Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 329 Sneak Attack! Hua Chaofan's commission

on the test bench.


A figure sprayed blood, flew out backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ambulanceman, where is the ambulanceman, come and save me!"

With the cries of nearby staff, this person was also carried away on a stretcher.

On the stage, Hua Chaoli watched his opponent being sent away with a bored expression.

"It's a pity, I can't stop a move, and I don't even have a chance to test my strength!"

Hua Chaoli shook his head and stepped off the stage with a disappointed face.

Along the way, both the contestants and the staff were all trembling with fright, for fear of being targeted by the "monster" in front of them.

Fortunately, Hua Chaoli restrained himself and did not attack others.

And his appearance can only be said to be an episode of today's competition.

Although there are some bad memories for those who fought against him, the other contestants still do what they should do.

At worst, wait for the next second round, and those who meet him will surrender early.

In the spectator seats.

"This person's body is really too wrong, or too terrifying!"

Lin Ruonan had lingering fears, and at the same time was shocked by the powerful force displayed by Hua Chaoli.

"Yeah, what did that big guy grow up on? How could he grow up like this!" Lao Xing on the side echoed.

If everyone was as terrifying as Hua Chaoli, there would be no need for this martial arts meeting. Everyone would go up and compare their strength, and whoever had the most strength would win.

At that time, the martial arts conference will not compete for the world's number one martial artist, but the world's number one Hercules.

At that time, the Budokai will have no skills at all

"Fortunately, Hua Chaoli is only an occasional individual example, let's continue to watch the game!"

As Zhang Wei said, he turned his attention back to the competition platform below.

After Hua Chaoli, Zhang Xinyan and Zhang Xinwu also competed on stage.

The strength of the Zhang family brothers and sisters basically has an advantage against ordinary people or ordinary contestants.

It only took Zhang Xinwu three seconds to defeat her opponent.

Her clean and neat methods also shocked the other contestants around.

None of them expected that among the contestants participating in the martial arts competition, there would be such a powerful girl.

As for the younger brother Zhang Xinyan, it took nearly ten seconds of effort to beat his opponent.

Although this speed is not weak, but compared with her sister, it is naturally a little bit worse.

If you want to compare it with terrifying "monsters" like Hua Chaoli and Xia Qianyue, it's not enough.

The first round of competition will end soon.

Intermission is 15 minutes.

Today's competition will have two rounds, and everyone will have to fight against at least two opponents.

And the second round will start soon.

But this time, there are almost no variables.

Wu Yong, Ani and Tamu all advanced smoothly.

After that, Xia Qianyue's opponent was a boxer.

Like the last player who used his feet, he was full of contempt for Xia Qianyue.

He thought that the previous one was just unlucky, and he made a mistake to allow a little girl to advance smoothly.

And he obviously wouldn't make such a mistake.

"Little girl, fists and feet have no eyes. My fists can break sandbags. If you get punched, it's not as simple as screaming!"

Naturally, Xia Qianyue would not respond to a threat without nutrition.

Seeing this, the boxer sneered, put on a boxing pose, and approached Xia Qianyue step by step.

Unlike the previous one, he chose to play steadily.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, and he would not show mercy to a little girl.

With this in mind, Boxer approached Xia Qianyue step by step.

When the latter entered the attacking distance, the boxer put on a ferocious smile, and quickly punched out his right fist.

He was going to end the fight with a punch. Although this punch would not kill the opponent, it could definitely knock the girl in front of him unconscious.

Although it's not good to hit a girl, but if you win, you can advance, and he doesn't care about other people's cold eyes.

As long as he can get a good ranking and become famous in the East, he can earn a lot of money.

At that time, what kind of woman doesn't have one, and still needs to care about other people's face?

With this kind of thought in mind, the boxer's moves are even more swift, punches are like lightning, and the speed is extremely fast.


But at the next moment, a group of Taoists flew upside down, fell heavily to the ground, and even left a long drag mark on the ground.

"Ambulanceman, where is the ambulanceman, come and save me!"

The staff in the audience have gotten used to it and shouted for the ambulancemen with the loudest voice.

Immediately, two ambulancemen in white coats came and carried the man on the ground away.

When the man was lying on the stretcher, he was still muttering repeatedly.

"How did I get hit, how did I get hit, how did she make a move..."

Unfortunately, in the end, he didn't know how he was recruited.

Almost no one in the audience saw Xia Qianyue's punch clearly.

Her fist was really as fast as lightning, and the moment the boxer punched, she moved too.

The fist came first, faster than a boxer, almost hitting the opponent's face before the opponent could react.


Another spike!

The other contestants next door did not see this scene clearly.

No way?

How could this girl be so lucky to win again?

These two opponents are too careless, why do they have accidents every time?

How did the boxer fly out? It's really strange, isn't it?

No one would think that a delicate little girl could kill an opponent two rounds in a row.

They just regarded Xia Qianyue's victory as luck!

That's right, luck again!

For two consecutive rounds, the opponent made fatal mistakes, and Xia Qianyue relied on luck to "advance" to the main match.

Fortunately, Xia Qianyue didn't know what these people were thinking.

If she knew, she might refute that my aunt won the competition because of her real skills.

"Zhang Wei, I won!"

Xia Qianyue bounced all the way to the auditorium.

"Congratulations, Hanhan, you won so easily!"

"Yeah, those two opponents are so weak, they can't withstand my attack."

Xia Qianyue was a little bit unsatisfied.

"Hanhan, you should leave a way for your opponents to survive..."

But Zhang Wei muttered something in his heart, not daring to answer.

There was nothing outstanding about the next competition.

Zhang Xinwu defeated her opponent easily again, but this time Zhang Xinyan fought with her opponent for dozens of moves, but finally lost half of the moves and was defeated.

Zhang Xinyan lowered his head, and under Zhang Xinwu's reprimand, he didn't dare to speak.

Just like a child who made a mistake, he is being reprimanded by his parents.

In the last round of pressing the bottom of the box, Hua Chaoli came on stage again.

But this time, it was his turn that his opponent looked away and directly announced his abstention.

At this point, today's competition is over, and the final list of 50 people has been selected.

Among the people Zhang Wei knew well, almost all advanced to the main match.

Except for the stinky brother Zhang Xinyan.

Zhang Wei also didn't expect that this stinky brother actually lost, and it would be difficult for him to advance.

However, it has to be said that Dongfang Metropolis still has some strong contestants. At least with Zhang Xinyan's skill, there may be a situation where they will lose and fail to advance.

On Zhang Wei's side, after everyone gathered, they were about to leave the gymnasium.

After all, after winning the game, they will automatically be eligible for promotion, and the database will record the information.

After Hua Chaofan saw Zhang Wei leaving, he didn't step forward, nor did he continue to discuss the commission just now.

Zhang Wei was naturally relieved and left quickly.

He had made up his mind to stay as far away from Hua Chaofan as possible if he could not deal with Hua Chaofan.

Zhang Wei and his party left happily.

Sponsorship table.

"Ali, is it boring?"

"Yeah, it's not enough to fight!"

The Hua family brothers also joined, and both brothers were very disappointed.

"The purpose of bringing you to the Martial Arts Tournament is to find an opponent who can make you go all out. It seems that you are destined to be disappointed. After today's trials, you will have to be bored for a while, and the main competition will start in the middle of the month. "

Hua Chaofan said, his eyes locked on Zhang Wei and his party who left.

"Ali, do you think that girl is qualified to let you use all your strength?"

"The girl?"

Hua Chaoli's eyes were also locked on Xia Qianyue, "It should be enough, at least she is stronger than the cats and dogs here!"

Hua Chaofan understood immediately, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Well, in order to obtain the experimental data, I think it is necessary for us to visit them again!"


Sifangmen Street, Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

An SUV pulls up to the door.

Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue, Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan got off the car one after another.

"Team Wu and the others are going back first. Today, Lao Tie and I asked for leave. Unless there is a client assigning a task, I can relax for a day."

"Well, me too. There was no case at the beginning of the month. Today's task is the selection competition. Now that the competition is over, we can also leave work early."

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue looked at each other and smiled, and both of them were rarely free.

"Sister Xiaoxia, I think you still need to practice for a while before the mid-month competition!"

Zhang Xinwu also came up, and said solemnly to Xia Qianyue: "If possible, I hope you can master more essence of martial arts!"

"What martial arts?"

"For example, when we fought against Master Zaku that day, the other party and the two disciples showed the use of Qi!"

Zhang Xinwu said, her face became serious.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the Martial Arts Conference, even foreign masters participated. Although Xiaoxia's physique is amazing, it is hard to guarantee that she will not meet powerful masters. If you can initially master Qi, it can be regarded as helping you increase your chances of winning." Chips!"

"Okay, okay!"

Hearing this, Xia Qianyue suddenly became excited.

Immediately, the four of them entered Zhang's Martial Arts Hall one after another.

As a result, as soon as she reached the lobby of the martial arts hall, Xia Qianyue's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Hmm, do you intend to kill?"

Zhang Wei also frowned suddenly, because he sensed a hint of danger.

Although he does not have strong physical strength, his intuition is extremely sharp. This is the experience of many years of criminal defense lawyers.

In the field, Xia Qianyue was the one with the most keen sense.

"Here we come!" He suddenly turned his head and looked at the gate of the martial arts hall.

"Ha ha!"

With a roar, a huge figure rushed in.


The door frame above the gate was even smashed by the head of the person who came.

The burly and huge figure rushed into the martial arts hall in an instant, and a hand as big as a cattail fan directly grabbed Zhang Wei among the four.

"you dare!"

Seeing Zhang Wei as the target, Xia Qianyue acted almost reflexively.

Hit the high whip and kick the big hand.

But who knows, the person who came seemed to have guessed Xia Qianyue's movement, and the palm that was grabbing Zhang Wei suddenly turned, turning the palm into a fist, and facing the flying kick.


The attacks of the two converged, and the air turbulent for a while, and then the two figures retreated separately.

The tall figure stepped back a few steps in a row, and the ground under his feet also made a thumping sound when his figure moved.

Xia Qianyue took a few steps back, adjusted her figure, and looked forward with a solemn face.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a figure gradually became clear.

"Hua Chaoli!"

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei and others were astonished.

"Fuck, it's you again, I want to avenge my sister!"

When Zhang Xinyan saw the person coming, he immediately became angry and wanted to make a move.

"Brother, don't move!" But Zhang Xinwu grabbed him.

"Sister, let me go and let me avenge you!"

"Are you kidding me, is this a battle you can get involved in?"

The two sisters still had a dispute, but Zhang Wei's eyes were searching for the trace of the other person.

Hua Chaoli actually appeared, so Hua Chaofan must be nearby.

"Hey, don't look for it anymore, I'm here today to test your strength!"

Hua Chaoli raised his hand, pointed at Xia Qianyue who was protecting Zhang Wei behind him, and said with a sinister smile, "Sure enough, my brother is right, attack that kid, and you will act!"

"Why?" Xia Qianyue frowned, looking wary.

"There is no reason. I participated in the Martial Arts Tournament just to find a comparable opponent. Unfortunately, there are too many cats and dogs in the tournament. These people are not even qualified to block my punch!"

"only you!"

Hua Chaoli glanced at the slender girl in front of him, and said excitedly: "Only you are qualified to let me go all out. I just want to test my own strength, and I don't know who is right in the middle of the moon." Sai, then the only time to act is now!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do another trick!"

Hua Chaoli didn't hesitate at all, and after the sneak attack failed, he directly took the initiative to make a move.

His speed is not fast, but when he acts, he is powerful and oppressive.

"Zhang Wei, get out of the way!"


Xia Qianyue pushed Zhang Wei away, and the strength in her arm even pushed Zhang Wei away, causing the latter to let out a scream.

After Zhang Wei was thrown into the martial arts hall by her, Xia Qianyue was able to go all out to fight against Hua Chaoli.

All of a sudden, in the front yard of the martial arts hall, two figures, one large and one small, began to confront each other fiercely.


Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, even the neighboring Zhao Mansion and Lin Mansion, could feel a little bit of vibration.

Even on the main street of Sifangmen in the back, some merchants ran out of the shop and looked around.

They wondered if there was an earthquake here?

But Dongfangdu is located in a plain port, not on the blue star's seismic zone, so how could there be an earthquake?

Outside Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Hua Chaofan watched the movement in the martial arts hall, and finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Hahaha, that's right, with such a movement, Ali should have shot with all his strength!"

"But now is the warm-up. When the warm-up is over, I'll see if I need to start the next stage?"

"Next door is the ancestral house of the Lin family and the Zhao family. The Lin family only pays attention to interests, so it doesn't matter, but the Zhao family should still live here. Wouldn't it be inappropriate to destroy the house?"

"I am also a member of the Five Great Families now, and I will need to rely on the strength of the Zhang Family in the future. The alliance of the Five Great Families cannot be broken..."

"It's really troublesome. The so-called five alliances make me worry a lot!"

Hua Chaofan thought a lot, but finally decided that the interests of maintaining the alliance are higher than others.

Thinking of this, after stopping outside for a while, he finally walked into the martial arts hall like a leisurely stroll.

At this moment, the inside of the martial arts hall is already a mess.

The signboard of the martial arts hall is crumbling, and the gate is full of cracks and almost collapsed.

The ground in the front yard of the Martial Arts Hall was full of potholes, and more than half of the walls on both sides had collapsed, and it was almost about to affect the Zhao Mansion next door.

Most of the hall of the Zhang Martial Arts Hall was also destroyed, and the dormitory next door was crumbling in the smoke and dust.

Fortunately, the original tenants and apprentices, after Hua Chaofan came to the door for the first time, felt that the house could not be rented, and all left.

So there were no casualties.

But just looking at the movement here, it's hard to imagine that it was caused by two people fighting.

I don't know, I thought the engineering team came here to demolish the house.


Hua Chaofan opened his throat and roared.

A figure rushed out of the diffuse smoke and dust, and then came to Hua Chaofan's side.

"How about it, did you enjoy playing?"


The latter made a hoarse voice, humming and thundering.

"It really is you, Hua Chaofan!"

Zhang Wei walked out while fanning his nose with his palm, and looked at the visitor with an unkind expression.

"Yes, it's me!"

Hua Chaofan laughed, but there was no apology on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, I know what you want to say, but this land belongs to my family, and the house belongs to my family. Even if I demolish it all, the most I can do is pay you a little liquidated damages. Do you think I care about this little money?"

"But your brother did it with the intention of hurting someone, that's a criminal offense!"

"Joke, what is this place? It's a martial art school. The sign at the door says that!"

Hua Chaofan pointed to the crumbling plaque outside the door, and said with a sneer, "Isn't that a common thing when you come to the martial arts hall to kick the gym? Everyone is a martial arts practitioner, so shouldn't we have a sparring session?"

"What's more, Dongfang Metropolis will hold a martial arts conference recently. My brother is just a little restless. I believe the investigators of Dongfang Metropolis will understand him!"

Zhang Wei didn't expect that Hua Chaofan had done so much homework, even considering the consequences of his actions.

"Mr. Hua, you are not here to reason with me, to compare the law?"

"Of course not, I just happen to have an entrustment that requires lawyer Zhang to handle it!"

Hua Chaofan said, holding up a finger, "As long as Lawyer Zhang accepts this commission, you can rent this old Hua family house for as long as you want, and I will also pay to help you renovate the house. Guaranteed to be more magnificent than the broken martial arts gym before!"

Afterwards, he raised his second finger, "Also, of course I will also consider Lawyer Zhang, I will give you a very generous legal fee, and I will discuss this fee with Lin Xiangtian. Take Jincheng Company's account and give you the full amount directly!"

"By the way, the first payment of this money is 100 million yuan, and the final payment is several times the first payment. I believe my sincerity is enough to impress Lawyer Zhang, right?"

Zhang Wei's pupils shrank slightly, Hua Chaofan was willing to give so much money just to let him do things.

"What case?" he asked immediately.

"Don't worry, it's just a small case to help an old gentleman get justice. I believe this is what Lawyer Zhang is best at."

Hua Chaofan waved his hand, with a calm expression on his face, as if it was really a small case.

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