Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 339 Temporary Motion, Following Zhang Wei's Way

Thursday evening.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Department.

Zhang Wei returned to his office.

Jingle Bell!

As soon as he sat down, the phone rang.

"Zhang Wei, it's me, Li Qinghua!"

"Oh, mother-in-law, what do you want from me?"

"I came here just to inform you that Judge Chen is not free tomorrow, and the court has arranged for the hearing to continue next Monday!"

"Oh, that's not very detrimental to my client. Now the whole court sees that he can't sit still, and the jury treats him like a prisoner..."

"It's useless for you to complain to me. I'm just a court clerk. To put it bluntly, I'm just a microphone."

Hearing Zhang Wei's complaint, the mother-in-law said, you have the ability to talk to Lao Chen, why are you complaining to me?

It is of course impossible to find Lao Chen, but he has senior qualifications.

"That's fine, thank you, mother-in-law!"

"Don't thank me, it's my job to inform you, don't give me too much thought!"

The mother-in-law warned again and hung up the phone directly.

It seemed that she didn't want to say a word to Zhang Wei, the nominal son-in-law, but she just fulfilled her duty of notification.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei frowned gradually.

"I don't have time on Friday, do I have to wait for the court next Monday?"

He got up slowly, walked to a desk in the corner of the office, and began to sort out the information of the case.

At present, the court situation is still very unfavorable to Qian Zhisui.

First of all, the problem of his stealing experimental materials and materials from the laboratory needs to be solved.

Zhang Wei questioned Zhou Xiaoli in court today, but unfortunately the other party is not a professional, and the answers he gave had limited influence on the jury.

Then for these, Qian Zhisui or Wang Yali, as relevant personnel of the laboratory, need to testify in court.

At least tell the jury what Pioneer Medical Technology did and what measures were taken to deal with them, the two research heroes.

Qian Zhisui went to jail and Wang Yali was expelled. This is how they treat heroes.

Secondly, he wanted to prove that the senior management of Pioneer Medical Technology was aware of the breakthrough progress of the research project, and they chose to ignore the progress, and finally stopped the project.

All of this is for profit. Only incurable patients and incurable diseases can bring sustainable profits to their companies.

Just like a light bulb, a light bulb with a service life of half a year to a year is what the light bulb company needs.

A light bulb that lasts for 100 years and doesn't need to be replaced will definitely drag down the company's development.

"The crux of the problem is to prove that Chen Xianfeng knew about this matter, and he personally stopped the project after knowing that Dr. Qian had made a breakthrough!"

"So it seems that tomorrow Friday, I have to apply to the court for the enforcement of evidence disclosure against Pioneer Technology Group!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei understood the next train of thought.

He picked up the phone and called back.

beep beep...

"Hey, who is it, I don't know if the court is going to be off work?"

On the other end of the phone was Li Qinghua's impatient voice.

The judge's office is full of landlines, so the caller ID is naturally invisible.

But the temper of the mother-in-law needs to be improved, otherwise if this is a call from an acquaintance of Lao Chen, wouldn't it be...

"Mother-in-law, it's me, Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei, what are you calling here for?"

At the other end of the sentence, Li Qinghua was also stunned for a moment, but then she immediately thought of something, and warned: "I can warn you, it's useless even if you find me, Lao Chen won't open the back door for you!"

"Mother-in-law, you are joking, I am calling to apply for a motion, a motion for the publicity of evidence by Pioneer Technology Group!"


Li Qinghua was stunned for a moment, but immediately asked: "Why did Pioneer Technology Group publish the evidence? Aren't they the original plaintiff in this case?"

"It is precisely because they are the parties involved in this case, and the stolen laboratory belongs to them, and their company bosses are all witnesses, that I ask them to disclose the evidence!"

Zhang Wei said, and smiled in a kind tone: "Mother-in-law, you can help me find out what Lao Chen is saying, and ask me in advance whether this matter is feasible. Even if Lao Chen is not free tomorrow, a motion is still possible It won't take much time, why don't we sit down and talk together?"

"What Lao Chen, you can call Lao Chen, you have to call Judge Chen!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Qinghua gave a warning.

But Zhang Wei smiled.

Because Li Qinghua didn't refuse, but instead scolded Zhang Wei for using improper words.

"Then thank you mother-in-law, I still have something to do, so I'll do it first!"

After hanging up the phone directly, Zhang Wei smiled.

With Li Qinghua helping him to find out, Lao Chen should give him face, and maybe he can hold a motion tomorrow.

"I have to get ready. If there is a motion tomorrow, then I have to prepare something so that Pioneer Medical Technology can honestly provide me with the documents!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei started to get busy again.

It's time to get off work soon.

"Wow, is Lawyer Zhang still busy?"

"Of course, that's treason. It's a big case for us. Can lawyer Zhang not be busy?"

"Whenever I can be like Lawyer Zhang, facing the four prosecutors of the local prosecutor's headquarters alone, I still don't change my face, and the client has been guarded by the special operations team for a long time, chatting and laughing with the high prosecutor and the judge in court !"

"You can get it, have you prepared the case assigned to you, I remember you will go to court tomorrow Friday?"

"Fuck, what you said, I almost forgot to prepare the opening statement, it's over, I have to stay up all night to catch up on the draft again today!"

"Brother, can I also copy the statement you prepared, I will also have a court session tomorrow, an hour later than you!"

"Go away, you want to go!"

Outside the door, new people passed by, whispering and whispering, and of course there were some people playing and fighting, obviously they had a good relationship.

The content of their discussion is much more simple, full of the vigor of young people, and the greenness of some newcomers.

"Master, I'm off work, are you still busy?"

Lin Yumeng was bouncing about getting off work with her small bag on her back. She passed by Zhang Wei's office and said hello.

"No, I'm just waiting for a message, I'm afraid I won't receive it on the way!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, signaling the little apprentice to go home first.

He waited for a while, and then heard a "ding" alert, a text message came.

Li Qinghua sent the text message from the court number, and Lao Chen really agreed to the motion, and the time is tomorrow afternoon.

Seeing the text message, Zhang Wei already knew it.

It looks like today is another sleepless night.


The next day, Friday.

Today is not a court day, but for Zhang Wei, the strategy is of great significance.

Because he has to persuade the court to let Pioneer Medical Technology publish the document evidence today.

And his proposal will definitely meet strong opposition from both parties.

Neither the local prosecutor's office nor Chen Xianfeng will agree to this.

So he has to be fully prepared so that both parties have nothing to say.

In the afternoon, he came to the Municipal Court and waited outside Judge Chen's office.

Lao Chen is not inside for the time being, but is still busy outside.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps not far away, the sound of high heels.

"Yo ho, old Xiao!"

Seeing the visitor, Zhang Wei was not surprised.

Seeing Xiao Baihe's well-dressed main story, walking over with a cold expression.

The little follower Tan Yingying didn't come today, and neither did Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen.

Apparently, the Prosecutor's Headquarters believes that only one person is enough for a motion.

"Hmph, you're really full and free, and you don't stop all day long. There is no hearing today, and you still come up with an impromptu motion!"

When Xiao Baihe walked in front of Zhang Wei, he had no good temper at all, and he almost scolded others.

"Old Xiao, who are we with whom, I'll ask you, if I want Chen Xianfeng to publish their company's documents, do you agree?"

As Zhang Wei said, he put his hand directly on Xiao Baihe's shoulder, and the two leaned together like old friends.

"Fuck, I'm not familiar with you, so don't get close!" Xiao Baihe immediately threw off Zhang Wei, adopting an attitude of "Don't beat me up".

"Old Xiao, I'm very sad. We are old partners. Do you remember the days when we acted together and solved cases together?"

Zhang Wei looked sad, and even put on a posture of "a woman encounters a heartless man".

"Fuck, are you disgusting..." Xiao Baihe couldn't hold back anymore, and backed away again and again.

Zhang Wei suddenly accelerated and held Xiao Baihe's hands tightly.

"Old Xiao, we are good partners. For today's motion, the two of us will only engage with Chen Xianfeng once, and put him..."

"I didn't expect the rumors to be true!"

Just when Zhang Wei wanted to continue "knowing the truth with reason", he heard a burst of ridicule.

With a cold face, Chen Xianfeng walked over from not far away with his son-in-law and legal director.

His gaze was locked on Zhang Wei's hand holding Xiao Baihe tightly.

"Before this case, I didn't know much about Lawyer Zhang, but I also heard a piece of news that Lawyer Zhang had an affair with a trump card from the local prosecutor's headquarters. I didn't believe it at first!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen, you have misunderstood. I really have nothing to do with Lao Xiao!"

Zhang Wei "quickly" let go of Xiao Baihe's hand, then shook his head and waved his hands, firmly denying it.

But his expression and attitude of "you didn't see it, you didn't see anything" and "there is no silver three hundred taels here" made Chen Xianfeng extremely contemptuous.

We've seen everything, how dare you deny it, isn't that treating us like idiots?

And you said that you are not familiar with the prosecutor, you two called it so "familiar", you shouted "Old Xiao" one by one, I really thought we couldn't hear it.

"Mr. Chen, you misunderstood, I really don't know this guy!" Xiao Baihe also hurriedly explained, clearing the blame.


Put it back on me!


Chen Xianfeng snorted coldly, and walked past the two with his son-in-law and legal director without even looking at them.

"Zhang Wei, did you do it on purpose!" Xiao Baihe also discovered Zhang Wei's purpose, and almost asked through gritted teeth.

"I said it was a coincidence, would you believe it?"

"Go to hell!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, but it was a pity that Xiao Baihe couldn't believe his explanation.

"Ahem, it's all here!"

Not far away, Lao Chen and Li Qinghua finally arrived.

They were a little surprised when they saw Zhang Wei and his party coming.

It seems, what happened to these people, why is there something wrong with the way they look at each other?

But that has nothing to do with him, Old Chen.

"Come in, everyone. I hope the motion will be over soon. I still have a court to catch up. I'm squeezing out time now!"

Old Chen was obviously very busy, and immediately urged everyone to enter the office and take a seat.

After the group sat down, Lao Chen looked directly at Zhang Wei.

This motion was initiated by you, so you start it.

"Ahem, old Chen..."


Judge Chen snorted immediately.

I know you very well, but you can't call me that in front of others, right? Do you want me to stop the motion directly?

Zhang Wei said badly in secret, and quickly changed his words: "Ahem, Judge Chen, this time our motion request is like this, since Mr. Chen has joined the list of witnesses for the prosecution, and his identity is the chairman of Pioneer Medical Technology. My client works for the company, and the plaintiff in this case is the company, so we request Pioneer Medical Technology to publicize the company documents in this case!"

"Judge Chen, the prosecution..."

"Your Honor, we strongly oppose it!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Xiao Baihe was about to speak immediately, but Chen Xianfeng next door was even faster.

When the legal director stood up, "Your Honor, the purpose of this trial is to prosecute the defendant Qian Zhisui's crime of treason. The subject of the case is the defendant himself, and our company is not a related party to this crime. Even our company has always It is an unreasonable request for us to publicize the company's documents, and Chen Dong is an outstanding entrepreneur who is enthusiastic about dedication and dedicated to public welfare!"

"Excellent entrepreneurs, enthusiastic dedication, focus on public welfare?"

Zhang Wei laughed immediately when he heard these words.

Everyone knows the title of the zb family and the way they work.

Not even a single punctuation mark can be believed in their words. On the contrary, the only thing they can be seen clearly is the way they use unscrupulous means for their own interests.

"Judge Chen, we have a different opinion!"

Zhang Wei immediately raised his hand and continued to speak: "The subject of this case is indeed my client, but the secondary subject of the crime is the research data of Pioneer Medical Technology Laboratory, including the virus data they mentioned."

"If my client really committed treasonous acts, then he would have to take the virus data to the northern laboratory, and the prosecution has been proving that my client has committed such acts, so I think it is very necessary to publish the data of the laboratory of."

Zhang Wei then raised his finger and emphasized: "At the same time, Chairman Chen's company fired my client a month ago, and also disbanded the laboratory and experimental project he led, but did not give any reason for the dismissal, so I Fang also asked the court to allow Mr. Chen to provide the factual basis for dismissing my client!"

When Chen Xianfeng heard this, he immediately sneered, "Hmph, he has committed a crime, why should I keep him!"

"So, Chairman Chen has doubts about my client's character?" Zhang Wei immediately asked back.

When Xiao Baihe and the legal director heard this, they wanted to stop it.

"That's right, I'm very skeptical about Qian Zhisui's character, who will be fired if he isn't fired!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was too late for Xiao Baihe and the legal director to stop it.

Even Judge Chen was amused. Someone really fell for such a simple aggressive method.

Even Li Qinghua, who did not pass the judicial examination, took another look at Chen Xianfeng.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" Chen Xianfeng was a little surprised, the way these people looked at him was not quite right.

It was as if he had stepped into a pit.

"Chen Dong, we all heard what you said just now!"

Zhang Wei was the first to speak, and explained slowly: "Because you have strong doubts about my client's character and dismissed my client based on this, now we require you to provide evidence to impeach my client's character. !"

"In case you don't understand, let me explain to you here that the documents you need to provide include my client's employment records in the company, attendance and clock-in records, laboratory sign-in records, and the revenue records of your company for the projects he led. In the investment and income report of the project he researched, all company documents during the period from the time my client joined your company to after he left your company, as well as all revenue reports, meeting reports, financial reports of your company during this period... ..."

Zhang Wei said a series of file names, and by the time he finished speaking, five minutes had passed.

He immediately took a sip of water to moisten his throat.

Upon hearing these words, Chen Xianfeng's expression immediately became tense.

This is really, a lot of files!

"Prosecution, what's your opinion?"

Judge Chen glanced at Xiao Baihe.

"The prosecution..."

Xiao Baihe glanced at Zhang Wei, then at Chen Xianfeng.

After thinking of the latter's attitude, she immediately nodded sharply: "No objection!"

"Well, this court announces that it agrees to the defense's request!"

As Judge Chen said, he also looked at Chen Xianfeng, "Mr. Chen, please be sure to provide the documents mentioned by the defense lawyer according to his request, otherwise this court will betray your company, obstruct justice and conceal evidence, you understand!"

Chen Xianfeng frowned, and immediately hooked his finger at the legal director.

The latter leaned closer and whispered.

After a while, Chen Xianfeng's expression became as ugly as that of a beeping dog.

Obviously, he finally knew that he had fallen into Zhang Wei's way.

Damn it, I was swayed by a kid.

"Well, the things here are over, I'm going to get busy, you all leave too!"

On Judge Chen's side, people started to be chased away.

Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe left immediately.

The former accomplished his goal and naturally left happily.

The latter, on the other hand, had a cold face and a look of displeasure.

Chen Xianfeng also tensed up, and left the office with his son-in-law and legal director.

However, when he walked to the gate of the court, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"By the way, how many documents does that kid need?"

"Chen Dong, he needs a lot of documents, and he needs to have this number..."

The legal director immediately approached and reported.

"Is this the number?"

Chen Xianfeng thought about it, and suddenly he had a plan.

"After the two of you go back, tell the people in the archives room to prepare more documents. Doesn't this kid want the documents? I'm going to use the documents to pile him up to death!"


Hearing his orders, Chen Xianfeng finally smiled again.

You only have one weekend, so what if you're an ace lawyer.

It may take several months for ordinary people to read the documents I gave you.

I don't believe that people in Jincheng Law Firm work on weekends and can help you review documents!

Watch me drown you with files!

If you are only one person, you may not even be able to read one-tenth of the documents when the court starts on Monday!

If that's the case, aren't you doomed?

Chen Xianfeng felt that his own move was the best plan!

Since you want documents, I will provide you with more.

See if I have a lot of files, or you have a lot of time...

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