Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 333 Old Chen is very annoying, do you really want to tear down the court?

City Court, Judge's Office.

As a senior judge, Lao Chen is very annoying these days.

As for the reason, nothing more than received a difficult case.

"Qing Hua, why do you think the boss assigned this case to me instead of Lao Wang?"

Old Chen was sitting in the office, rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers of his right hand, looking like he was having a headache.

"The mind of the first judge, you ask me to guess?"

Although Li Qinghua did not have the arrogance she had when facing Xia Donghai, after working as Lao Chen's clerk for more than ten years, she did not have the slightest respect for the senior judge of the city court.

The two of them are more like old friends. Once the topic is opened, there is nothing to say.

"Anyway, Lao Li definitely can't do it. After all, his daughter and Zhang Wei are in the same office!"

"Then it's strange, your daughter is still that boy's girlfriend, why can't you change it to me?"

"That's my daughter, not your daughter. You don't have to avoid suspicion like this, do you?"

Seeing what Lao Chen said, Li Qinghua laughed.

If Lao Li is the presiding judge of this case, the boss may be afraid that Zhang Weizhen will let his daughter do Lao Li's work, which will seriously interfere with judicial justice.

But you, Old Chen, are different. Even if Zhang Wei asks Xia Qianyue to operate, Xia Qianyue will at most do my job, can the clerk still influence the judge?

Although it may have a little impact, this is also the boss's trust in you, isn't it?

Old Comrade Chen, we believe that you can be fair and just. Even if that boy Zhang Wei uses your clerk's daughter to do your work, I also believe that you will not be disturbed.

Anyway, Li Qinghua thinks so.

But Lao Chen didn't think so.

Maybe they did it on purpose.

When the prosecution heard that I, Chen, was a judge, they might be secretly happy.

Because they sent four prosecutors this time, there are still many people staring at themselves.

If Zhang Weizhen intends to rely on certain relationships to do his work, maybe the prosecution is still looking forward to this matter, which can be used to make use of it.

At that time, a charge of obstructing justice will be charged on that kid, won't he just GG?

So, Lao Chen sees more and further.

Maybe he himself has become a tool of the prosecutor Zhang Wei without knowing it, just waiting for that kid to take the bait.

"Hey, I have a headache..."

Old Chen muttered again.

"Old Chen, the time is almost up, you should prepare to go to court!"

Li Qinghua glanced at the time and handed the ironed robe to the other party.

"If I could, I shouldn't have passed the judicial examination and signed up to work in the court. I should have applied to the Department of Archeology. Now I don't know which museum to retire in. How comfortable~"

After daily complaints + self-deprecating, Lao Chen sighed, and took the robe that Li Qinghua handed over.

"Let's go, go meet those guys!"

"I don't believe in today's preliminary trial, they can still tear down the court!"

Judge Chen walked out of the judge's office with Li Qinghua.

"Yo, old Chen!"

"Is this going to court?"

"Congratulations. You have received such a big case. If the judgment is good, it will also help our city court establish its prestige!"

"By the way, this time the prosecution sent four people over, and the defense is even worse. The famous Zhang Wei, you have to hold back!"

Along the way, many colleagues greeted him, but they were all gloating in their eyes.

Some of his contemporaries with the same qualifications were talking and laughing, and the meaning of ridicule was obvious.

"A bunch of guys who don't hurt their backs when they stand and talk!"

Old Chen muttered something in his heart, with a tense face, maintaining the majesty of the presiding judge, and walked towards the courtroom.


Municipal Court, large courtroom on the first floor.

"Stand up, honorable Judge Chen..."

Following the announcement of the court guard, everyone stood up.

Lao Chen walked into the courtroom and sat down on the trial bench.

He glanced at Li Qinghua, who had already sat down at the court clerk's seat.

Lao Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then scanned the audience.

In the front row of the hearing booth, the local prosecutor's headquarters dispatched a large force this time. Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng came with a group of newcomers.

Do you want to be so exaggerated, this is just a preliminary trial, and the hearing has not yet arrived, so you bring so many people to the venue every time?

What are you doing, want to fight?

If you look at other people's defense, they brought a few newcomers of lawyers to join them, which is in line with common sense.

So many people come to your local prosecutor's headquarters every time, we judges are under a lot of pressure, okay?

Not to mention the hearing booth, both the prosecution and the defense are already in place.

There were four people sitting in the prosecution seat, the chief second prosecutors, Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen, plus two assistants, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying.

Do your best!

On the other hand, for the defense, the defendant in this case, Dr. Qian, was sitting next to Zhang Wei, and there was no one else.

However, on the defense witness stand behind him, there were three women, one of whom Lao Chen still knew was Li Qinghua's daughter Xia Qianyue.

"Sure enough, this kid is much more normal!"

Old Chen made a comment, and after confirming that both the prosecution and the defense were seated, he hammered the hammer and announced: "Since everyone is here, let's start!"

"Ahem, this court announces that today is the preliminary trial of the defendant Qian Zhisui's public prosecution of treason. Please explain the court's defense first!"

Under Lao Chen's signal, Lan Zhengye stood up from the prosecution's seat.

"After a month-long search by the prosecution and the investigation team, it was found that the defendant Qian Zhisui took advantage of his position as the leader of the biological gene laboratory project under Pioneer Medical Technology to facilitate his theft of biological materials and research materials. !"

"In early June of this year, he committed the crime of theft in the genetic research laboratory he led. Using his identity, he stole confidential research materials and genetic experiment materials of great value from Pioneer Medical Technology Laboratory!"

"On the night of the incident, when he went to the airport to board a plane and was about to escape, he was intercepted by members of the Investigation Section and the Special Operations Group of the War Department, and later found the stolen genetic experiment materials and the lost experimental data in his suitcase! "

"After an in-depth investigation by colleagues in the investigation department, it was discovered that Dr. Qian Zhisui planned to sell the stolen research materials and experimental materials to a laboratory in northern my country, and one of the investors in this laboratory was related to forces that crossed over from abroad!"

"So the prosecution determined that Dr. Qian Zhisui subjectively showed intentional behavior, that is, he knew that he was colluding with foreign countries and overseas organizations, and his actions endangered the security of Longguo, and hoped or allowed such harmful consequences to happen. Objectively, it also showed that Colluding with foreign countries or overseas organizations, endangering national security!"

Speaking of this, Lan Zhengye paused for a moment, then pointed to the defense bench, "Based on the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, the prosecution believes that the defendant, Qian Zhisui, committed serious treason!"

"Well, this court understands!"

Old Chen nodded his head, but secretly said in his heart what a good guy.

This crime is serious!

And this is still an attempt, at least everything has been taken back.

If the prosecution can prove that the defendant has subjective intent and objectively behaves in line with the subjective behavior, then the defendant will have to start for more than 10 years.

However, considering Qian Zhisui's age, it is estimated that it is unlikely that he will be released from prison.

"The defense, what about you?" Old Chen looked at Zhang Wei again.

"Ahem, thank you for your wonderful speech..."

After Zhang Wei got up, he praised the prosecution, but then immediately turned his face: "...but I think it's all bullshit!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

This is the pre-trial, if you say a court argument, you'll fire, right?

Lao Chen's head hurts, and he just said that the pre-trial stage, you can't tear down my court, right?

In the end, you kid just slapped me in the face, right? Just opened your mouth and fired?

Your girlfriend and mother-in-law are both in court, why can't you keep a low profile and speak out the arguments in court honestly?

It's a pity that Zhang Wei doesn't care about Lao Chen's complaints.

He also pointed at the prosecution seat, and said word by word: "The facts are not as the prosecution said. My client never thought of betraying the Dragon Kingdom at all. He did it just to save himself!"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man in his thirties wearing glasses in the first row of the hearing booth.

"It just so happens that the CEO of Pioneer Medical Technology is also here, so let me make it clear!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and emphasized: "For the sake of commercial interests, the high-level executives of Pioneer Medical Technology interfered and hindered the research and development progress of my client's laboratory, so that my client had to combine experimental materials and The data was taken out from the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology, and then sent to another laboratory in China that supports her to continue the research and experiment, which is the northern laboratory mentioned in the prosecution's statement just now!"

"We have reason to believe that the top management of Pioneer Medical Technology deliberately obstructed the success of the experiment and the completion of the experiment, so that my client had to commit an impulsive crime for his own life and his lofty ideals! "

"We believe that the theft carried out by my client, Dr. Qian Zhisui, in the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology was nothing more than a self-rescue behavior when his life was threatened!"

"Subjectively, he did not commit intentional treason, but objectively, his mistakes were only property theft, and he had to act passively under the coercion of the high-level leaders of pioneer medical technology, nothing more!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he sat down slowly.

In the hearing booth, the face of the middle-aged man wearing glasses changed immediately.

He whispered to a man in a suit next to him, and the two discussed for a while.

"The man is Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law, and the one next to him is the legal director of Pioneer Medical Technology, and he is not the person in charge!"

Zhang Wei had already done his homework in advance, so he naturally knew the identities of these two people.

Not to mention that Zhang Wei is observing the two people at the hearing.

The rest of the people in the court are thinking about Zhang Wei's speech just now.

The prosecution finds the defendant guilty of treason, but your defense downplays that he just stole and was forced?

Is the contrast between the two sides too great?

On the trial seat, Lao Chen was also surprised for a moment.

He thought to himself, Zhang Wei deserves to be Zhang Wei, he really dares to say it.

On the one hand, treason, even if it is attempted, will start with 10 years in prison.

How did it come to your mouth, it became a commercial theft case, generally less than 3 years, only if it caused particularly serious consequences, it may be 3-7 years.

Pay attention, it is to cause particularly serious consequences, the key word is "caused".

For example, there are no serious consequences in this case, and the maximum is 3 years.

10 years on one side, plus charges of treason.

One side is capped for 3 years, commercial theft charges.

Old Chen already understood the purpose of both parties.

"Ahem, then since both the prosecution and the defense have..."

"Wait a moment, Judge Chen!"

Just when Lao Chen was about to continue, Zhang Wei interrupted him by raising his hand.

"Lawyer Zhang, is there anything else you can do?"

"Your Excellency, this court believes that there is a second defendant in this case!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience were surprised.

"What's the meaning?"

Lao Chen immediately couldn't help asking, "Who is the second defendant?"

"It's very simple. The second defendant is Pioneer Medical Technology. They deliberately obstructed the progress of research and squandered the funds and people's material resources invested by the state at will for their own interests. Their behavior is the betrayal of the Dragon Kingdom and the real crime of treason. !"

"Objection!" On the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye stood up abruptly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Objection!" At the hearing booth, someone also interrupted.

"Prosecution, do it first!" Judge Chen motioned to Lan Zhengye, and then looked at the first row of the hearing booth.

"and who are you?"

"I'm the legal director of Pioneer Medical Technology!" the man introduced himself.

"Oh, the legal director, why do you object?"

"We believe that the defendant's allegations are completely slanderous. Pioneer Medical Technology has always been committed to providing customers with the most comprehensive and effective medical services. Many laboratories under our company have also been committed to helping human beings fight against many terminal illnesses and diseases. The specific drugs they researched and developed have saved thousands of lives.”

The director of legal affairs almost pointed at Zhang Wei's nose and scolded in court: "And what the defendant said is a slander to our company's image, and their accusation is completely defamatory!"

"Oh, director, do you know that this is a court, even if it's what you say, the clerk will write it down verbatim?"

But Zhang Wei pointed to Li Qinghua who was in the clerk's position, and joked with a smile.

Li Qinghua rolled her eyes in her seat.

My mother's job is to record everything, and you need to explain it, kid?

You can shut up for me, my mother will be annoyed when she hears you!

No one else, including the legal director, could hear Li Qinghua's inner coercion.

"Since you are the legal director of Pioneer Medical Technology, let me ask you a question. Pioneer Medical Technology has not deliberately hindered the progress of my client's laboratory research in any form or means; the group's senior management has not deliberately obstructed Parkinson's disease for profit. The research and development of the experimental antidote; you didn't deliberately fire my client and his research team because of fear of exposure?"

As soon as these questions were uttered, the legal director dared not answer them.

He quickly looked at the CEO beside him, who also had a slight sweat on his forehead, and his complexion became ugly.

Sure enough, this guy was only able to become the CEO by relying on his status as the father-in-law.

Seeing the man's reaction, Zhang Wei knew it.

He straightened his face and asked in a cold voice; "Why, can't both of you answer this question? You are so hesitant, do you have a ghost in your heart?"

Their reactions, as well as Zhang Wei's words, all made the people in the hearing room discuss a lot, and many people whispered to each other.

On the prosecution bench, Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen whispered a few words in the second ear.

"be opposed to!"

Lu Wenwen immediately got up and protested: "Your Excellency, what are the defense lawyers doing? This case is a public prosecution of the defendant, not a public prosecution of Pioneer Medical Technology!"

"Besides, the defense requested that Pioneer Medical Technology be listed as the second defendant in this case. The prosecution thinks this request is too unreasonable, so please reject it!"

The prosecution disagrees!

Old Chen knew it well.

"Ahem, Lawyer Zhang, this court thinks your request is indeed inappropriate, so it is rejected!"

Old Chen hammered the hammer to announce, which can be regarded as an end to this debate.

But Zhang Wei didn't want to let it go like this. He deliberately turned his head to look at the duo of Pioneer Medical Technology, which made the latter two feel palpitations.

They feel as if they are being targeted by some very powerful person.

At the trial seat, Lao Chen was also very irritable.

In the office before, I said that today is just a preliminary trial, and you can't tear down the court.

But looking at the current situation, in the pre-trial stage, even explaining a court defense made such a big commotion that the court was almost torn down.

God knows what kind of trouble these two groups will make during the actual hearing.

"Ahem, I wasted a little more time just now, please invite the jury candidates to enter the venue now!"

Lao Chen hurriedly continued to preside over the order of the court and asked the court guard to invite the candidate jury into the scene.

As the jurors took their seats one by one, the courtroom fell silent again.

The jury this time has a large number of people, and it seems that there are people from all walks of life, so they need to be carefully screened.

The prosecution seat.

Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen are discussing.

"We need to find people with patriotism!"

After Lan Zhengye said something with a serious face, he analyzed: "Treason is a relatively serious accusation, and those who are in awe of national honor will choose to side with us in this accusation!"

"Find such a person and let him join the jury, this is the person in our best interest!"

At the same time, the defense seat next door.

"I need to find someone with patriotism!"

"Treason is a relatively serious accusation, and people who are in awe of national honor will choose to stand on the side of justice in this accusation!"

"Although the party representing justice is the prosecution and my client is facing charges of treason, is this really the case?"

"If I can find proof that Pioneer Medical Technology deliberately wastes national resources, deliberately obstructs the progress of research, and the possibility that the group's senior management sacrifices customers and patients for the benefit of recovery, then these people will definitely stand by my side!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei looked at the prosecution seat next door.

"I guess, this group of people should think the same way, so why not fulfill your wishes!"

At this moment, the prosecution and the defense actually reached an agreement on the selection of the jury?

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