Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 331 Wang Yali's clues, for profit?

Dongfangdu, City Hospital.

A medical symposium is being held in a large conference room of the hospital.

"We established a medical joint system and a mutual aid organization in response to the Budo Conference held this month and the subsequent impact during the conference."

"You have also seen that ever since the martial arts conference was held in the east, more and more so-called martial artists came to compete from all over the world. These people have no other skills, but they are good at fighting and creating small-scale conflicts. Gao Qiang!"

An old doctor presiding over the meeting gradually became serious.

He asked his assistant to switch the projection content, and the photos of the injured were clearly displayed in front of everyone in the conference room.

Fortunately, most of the people present are doctors, who have seen various diseases,

Even if there is blood in the photo, it is a small problem of the shell for them.

"Doctors, you have also seen that since the Martial Arts Conference was held, the medical assistance system of our hospital is under tremendous pressure, so this is also the reason why I held this symposium!"

"As the president of the municipal hospital, I sincerely hope that everyone can join our mutual aid organization. Once there is a shortage of manpower in our hospital, we will sincerely invite all outstanding doctors to join our temporary rescue team and provide the first aid for the injured. Time to heal!"

"Here, I would also like to thank all the excellent doctors for coming to the symposium held by our hospital!"

After the old dean finished speaking, there were sporadic applause in the meeting room.


The old dean felt that the applause was not loud enough, so he coughed immediately.

Multiple rounds of applause sounded one after another from all around, and the conference room burst into thunderous applause.

The old dean nodded in satisfaction.

In the corner of the conference room, two ladies were sitting.

One of them, with blond hair and blue eyes, has a body so good that it explodes. His proud bust and stunning appearance have almost become the focus of everyone's attention.

She is none other than Jessica.

The woman sitting next to Jessica, who was a little older and had an ordinary appearance, was completely reduced to a green leaf at this moment.

Seeing the dean who had finished speaking, Jessica approached the people around her and asked in a low voice:

"Dr. Wang, aren't you considering changing your working environment? How about coming to the city hospital? Your work experience must be enough?"

"You don't need to say it so well, in fact, I was fired by the company. And I have been studying genetic technology in the laboratory before, and I have no experience in operating on the operating table..."

The woman called Dr. Wang shook her head while sighing.

She is none other than Wang Yali who Zhang Wei wants to find.

"That's why I brought you here. In fact, I haven't picked up a scalpel for a long time, but with this mutual aid association, we can try to reach some patients."

Jessica smiled slightly, and said with a serious face: "Technology and experience are the process of the user's progress from unfamiliarity to proficiency. Only after more contact and field operations can it be possible to improve."

"This..." Wang Yali was slightly moved when she heard what her companion said.

But she was still a little scared to step into a new field rashly.

Although she is a doctor of medicine, she has been doing experiments in the laboratory before, and she has been exposed to cold experimental machines.

But now it is a challenge to join the hospital and get in touch with the living injured patients.

"By the way, Jessica, you are also an excellent psychiatrist now, why would you think of doing surgery again?"

Jessica hesitated for a moment, then smiled frankly, "People always have to face their past."

"Besides, I don't want the technology I have mastered to become unfamiliar in my hands."

Hearing what Jessica said, Wang Yali couldn't help but nodded.

But then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man walking over.

"Director Sheng, hello!"

Wang Yali looked at the person and nodded her head.

"Dr. Wang!"

The visitor answered three words in a perfunctory manner, but his attention was completely out of her place.

The people's attention was always on the person next to Wang Yali.

"Doctor Jessica, I didn't expect that after I invited you many times, you finally agreed to come to our hospital's exchange meeting."

"Are you interested in the medical mutual aid system implemented by our hospital?"

"I forgot to tell you. I am one of the people in charge of the implementation of the system. If you don't understand anything about surgery, you can come and ask me. I will be more than happy to answer it for you!"

This man called Director Sheng was so ardent to Jessica that he almost posted the whole person.

Facing this attentive man, Jessica had to keep a certain distance, not alienating, but also able to remind him that we were not familiar.

But Director Sheng didn't seem to notice this estrangement, and still walked in step by step.

Seeing this, Wang Yali was speechless for a while.

You, the director, are drunk and don't care about drinking. I really don't think I can see what kind of thoughts are hidden in your heart.

But don't blame him, who makes the charm of the people around him so great.

Wang Yali and her companions walked all the way, and almost all the men's eyes would not fall on her.

But this is also in line with her wish, she wants to keep a low profile.

But sometimes, some people just don't have the eyesight, and they haven't read the book "Emotional Intelligence" well.

"By the way, Dr. Wang, I heard about Dr. Qian!"

Director Sheng saw that Jessica couldn't be moved by his courteousness, so he suddenly changed the tone and involved Wang Yali.

As soon as he said that, Jessica's beautiful eyes flashed a faint disgust, and Wang Yali's face became a little ugly.

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Jessica had never mentioned this matter before, even if Wang Yali lost her job, she always spoke with high EQ like "You want to change the office environment".

As for Director Sheng, that was really outspoken.

"Dr. Qian, he..."

"Hmph, Dr. Qian Zhisui can be regarded as an authority on genetics, I didn't expect that it would be late~"

Director Sheng didn't want Wang Yali's answer at all, he just started a topic suddenly to attract Jessica's interest.

Buzz buzz!

But suddenly, Jessica's phone vibrated.

I was in a meeting before, and the phone was set to vibrate, but Jessica was a little lucky at the moment, and didn't turn the phone to silent.

"Sorry, my friend called, Director Sheng, you can do whatever you want!"

Jessica apologized, then walked out of the meeting room.

Director Sheng was naturally smiling, showing a gentleman's demeanor.

But as Jessica left the conference room, the smile on his face instantly subsided, and a gloomy look appeared between his brows.

"Hmph, a woman who doesn't know how to praise!" Director Sheng snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

Outside the meeting room.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, what do you want from me?"

"Oh, you want to come to me, that's fine."

"Actually, I'm glad you called, today's symposium is kind of boring."

"But I'm here with my friend, if you don't mind... What did you say, you don't mind, and you also asked me to bring Dr. Wang?"

"What are your plans?"

"Yeah, let's talk when we meet, see you later."

Jessica hung up the phone with a smile in her eyes.

This made Wang Yali, who came out later, look puzzled, her companion actually smiled, and the smile was very sweet.

Before facing so many authorities in the medical field, she only maintained a relatively polite and slightly distant attitude, but now she smiled.

Who is it that can make her laugh?

Could it be...

Wang Yali became slightly interested in the person on the other end of the phone.

"Dr. Wang, my friend said he wants to meet you, would you mind meeting him with me?"

"who is it?"

"He is a very interesting person~"


It's two thirty in the afternoon.

In the city center, an open-air coffee shop.

Under the stretches of awnings, there are seats along the street in coffee shops.

On one of the four-seaters, Zhang Wei finally met Jessica, and also saw Wang Yali he was looking for.

"Hello, Dr. Wang, I'm Zhang Wei, a lawyer from the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm!"

When we met, it was naturally a regular greeting. After Zhang Wei handed out his business card, he did not forget to add:

"This time, I'm still Dr. Qian Zhisui's defense lawyer, responsible for helping him deal with matters related to the accusation!"

As soon as this remark came out, the two women sitting across from each other showed varying degrees of surprise.

"Zhang Wei, have you accepted Dr. Qian's case?"

Jessica was the first to hold back, covered her small mouth, and asked in surprise.

"Yes, the commission has been accepted. I believe that once the news of the public trial comes out, the lawyer circle in Dongfang Capital will know about it."

Zhang Wei was very calm, and didn't care that he was taking on a difficult case.

"But the case of Dr. Qian, the accusation he received was treason!" Wang Yali, who was on the side, couldn't help being surprised.

"What's wrong with treason? If Dr. Qian is innocent, then I will help him clear up his grievances and bring the real criminal to justice!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at Wang Yali, "Dr. Wang, for this lofty goal, I need your help. At least tell me all the information you know about this case."

"Actually, I went to Iron Island Prison this morning and saw Dr. Qian, but he seems to be in very bad condition!"

After hearing this, Wang Yali took a sip of her coffee and sighed, "Yes, Dr. Qian's time is running out."

"His grandfather was only 57 years old when he died of PD, his father was 54 years old, his brother was 59 years old, and he is now 55 years old. According to the genetic pathological characteristics, he meets all the genetic conditions of PD disease, He's showing some early symptoms himself."

When Wang Yali said this, she said with a serious face: "He actually knew very early on that he could not escape the fate of his ancestors. This is why he devoted himself to research. He wanted to do it for himself and for the entire Blue Star. Tens of thousands of patients have found the way to salvation!"

"Well, let me ask you a question!"

Jessica on the side raised her hand slightly, and said with a strange expression: "The PD you are talking about refers to Parkinson's disease, that neurodegenerative disease?"

"Yes!" Wang Yali nodded.

"Oh, go ahead!"

Jessica motioned for the two to continue, but her face was also a little unsightly.

Because of what this disease represents, as a medical person, she is naturally very clear.

"Dr. Wang, what did Dr. Qian do to get him accused of treason?"

Zhang Wei asked the one thing he was most concerned about.

"Dr. Qian... He entered the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology and stole the genetic experiment materials, as well as part of the experimental data."

"I remember Pioneer Medical Technology. It seems that there are orders from high-level officials. The data of their experiments will also involve the war department and high-level officials..."

Having said that, Zhang Wei doesn't need to say more, he already understands the rest.

Qian Zhisui stole materials and data from the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology, and the laboratory may contain research secrets of the high-level Dragon Kingdom.

Why did he take the secret, and where did he take the secret?

"If, I mean if!"

After emphasizing it, Zhang Wei asked, "If Dr. Qian got the materials and materials he asked for, where would he go?"

"I'm not sure about this, but he has been in contact with the head of a laboratory in China recently, so he should have brought the information there?"


Zhang Wei was puzzled. Taking information from one laboratory to another involved commercial interests at most. How could he be accused of treason?

For treason, it must be an act of betraying the Dragon Kingdom, and Dr. Qian's act is not counted at all.

Wang Yali went on to say: "Although the address of that laboratory is in China, some of the investors are from abroad..."

"Oh, I see!"

Zhang Wei understood instantly.

If Qian Zhisui goes to that laboratory with experimental materials and data, some of the foreign investors are likely to take these confidential data out of the country.

Confidential data, why is it called confidential? Naturally, it cannot be disclosed, and it is even more impossible to disclose it to foreign countries.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei quickly asked, "Dr. Wang, what is the relationship between Dr. Qian and Pioneer Medical Technology?"

"They had a good relationship at the beginning. Dr. Qian is an authoritative expert in Parkinson's disease research. In fact, Pioneer Medical Technology relied on Dr. Qian's reputation to have a stable customer base."

"But then..."

Wang Yali glanced to the left and right, and after confirming that no one was looking at her, she continued: "But later, the two sides had a disagreement!"

"Dr. Qian repeatedly accused Pioneer Medical Technology's board of directors of delaying the progress of his project for no reason, and did not provide the support promised in advance, and even the research funds were not received in time."

"Dr. Qian also said that Pioneer Medical Technology has never thought about curing Parkinson's disease, they only want to make money from the patient's pocket."

"This matter is very serious within the group. Dr. Qian has also been warned by the board of directors many times, but you also know that he doesn't have much time. The board's warnings are actually meaningless to him..."

"Well, I understand!" Zhang Wei nodded, expressing his understanding.

People are going to die, what's the use of your verbal threats?

But then he rolled his eyes and pondered: "You mean, Dr. Qian accused Pioneer Medical Technology of delaying the progress of Dr. Qian Zhisui's experiment without reason for commercial interests."

"Doesn't the company's board of directors, even for profit, want Dr. Qian's research to make progress?"

"Yes!" Wang Yali nodded repeatedly.

"But I suppose you don't have any proof of that, do you?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Even if Dr. Qian found the board of directors and questioned them face to face, they wouldn't really leave anything to say, would they?"

Wang Yali let out a long sigh, with helplessness on her face.

If the directors of the group can keep their word, then there is naturally room for maneuver in this matter.

But they are not idiots, how could they leave evidence.

"So in the end, Dr. Qian sneaked into the laboratory and stole the experimental data for himself?"

"Yes, he thought that Pioneer Medical Technology would not help him complete the experiment, so he contacted other laboratories. But other laboratories were afraid to take over this research because they were afraid of Pioneer Medical Technology's prosecution."

Recalling the situation at that time, Wang Yali stated: "In the end, only the Northern Laboratory family responded to Dr. Qian's message, and Dr. Qian had no choice. He just wanted to complete his own research and find a way to save PD patients! "

"I see!"

Zhang Wei nodded solemnly.

This time he really understood the ins and outs of the incident.

In the final analysis, it was the zb family who did not hesitate to do things that violated their promises for the sake of their own interests.

If Qian Zhisui really develops a specific drug to treat PD, then tens of millions of patients around the world will be saved.

For Pioneer Medical Technology, tens of millions of patients around the world can provide them with amazing profits every year.

Once someone can completely cure them once and for all, wouldn't they be unable to make money from these people for a long time?

So for the sake of long-term benefits, what these people think about is not the success of the research, but the failure of the research!

It is believed that the top management of Pioneer Medical Technology also talked to Dr. Qian and vaguely revealed the meaning of this aspect.

But Qian Zhisui is different, he has reasons to complete the experiment.

Zhang Wei believes that Dr. Qian will definitely not listen to the words of high-level officials.

In fact, he did that too, which led to these things.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was silent, Wang Yali said in a pleading tone: "Lawyer Zhang, if I want to help Dr. Qian, what should I do?"

"Dr. Wang, how long have you known Dr. Qian?"

"The laboratory was established 6 years ago. I was the first batch of people to join the laboratory. I have worked with Dr. Qian for 6 years!"

"Six years, it should be enough!"

Zhang Wei understood, and then asked: "Then let you be Dr. Qian's character witness, are you willing to appear in court?"

"I have no problem!" Wang Yali immediately agreed.

"Okay, then what I need to prove next is Dr. Qian's motive for stealing experimental materials and data."

Zhang Wei said, frowning tightly.

"Although the crime of treason is a serious charge, it is a subjective crime, that is, the perpetrator must know that his behavior is a treasonous behavior, which will cause harm to the safety of the Dragon Kingdom, but hope or allow this harm to happen!"

"As long as it is proved that Dr. Qian was not intentional, and even he did not betray the country, then the charge of treason will not be established!"

"It seems that I still have a lot to prove!"

This is the only countermeasure he can think of right now.

There is still a long way to go to get rid of this accusation.

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