Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 330 See also Zhou Guidance, treason?

the next day.

That is Tuesday morning.

Dongfangdu, somewhere on the sea.

A speedboat galloped across the sea, and the waves split into two white lines, but were instantly swallowed by the surging waves.

Accompanied by the howling wind, a steel island appeared in the direction of the speedboat.

That was the famous Iron Island Prison.

The speedboat was docked at the pier in front of the island, and a young man stepped off from it.

Wearing a suit, tie, and shiny leather shoes, he carried a briefcase in his hand.

On the pier, there were four figures in camouflage combat uniforms waiting here.

"Guide Zhou!"

"Lawyer Zhang!"

The two sides greeted each other.

Zhou Xiaoli never expected that it was Zhang Wei who came.

And Zhang Wei didn't expect that the person responsible for escorting him was actually Zhou Xiaoli.

And behind Zhou Xiaoli, there were also three people he knew very well.

Gao Yang, Luo Qi, and his brother-in-law Xia Qianjun.

Seeing Zhang Wei, Gao Yang and Luo Qi were just a little surprised.

But Xia Qianjun's face was not so "friendly", and there was a fierce light hidden in the depths of his eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter, brother-in-law, I can help you get rid of the accused benefactor, are you looking at the benefactor's eyes?"

Seeing Xia Qianjun's face, Zhang Wei's forehead faintly dripped with sweat.

He quickly took out a tissue and wiped his sweat.

"Director Zhou, let's not waste time here, hurry up!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Who knows, Zhou Xiaoli waved her hand, but did not move.

woof woof!

There was a sound of dog barking, and a prison guard was seen walking with two search dogs.

"Lawyer Zhang, the person you are going to meet this time has a very special identity, and the charges against him are also very serious, so please cooperate!"

Before Zhou Xiaoli could finish speaking, two search dogs rushed up and searched Zhang Wei's heels, trousers, and body carefully.

"Please open the briefcase too!"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to open the briefcase for them to check.

"By the way, when can I see the client?"

"As long as Lawyer Zhang is not carrying dangerous goods and confirms your identity is correct, we will let you go!"

"Do you still need to confirm your identity?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhou Xiaoli, speechless.

Don't you know who I am?

Or, will someone impersonate me, Zhang Wei?

"Lawyer Zhang, please understand that there are always some people who are not afraid of death these days. In addition to the advanced technology now, there may be new technologies for face-changing in foreign countries, so we are just in case!"

Zhou Xiaoli said, raising her hand as a signal.

Xia Qianjun's eyebrows frowned, and he rushed out like a cheetah, raised his hand and punched Zhang Wei in the face.


Just when his fist was less than an inch away from someone's forehead, he hastily shouted.

Xia Qianjun's fist stopped in place for an instant.

The fist wind blew across Zhang Wei's forehead, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his figure did not move at all.

"That's right, Lawyer Zhang, with this level of determination, he is no ordinary person!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't move, Zhou Xiaoli couldn't help applauding.

"Because I know that although my uncle hates me, he will never really hit me!"

Zhang Wei also chuckled, and wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

"At least I won't beat me in front of so many people. If we meet in private, maybe I will really get beaten!"

He added in his mind that the search for the assistance dogs here has also been completed.

"If it's an enemy, Xiaojun's killing intent just now, coupled with the power of that punch, they will definitely have an instinctive reaction, and only ordinary people like Lawyer Zhang who have no fighting power may not be able to react Come!"

As Zhou Xiaoli said, she signaled that the surroundings could put down their guard.

But Zhang Wei could also tell that he was scolding him for fighting the five scum in a different way.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, come with us. I am the liaison officer of the War Department on this case. If you have any requirements, you can ask us!"

"By the way, what crime did my client commit? I called many times for consultation, but you all dismissed me with a confidentiality clause?"

Zhang Wei followed Zhou Xiaolin into Iron Island Prison, and at the same time did not forget to ask a question.

"Oh, this is also required by work. Please understand. As for the questions you want to ask, you can get the answers when you meet your client!"

Zhou Xiaoli said, but did not answer the question.

A group of five of them advanced in Iron Island Prison and passed several checkpoints.

Zhang Wei saw that on each checkpoint, there were guards armed with live ammunition. Their expressions were serious, and their faces were extremely solemn.

After walking into a silver double door, Zhang Wei noticed that the security measures here were much tighter than those outside.

"The people imprisoned here are not good people, are they?"

"Of course, the detainees here can be said to be extremely vicious people!"

Zhou Xiaoli glanced at Zhang Wei, and then said with a smile, "I'm also very surprised. Lawyer Zhang, you make a lot of money when you're not in the East. It's really incomprehensible that you insist on defending these people!"

"I was also entrusted by others!" Zhang Wei hastily smiled perfunctorily.

"Hmph, I think it's for money!"

Behind him, Xia Qianjun snorted coldly, contemptuous of someone.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help it immediately, his face tensed for a few seconds, but then he turned into a joke: "Think about it, I don't have to earn money to support your sister, the child's milk powder money, and the pension money for the father-in-law and mother-in-law , I have to pay a share!"

"Who wants your money!" Xia Qianjun snorted again, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Yeah, I don't want my money." Zhang Wei chuckled, spreading his hands and said, "But consumption is so expensive in the East, and the prices are also high. With your little salary, brother-in-law, if you want to get married in the future, it may be difficult to buy a house."

"Not to mention, if you want to get married, you will definitely empty the wallets of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Then my son-in-law will come in handy at this time. If you don't work hard now, how will you support Hanhan's family in the future?"

Xia Qianjun was speechless, why did you get involved in me, do I need your money?

"Haha, stop arguing, you two, the place is here!"

At this moment, Zhou Xiaoli interrupted the quarrel between the two.

Another cumbersome checkpoint, metal scanning, X-ray inspection, and even radiation value measurement.

The gate of the checkpoint was wide open, and Zhang Wei was taken into a separate room that was almost closed.

Zhou Xiaoli and Xia Qianjun were all guarding the door.

Not long after, the party came.

Escorted by two guards, an old man with white hair in prison uniform walked in with his head bowed.

His hands were trembling slightly, and his eyes were a little blank, obviously he didn't understand that he was imprisoned here.

To be honest, when Zhang Wei saw his client for the first time, he was a little skeptical.

Can he be called a dangerous person just like that?

"Hello, is this Dr. Qian Zhisui?"

After the old man sat down, he raised his head slowly, and after seeing Zhang Wei's face clearly, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Zhang Wei, and I'm your defense lawyer!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly took out a business card from the document bag and put it on the table for the other party to see.

There is no way to hand out the business card, because the other party will have to go back later, and the business card cannot be taken away.

"Oh, Zhang Wei..."

Qian Zhisui murmured, repeating these two words.

Zhou Xiaoli came to the two of them with two glasses of water.

"Remember, you only have 15 minutes to talk, not even one more second!"

With a word of warning, she winked at the two guards and gave up the closed room to them.

In the not-so-big room, Zhang Wei and Qian Zhisui sat facing each other. The oppression of the room combined with the silence between the two made one feel depressing.

"Dr. Qian, can you tell me what charges you are facing?"

"Didn't they tell you?"

"They told me nothing, and when I asked, they sent me off with a non-disclosure agreement."

"That's right..."

Qian Zhisui murmured and lowered his head, as if sorting out his words.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"They charged me with treason!"


Not surprisingly, Zhang Wei sprayed all the water out of his mouth.

"Ahem, what are you talking about, treason?"

"I'm speaking Dragon Mandarin, right?" Dr. Qian's eyes widened and he asked back.

"Doctor, can we not answer questions with questions?"

Zhang Wei adjusted, and hurriedly organized his words, "The crime you are accused of is treason, right? It is not other charges, but treason against the Dragon Kingdom?"

"I'm still literate, and I won't make mistakes!"

Qian Zhisui sighed, but also admitted the matter.


Zhang Wei immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He felt the pressure, and at the same time extended his "very cordial" greetings to the client Hua Chaofan and his eighteenth generation ancestors.

This is the little case you're talking about?

If this could be called a small case, there would be no major case in this world.

"Dr. Qian, why don't you tell me why you were accused of treason and then arrested?"

Zhang Wei knew that Qian Zhisui had not been tried, because the crime was so serious that it would take time just to collect evidence.

In fact, it has been a month since Qian Zhisui entered Iron Island Prison, and the time for the trial has not yet been determined.

But this accusation is real. Considering the serious impact of the case Dr. Qian was involved in, he was detained in the most guarded part of Iron Island Prison.

This is the same as the case of Wang Yuqing back then, but back then Wang Yuqing was only charged with poisoning and murdering a city councilor, which was a bit worse than the charges Dr. Qian faced.

After hearing this, Qian Zhisui lowered his head and began to organize his words.

After waiting for about two minutes, he slowly raised his head: "I am a scientist, specializing in genetics and inheritance, and my main research projects include bioengineering and genetic experiments. My research goal has always been to overcome PD. ..."

"Dr. Qian, I'm sorry, I'm not a medical professional. I want to ask what is PD?"

"Oh, I'm talking about Parkinson's disease, referred to as PD, translated as Parkinson's disease."

"Parkinson's Disease?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Qian Zhisui in surprise, who wants to overcome Parkinson's disease?

You know, even if Zhang Wei is not a medical student, he also knows that neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease are called incurable diseases in medicine, and they are also called terminal diseases.

Even though the modern medical system has gone through hundreds of years of development, technology is advancing year by year, and human beings have made great progress in the research of many diseases, the scientific community is still helpless against Parkinson's disease.

The current medical technology, the only response to Parkinson's disease, can only prevent and improve symptoms, but cannot cure the disease.

Abbreviation: Unsolvable!

"Dr. Qian, you continue..."


Qian Zhisui was about to continue talking, but his right hand suddenly trembled.

"I, I..." Seeing the abnormal change in his right hand, Dr. Qian opened his mouth wide and looked shocked.

"I'm out of time, out of time..."

He looked at Zhang Wei, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes, including fear and fear, but also unwillingness and helplessness...

"Dr. Qian, you..."

"Lawyer Zhang, as you can see, I have PD, I have done too many tests for myself, my genes match all the genetic sequences of PD, my grandpa, father and brother all died of PD, so I really don't It's time. Please help me, help me win the "Pioneering Medical Technology", please save my life! "

Qian Zhisui's right hand trembled, but his left hand grabbed Zhang Wei's arm with an extremely solemn tone.

"But you didn't tell me anything, how do you want me to help you?"

"Go to my assistant, my lab assistant, she... her name is Wang Yali, she knows everything, I told her everything..."

As Qian Zhisui said, he grabbed his trembling right hand with his left hand, panting heavily at the same time, and his face became extremely red.

"Director Zhou, please call a doctor for me!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei quickly shouted.

He knew that there was no way to continue today's conversation.

But to meet Qian Zhisui once, the required procedures and procedures are extremely complicated, and it can be said that it is extremely difficult to see him again for the second time.

That being the case, the only clue in this case is his assistant.

Zhou Xiaoli quickly arrived with ambulance personnel, and the doctor diagnosed Qian Zhisui and took him away.

So far, the meeting can only end early.

Zhang Wei followed Zhou Xiaoli and walked towards the outside of Iron Island Prison under the "escort" of three people including her uncle.

"Director Zhou, do you think that old man can really do something that endangers the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you should have heard a saying, you know the face but you don't know the heart!"

"Having said that, I didn't see the remorse and remorse of a criminal in the eyes of that old man. I only saw the unwillingness of a loser and the innocence of an ordinary person who was caught in this prison!"

"I didn't expect the famous murder lawyer to be such a sentimental person?"

"Director Zhou, if you say that, you're wronging me. I really didn't kill Cheng Lisha, I have an alibi!"

Zhang Wei said, don't leave any pot unopened, and Cheng Lisha's death really has nothing to do with me.

Please pay attention to the evidence, whether the murder lawyer can't be dismissed?

"We don't care about right and wrong. I only care about your relationship with this case, Lawyer Zhang."

Zhou Xiaoli took Zhang Wei back to the pier again.

"Lawyer Zhang, I would like to advise you that this case is too involved. Do you want to face the power of the entire war department with one person?"

"Director Zhou, let me tell you something, I am a law-abiding citizen, and I think Dr. Qian is the same. Since the law gives him the right to hire a lawyer, as a defense lawyer, I will naturally do my best for him!"

Zhang Wei said, looking up towards a certain direction of Iron Island Prison, "And I believe that the truth will be revealed one day, and I will also help Dr. Qian clear his charges!"

"Oh, then I'll just wait and see!"

Zhou Xiaoli sneered, obviously disapproving of Zhang Wei's big words.

Zhang Wei left, and left again in a speedboat, disappearing into the vast sea.

Zhou Xiaoli watched Zhang Wei leave, took out a phone, and dialed a number.

"The defense lawyer met with Qian Zhisui. It's Zhang Wei, with a clean background and no problem!"

"Yes, I know that, as a defense lawyer, he is only helping clients to exercise their defense rights."

"Then to whom should this case be handed over?"

"Well, yes, I see. I will contact the local prosecutor's headquarters later, and I hope they will treat it seriously this time. As for the candidate for the prosecution, I will let them know after they confirm it!"

"Well, our mission is clear!"

After finishing the call, Zhou Xiaoli winked at Xia Qianjun and the other three, "Go, go to the local prosecutor's headquarters to hand over the documents!"


Tuesday noon.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

After finishing his meeting with Qian Zhisui in the morning, he naturally returned to the law firm and began to prepare for the case.

The first step, of course, is to collect case information.

He used Qiandu to start searching for information.

The first is Qian Zhisui, a row of qualifications and certificates let Zhang Wei know that this old man is professional in genetics and science.

Then there is Wang Yali, the assistant he mentioned, who is also an expert in inheritance, graduated from a famous medical university, and is also a professional.

Then, Zhang Wei began to search for the six words "Pioneering Medical Technology".

Because in this meeting, he didn't get much information, but besides mentioning his assistant, Qian Zhisui also heard about this company.

This is also a very important clue.

Qiandu quickly gave the answer.

Pioneer Medical Technology is a southern medical science giant with assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars. There are several rows of well-known medical laboratories under its name.

Looking at the bottom of the introduction, there are dozens of rows of medical and scientific patents, and he knows that the company is definitely not small.

"Enter the company's official website and search for Dr. Qian Zhisui!"

Zhang Wei found the official website of Pioneer Medical Technology and searched for Qian Zhisui's name.

Unfortunately, the search results did not find such a person.

"It shouldn't be. Dr. Qian should have worked for this company before, so he removed the list of employees so soon?"

"Then try Dr. Wang Yali?"

Zhang Wei typed the three words "Wang Yali" again, and the result of the search was "resigned".

"Good guy!"

Seeing this result, Zhang Wei secretly said helplessly.

Qian Zhisui was involved in the crime of treason. In order to clear up the relationship, this company directly killed the donkey.

"Then how can I find Dr. Wang, the second daughter?"

Thinking so, Zhang Wei opened the phone's V letter, preparing to send a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Suddenly, he saw a circle of friends update reminder.

【Your friend Jessica updated Moments】


Zhang Wei subconsciously flipped through Moments.

I was surprised to see a photo of Jessica with a certain woman.

【Participated in a medical symposium with Dr. Wang Yali/Smile】


Seeing the woman standing with Jessica in the selfie photo, Zhang Wei glanced at the photos on the official website of Pioneer Medical Technology.

He confirmed that it was the same person!

Wang Yali is actually with Jessica now!

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