Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 337 Lago detects a move and pulls Chen Xianfeng into the water?

At 4 p.m., the scene of the courtroom.

As the door of the courtroom opened, Judge Chen took the lead, and the main personnel of the prosecution and defense entered the courtroom one by one.

Zhang Wei and Lan Zhengye followed Judge Chen side by side, and Lan Zhengye also followed Lu Wenwen and Xiao Baihe.

Tan Yingying had already come to the prosecution bench to occupy a seat.

Similarly, at the defense table, Xia Qianyue and Jessica had already taken Dr. Qian to their seats.

However, with Zhang Wei's arrival, Xia Qianyue and Jessica returned to the defense family seat and sat with Dr. Qian's assistant Wang Yali, which was considered to make room for Zhang Wei.

"stand up!"

Following the court guard's announcement, Judge Chen sat on the trial bench.

The main personnel of both the prosecution and the defense also took their seats.

Judge Chen scanned the audience and saw many people in the front row of the hearing booth.

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng from the local inspection headquarters, the CEO of Pioneer Medical Technology, and even Chen Xianfeng were all here.

At this moment, Chen Xianfeng was listening to his son-in-law's report, but Chen Xianfeng's expression was gloomy. The son-in-law said a lot, but he didn't get any response.

Obviously, the father-in-law seems to have not forgiven his son-in-law, which can be seen from his attitude.

However, these people are not the focus of Judge Chen's attention.

"The jury seats are in place, and the prosecution and the defense are all present, so let's start the trial!"

With his announcement, the gavel sounded, and the trial officially began!

On the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye straightened his collar and stood up slowly.

He walked to the center of the court, bowed slightly to the trial seat and the jury seat, and then smiled.

Lan Zhengye's appearance is not low, and he represents the headquarters of the local prosecutor's office, and he is also a high-ranking prosecutor.

He deliberately put on a low profile, which won him a lot of goodwill.

Lan Zhengye took a deep breath, glanced at the defense bench, and after staying on Zhang Wei for a while, he finally made a move.

"Today, we are going to charge a very, very serious crime in this court!"

"He, the man sitting on the defense table is named Qian Zhisui, a doctor of medical science and genetics, a scientist, a senior researcher in the laboratory, the leader of the PD research project, and a challenger in the scientific community. The hope of terminally ill patients in the world!"

"Of course, these honorable titles have brought him a certain degree of social honor. But his harmful behavior has brought huge hidden dangers to the safety of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Dr. Qian Zhisui, using his job convenience, entered the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology, stole project research materials and secret data, and planned to take the data to a laboratory that cooperates with foreign forces!"

"Everyone can imagine that once the other party's actions are successful, all the cutting-edge technology for genetic disease research in our country and the project data of the most high-end laboratories will all flow abroad, and the economic losses caused by this will reach tens of billions, let alone countless. The painstaking efforts and energy that researchers put into it, as well as the possible public safety threats caused by the leakage of these experimental data!"

"You may not know that the research direction of Pioneer Medical Technology is not just as simple as genetics. Their research also involves virology and disease. If foreign forces get first-hand information on virus research, what will they do? Come to think of it, this is unimaginable!"

Having said this, Lan Zhengye finally finished his speech.

And his words made the entire court serious.

Viruses and diseases are very dangerous things.

Once foreign forces are allowed to obtain research materials, or even research materials, will they come up with something scary?

(Because of some well-known reasons, it is inconvenient to go into details about the virus, the author has just mentioned it!)

So many people are afraid, and they are afraid when they hear these words.

Once people are afraid, they will be afraid.

But once fearful, they become disgusted with the cause of their fear.

And whoever made the threat is obviously the defendant.

If your plan is really successful, wouldn't it be very possible for us to live in fear every day?

Disgust, contempt, even resentment!

Regardless of whether it was the hearing seat or the jury seat, the eyes that looked at the defendant Qian Zhisui in the defense seat were full of hostility.

The eyes of the jury were stark, as if they were telling Qian Zhisui, we hate you!

"Lawyer Zhang, I feel..."

"Don't worry, this is all expected!"

As soon as Qian Zhisui opened his mouth, Zhang Wei directly comforted him.

Lan Zhengye is not an ordinary person, and his opening statement is very powerful, which Zhang Wei has known for a long time.

But the opening statement is just an appetizer. No matter how powerful it is, as long as you can take the main course and give the other party a killer move, then the trial will have a turning point.

But now, he still needs to wait...

Wait for an opportunity!

in court.

After Lan Zhengye finished his statement, he finally started calling witnesses.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution requested a subpoena, and Zhou Xiaoli, the spokesperson of the special operations team, will testify in court!"

"Well, this court approves it!"

As Lao Chen nodded, a person familiar to Zhang Wei walked into the court.

It's strange to say that when she confronted Zhou Xiaoli for the first time, this woman stood on the opposite side of her.

At that time, it was because of the case of her elder brother Xia Qianjun. Zhou Xiaoli always wanted Zhang Wei to reconcile with her opponent, but unfortunately Zhang Wei was unwilling, and the two parties broke up unhappy.

But in that case, the outcome was actually good.

Because Zhang Wei won, he returned his brother's innocence, although the price was his death.

And Zhou Xiaoli made the last move and captured her opponent.

In general, although Zhou Xiaoli and Zhang Wei viewed things from different angles and had different purposes, they both insisted on the justice in their hearts.

And this time, they were all on opposite sides.

Zhou Xiaoli went to court and came to the witness stand.

"Guide Zhou, hello!"

"Hello, Lan Gaojian!"

The two greeted each other.

Lan Zhengye began to ask: "Director Zhou, I remember that after Dr. Qian Zhisui stole the confidential documents and experimental materials, it was the members of your special operations team who dispatched and intercepted them, right?"


"May I ask how long it took you from getting the news to taking action?"

"5 minutes to locate Qian Zhisui, 10 minutes to arrive at the airport, and 2 minutes to control him, a total of 17 minutes!"

"So when the special operations team took him under control, what did you find by his hand?"

"On his body, there is an information identification card of assistant Wang Yali, a suitcase containing experimental materials, and a USB flash drive containing research materials."

Hearing the word "USB disk", Tan Yingying on the prosecution's bench subconsciously shivered.

She glanced at the defense table and was relieved to find Zhang Wei sitting.

It's okay, it's okay, it's an evidence USB flash drive, so you don't need to be a tool person yourself.

The baby is scared to death, next time in court, please don't say whether the USB flash drive is okay, people have psychological shadows!

On the witness stand, Zhou Xiaoli didn't know that her speech triggered someone's conditioned reflex, so she just answered Lan Zhengye's question concisely.

"What information is in the USB flash drive?"

"It's about the pioneering science and technology laboratory, including genetic data, scientific research reports, some clinical experiment reports, and..."

Zhou Xiaoli paused for a moment, and glanced at the defense chair.

"What else?" Lan Zhengye hurriedly asked.

"There are also some materials about virus and microbe research!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The prosecution witness mentioned these two dangerous words again, and many people in the jury and hearing booth whispered to each other.

But the way they looked at the defense chair was surprisingly consistent.

What does Qian Zhisui want to do by stealing research secrets, even virus research?

Whatever you do is very dangerous.

The direction of the court completely turned to the prosecution.

In other words, everyone in the court was hostile to Qian Zhisui and the defendant.

Lan Zhengye naturally felt the change in the direction of the court, but he knew that this advantage alone would not be able to deal with Zhang Wei.

If it is other lawyers, they may have already begun to consider the conditions for reconciliation and plea at this time.

But Zhang Wei is different, he is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, and his vitality is tenacious.

"Director Zhou, may I ask, since you have intercepted the defendant and he is about to board the plane, do you know his next itinerary?"


Zhou Xiaoli nodded, and then explained: "We not only intercepted his flight itinerary, but also investigated his mobile and computer data, and found that he had been contacting the laboratory earlier, trying to find someone who could accept his project. !"

"In the end he found the laboratory in the north and sent many encrypted emails with the laboratory director. Although deciphering is very difficult, we also cracked some of the emails and found that the most talked about by the defendant and the director , all about genetics and viruses!"

Lan Zhengye finally laughed when he heard this.

"Oh, so Dr. Qian has planned it for a long time. When he was serving Pioneer Medical Technology, he had already secretly communicated with the people in that laboratory about the song?"

"be opposed to!"

Before Lan Zhengye finished speaking, Zhang Wei got up as expected.

"I take back what I just said!"

Lan Zhengye smiled and apologized immediately.

But what was lacking on his face was sincerity, and his apology was naturally not sincere.

And his goal has been achieved, because everyone in the court knows that the defendant has long planned to "betray" Pioneer Medical Technology!

In the hearing booth, many people were smiling.

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng just raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

This time, let's see how Zhang Wei dies!

Chen Xianfeng also smiled, and even looked slightly softer at the son-in-law next door.

Qian Zhisui, you are going to go to jail after all, it is best not to come out in this life!

On the prosecution's bench, Lu Wenwen also smiled, smiling openly, praising Lan Zhengye in her heart.

Even Lan Zhengye himself laughed.

Although he wasn't smiling presumptuously, the upturned corners of his mouth had already betrayed his excited heart.

Classic scene: The advantage is mine!

"Prosecution, do you want to continue asking questions?"

Old Chen couldn't help it anymore, so he quickly stopped these people from shouting, and reminded them by the way.

The main reason is that your smile is too inappropriate. Although everyone knows that you have a great advantage, please pay attention, this is a court scene.

Didn't you see that when you smiled, did the others follow suit?

Please be serious, this is my old Chen's court!

"Your Excellency, the prosecution has no problem with this witness!"

Lan Zhengye gave up the stage, returned to the prosecution seat and sat down, while staring at Zhang Wei.

He wants to see how Zhang Weineng can counterattack under such an offensive.

Zhang Wei got up and walked to the court.

"Hello, Director Zhou!"

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang!"

The two are considered familiar, so when they greet each other, both of them are quite normal.

"Director Zhou, the members of the special operations team are really good, they caught my client in just 17 minutes!"

"Lawyer Zhang, if you want to compliment your brother-in-law, you don't need to tell me!"

Zhou Xiaoli chuckled and joked at the same time.

"Ahem!" In the corner of the court, Li Qinghua, the clerk, coughed.

She was also very speechless, because sitting in the court was her daughter, her son, and her son-in-law.

Good guy!

If it weren't for Xia Donghai being a field worker and needing to go outside on duty, otherwise he might really come to the hearing stand today.

At that time, it will really be a family gathering together and performing a family carnival in court.

"Sorry, I didn't ask clearly!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, and at the same time glanced at his mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law has an opinion, so I seem to keep a low profile.

"Ahem, Director Zhou, let me ask you a little more clearly. I want to ask that you have received the news as soon as possible, that's why you locked Dr. Qian's location, right?"

"Of course, the action policy of our special operations team is to fight quickly and eliminate all hidden dangers that threaten Dongfangdu's safety!"

"Then, who provided this information to you?"

"Sorry, this is an operational secret and cannot be told to the court!"

When Zhou Xiaoli heard Zhang Wei's question, she immediately refused, "Protecting the confidentiality of information providers is a job requirement, please understand!"

"Oh, let me ask this, did Pioneer Medical Technology provide this information, did they inform me of the client's possible course of action, did they..."

"Sorry, I can't tell you this information!"

Under Zhang Wei's questioning, Zhou Xiaoli refused to answer again.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoli's refusal, Zhang Wei smiled, "That's it, it's going to be difficult. Because if you don't tell the court the source of the information, your arrest will have no basis, even if the basis is your rules. , but in the eyes of the public, arresting people must have evidence, right?"

"And even if you arrested my client and intercepted some experimental materials and materials from him, these materials and materials are not necessarily the so-called evidence of treason. If I can prove..."

"Ahem, actually, this matter is not difficult!"

Just when Zhang Wei decided to refute Zhou Xiaoli, Chen Xianfeng stood up at the hearing stand.

"Your Honor, and Director Zhou, I, Chen Xianfeng, can tell everyone here that it is my Pioneer Medical Technology that provided the information to the special operations team!"

Chen Xianfeng couldn't sit still when he realized that Zhang Wei decided to question the basis of the arrest.

Although Zhou Xiaoli was unwilling to disclose the information of the operation for some reasons, but Chen Xianfeng was not a member of the special operations team, so he could disclose it himself.

"Let me explain to you here that I, Pioneer Medical Technology, have cooperated with Longguo to carry out a number of researches that benefit the people. We also oppose any behavior that endangers the security of our country. Naturally, the defendant Qian Zhisui's treasonous behavior is absolutely unacceptable." No tolerance!"

He spoke righteous words with an extremely serious expression.

"Oh, that's strange, you lost something, shouldn't you report it in advance, why did you contact the special operations team directly?"

Zhang Wei asked back, and reminded: "I went to search the report records on the day of the incident, and found that the investigation department did not receive the report immediately, but after my client was arrested, the investigation department began to take charge of the case." Trace and investigate work!"

"In my opinion, it's as if you deliberately let Dr. Qian steal something, and then sent a special operations team to capture him and charge him with treason!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xianfeng's expression changed.

Zhou Xiaoli, who also changed her expression, was on the witness stand.

This conjecture really exceeded the expectations of many people.

Could it be that Chen Xianfeng really used the special operations team to arrest the defendant and set the blame for treason?

"be opposed to!"

Just when Zhang Wei made his guess, Lan Zhengye immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The defense lawyers are making their own groundless speculations!"

"Well, the objection is valid!" Judge Chen nodded, and then looked at Zhang Wei; "Lawyer Zhang, please don't make such bold hypothetical statements!"

"Judge Chen, you can't say that!"

Zhang Wei did not apologize, instead he came to the witness stand again.

"Director Zhou, I would like to ask, did you find any suspicious problems during the follow-up investigation with the investigation department?"

"What suspicious question?" Zhou Xiaoli asked back.

"Just like my client!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the dock and said, "My client, Dr. Qian, is already in his fifties, and spends his time in the laboratory every day. He can be said to be a nerd."

"May I ask him how to rely on himself to steal core confidential data and experimental materials from a heavily guarded laboratory with confidential research materials?"

"This..." Zhou Xiaoli frowned, she had also considered this point.

Isn't the security of Pioneer Medical Technology too simple?

In the end, she could only speculate that Qian Zhisui seemed to be very lucky that day, and it happened that there was only one person on the night shift that day.

"I've done some research. In the laboratory of Pioneer Medical Technology, there are four people on duty on weekdays, and there are patrols every two hours. But that night shift, there was only one person on duty. Isn't this a bit wrong?"

"Moreover, the security system of the laboratory was not updated in a timely manner. After Dr. Qian was fired, his assistant Wang Yali was also restricted by the company's personnel, but why was the most important laboratory not removed? Her access authority, so that my client can enter the core laboratory through multiple blockades with just an identification card?"


Zhou Xiaoli did not expect that Zhang Wei had done so much homework, even reading the information on these security systems.

"Chen Dong, I also want to ask you this question. As the top person in charge of Pioneer Medical Technology, I would like to ask if your company's security system is useless? With a card, my client can walk on two legs. Go in, and easily take away the core information under the watchful eyes of so many surveillance cameras?"

"If the security system of Pioneer Medical Technology protects core secrets in this way, then I think the cooperation between the high-level and your group is inappropriate?"

Zhang Wei turned his firepower to Chen Xianfeng, who was on the hearing bench, and questioned him in court.

Chen Xianfeng's expression changed immediately, because Zhang Wei's question was full of malice.

If I give a bad answer, it is likely to make others underestimate the strength of my company, and even attract suspicion from above.

"Objection, invalid question!"

But just when Chen Xianfeng couldn't sit still, Lan Zhengye got up first.

You, Zhang Wei, can ask questions on the witness stand, but absolutely not on the hearing stand. He is not a court witness and does not need to answer your questions.

"Ahem, the objection is valid, please ask Attorney Zhang to question the witnesses, not the audience!"

Judge Chen also reminded me.

Zhang Wei secretly thought it was a pity, he thought he could pull Chen Xianfeng into the water this time, but he was interrupted unexpectedly.

But he knew, this time it won't work, there will be a next time!

Definitely next time!

Be sure to pull Chen Xianfeng into the water!

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