Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 328 Trials? See also Hua Chaofan

City Stadium.

Inside the player lounge.


Zhang Wei beckoned, and in the corner of the lounge, a girl in a white sports T-shirt reacted immediately, with a look of joy on her face.

Isn't it Hanhan Xia Qianyue.

"Zhang Wei is here?"

Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan who were with Xia Qianyue also raised their heads.

"Yo ho, is that kid here?"

"Captain Wu, Zhang Wei is here!"

Since Xia Qianyue is here, Dui Wu and his party from Serious Case 7 Team are naturally there too.

They all smiled when they heard Zhang Wei's voice.

If you want to say who is the most familiar with the serious case 7 group, it must be Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei walked into the lounge, and after scanning around, he found that there were quite a few people.

He saw many acquaintances in the corner.

Serious Case Group 7, Wu Yong, A Ni and Ta Mu came as contestants, and Lao Xing was the logistics staff, responsible for delivering water and towels, and waiting on the sidelines.

Brothers Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan also came, and they all wore similar sportswear to the competitors around them.

But the most eye-catching person in the crowd was naturally Xia Qianyue who was full of youthful vigor.

"Hanhan, Miss Xiaowu, Smelly Brother, Dui Wu, Ani, Tamu, Lao Xing..."

After greeting a group of people, Zhang Wei cheerfully integrated into the team.

Of course, Zhang Xinyan might have some opinions.

You are so familiar when you call others, no matter how bad you are, you still call them names. How come you become a "stinky brother" when you come to me?

Fortunately, I still drive for you every day and act as a driver for you. You can't treat me differently like this!

Zhang Wei doesn't care what Zhang Xinyan thinks, after he reunited with Xia Qianyue, the two of them will naturally chat with each other enthusiastically.

"The opening ceremony is coming to an end, all contestants please enter the venue according to their numbers!"

But at this moment, a staff member took a microphone and came to the lounge to announce the news.

"It's finally time to play!"

Hearing that the trials had started, many people were gearing up.


Zhang Xinyan was also excited, eager to try, and walked to the scene.

"Xiao Zhang, let's go up too, but we are not contestants, we can only watch the game in the audience!"

Lao Xing also walked out of the lounge, and Zhang Wei naturally followed.

"Hanhan, come on!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely qualify!"

Before he left, he did not forget to cheer for Xia Qianyue, who naturally responded solemnly.

Zhang Wei is not worried about this, thinking of how terrifying Xia Qianyue's combat power is, she might be the biggest dark horse in this martial arts conference.

Under the guidance of the staff, the contestants walked into the center of the stadium.

And Zhang Wei and Lao Xing have also arrived in the auditorium. .

"Well, there are familiar people!"

But to Zhang Wei's surprise, a person who surprised him appeared in the front row of the auditorium, the sponsor's special seat.

"Hua Chaofan!"

Seeing this person, Zhang Wei frowned.

Zhao Qingyan's reminder is still ringing in my ears.

And Hua Chaofan seemed to sense Zhang Wei's gaze, turned around and looked over.

The other party showed a smile, but how much sincerity there is in this smile is unknown.

What surprised Zhang Wei even more was that after Hua Chaofan greeted him in the air, the other party was still approaching him.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Not long after, he came to Zhang Wei's side and sat down.

"Mr. Hua, are you a sponsor?"

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot to send you a business card!"

As Hua Chaofan said, he also took out a business card from his collar and handed it over.

Zhang Wei took over, "Chaofan Biotechnology, CEO Hua Chaofan?"

"That's right. My research abroad is biotechnology, DNA engineering, and even gene mutation, biotechnology and other businesses. Of course, my company's reputation in Longguo is not obvious, because we haven't expanded our business to China for the time being. "


Zhang Wei quickly caught the meaning of the other party's words.

Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang's intuition is really sharp!"

Hua Chaofan looked up to the sky and smiled, and then changed the tone, "However, my company is still facing some problems, and there is no way to enter the Dongfangdu market for the time being."

"However, we have an office in the east. If Lawyer Zhang is free, you can come and have a seat. I still have great respect for young and promising lawyers like you!"

"Really, then if I pass by at that time, can I go and have a look?" Zhang Wei was noncommittal, but at least gave the other party the courtesy.

"Oh, by the way, Lawyer Zhang, do you have a case on hand recently?"

Zhang Wei frowned, and Zhao Qingyan's reminder sounded again in his mind.

Things that have anything to do with Hua Chaofan must be handled with care, otherwise there will be danger.

He remained calm on the surface, and even asked with a smile: "Why, Mr. Hua, do you have an entrustment?"

"Of course I didn't entrust it, and of course it doesn't rule out that we can cooperate later."

After Hua Chaofan smiled perfunctorily, he suddenly said seriously: "Actually, an old friend of mine has encountered a little trouble recently. If Lawyer Zhang is willing to help, I believe it will be a problem for me and him." Good thing!"

"In fact, he has been very unlucky recently. If you are willing to come forward, Lawyer Zhang, it will be the best news for him!"

Zhang Wei can't talk to death, but he won't agree right away.

After thinking for a while, he half-shirked and said, "I'm busy, I have to understand. If it's too difficult, I'll refuse it!"

"Don't worry, for Lawyer Zhang, it's just a small case!"

Hua Chaofan said with a smile on his face, as if he was sure that Zhang Wei would not refuse.

"Let me keep a secret here. After today's trials are over, let's talk about this commission in detail!"

"Why, Mr. Hua also has friends participating in today's trials?"

"Of course, my younger brother Ali is not like me. His brain is not very bright, but he has all the strength. This time he will also participate in the trials!"

"Hua Chaoli!"

Zhang Wei immediately thought of that giant-like man.

Hua Chaoli's physique was even more exaggerated than that of Master Zhagu's great apprentice, Hei King Kong. His physique was not human at all.

Sometimes Zhang Wei also wondered, are the Hua brothers really brothers? The physical difference is too exaggerated.

Of course, Xia Qianyue, who was able to fight against such a monster without being weak, was also at the monster level.

Hua Chaofan left and returned to the sponsor's seat again.

Obviously, he doesn't have time to chat with Zhang Wei about commissions now, he is more concerned about his brother's qualifications for the competition.

"Hua Chaofan's entrustment? If it's really a small case, even if I don't refuse, I can still ask the newcomers from the criminal department to take charge. This can be regarded as a way for him to deal with it!"

Zhang Wei was already thinking about how to tactfully refuse, or find someone to accept the commission instead of him.

Anyway, according to Zhao Qingyan, it's best not to deal with Hua Chaofan.

Meanwhile, the Coliseum Center.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the audience who came to watch the trials, today is..."

At the center, the host began to host the selection competition.

However, the beginning of this kind of competition is almost the same. Anyway, the opening ceremony is over, and he immediately announced the rules of the competition.

In the selection contest of the Oriental Capital, 50 contestants will be selected in the end, and they will compete with a total of 200 martial arts masters from all over the world to compete for the final "No. 1 in the world".

But now in the center of the gymnasium, Zhang Wei visually estimates that there are more than 300 contestants.

Judging from the final number of people, if there is a lottery duel, everyone will say that they must win more than two opponents in order to qualify.

"Hanhan shouldn't be under too much pressure, I should worry about her opponent!"

"Miss Xiaowu still has strength, and it's easy to win the promotion competition."

"Team Wu and the others have rich combat experience. Tamu looks good. Ani is not sure, but she shouldn't be weak either!"

Zhang Wei analyzed it for a while, and felt that there was a great possibility that his side could advance.

But he vaguely felt that he seemed to have missed someone?

Who is it, stinky brother?

It doesn't really matter whether he wins or not, anyway, he is a legend of invincibility, so just don't look forward to it.

A driver wants to be number one in the world, isn't this a joke?

"...The rules of the competition are to draw lots, and six sets of battle numbers will be announced on the big screen at the same time. Please enter the venue to start the competition with the players corresponding to the numbers!"

"Now, the first round of six groups of players will be announced!"

As the host announced, numbers began to shake on the four-sided fighting screen in the center of the gymnasium.

Watching the first round of competition in the center of the venue, Zhang Wei yawned boredly.

No way, after watching the competition between Xia Qianyue and the three of them and Master Zaku's master and apprentice last weekend, these small fights can no longer be seen by someone.

It can only be said that many of the competitions on the stage were full of flamboyance.

Some people who have learned the crop handle style for several years dare to compete on stage.

Zhang Wei felt that some people were not his opponents, and he had learned martial arts in Zhang Xinwu's martial arts gym for a few days, so he had good skills.

"Hey, Captain Lin is here?"

Suddenly, Lao Xing, who was sitting on the side, waved not far away.

Lin Ruonan is here.

She sent a message to Tie Ruyun before, saying that she would come to the martial arts competition, but she did not expect to come.

Lin Ruonan saw Lao Xing, walked straight over, and quickly sat by Lao Xing's side.

"Team Lin, why are you here?" Zhang Wei hurriedly spoke up.

"Come and see the scene of the Martial Arts Association, and take a look at the strength of the Dongfang Metropolitan players!"

Lin Ruonan spoke concisely. After sitting down, he stared at the field motionlessly.

"Oh, find out the opponent's details in advance!"

Zhang Wei nodded, this is necessary.

If you don't come and see in advance, how can you see Xia Qianyue's terrifying fighting power.

If it's the main match and you face Xia Qianyue, you can surrender early to avoid getting injured.

"Hey, Team Wu is on stage!"

Lao Xing pointed to the field, Wu Yong was gearing up and stepped onto the stage to get ready.

"Wu Yong, I'm not worried. He has dealt with criminals for nearly twenty years, and idlers can never do anything to him!"

When Lin Ruonan saw Wu Yong, there was no trace of worry on his face.

And the result was as she expected, just a few moves, the opponent was controlled by Wu Yong with the grappling technique, and finally had to slap the ground to beg for mercy.

"Hey, Ani and Tamu are both on stage!"

Lao Xing then pointed to the next group.

"Ani and Tamu are also old investigators. If it weren't for their personality problems, they would have become special operators long ago!"

Lin Ruonan analyzed the two again and gave a positive evaluation.

Zhang Wei looked at Lin Ruonan in surprise, and thought to himself that you are in Group 1, how come you are so familiar with the people in Group 7.

But he also looked at the stage.

Seeing Ta Mu's sprint, the speed was so fast that it left an afterimage on the field, knocking the opponent away almost instantly.

The battle ended within a second, and even the other contestants on the side were stunned.

Is this damn human?

This is The Flash, right?

The 100-meter trapeze is not as fast as you.

On the other side, Ani also relied on her close-fitting locking skills to force her opponent to pat her shoulder and beg for mercy, winning easily.

It can be seen that the strength of the contestants in this trial is actually not strong.

The officers of the investigation department, relying on their grappling skills and combat experience, almost crushed those ordinary players.

Not long after, Xia Qianyue, whom Zhang Wei had been thinking about, finally took the stage.

"Xiaoxia's words, her combat power..."

When Lin Ruonan saw Xia Qianyue coming to the stage, he also couldn't hold back his words for a long time.

She has also heard about how terrifying Xia Qianyue's fighting power is.

But those hearings were too exaggerated, she felt like she was listening to a story.

How could human beings have such fighting power?

This is not a joke, do you really think that people can catch bullets with bare hands and punch through steel plates with bare hands?

We are all members of the investigation department, and we must pay attention to evidence in everything, right?

So Lin Ruonan really couldn't express his opinion without seeing Xia Qianyue's battle with his own eyes.

Xia Qianyue's opponent this time was a man in a white martial arts uniform. He had been moving his legs since he took the stage, and he probably practiced taekwondo or something like that.

When he saw that his opponent was a weaker girl like Xia Qianyue, a smile appeared on his face.

"Little girl, if you don't want to get hurt, just admit defeat!"

"It's just you with thin arms and thin legs, and you are here to participate in some martial arts conference. I don't need my feet anymore. If I punch you with my fist, are you going to cry?"

"But don't worry, I will show mercy to women. As long as you surrender honestly, you won't be hurt."

Before it even started, the man laughed.


Xia Qianyue was stunned.

Zhang Wei in the auditorium was even more speechless.

You are looking for death, you know that?

If you still want to live, don't say no, it's for your personal safety.

But unfortunately, the man didn't listen, but was still trying to persuade Xia Qianyue to surrender.

Amidst the man's ridicule, the competition began.

"Hmph, I'm so stubborn, I don't dare to make a move because I think it's a woman?"

Seeing that Xia Qianyue hadn't surrendered yet, he sneered in his heart, and after turning his ankle, he flew out.

At a distance of several meters away from Xia Qianyue, the man jumped forward and then kicked out.

This kick was powerful and heavy, and when he flew up, there was a gust of wind around him.

"So strong!"

The other contestants around looked over as if they had sensed something, and they were all intimidated by the man's aura, showing a hint of surprise on their faces.

What's more, they didn't expect that this man, who had no sympathy for women, would be able to deal with a delicate girl.

No, it's a kick!

Do you have the quality, a man beats a woman and still uses a trick?


In the stands, Zhang Wei was already stunned.

Are you looking for death? This shot is a big move. Do you know that if this kick hits, you will be gone!

Zhang Wei said that this man's combat effectiveness may be a little higher than that of ordinary people, and he may be able to fight Zhang Xinyan 50-50.

But your opponent is not that stinky brother, but a great terror.

Seeing the stage, Xia Qianyue saw the man's attack, but raised her hand lightly, and her palm was in the direction of the man's attack.


Seeing that Xia Qianyue was going to parry her attack with bare hands, the man smiled.

My kick can even pierce a 2cm-thick wooden plank, but you try to block it with your hands in vain, your hand will definitely be broken.

The man's momentum continued unabated, and the sole of his right foot made intimate contact with Xia Qianyue's palm.


A crisp sound of bone cracking sounded, the sound was so piercing and loud.

As a result, all the contestants around them trembled subconsciously, as if it was their own bones that were split.


A figure fell to the ground, and then his body immediately rolled over, grabbing his right foot with both hands.

"Ah, my foot, my foot, it's broken, it's broken..."

A burst of screams came from this person's mouth, and the sound carried strong pain.

The crisp sound just now was made by none other than the man's foot bones.

He was now screaming like a pig again, and it was obvious that his foot bones were broken, maybe even shattered.

Just in response to that sentence, you need to be cautious when practicing martial arts, and there are risks in doing it!

"Ambulanceman, where is the ambulanceman, come and save me!"

Finally, under the care of the staff, ambulancemen arrived and lifted the man down.

Xia Qianyue just stood there without moving, relying on the movement of raising her hand, she easily won the first round.

Her performance also stunned the surrounding contestants.

They wondered in their hearts, whether the girl was lucky or the man made a mistake, how could she win so easily, she won without even moving her feet.

In the stands, seeing Xia Qianyue winning the competition, Zhang Wei was very calm.

"This, this wins?"

On the contrary, Lin Ruonan on the side opened his mouth.

She could tell that Xia Qianyue's opponent was definitely not an ordinary person, but also had some skills.

But it was such a person who was defeated with one move, and the picture was so joyful.

Is this a competition?

Isn't this the opponent's mistake?

luck? ? ?

luck! ! !

Lin Ruonan attributed Xia Qianyue's victory to luck.

But Zhang Wei knew that Xia Qianyue hadn't used her real skills yet.

If she used her real kung fu, let alone a single competitor, she could instantly kill everyone in the entire gymnasium.

No, she can tear down the entire gymnasium!

pedal! pedal! pedal!

At this moment, a sound of footsteps attracted the attention of the audience.

I saw a burly giant walking on the stage. His body was as tall as a little giant. Other contestants and even players nearby could only reach his waist.

"It's huge!"

"Is that human being?"

"Monster, this is simply a monster!"

Many people exclaimed, because this person is simply not human.

And seeing this person on stage, Zhang Wei in the auditorium couldn't sit still.

Hua Chaoli!

This is Hua Chaofan's younger brother, and according to Zhang Wei's current cognition, the only person who can block Hanhan's fist so far.

Sponsorship table.

Hua Chaofan watched his younger brother come on stage with a smile on his lips.

"Now is the third stage of the experiment, simulating actual combat. It's a pity that the opponents are too weak!"

"If the opponents are the same as that girl, it will be perfect!"

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