Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 335 Occupying the chicken coop and not laying eggs

Dongjiang Star, top floor.

Zhang Wei and Hua Chaofan were sitting in this luxurious business VIP suite.

This entire floor can be said to be located at the apex of the Eastern Capital.

Of course, this is only based on height.

The building where Dongjiang Star is located is the tallest building in the entire East, and the VIP on the top floor is the tallest building in Dongjiang Star.

Sitting here, you can overlook the night view of the entire Oriental Capital.

At a glance, the lights are brilliant, like the bright stars in the Milky Way, stretching for thousands of miles.

Pedestrians are like ants, and vehicles are like starlight. Looking down, there are little stars in the line of sight, dizzying.

Ordinary people may never see such a night scene in their lifetime.

But the two people sitting here seem to have no interest in admiring it.

They just sat and drank tea, neither of them spoke.

In terms of the skill of nourishing Qi, Zhang Wei is actually not weak.

But he felt that it was meaningless, because comparing strength was a thankless job.

So he was the first to break the silence.

"By the way, where's your big brother?"

Huge Hua Chaoli is Hua Chaofan's younger brother, and also a monster with an extremely exaggerated physique.

Zhang Wei had met Master Zaku before, and he had an apprentice, Hei Jingang, whose physique was considered abnormal.

But compared to him, Hua Chaoli's physique was even bigger.

If it is said that King Kong has dragged the genes of foreigners, plus the acquired practice, then Hua Chaoli's size is simply beyond the limit of human beings.

How can anyone grow to be as fast as 2.5 meters and have such thick arms and thighs? It is simply inappropriate.

And the most important point is that Hua Chaoli has always been Hua Chaofan's bodyguard.

Zhang Wei remembered that the two brothers seemed inseparable, but why is Hua Chaofan the only one today?

"Ali, for today's meeting, he still has tasks to do!"

Hua Chaofan smiled slightly, his eyes full of smiles.

But this smile, Zhang Wei felt that there was a hint of banter, a hint of veiled sarcasm.

Hua Chaofan had been looking at the night scene outside the window without turning his face away.

This shows that his attention is not on Zhang Wei.

So, who is Hua Chaofan mocking?

Zhang Wei already had an answer to this question.

He took out his phone again and checked the time.

"Good guy, we agreed to meet at 8 o'clock. Do these people from Pioneer Medical Technology have a concept of time?"

It was already past 8 o'clock, even 15 minutes later, but Chen Xianfeng didn't see anyone for a long time, which made people very uncomfortable.

Because you have not raised any objections to the agreed time, it is assumed that everyone will be on time.

But you, Chen Xianfeng, played a big game, and you still haven't seen anyone after 15 minutes. What's the matter?

If it was the old Zhang Qiansheng, he would have turned around and left.

It was agreed to meet at 8 o'clock, and Zhang Qiansheng would never be late, and only gave the other party a 5-minute chance.

You arrive at 8:05, so the first time you meet, you have to explain why you are late, otherwise... hum!

It's a pity that although the current Zhang Wei is somewhat famous, he still can't make people so awe-inspiring.

"Chen Xianfeng will come!" Hua Chaofan was very calm, as if he was sure that the other party would be there.

"Really, if he doesn't come..."

"No, he's already here!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Hua Chaofan sneered.

Ding dong!

Outside the suite, there was the sound of an elevator.

"Good guy, how much eyeliner have you put here!" Zhang Wei whispered in his heart.

Hua Chaofan seemed to be alone, but there were countless people standing behind him.

In other words, inside the Dongjiang Inn, there are at least a few people acting as his eyes.

Otherwise, how could it be so calm, even before Chen Xianfeng arrived, he could be sure that he was coming.

The door of the luxurious suite was pushed open vigorously, and then a group of people walked into the suite in a mighty manner under the respectful hospitality of two guide waiters.

The first person was wearing a silver suit and holding a cane in his hand. The most attractive thing was the armrest of the cane, which was actually inlaid with a sparkling diamond.

Zhang Wei could tell at a glance that the diamond was genuine.

Then this cane should be a valuable item.

Behind Chen Xianfeng, the CEO and legal director of Pioneer Medical Technology who met Zhang Wei followed.

Apart from them, there are also a few people who are also high-level members of the group, but they can't name them.

Pioneering medical technology, the top management of the group is fully present.

"Mr. Chen!"

Hua Chaofan saw the person coming and greeted him personally.

"Hua Chaofan, I came here as promised, but why did you bring a newcomer?"

Chen Xianfeng ignored Hua Chaofan's politeness, but snorted coldly, and glanced at Zhang Wei.

"Father-in-law, he is..."

The son-in-law immediately leaned into his ear, babbling in a low voice.

"Oh, he's the lawyer who defended Qian Zhisui!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's identity revealed by his son-in-law, Chen Xianfeng was a little surprised.

He originally thought that a lawyer who could defend Qian Zhisui had to start with an experienced lawyer.

But Zhang Wei looked a little too young, completely inconsistent with the old lawyer in his impression.

"Chen Dong, Lawyer Zhang is also my guest, everyone should deal with each other carefully!"

Hua Chaofan smiled again, and politely recommended to both parties.

"Hmph, Lawyer Zhang, I've heard of your name too. Which lawyer do you belong to? Who is the boss? Maybe I still know him." Chen Xianfeng glanced at Zhang Wei and said politely.

"Chen Dong, you are really... perfunctory..." Zhang Wei responded with a half-hearted smile.

"What are you talking about? My father-in-law greets you, that's how he respects you!" Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law couldn't hold back immediately, and scolded Zhang Wei for his ignorance.

"But your father-in-law's perfunctory, even a fool can see it!" Zhang Wei responded with a smile again, looking at Chen Xianfeng with a hint of sarcasm.

Have you ever heard of my name?

You're seeing me for the first time today, right? You don't even know which law firm I'm in. Isn't this perfunctory? You don't even pretend to be polite?

Also, Lawyer Xiao Zhang made it clear that he put me in a low position, and asked me who my boss was, isn't that looking down on me?

Since you look down on me, why should I respect you?

"Lawyer Zhang is from Jincheng Law Firm and is the trump card of the criminal department. As for the boss, it is naturally the fat man of the Lin family!" Hua Chaofan spoke immediately and introduced Zhang Wei.

"Jincheng's lawyer!"

Hearing Hua Chaofan's words, Chen Xianfeng's expression changed slightly, and the son-in-law and other senior executives of the group were also a little surprised.

At such a young age, Zhang Wei is already the trump card of Jincheng Law Firm, which is a bit exaggerated.

And the other party is from Jincheng Law Firm, isn't Lin Xiangtian standing behind him?

Hua Chaofan, Chen Xianfeng is not afraid, because the other party has no power in the East or even in China.

But Lin Xiangtian from Jincheng is different.

Although Chen Xianfeng was not afraid of the other party, he was also slightly afraid of Jincheng's power.

"It's almost time, everyone, take your seats!"

For a while, at the invitation of Hua Chaofan, a group of people were seated.

Among the seats for ten people, Hua Chaofan sat in the main seat, Zhang Wei sat on the right, Chen Xianfeng sat on the left, and then the senior leaders of Pioneer Medical Technology.

Priorities were clear, after everyone was seated, Hua Chaofan picked up the spoon and tapped the wine glass in front of him lightly.


There was a crisp sound, and the waiter outside the door moved in response.

After a while, the wine and dishes were served one by one.

However, the few people present were not interested in eating.

Only Hua Chaofan paid great attention to the sense of ritual, and tied a napkin for himself, meticulously, as if he was really preparing to eat.

After a while, the food and wine were served on the table.

The dishes of Dongjiang Star are still very good. Just by smelling them, the lover's index finger will move.

"Everyone, you can start!"

Hua Chaofan was very polite, almost inviting a few people to move their forks.

"Actually, I prefer to use chopsticks!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and began to chop the steak in front of him with a knife and fork.

"Father-in-law, everyone is here, do you want something to eat?"

Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law also followed Hua Chaofan's wishes and prepared to act.

But Chen Xianfeng glared at him, and he had no choice but to put down the hand that had just picked up the knife and fork.

The concentration of the rest of the higher-ups was pretty good, and they didn't take any action.

However, some of them swallowed saliva slightly in their throats.

Apparently, they didn't even have dinner, and now that there was such a table of good food in front of them, they were also hungry.

But the boss didn't speak, and it was hard for them to start.

This is the workplace rules!

There are only Hua Chaofan and Zhang Wei, there is no need to estimate Chen Xianfeng, they can eat whatever they want.

Chen Xianfeng was still quite determined.

But when he saw Zhang Wei and Hua Chaofan, he really started to eat, and he suddenly became restless.

Good guy, you invited me, Chen Xianfeng, for dinner.

You, Hua Chaofan, don't talk about it, so the lawyer named Zhang Wei seems to have a bad quarrel with our company in court today.

In the end, when you face me, Chen Xianfeng, you can still eat?

Are you crazy, or am I, Chen Xianfeng, unable to hold a knife?

"Chen Dong, why don't you eat it, but you do?"

"Hmph, Hua Chaofan, we smart people don't talk dark words, what is the reason you asked me to come here, if it was the cooperation you proposed before, then I can tell you clearly, I still have that attitude!"

Facing Hua Chaofan's hypocritical invitation, Chen Xianfeng snorted coldly, with a very bad attitude.

"Chen Dong, why are you doing this? Why don't you all make money together? I can provide you with the latest foreign technology, help you open up overseas markets, and even help you increase your innovation power!"

Hua Chaofan wiped his mouth with a white napkin, and then said: "I know that the innovation power of Pioneer Medical Technology is seriously insufficient now. Many products that were originally planned to be produced seem to have fallen into a development bottleneck. !"

"But our pioneering medical technology is still the strongest in the South!"

Chen Xianfeng said with a very confident face: "Just because you, a cat or a dog from outside, want to eat meat from the tiger's mouth?"

"Chen Dong, there is a good saying, even if you eat meat, you have to share the soup with others, but you Pioneer Medical Technology occupies such a large market, but you don't want to make progress inside, and you suppress emerging small businesses. This is not occupying... oh, sorry, everyone has to eat..."

Halfway through Hua Chaofan's speech, he felt that the next words were inappropriate, so he apologized immediately.

"Vegetarian meal in the corpse!" Zhang Wei on the side immediately added.

If you don't want to say that sentence, then put it in a more polite way.

"Lawyer Zhang is right, what he said is good, but I also remembered a cliche saying!"

Hua Chaofan chuckled, then looked at Chen Xianfeng, "Occupy the chicken coop and don't lay eggs!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xianfeng couldn't bear it immediately.

"You dare to scold my father-in-law!" The son-in-law next to him grabbed the fork, slapped the table, and stood up angrily.

It is the duty of a son-in-law to protect the face of his father-in-law.

What's more, how did he get the position of CEO? It was all by licking his father-in-law's face.

What he wants to do, how to do it, he doesn't need to be reminded at all, it's a conditioned reflex.

"Oh, your father-in-law hasn't moved yet, but you jumped out!"

Hua Chaofan looked at Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law, but showed a sneer.

"Coincidentally, I still have something to explain to Mr. Chen, and it happens to be related to your son-in-law!"

"What's up?"

Both Chen Xianfeng and his son-in-law looked surprised.

"Ali, bring that woman up!"

Hua Chaofan yelled out the door.


The door of the suite was knocked open by a huge force, and then a man as burly as an iron tower walked in with great strides.

In the hands of the man was holding a woman. Of course, the woman's mouth was sealed by a piece of cloth, so she could only twist her body and make whimpering noises.


And the moment they saw the woman, some people couldn't calm down anymore.

The woman was thrown to the ground by the visitor, twisted and struggled, and slowly got up.

"Chen Dong, I'm not talking about you. Your daughter is also careless. After so many years of marriage, why can't she manage her husband well and let him steal outside?"

Hua Chaofan looked at the woman, then at Chen Xianfeng, and his tone suddenly became strange.

After hearing this, the son-in-law immediately pointed at the woman, shook his head and denied, "Father-in-law, I don't know this woman, I don't know her!"

After hearing this, the woman immediately untied the cloth in her mouth, and cried out at the same time: "Ah Wei, what are you talking about? Don't you always say you like me?"


Chen Xianfeng raised his eyebrows, and several other company executives also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Isn't this Ah Wei the son-in-law of Chen Dong?

Good guy, you are really stealing food behind your back!

That's not enough, but someone actually broke the matter in front of Mr. Chen!

You boy is finished!

These people are old subordinates who have been with Chen Xianfeng for many years, so they naturally know Chen Xianfeng's temper.

"Father-in-law, I'm really wronged! Who is this woman, who let her in, ah..."


The son-in-law wanted to explain, but was interrupted directly by Chen Xianfeng.

He resisted the urge to beat his son-in-law to death with a stick with the diamond cane in his hand, suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "You take this woman out, I don't care how you handle it, from now on, this woman is not allowed to appear in the East All!"

"Yes, yes, I will do it now!"

The son-in-law immediately pulled the reluctant woman and quickly escaped from the room.

On the other side, Hua Chaofan also winked at Zhang Wei.

His general meaning is: If you don't use it, I will use it!

"Good guy, let's show off!"

Zhang Wei also saw Hua Chaofan's intentions.

This guy gave him information before, asking him to use the woman just now to threaten Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law.

Unfortunately, Zhang Wei refused.

Unexpectedly, Hua Chaofan immediately changed his strategy and revealed the matter of his son-in-law and mistress, which can be regarded as a blow to the other party.

This trick is flexible, which shows that he has a good ability to adapt to changes.

And opposite.

After drinking away his son-in-law, Chen Xianfeng turned his head to look at Hua Chaofan again, but his eyes became extremely cold.

"It seems that things can't be better this time?"

"Chen Dong, since you don't respect me, why should I respect you!"

Hua Chaofan was not annoyed, but instead sneered: "The times are advancing and technology is developing, but some people like to stand still!"

"Who are you talking about!" Chen Xianfeng narrowed his eyes.

Hua Chaofan didn't answer, but said in a low tone: "Look at Blacksmith Technology. In terms of technology research and development, it is the absolute number one company in the Oriental Capital and even the South, but they only account for 50% of the market share. The rest It's not that they can't take 50% of it, but they release it on purpose and share it with everyone."

"It is precisely because the boss has vision and knowledge that the second-in-command like Tianxiang Technology has emerged in the Oriental Metropolis, and other excellent technology companies have emerged. Large and small studios, everyone competes together and grows together. This is not true. okay?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Xianfeng again, "You Pioneer Technology has occupied more than 80% of the market share in the south, but you have monopolized the sales channels, monopolized the upstream and downstream supply, and completely refused to give others a sip of soup."

"The key is that the new products you promised to the market have been delayed again and again, and even the latest PD anti-drug that you are planning to develop has been aborted, right?"

When Chen Xianfeng heard this, his eyes narrowed.

"I thought you were going to say something, but you just wanted to rely on a single case, plus a young lawyer who didn't even grow up, and tried to bring down me, Chen Xianfeng. This really makes people laugh out loud!"

Chen Xianfeng looked up to the sky and smiled, "I, Chen Xianfeng, have struggled in the East for most of my life, and only achieved a few days of achievements. Even if you are a dragon in the river, you have to be tied to me now. I, Chen Xianfeng, are not afraid!"

"Hmph, you don't need to eat this dinner today!"

After saying that, he got up directly.

All the top executives of Pioneer Medical Technology stood up one after another, echoing their boss.

"Chen Dong, go slowly, but I also advise you, don't underestimate Lawyer Zhang, he can do anything, and it is not difficult to drag you Chen Xianfeng into trouble!"

"It's just a brat, Mr. Chen wants to see how he dragged me into trouble!"

Chen Xianfeng snorted coldly, turned his head and left without even looking at Zhang Wei.

After a meal, they broke up unhappy like this.

But Zhang Wei is very happy, because the trouble is gone, and he can feast on it.

Hua Chaofan watched Chen Xianfeng leave without moving his fork again.

For him, the purpose of this meal has been achieved, it gave Chen Xianfeng a disqualified colleague, and let Zhang Wei see something.

Chen Xianfeng was old after all, and he had also neglected the management of his subordinates.

If Chen Xianfeng was still young, how could the son-in-law dare to steal women outside behind his father-in-law's back?

"By the way, can these foods be packed? I still have a mouth to eat at home?"

Just when Hua Chaofan was about to leave, Zhang Wei suddenly raised his hand weakly.

The dishes on this table are still the craftsmanship of the chef of Dongjiang Star, so if you don't eat them, it's a waste.

Although the money was paid by Hua Chaofan, Zhang Wei felt that he could not be extravagant.

Waste of food, but will be struck by lightning.

"Hmph, if Lawyer Zhang is interested in elegance, he can take it with you!"

As Hua Chaofan said, he also planned to leave.

But before he walked out the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "Lawyer Zhang, Dr. Qian's case depends on you!"

"I let the words out today, don't make me ashamed!"

Zhang Wei was stunned.

If you speak harshly, what does it have to do with me, Mr. Zhang? I am a defense lawyer.

Isn't it common for defense lawyers to lose lawsuits?

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