Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 332 Mixed Doubles? plea condition

Tuesday, 4pm.

The Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters.

Felony Division Office, the innermost office.

"Yes, yes, Attorney General, I understand, I understand..."

"This time the case is too involved, and our Office of the Serious Crimes Division is also feeling the pressure, so we decided to use the trump card..."

"Ah, what are you talking about, the candidate has already been decided?"

"Let us provide assistance and send someone to be their assistants, them?"

"Prosecutor, did you say 'they' just now, we are responsible for the prosecution of the case, isn't there usually one person?"

"You mean, two people were arranged to deal with that Zhang Wei?"

"I understand, I understand, we will definitely win this time, we will definitely win..."

Finally, Zhao Chunming smiled and hung up the phone, but the smile on his face disappeared quickly.

"It's Zhang Wei again, he just takes on these tricky cases!"

"Recently, due to the Martial Arts Conference, the law and order in Dongfang Capital has also been under a lot of pressure. Why doesn't he take these cases, and insist on taking the most difficult one?"

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

But then, the resentment on his face suddenly subsided, replaced by a gloomy coldness.

"But that's okay, we've won this case. Since that kid insists on begging for death, we can just satisfy him!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Chunming breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Wei took this case very well, it just so happens that this kid has been too shy recently, he has to lose once!

"By the way, the Chief Prosecutor also gave an assignment. Since he arranged for two prosecutors, I have to arrange two assistants for them too!"

Zhao Chunming got up, walked to the door, opened the door and shouted towards the office area of ​​the Serious Crime Division: "Xiao Baihe, Tan Yingying, you two come here, I have a task for you!"

After the two girls were called, they got up with different expressions, walked into the office, and waited for orders.

At the same time, upstairs.

High Prosecutor's Office.

There were also two people gathered together, discussing something.

"Brother, this is the first case I have handled in Dongfangdu. I hope we can cooperate wholeheartedly and win together!"

"What Junior Sister said is true, but you and I should be more careful, this time our opponent is that Zhang Wei!"

"What is the brother talking about? Even if the opponent is Zhang Wei, so what? Could it be that the two of us teamed up can't help him alone?"

"If you say that, it's true. If the two of us work together, do we still need to be afraid of him alone?"

Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen, the two senior prosecutors at the local prosecutor's headquarters, looked at each other and smiled at this moment.

In the eyes of both of them, there is a strong fighting spirit burning.


On Tuesday night, inside the Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei received a call that surprised him. It was from his mother-in-law Li Qinghua.

"Zhang Wei, I'm here to notify you routinely."

"The court has finalized the rules and regulations for the case you took over. Lao Chen will be the presiding judge, and I will be the court clerk!"

"By the way, there are two prosecutors. The chief prosecutor is Lan Zhengye, and the second prosecutor is Lu Wenwen. I heard that the local prosecutor's headquarters has also arranged two assistants to handle the case together. That's four people!"

"Of course, I would like to add one last thing. I told you on behalf of my daughter, please listen to me..."

On the other end of the phone, there was a sound of deep breathing, followed by Li Qinghua's roar: "Aren't you looking for trouble for nothing? You dare to take such a big case. Do you know how much impact this case has? They sent so many people for prosecution at once. Man, I just want to give you a hard time, you..."

"Honey, Xiao Zhang's case has been accepted, why are you complaining now..."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Donghai's complaints came to mind again.

"I'm talking to Zhang Wei, what are you talking about, just peel me the melon seeds!"

"Eat melon seeds again, eat less, and get angry if you eat too much!"

"Shut up, I'm going to teach Zhang Wei a lesson, you... Forget it, this kid makes me too angry, I don't want to eat melon seeds anymore, you go mop the floor, clean up the potted plants I raised on the balcony, and go to the community for greening Just dig some soil, and don’t forget to water it... What are you still doing, hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go, don't make Zhang Wei angry, he might be bothered now..."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing when he heard that the parents of his father-in-law and mother-in-law were talking on the phone.

Listening to their old couple quarreling is not interesting.

"Zhang Wei, what are you laughing at, I didn't mean you, you..."


Just when the mother-in-law reprimanded Zhang Wei, a message came from the phone.

It's a message from the V letter chat group.

"What, mother-in-law, I have to work on a case, so I'll hang up first, you and father-in-law can talk slowly~"

"Zhang Wei, what do you mean, I can be regarded as your half elder anyway, you..."

Before Li Qinghua finished speaking, Zhang Wei hung up the phone directly.

On the other end, my mother-in-law is going to lose her temper.

But with his father-in-law sharing the firepower for him, it shouldn't be a problem.

Zhang Wei hurriedly turned on the phone, it was a message from the chat group, and the message was swiping the screen.

[Xiao Baihe: Big news, big news! 】

[Xiao Baihe: Zhang Wei got into a big lawsuit this time! 】

【Xia Qianyue: What is it/doubt】

[Xiao Baihe: You are a fool, you definitely can't think of what the case is this time/smirk]

[Jessica: Zhang Wei told me about Dr. Qian’s case/smile]

[Mo Yuzhu: I heard it was a crime of treason, my mother talked about it when chatting with my father/hee hee]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: The case of Pioneer Medical Technology, I have also received gossip / pouted]

[Xiao Baihe:? ? ? 】

【Xiao Baihe: Except for the idiot Hanhan, I was the last to know/Shocked】

[Xia Qianyue: Xiao Baihe, what are you talking about, I'm not stupid/angry]

【Xiao Baihe: Hehe】

【Mo Yuzhu: Hehe】

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Hehe】

【Jessica: Hehe】

【Zhang Wei: Hehe】

[Xia Qianyue:! ! ! 】

[Xiao Baihe:! ! ! 】

[Mo Yuzhu:! ! ! 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao:! ! ! 】

[Jessica:! ! ! 】

[Zhang Wei: What are you doing, I just took a peek at the screen, what's wrong, should we all become repeaters/doubts]

[Xiao Baihe: Don't talk about this, this time your opponent is two high-ranking judges, and Yingying and I are supporting them, you just wait to lose/kimbo]

[Zhang Wei: It turns out that the two assistants are you, so I don't care, anyway, it's the four defeated generals teaming up to sprinkle water~]

【Zhang Wei: Standing Hands.jpg】

[Xiao Baihe: Zhang Wei, go to hell! /anger】

[Xia Qianyue: Zhang Wei is right, they are all defeated/hee hee]

[Xiao Baihe: Hmph, don't be complacent! 】

[Zhang Wei: I'm proud of it, can you bite me? 】

【Xiao Baihe: Grandma is mad/angry】

[Xiao Baihe: Zhang Wei, wait until you die tomorrow! 】

【Zhang Wei: slipped away】

Zhang Wei turned off the interface of the chat group, put down the phone at the same time, and began to think.

"Lan Zhengye, Lu Wenwen, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, the latter two are not considered a threat. Lu Wenwen's strength is average, but Lan Zhengye is a bit tricky."

"However, the court is a court, not a martial arts conference, let alone a place like a street. They can't have four people at the same time. At most, the chief and the second will take turns to speak."

"Based on this, what I'm going to face is the mixed doubles between Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen?"

Thinking of his opponent, Zhang Wei frowned again.

It's okay to deal with one person, but it's really difficult to deal with two high-level prosecutors.

Do you want to find help yourself?

But the question is who?

Who can help me at Jincheng Law Firm?

Iron as cloud?

Lao Tie was given a pass by Zhang Wei immediately.

It's not that he can't do it, on the contrary, Lao Tie should be regarded as a relatively normal teammate.

But Lao Tie is the head of the department after all, so it is obviously inappropriate to be involved in a major case involving treason.

Then the remaining candidate, Xiao Li... This one is not good either, Li Yueqin can't bear the pressure.

Little apprentice... Forget it, forget it, you can still trust her for small cases, but you might as well do it yourself for big cases.

As for the remaining newcomers, it is even more impossible.

So far, Zhang Wei has excluded all the companions Jincheng Ritsu can trust.

If you can't do it inside Jincheng Law Firm, then you can only find a partner outside the law firm.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, Jessica, Xia Qianyue.

This is the helper Zhang Wei can think of.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is in charge of intelligence.

Jessica is in the medical system and can be a consultant.

Xia Qianyue's force can protect her safety.

In an instant, Zhang Wei finalized three candidates.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to send a message to the three of them, the phone rang again.

unknown number.

Seeing these four words displayed on the incoming call interface, Zhang Wei was speechless for a while.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Lawyer Zhang, have you seen Dr. Qian today?"

There was a cold voice on the other end of the phone.

This voice was the culprit who let Zhang Wei take over the case.

The client of this case, Hua Chaofan.

"Mr. Hua, you didn't come to ask me this question, did you? Before I hang up the phone, I hope you can explain the purpose of your call in a few seconds!"

Hua Chaofan didn't have any surprises, as if he had expected Zhang Wei's reaction.

"Chen Xianfeng!" He slowly said a name.

"This is, the founder of Pioneer Medical Technology, why are you mentioning his name?"

"The executive president of Pioneer Medical Technology is his son-in-law, and the representative who will be present tomorrow is also this son-in-law, but everyone in the industry knows that he is the real decision-maker of the group. So I made an appointment with him tomorrow night, and you have to come and meet together see him?"

"See the deity?"

"Lawyer Zhang also thinks that your main opponent is not the local prosecutor's headquarters, but this one?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and realized that there was something in Hua Chaofan's words.

"Mr. Hua, let me ask a question, do you know what lawsuit Qian Zhisui got into?"

"In fact, I didn't know it was such a serious charge of treason in the first place, I just knew he was in trouble."

"Then let me ask again. Dr. Qian has never been abroad. How did you know each other? You invited me to file a lawsuit for him. It should be for justice and not for any other purpose, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you really... like to ask questions..."

On the other end of the phone, Hua Chaofan suddenly laughed, but unfortunately there was some sincerity in the laughter, only God knows.

"In short, at eight o'clock tomorrow night, VIP Room 1 on the top floor of Dongjiang Inn!"

After finishing these messages, the phone was hung up.

Zhang Wei put down his phone, his brows gradually became serious.

Hua Chaofan actually asked him to meet Chen Xianfeng.

In that case, tomorrow's schedule will be a little tight.

Not only will I have to participate in the pre-trial tomorrow, but I will also meet the big boss behind the company after the pre-trial.

"Forget it, let's take a step and take a step, and we will discuss all matters after the pre-trial!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Wei turned on his laptop and started to work.


Wednesday, pre-trial day.

Originally in Zhang Wei's determination, the pre-trial would not come so soon.

But on the one hand, because the case has been investigated for more than a month, the investigation department has completed the investigation, and the chain of evidence has almost been collected.

On the other hand, it is because the representatives of both the prosecution and the defense have been finalized, and the judges have also been selected. Since the most difficult candidate is no problem, the trial schedule does not need to be too complicated.

Moreover, as the pioneer medical technology on the victim's side, it tried its best to promote the progress of the trial of the case, and even mobilized the media and other forces to test the pressure in all aspects.

They packaged themselves as victims and made all-round accusations against the defendant, Dr. Qian Zhisui's actions.

This is also one of the reasons why the case was decided to be pre-trial the day after Zhang Wei met the parties.

And now, Zhang Wei is in the preparation room next to the large courtroom of the Municipal Court, waiting for others to arrive.

Tuk tuk tuk!

"Come in!"

"Zhang Wei, here we come!"

The door of the preparation room was wide open, and Jessica arrived with Dr. Wang Yali.

As a related party in the case, Dr. Wang is also an important witness in this case. Although today is the preliminary trial, she insisted on being present.

"Where's Dr. Qian?"

"It hasn't been delivered yet!"

Zhang Wei looked at the time, Dr. Qian was still on the way.

The person who escorted Dr. Qian was Zhou Xiaoli, and the escort sent by the War Department was naturally a trio composed of his uncle and Luo Qi Gaoyang.

For these few, Zhang Wei is still at ease.

But to send people over from Iron Island Prison, the procedures are really cumbersome.

"Zhang Wei!"

Shouting again, the door of the preparation room was pushed open.

The one who could come in without much notice was naturally Xia Qianyue.

"Hanhan, aren't you busy today?"

"It's okay, the main reason is to prepare for the main competition of the Martial Arts Tournament. The team asked us to implement a flexible attendance system for the time being. If we have tasks, we can commute. If we don't have tasks, we don't need to report!"

Xia Qianyue said, winking at Zhang Wei, "I'll come to see you today~"

"That's a good feeling!"

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile on his face.

"Master, here we come~"

The door of the preparation room was pushed open again, and people from the criminal department of Jincheng Lawyer came, and the leader was his young apprentice.

Lao Tie, Xiao Li, Xiao Su and others also came to the scene one after another.

Although the case was serious this time, the newcomers wanted to attend the hearing.

Zhang Wei saw that many newcomers came, but some of them did not show up.

"They are all going to court, but some go to small courts, and some go to courts in other districts. Anyway, they are all busy, and those who are not busy will come to support you!"

The little apprentice pointed to the newcomers and explained.

This is also understandable. The newcomers also have cases now, and it is impossible for them all to support Zhang Wei.

"Okay, you all go to the court to grab a seat first, and Director Zhou will bring Dr. Qian over later. Their identities are a bit special, you should avoid them for a while!"

"Oh, I see!"

Everyone in the criminal department, headed by the young apprentice, all said goodbye, and then went to the big court to grab seats.

Only Xia Qianyue, Jessica and Wang Yali remained in the preparation room.

After waiting for a while, the Lord finally arrived.

The door of the preparation room opened again, and Dr. Qian walked in first, followed by Xia Qianjun's trio who escorted him.

"elder brother!"


Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei greeted Xia Qianjun at the same time.

The latter was slightly taken aback when he saw the people in the preparation room.

It's fine that Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue are together, but why is that blonde woman there?

And looking at the three of them, it seems that they still know each other?

Something is wrong!

Something is very wrong!

As for Wang Yali, Xia Qianjun has read the documents, and this is the witness of Qian Zhisui's related party.

"Hey, where's Director Zhou?"

"She is a witness for the prosecution. She cannot contact your defense representatives until the case is adjudicated or the testimony is over!"

Hearing Xia Qianjun's answer, Zhang Wei thought inwardly.

Spokesperson for the War Department, but also a witness for the prosecution?

In other words, this incident also involved the war department, and Zhou Xiaoli, as a spokesperson, was prosecuted and summoned.

"This is not good!"

You must know that the reputation of the Ministry of War has always been very good in the hearts of the people of Longguo.

If the war department is on the side of the prosecution, it will be very detrimental to the defendant.

If the War Department supports the defendant's charges, such support can greatly influence the jury's thinking.


If Zhang Wei could have words engraved on his face, it would be like this.

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was another knock on the door.

After someone knocks on the door, it is assumed that the people inside already know about it, and they open the door directly.

"Zhang Wei, I knew you were here!"

The person who came was none other than Xiao Baihe.

She came alone, without her little follower Tan Yingying.

"Old Xiao, what are you doing here?"

"After we met and discussed overnight yesterday, we negotiated a plea agreement, and I came here to tell you!"

"Hehe, the preliminary trial hasn't even started yet, are you ready for a plea agreement?"

Zhang Wei's eyes widened and he was speechless.

How confident is this? Do you really think that you will win?

Xiao Baihe looked around in the preparation room, seeing the expressions of Xia Qianjun, Xia Qianyue and others.

In the end, she approached Zhang Wei, with a stern face, and said coldly: "Let your client plead guilty. Our best condition at the beginning is 10 years, and you can be released on parole in the last two years!"

"This is the most favorable condition we have given Dr. Qian in consideration of Dr. Qian's outstanding contributions to the domestic genetics and scientific community. I hope you will not be ignorant!"

This condition is theoretically very good.

Because treason is a major crime, the minimum sentence is 10 years, depending on the severity of the circumstances, it can even reach the level of no period or eating peanuts.

Moreover, those who commit this crime will generally be deprived of their personal rights and confiscated property and other conditions, which are unimaginable for ordinary people.

But Zhang Wei curled his lips, "Old Xiao, I'm not talking about you. You are also a seasoned prosecutor. Before the case was decided, you were so arrogant, isn't it appropriate?"

"So, you don't accept it?"

"Of course, my client has no subjective criminal intent. How can I get him to plead guilty?"

"Then let's wait and see!"

Xiao Baihe also knew that Zhang Wei would not compromise so quickly, so she sneered and walked away.

"Hey, even prosecutors are beautiful women these days?"

The atmosphere of silence was broken by Gao Yang and Luo Qi's murmurs.

Xia Qianjun glared at the latter two, and they lowered their heads as if admitting their mistake.

As for Zhang Wei, he looked at Dr. Qian and Wang Yali.

"Come on, we're going to court too!"

Pre-trial is about to start.

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