Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 338 Chen Xianfeng went to court, can't sit still?

Zhang Weila and Chen Xianfeng's plan to go into the water failed.

No, it should be said that it failed temporarily.

But one of his goals was also achieved.

That's where the seeds of doubt are planted in the courtroom.

At this moment, some sane people are thinking about a problem.

As a top domestic company, is the security system of Pioneer Medical Technology really too weak?

Especially the laboratory, where confidential information is kept, is the top priority of the company.

How could an old doctor easily fool the security guard and obtain the experimental data with just an assistant's access card?

After getting the information, Pioneer Medical Technology immediately thought of not reporting the case, but notifying the special operations team.

This is also a problem, as if they waited for Dr. Qian to steal something, then sent the special operations team to catch him and bring him to justice, and then charged him with treason!

Is there no problem with this?

If you think about it this way, there are many doubts...

In the court, many people cast their veiled eyes on Pioneer Medical Technology.

Many eyes were on Chen Xianfeng.

These sights made the latter slightly uncomfortable.

How many years have passed, yet someone dares to look at him like that!

He, Chen Xianfeng, climbed to his current position, long past the time of being looked down upon by others, and now everyone is looking at him, they should be looking up!

This kid is too deceitful!

Chen Xianfeng gripped the cane tightly with his five fingers, and his eyes became sharp.

"Sure enough!" He hooked his fingers, and the son-in-law at the side immediately stepped forward.

"You are like this, like this..."

The son-in-law nodded in agreement, not daring to have the slightest objection.

After Chen Xianfeng finished giving his orders, the son-in-law went to the ear of the chief legal officer and gave the same orders.

However, this slight movement in the hearing booth did not affect the court.

"Defense, do you still want to ask questions?" Old Chen asked.

He also noticed a change in the direction of the court. Although most of them were still facing the prosecution, there was a little more suspicion.

That trace of suspicion was planted by Zhang Wei, and his purpose had obviously been accomplished, so it was time to end the questioning.

"Yes, I still have questions to ask!"

Zhang Wei unexpectedly did not choose to end.

He asked Zhou Xiaoli again: "Director Zhou, you said that during the arrest of my client, experimental materials were found on him. What are those materials?"

"Well, the specific name seems to be a culture vessel, which contains some kind of targeted..."

Zhou Xiaoli was confused because she had read the report, but the names of the experimental data and materials were too long to remember.

"Is it a vaccine against the genetic disorder of PD?"

"It seems to be this!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's reminder, Zhou Xiaoli nodded immediately.

Zhang Wei quickly explained, "PD is the abbreviation of Parkinson's disease, and Dr. Qian's research direction is how to treat Parkinson's disease!"

"Director Zhou, then please listen to the second question!"


Zhou Xiaoli froze for a moment. Although you were right to ask the question, why did the scene turn into a question and answer?

I am not a student, and you are not a teacher, how can you ask me such a question?

However, the prosecution did not object, and Zhou Xiaoli could only admit it while pinching her nose.

"May I ask you to arrest my client, what is the charge for the arrest?"


"But did he act against the country?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, "He just took the information from Pioneer Medical Technology and got on a plane that might go to the north of our country."

"After he gets off the plane, maybe he can go anywhere, go to a certain medical university to drop things off, and then go to relax and travel..."

Zhou Xiaoli looked at Zhang Wei like a fool.

After holding back for a long time, she finally said: "Lawyer Zhang, I know what you want to say, but your speculation is totally unreasonable!"

"We have deciphered the encrypted emails that the defendant communicated with Northern Labs. They discussed a lot of information about vaccines and viruses. These emails..."

Hearing Zhou Xiaoli's speech, Zhang Wei quickly interrupted: "In these emails, does it indicate that my client intends to conduct some kind of dangerous experiment anywhere in our country, or use genetic research as a large-scale dangerous weapon?"

"This...not really." Zhou Xiaoli shook her head.

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and began to ask questions.

"Then, in the email, is there any content about my client collaborating with the enemy and treason, and did he clearly express in the email that he wants to sell the research materials to foreign forces?"

"This...not at all."

"Then I think, there is no content in the email that my client has contacted foreign forces. I would like to ask, who is the person from the Northern Laboratory who has been sending emails to communicate with him?"

"According to our investigation, it is a Professor Zhao from the Northern Laboratory!"

"Then what is Dr. Zhao's background?"

"The background is clean. Grandpa has even made outstanding contributions to the scientific research of Longguo. He is also a visiting professor at a well-known university in Longdu!"

"Then I'm surprised. My client and this Professor Zhao just exchanged a few emails on a daily basis and talked about some academic-related topics. How could it become collaborating with the enemy and treason?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands again with a puzzled expression.

Zhou Xiaoli didn't expect Zhang Wei to say such a thing.

"But the laboratory where Professor Zhao works is funded by foreign forces!"

"Isn't this normal? The laboratory is a place for scientific research, and science has no borders. Isn't that what the academic circle has always said?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you're making excuses!"

Zhou Xiaoli was also annoyed, and immediately asked: "Then what about the virus? It's more reasonable that your client stole his experimental materials from Pioneer Medical Technology!"


Hearing this, Zhang Wei smiled slightly; "I'm glad you said that, but I want to say that this word sounds dangerous, but in fact, in the scientific world, many scientists have made some other applications of this thing!"

"For example, inactivated viruses can be used as vaccines, such as gene carriers in certain genetic engineering, etc. These are all scientific applications of viruses!"

"I'm not a scientist, I don't understand these things!" Zhou Xiaoli shook her head immediately.

"I just want to tell you, and everyone in the court, that based on the emails you deciphered, you can't confuse my client's behavior with collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

Zhang Wei looked around the courtroom, pointed at Qian Zhisui on the defense table, and said word by word: "My client is only conducting academic exchanges with Professor Zhao from the Northern Laboratory, so why is he charged with treason?"

"But what he took away was extremely important experimental materials!" Zhou Xiaoli retorted immediately.

But Zhang Wei answered immediately: "No, those experimental materials originally belonged to him!"

"My client was originally the head of the laboratory. His main scientific research project is to deal with Parkinson's disease and develop an antidote for this type of genetic disease. Those experimental materials are all his hard work and research results. !"

"It's pioneering medical technology. They are afraid that my client's research will be successful, so that Parkinson's disease will be cured at one time, and they will no longer be able to obtain continuous and stable medical service benefits from patients, so they cut off my client. My client was unable to study, and was even kicked out of the company!"

In the end, Zhang Wei almost pointed at Chen Xianfeng's nose and said these words.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

This time, it was a surprise.

Pioneering medical technology does not want Parkinson's disease to be cured, why?

Because once the disease is cured, the patients are happy, but they are not happy because they can't make money!

Patients can only get enough benefits if they receive continuous treatment from them.

As a result, you will be cured once you get sick, and there will be no more dangers in the future, so how much money can they make?

The evil zb family!

For a moment, some people thought of the story Zhang Wei told when he was screening jurors.

People who sell light bulbs chose to manufacture fake and shoddy light bulbs for long-term benefits!

Can they make good bulbs?


Even good light bulbs can be made that won't go out for a hundred years.

But what happened?

The result is that a company that made a good light bulb saw a sharp drop in revenue in the second year, almost no revenue in the third year, and then went bankrupt.

So, don't use your own kindness to figure out the zb family.

They will do anything for profit!

So, is it possible to do the things Zhang Wei said?

"be opposed to!"

"be opposed to!"

Just as Zhang Wei finished speaking, a figure stood out from the hearing and prosecution seats.

On the trial seat, Lao Chen looked at Lan Zhengye standing up, not surprised.

But he looked at the person who stood up in the hearing seat, his face was full of strangeness.

"The legal director of Pioneer Medical Technology, right? What are you doing standing up?"

"Your Honor, we at Pioneer Medical Technology can't pretend that we didn't hear the defense's allegations just now!"

The legal director stood up immediately, pointing to Zhang Wei and said: "Our company strongly condemns the defense lawyer's false accusation, and reserves the right to pursue him for not speaking. At the same time, I request the court to let us represent Mr. Chen Xianfeng to join this case. Become a witness for the prosecution!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was slightly surprised.

Among them, the prosecution is the most obvious.

Chen Xianfeng wants to be a witness for the prosecution?

Originally, according to Lan Zhengye's plan, the witnesses for the prosecution would definitely need people with pioneering medical technology to testify in court.

After all, your own laboratory has been stolen, someone needs to come up and give an explanation.

However, the prosecution witness he originally invited was the experimental project director of Pioneer Medical Technology. At most, Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law, the CEO, was invited as a supplementary witness.

He had no intention of letting Chen Xianfeng go to court, and even Chen Xianfeng's side refused to be this witness at first.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei directly raised a point in court.

It was this that made Chen Xianfeng feel threatened, and he had to go to court to explain.

Otherwise, if he doesn't go to court and let the outside public opinion ferment, the blow to Pioneer Medical Technology will be huge.

If the case is not closed for a day, the company's stock price may drop by the limit every day!

If the stock falls, what falls is the money in his pocket.

So in order to end the case quickly and for the reputation of the company, he had to go to court.

"finally come!"

Seeing that Chen Xianfeng couldn't sit still, Zhang Wei finally smiled.

This is his purpose, his real purpose, from the beginning is to let Chen Xianfeng come up!

Because he knew that the most critical part of this case was whether Chen Xianfeng was greedy, whether he ordered his subordinates to cut off Qian Zhisui's research, and the subsequent things he did to kill donkeys.

And now that the other party is in court, even if the other party refuses to admit it, he can still make the other party leave a record of his speech.

Once evidence is found in the later stage and Chen Xianfeng's words are refuted one by one, then Qian Zhisui is likely to be exonerated.

"Prosecution, do you have anything to say?" Judge Chen looked at the prosecution table.

There are four people here, and it is estimated that we need to discuss it, so he asked them first.

In fact, when Chen Xianfeng entrusted the legal director to make the request, the four members of the prosecution had already started discussing it.

Of course, Tan Yingying was pushed aside, and the real discussion was about Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen, and Xiao Baihe occasionally interjected.

"Judge Chen, the prosecution has no objections. We welcome Mr. Chen Xianfeng to join the prosecution witness!"

"So, what about the defense?"

Old Chen absolutely, this sentence is knowingly asking.

The purpose of this kid Zhang Wei is to pull Chen Xianfeng off his horse, and now he has been tricked.

"The defense has no objections!"

Zhang Wei nodded immediately, this was his goal, how could he have any objections.

"Well, do you want to continue your question?"

"No need, the defense has decided to end the cross-examination!"

Zhang Wei achieved his goal and immediately ended his questioning of Zhou Xiaoli.

After Zhou Xiaoli finished speaking, she glanced at Zhang Wei with a smile, nodded with Judge Chen, and then walked off the witness stand.

Judge Chen looked at the prosecution bench.

"Your Honor, the prosecution requests that Mr. Chen Xianfeng be summoned to testify in court!"

As Lan Zhengye said, he got up slowly, but as if he had thought of something, he sat back quickly.

"Junior Sister, Chen Xianfeng is a person with a tough personality. It may be counterproductive for me to ask questions. Come on!"

"Okay then, senior brother, I'll do it this time!"

Seeing that Lan Zhengye asked her to perform, Lu Wenwen was very happy, and immediately accepted the order.

Lu Wenwen got up, and at the same time, Chen Xianfeng walked from the hearing stand to the witness stand step by step with a cane.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Lu Wenwen nodded with a smile.


Chen Xianfeng had a cold face, no smile, and even the greeting seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

"It's so cold!" Lu Wenwen said inwardly, but managed to force a smile.

"Mr. Chen, have you heard the defense's allegations just now?"


"So you're supposed to have a lot to say about these allegations?"



Chen Xianfeng's answer stunned Lu Wenwen.

People have slandered you so much, why don't you want to say something?

Is this reasonable?

This is obviously unreasonable!

"Hmph, what can I say about some fabricated slanders out of thin air?"

However, Chen Xianfeng said to himself: "Under my hard work, Pioneer Technology Group is now the largest medical technology company, medical service company, and medical device manufacturer in the South. How many customers and cooperative units do I have? I can't even remember."

"If anyone smears me casually, and I have to respond positively, wouldn't I be so busy!"

"And what they said is just what some rumormongers often say. We, Pioneer Medical Technology, uphold the people-oriented, sincere, and dedicated service to customers and patients. These have always been our company's principles and my motto! "

When Chen Xianfeng said this, his face became extremely solemn.

From his body, a sense of seriousness emanated from the inside out, making Rang dare not despise him.

"Good guy, he believed it himself!"

At the defense table, Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining.

Then he moved his finger, and Qian Zhisui who was beside him immediately came up to him.

"You and I both know that the ZB family is greedy, but did he fool you like this back then?"

"Yes, he promised that he would never interfere with my research, and he also provided me with the best research facilities and the most experimental funds, so that I must research an antidote for the genetic disease of PD!"

"Oh I see!"

Zhang Wei looked at Chen Xianfeng, this old boy is good at painting cakes.

Such words cannot fool some smart people, but Qian Zhisui was afraid of the hereditary nature of PD at the time, so he followed Chen Xianfeng's advice.

In court, Lu Wenwen's questions continued.

"Thank you for your answer, Mr. Chen. I believe many people have heard your response clearly. You think the allegations made by the defense lawyer are all untrue and slander without actual evidence!"

"Originally!" Chen Xianfeng looked at Qian Zhisui on the defense table, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, according to the testimony provided by the defense, the defendant once said that he made a breakthrough in the project of researching the genetic disease of PD, but then the progress of the laboratory was shut down by you. There was such a time something?"

"This is absolutely nothing!" Chen Xianfeng immediately denied it.

"In scientific experiments, any breakthrough is considered decisive, but in our opinion, this is just a breakthrough from 1% to 2% of a 100% progress project!"

"But the defendant has been insisting that this is a major breakthrough?"

"Is it a major breakthrough? We also have project experts in our company, as well as hired genetics experts and scientists. They have given authoritative project evaluation reports, and the results of the report are very different from what the defendant said!"

As Chen Xianfeng said, he looked at the defense chair again, "In my opinion, the defendant's testimony is completely unreliable. The major breakthrough he said was just to get more experimental funds from me to cover up his Serious dereliction of duty with no progress on the project for months!"

"be opposed to!"

On the defense table, someone stood up!

But the person who raised the objection was not Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei looked at Qian Zhisui beside him in surprise, and this Dr. Qian actually stood up and objected.

"Defendant, please sit down!"

On the trial seat, Lao Chen couldn't sit still, and immediately reminded him with a cold face.

"But he slandered me and my research!"

Qian Zhisui didn't sit down, instead he spread his hands towards the trial seat, and at the same time pointed to the witness stand.

"He slandered me. My research has made a breakthrough, and I only need the last step to put it into clinical trials. But he stopped me, stopped the project, and even made those subordinates Tampering with the experimental evaluation report, in the end I had to..."


Just when Qian Zhisui was about to defend himself, Judge Chen finally got angry and immediately yelled.

With a cold face, he fixed his eyes on Qian Zhisui, the powerful aura of a judge frightened the latter.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't tell me that you can't even control your own client?"

"Sorry, Judge Chen, I didn't expect my client to be so excited!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, and at the same time pressed Qian Zhisui firmly.

Only then did Judge Chen look away, but at the same time he also looked at the time.

"Since the defendant can't control his emotions, let's temporarily adjourn the court today. I just happen to be a little tired!"

Lao Chen still gave Zhang Wei face, he didn't pursue it, but gave him a step up!

The courts are starting to dissolve!

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