Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 334 The story of the light bulb, moral bottom line?

Court scene.

Jury selection has already begun.

This time, it was Lan Zhengye from the prosecution who screened the questions.

"May I ask everyone, if you heard that someone nearby was plotting to attack our embassy abroad when you were traveling abroad, what would you do?"

"A, immediately take a picture of the conspirators, and find the embassy abroad, and tell the staff in the embassy the photo and all the information you have heard."

"B, pretend you didn't hear it, because they were probably just joking, and I don't have to go to the trouble for two people who might be bragging."

As Lan Zhengye spoke, he looked towards the jury box.

"Please raise your hand if you choose A!"

In the jury seat, many people looked around, and some raised their hands after hesitating for a moment.

But there were also a few people who immediately raised their hands as soon as Lan Zhengye's voice fell.

"Then for the rest of you, you all choose B by default?" Lan Zhengye then asked.

These people looked around, and after realizing that they seemed a little embarrassed, several people slowly raised their hands.

He knew it well, and immediately turned his head: "Your Excellency, the prosecution rejects jurors No. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9!"

Judge Chen nodded and took a pen to record one or two.

The purpose of the question is so obvious that if you're not an idiot, you can hear the underlying meaning of the question.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you want to ask a question?"

After screening out six candidate jurors at once, Lan Zhengye suddenly looked at the defense bench.

"Prosecutor Lan Gao's questions are very good. The defense has no objections. The defense even thinks you can continue!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei behaved very abnormally, almost responding to the other party with a smile.

This scene surprised everyone who knew him well.

You didn't object, and didn't think about asking questions?

Have you been taken away by someone, or did you take the wrong medicine today?

Is this still the Zhang Wei who likes to ask fancy questions and play tricks when screening juries?

Something is wrong!

Very wrong!

At least the three people on the prosecution table are whispering at this moment.

"What's going on, is this still Zhang Wei?"

Lu Wenwen had only confronted Zhang Wei once, so she was a little confused.

"I don't know?" Tan Yingying pushed her eyes, a little confused.

"This guy must be plotting something!" Xiao Baihe crossed his arms and put on an expression of "I thought he was doing something bad".

But does Zhang Wei really have other plans?

Couldn't he have a sudden whim and think of going with the prosecution?

These ideas, no one in court is clear.

In other words, many people don't think so.

As for Lan Zhengye, seeing Zhang Weizhen, he didn't intend to get up and interrupt him, so he continued to ask questions.

"Ahem, everyone, continue with the question just now!"

Lan Zhengye walked to the jury seat and said with a smile, "I know many people raised their hands just now, you all chose A by default, right?"

"Then if, I mean if, if you are going to report this matter, but the embassy staff tell you that the matter you reported is serious and needs 24 hours for verification, please cooperate within these 24 hours Let's not leave the embassy."

"Even 24 hours later, if we and the local law enforcement agencies catch the people who threatened to attack the embassy, ​​and you need to testify against these people at your fingertips, will you continue to report them?"

"Please raise your hand if you choose to continue!"

This time, fewer people raised their hands.

Because it is too much trouble.

If it was me, traveling abroad well, and hearing two people getting nervous and threatening to bomb the embassy, ​​maybe the most they can do is to stay away from the embassy when traveling.

As for what Lan Zhengye said, it would take so much time and effort, and he would even be there later to testify against those two people.

It's too much trouble and a waste of time.

They think they can't do this.

Lan Zhengye looked at the few people who raised their hands, and he knew it already.

"Sir, you've always raised your hand the first time, why did you do that?"

"Because I am retired from the war department, Longguo is my home, and I can't see anyone trying to mistreat my home!"

The man's answer was decisive, with a solemn and dignified expression.

"Your Honor, the prosecution accepts Juror No. 3!"

Lan Zhengye immediately nodded towards the judge's seat, and at the same time glanced at the defense's seat.

"Your Honor, the defense also accepts!"

Something beyond Lan Zhengye's expectations happened, and Zhang Wei actually agreed.

He doesn't understand, do you agree?

You wish your client could die soon, right?

The No. 3 juror had a background in the War Department, and he acted so patriotic. If he stayed on the jury, he might become someone who would influence the jury's decision-making.

Even if he is not the chief juror, other people will have some scruples about his existence if they want to discuss.

You really have no objection?

Well, Zhang Wei didn't object, and nodded with Lan Zhengye with a smile.

I don't know, I thought they were old friends for many years.

"Prosecution, do you want to continue asking questions?"

At the trial seat, Lao Chen also asked a question.

At the same time, he also wondered in his heart, Zhang Wei didn't show up, what's the situation?

In the previous cases, didn't you, Zhang Wei, be eager to ask questions continuously and use various questions to screen your intended jurors?

Why are you so honest today?

I don't know, but I thought you were a good boy?


In the hearing booth, Guo Wufeng and Zhao Chunming also looked at each other.

There was a hint of puzzlement in the eyes of the two of them.

They thought that facing four people today, Zhang Wei would go all out from the start.

But it never occurred to him that Zhang Wei was so "honest" that he seemed to give up resistance and let the prosecution do what he wanted.

"This kid must be plotting something!" Guo Wufeng was overwhelmed by Zhang Wei, and immediately guessed in the worst direction.

"Maybe, is he really scared?" Zhao Chunming frowned, thinking about the possibility.

But he quickly shook his head. If Zhang Wei really compromised like this, how could he become the enemy of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

Without mentioning what other people thought, Lan Zhengye in court asked several questions in succession, but the purpose was almost the same.

It is all to choose people who have awe of the Dragon Kingdom.

Under his questioning, the jury eliminated some people and kept some people.

Those who remained were all jurors that Lan Zhengye needed, and Zhang Wei surprisingly did not object to any of them.

In this way, the jury is almost finalized.

"This concludes the statement of the prosecution!"

As Lan Zhengye said, he finally didn't want to ask questions, because he felt that enough jurors were left to stand on the prosecution side.

Lan Zhengye even thought that Zhang Wei had lost his mind.

As far as the jury I selected, even if you grow superhuman, it is impossible for you to turn over.

Did you do it on purpose?

Knowing that you can't win, you deliberately show flaws at work to make it easier for us to win?

Lan Zhengye had to suspect that Zhang Wei really didn't intend to make a comeback, and even gave up resistance.

"Defense?" Judge Chen urged.

Zhang Wei got up slowly, strolled to the center of the court, and even straightened his collar.

"Ahem, Lan Gaojian's question just now is very good. I believe that everyone who stays has a heart for our Dragon Kingdom, right?"

He laughed, and then changed the tone: "Of course, we also know that everyone who didn't hug has been kicked out by him."

For a moment, the jury laughed.

Look at you guy, it's such a joke, it really got us all amused.

Zhang Wei then raised another finger, "Since everyone is having fun, shall I tell you a little story?"

"Ahem, please listen carefully. There used to be a light bulb manufacturer. They wanted to make the most durable light bulb in the world, and they were working hard in this direction."

"After several years of development, they succeeded and made what is known as the most durable light bulb in the world. Do you know how durable this light bulb is?"

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked at the jury, and the jury also looked at him.

This is the story you tell, how do we know how durable it is?

"In fact, after the company manufactured the most durable light bulb, it conducted an experiment under the gaze of the whole media. The light bulb was powered continuously until its lifespan reached its limit. That's the whole of the experiment."

"And this limit has exceeded 10 years, 20 years, and even 100 years later, the light bulb will still be on!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei smiled.

The jury all looked at each other.

What light bulb is so durable?

It can still be used for 100 years, and if it is still not extinguished, won't the filament burn out?

"But you know what?"

Zhang Wei then spoke again, "The company's performance in the first year, because it invented the most durable light bulb, made a lot of money, and the bosses also made a fortune."

"But in the second year, the company's share is only 50% of the first year, even less than 10% in the third year, and even 0% in the fourth year!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei's face suddenly became serious, "In the fifth year, this company declared bankruptcy after consecutive losses in revenue because it could not sell a single light bulb!"

"This light bulb company left behind the things that the world is familiar with, only the light bulb that has been on for a hundred years and has not been extinguished, that's all!"

Hearing this, the jury were not happy.

They heard the meaning in the story, but felt that the story didn't make sense.

What company, after a huge drop in turnover in the second year, does not reflect in time?

If they reflect on it early, wouldn't they be able to discover the problem earlier?

"Ahem, this story is not over yet!" At this moment, Zhang Wei coughed.

"After this light bulb company closed down, several new light bulb companies appeared in this city, and they all defaulted to an unspoken rule, that is, the light bulbs they produce don't need to be durable, or even increase their service life."

"The service life of the light bulbs they produce is only one year, and some even have to be scrapped in half a year. However, the turnover of their company is increasing year by year. They sell much more light bulbs every year than last year."

"Okay, everyone, this story is over, I believe you should have heard something, right?"

On the jury, many people had different expressions.

They did hear something.

For example, the light bulb company later, what decisions did they make?

They compressed the life of the product, compressed the quality of the product, and made the service life of the bulb into one year or even half a year.

In this way, people who have bought light bulbs will continue to buy them in the second year, and they will continue until new products appear to replace their light bulbs.

Although doing so seems to sacrifice the customer's wallet, making them have to pay for replacement bulbs all the time, it is in exchange for the long-term benefits of the company.

Is it right to do this?

At least in the eyes of consumers, this is actually wrong, because the products sold by light bulb companies are all defective and useless.


At this moment, Judge Chen on the trial bench had an opinion.

I let you ask questions, not tell stories.

And I let you go to court to screen the jury, it's good for you to tell me the story of Zb's family here.

"Lawyer Zhang, can you please ask a good question, and you haven't used the opportunity to screen the jury even once!"

Judge Chen said, pointing to the notebook.

Up to now, the number of times Zhang Wei used his defense to dismiss the jury is still 0!

This is not normal!

"Oh, I'm sorry, Judge Chen, I'll screen the jury now!"

As he spoke, he looked towards the jury seat, and his eyes roamed around the candidates for the jury.

"The defense requests that jurors No. 13, No. 15, No. 19, No. 20, No. 21, and No. 24 be eliminated. Thank them for their participation!"

All of a sudden, six jurors were eliminated, which seemed a bit perfunctory.

It's as if the judge is forcing you, and you have to choose six people, just like a show.

But is Zhang Wei this kind of person?

Not really.

In fact, he had noticed these people a long time ago, and the story he just told was not meaningless.

As for the six people who were eliminated, they didn't have any feelings about the story, so they were naturally not the jurors that Zhang Wei needed.

But outsiders don't know what he thinks.

At this moment, Judge Chen on the trial bench just picked up a pen and recorded the jurors who were eliminated.

Six people left, and the jury was officially finalized.

"Very well, now we have a proper jury!"

As Lao Chen spoke, his eyes swept across the prosecution and the defense.

"Now we have a question, which is the time of the next court session. I have a court session tomorrow morning and another court session in the afternoon, but the session in the afternoon is the finishing work, and the prosecution has already given its closing statement. So I ask you, Would you like to have the court at 4 pm tomorrow, or on Friday, but I need to wait until tomorrow to confirm the time."

"Your Excellency, the prosecution has no objection to the trial tomorrow, and strongly hopes that the trial will be as soon as possible, because the members of the Investigation Section and the Special Operations Team have been busy for a month in this case, and they all hope to end the case as soon as possible!"

Naturally, Lan Zhengye did not object, and even strongly supported it.

"What about the defense?"

"We have no objection either, because my client, Dr. Qian, also wants to prove his innocence earlier!"

Zhang Wei naturally did not object.

"Well, the court will start at 4 pm tomorrow, please be sure not to be late, let's dissolve now!"

Lao Chen struck the hammer, and the courts began to be dissolved one after another.

"Lawyer Zhang, I..."

At the defense table, Dr. Qian opened his mouth, but before he could finish his sentence, Xia Qianjun directly blocked him.

"Man, we want to take it away!"

"Uncle, it's not enough, is he going back to Iron Island Prison again?"

"That's not necessary, during the trial, he will be held in the safe house of our special operations team!"

"Safe house?"

Hearing these three words, Zhang Wei murmured in his heart.

A safe house for good people is generally not safe.

"In order to prevent the safe house from being leaked, we have to take him away immediately. During the period, you should not try to contact him. We will bring him to the court 30 minutes before the trial. Your communication is limited to the court preparation room. a place!"

"Do you want to be so strict?"

"This is the rule!"

After Xia Qianjun finished speaking, he winked with Luo Qi Gaoyang, and the three left with Dr. Qian on their arms.

The four of them left in a hurry without leaving a trace.

"It's a pity, I still want to ask my uncle to open a small door for me!"

Zhang Wei watched the four of them leave, feeling helpless.

"Let's go, too, and prepare for tomorrow's trial!"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at the prosecutor, and met the eyes of Lan Zhengye, Lu Wenwen and others.

Lan Zhengye nodded to Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei naturally nodded back.

The two are polite.

However, Lu Wenwen, who was beside Lan Zhengye, had a much less friendly look in her eyes, and Xiao Baihe even gave Zhang Wei a vicious look.

As for Tan Yingying, she kept her head down, how dare she look at Zhang Wei?

But after walking out of the court, an unexpected person appeared.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's getting late, why don't you come with me?"

Hua Chaofan, he was waiting at the door, even waiting for Zhang Wei specifically.

"It's not too early, how long is it before 8 o'clock?"

"There are some things I want to tell you on the way."


Zhang Wei hesitated.

There is absolutely nothing good for Hua Chaofan looking for him.

But after thinking about it, he took another look at Xia Qianyue and the others.

"Go back first, I have an appointment for dinner tonight."

"Zhang Wei, he is not a good person!" Xia Qianyue was a little worried.

"Don't worry, there are no absolutely good and bad people in this world!"

Zhang Wei comforted her, telling Xia Qianyue not to worry.

When the others left one after another, Zhang Wei set off with Hua Chaofan.

Hua Chaofan's car was parked at the back gate of the court. It was a luxury extended car, even equipped with a special driver.

in the car.

"Lawyer Zhang is right. There are no absolute good or bad people in this world!"

"Mr. Hua, our time is limited, it won't be long from here to Dongjiang Star!"

Zhang Wei looked out the window, but his words reminded the other party to pay attention to the time.

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang is really quick to speak!"

Hua Chaofan handed a stack of documents directly to Zhang Wei.

"This is……"

"You'll know when you open it!"

Zhang Wei opened the files and found that many of them were from the top management of Pioneer Medical Technology Group.

"These are the targets that I think can be threatened. Among them, Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law is the highest-ranking person, and he is also the person who I think can be threatened the most!"

Hua Chaofan pointed to the top folder and said with a smile, "I never thought that this guy would dare to raise a woman outside after becoming Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law."

"If Chen Xianfeng finds out about this, he will definitely not be able to afford it!"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and looked at Hua Chaofan.

"You want me to blackmail witnesses for the prosecution?"

Hua Chaofeng smiled slightly: "I have always believed that an outstanding criminal defense lawyer like Lawyer Zhang has a flexible moral bottom line!"

Of course, this is a high EQ statement.

Low emotional intelligence, that is, you have no bottom line.

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