why don't I interrupt him rashly?"

"Are you still thinking about others?"

"Sure, if I didn't think about others, I would have sent a message to say hello, but now..."

Zhang Wei shook his head when he saw that Tie Ruyun wanted to send a message but didn't dare to do so.

"Old Tie, if you want to send a message, just send it. Don't set limits on yourself, and don't make any excuses for the other party."

He patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder and enlightened him: "Actually, chasing girls is not that complicated. Get to know each other on the first date, and then send more messages on weekdays to show care. On the second date, watching a movie, holding hands Yes, that’s the best chance for you to confess your love. As long as the girl is willing to come out on the third date, you can hit the base directly. You can have a little prelude, have a meal, drink some wine, and then go straight to the hotel. !"

"You can get it, can the leader Lin be an ordinary girl?" Tie Ruyun shook his head like a rattle.

"Actually, I feel that Team Leader Lin is more likely to chase after him!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, expressing his disapproval of Tie Ruyun's statement.

"How is it possible, Team Leader Lin is so busy..."

"It's because I'm busy with work that I can chase after him!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and analyzed with an expression of hatred for iron and steel: "The team leader Lin is in her thirties. It is said that she is also single and busy with the work of the serious crime team every day. There is almost no possibility of falling in love. .”

"Old man, you have an advantage. At least the two of you have a lot of common language at work, and the contacts you both have are criminals. There must be no shortage of common topics between you."

Tie Ruyun thought about it carefully, what Zhang Wei said seemed to make some sense.

"No, if you want to talk about common topics, isn't there more men in Team Leader Lin's team?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, old man, you don't know the rules of the serious crime team, you don't look for your own people!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and smiled.

"What's going on?" Tie Ruyun blinked with curiosity.

"It's very simple. In the work of the investigation department, dating in the workplace is the most taboo. Feelings will affect your basic judgment, so there will be no couples in the same group or even in the same department!"

Zhang Wei shook his finger and said with a smile: "That's why, I'm relieved that my Hanhan joined the serious crime team."

"Is that so..." Tie Ruyun murmured, lost in thought.

"Old Tie, don't hesitate. If you want to send a message, you can send it. If the girl is busy, she will be busy. But if she is not busy, she will definitely reply to your message."

"Then what if they don't come back?"

"Delete it if you don't reply, and continue to find the next one. It's impossible for a person to hang on a tree, right?"

"Ah, this..." Hearing Zhang Wei's speech like a scumbag, Tie Ruyun was stunned.

"Old Tie, don't worry, Team Leader Lin has agreed to add you to the V letter, and will definitely not refuse to reply to your message, but you have to find a common topic, so that the chat can be opened!"

Zhang Wei continued to guide Tie Ruyun, who tried to open the V letter and sent a message.

"Then I'll send you a good morning, let's say hello..."

"It's okay, wait for Team Leader Lin to reply, and then you will see each other again!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and finally reminded: "Remember, the purpose of your chat is to ask other girls out. Don't send good morning and good noon messages every day. People will get annoyed if they read too much!"


Tie Ruyun was helpless, but he could only nod his head, just like a student being taught, with a humble attitude.


Suddenly, in the chat window of V letter, a message came back.

Tie Ruyun hurriedly picked up the phone and looked, it was indeed Lin Ruonan's reply.

"The Martial Arts Conference, Team Leader Lin also wants to participate?"

Zhang Wei also saw the news, and saw that Lin Ruonan mentioned the Martial Arts Conference, he was immediately surprised

Because he remembered that the Martial Arts Association had a few places to be recommended for the main match, and Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan, the chief and deputy team leaders of the serious crime team 1, both got this spot.

In other words, they don't need to participate in the trials, they can directly enter the main match.

And today's match at the city gymnasium is actually a selection match in Dongfangdu, and Lin Ruonan theoretically doesn't need to participate.

"Zhang Wei, how should I reply, we will not participate in this martial arts conference..."

"Why don't we participate, I will definitely go to the scene!"

Zhang Wei hastily vetoed it, you Tie Ruyun won't participate, but I, Zhang Wei, want to go to the scene to see my silly wow.

"Old Tie, I came here to ask for leave with you. I have to go to the scene to support my Hanhan in this martial arts competition. She is a contestant!"

As Zhang Wei said, he leaned in front of Tie Ruyun, "But don't worry, I won't delay my work. I'll come back when I'm done. Don't worry!"


Tie Ruyun glanced outside the office, "It's only the first day of the month, and today is Monday again, so you have to ask for leave..."

"Old man, you misunderstood me. I'm not asking for leave. I'm clocking in today. I'm just here to tell you that I'm going to work at the Martial Arts Conference. I have to communicate with my Hanhan, otherwise how could she tell me?" What's the latest move of the Crime Squad?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, then waved his hand.

"That old man, I'll dodge first!"

"By the way, if the newcomers have problems later, you should take care of them. I'm the ace lawyer, and I'm not responsible for leading the newcomers in the department!"

Before leaving, Zhang Wei did not forget to give a word of advice.

Tie Ruyun was speechless for a while, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Wei.

Since the establishment of the criminal department, this kid is a father, and they are all sons!

How can a son disobey his father?

So Zhang Wei's so-called leave, he can't agree to it.

On Zhang Wei's side, after notifying Lao Tie, he rushed directly to the Dongfang Metropolitan Stadium.

After taking the subway for more than ten minutes and walking for a few minutes, the magnificent gymnasium is just around the corner.

City Stadium.

It was extremely lively today, and there was almost a sea of ​​people outside the door.

The citizens who came to see the excitement, the anchors who were watching the news, and some reporters from the news and TV days all gathered inside and outside the gymnasium.

Inside, the opening ceremony of the Budo Tournament Oriental Metropolis Trials is being held.

The contestants are also preparing in the backstage lounge to warm up for the activity.

Of course, there are also some contestants who choose to run around the stadium to warm up, which also makes many anchors and reporters wait here. Once they see a contestant appearing, they will go to interview the first time.

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not join in the fun, so he went straight to the backstage lounge.

To enter the lounge, unless it is a staff member or a contestant.

But when Zhang Wei came to the exclusive channel, he directly handed out his business cards to the two security guards.

"Jincheng Law Firm, the trump card of the criminal department, lawyer Zhang Wei?"

A security guard held a business card with a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm from Jincheng Group!"

"Oh, it's the sponsor, please please."

Hearing Zhang Wei's self-registration number, the security guard quickly let him go.

This was not beyond Zhang Wei's expectation, because Jincheng Group is also a sponsor of this martial arts conference, in other words, Jincheng is the sponsor's father of the other party.

Part of the security guard's salary came from Jincheng. When they met Zhang Wei, they would naturally be more polite.

"By the way, where are the players?"

"Oh, most of the players are in the waiting room. They will compete on stage after the opening ceremony. They should be warming up now."


After getting the positions of the players, Zhang Wei went straight to the destination.

However, he was also a little curious, wondering if those unlucky ones would be Xia Qianyue's opponents today.

Obviously, this group of people can't guess what will happen to them today!

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