Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 340 Sea of ​​documents? found suspicious

Saturday, overtime day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

The possibility of new people coming to work overtime is almost non-existent.

Even old employees don't work overtime on Saturdays.

Not surprisingly, Zhang Wei was the only one in the entire office area on the 25th floor.


The elevator door opened, and then a female clerk hurried in.

Jincheng Law Firm is very large, so even on weekends, there are clerk assistants on duty.

"Lawyer Zhang, someone sent a document, saying it was a document from Pioneer Medical Technology, but..."

"Just what?"

Zhang Wei came out of the office with a strange expression on his face.

"It's just that there are a lot of files..."


Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then went downstairs with the female clerk.

I saw three transport vehicles parked in the square at the entrance of Jincheng Building.

Inside the car, there are all large cardboard boxes with a length of 1 meter and a width of one meter. The inside of the cartons are all documents.

Stapled, unbound, organized into folders, even enveloped in envelopes, the list goes on and on.

"Three big trucks of files, are you trying to pile me up with a sea of ​​files?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei instantly understood.

Although he asked Chen Xianfeng for many documents, there were not so many.

And judging by his appearance, he obviously moved all the archives of Pioneer Medical Technology here.

Of course, these big companies actually have a set of methods to deal with some document inspections.

Most of these files may be meaningless files, and there are very few files where clues can be found.

No one would be foolish enough to expose some core confidential documents of their own company.

But among these documents, there may be ones he needs, but it just takes time to screen and review.

But this is not a problem for Zhang Wei, after all, what he needs most is time!

"Come on, masters, please help me move the documents up to the 25th floor, and put them in the criminal department's office!"

It took an hour for the documents to be sent upstairs by the delivery personnel.

When Zhang Wei returned to the office of the criminal department, more than half of the entire office was occupied by boxes full of documents.

Seeing these boxes, Zhang Wei thought to himself, good guy.

"It looks like this weekend is going to be another sleepless night!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his mobile phone in a very trendy way, opened Moments, and started shooting.

After photographing all the file boxes, he added a sentence.

When the video is uploaded, click Send.

[This weekend, it's another two all-night days! Attached picture: file boxes full of three carts. 】

Moments update.

After a while, there were a lot of updates on Moments.

After Zhang Wei looked at the file for a while, he turned on the phone.

[Xiao Baihe: Damn, how dare they give you so many documents! 】

[Mo Yuzhu: Damn it! 】

[Xia Qianyue: Damn it! 】

[Li Yueqin: Damn it! 】

[Lin Yumeng: \u003e_\u003c]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Damn it! Please keep the little idiots from the Lin family upstairs in formation! 】

[Lin Yumeng: --! @Zhao Xiaoxiao]

[Jessica: How amazing! 】

[Tie Ruyun: Damn it! 】

[Zhao Qingyan:? ? ? 】

[Luo Xiaobu: Fuck, I have to read these documents for a year! 】

Seeing these messages in Moments, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

But he was a little surprised that the second girl and the little apprentice also had friends.

But when he thought of the family background of the two girls, he was relieved.

The Lin family and the Zhao family obviously knew each other.

A smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face, and then he answered the friends' questions one by one, and then began to save up and look through the files.

Time passed quickly like this.

Zhang Wei spent the entire Saturday, evening and Sunday morning in Jincheng Law Firm.

For this, he also sent many messages of apology to his second daughter.

Of course, the second daughter saw so many documents, of course it was a very generous choice to forgive him~

Sunday noon.

What pulled Zhang Wei out of the sea of ​​documents was his stomach growling.

In order to read the documents, Zhang Wei continued to work after ordering a takeaway as a last resort.

After the takeaway was delivered, Zhang Wei swallowed it whole and then buried himself in the documents again.

It wasn't until after two o'clock in the afternoon that he finally gained something.

"found it!"

With a cry, Zhang Wei jumped up directly.

He looked at the stack of documents and records in his hand with an extremely excited expression.

"This is the minutes of the meeting that day. Let me take a look. There are 136 pages in total. Why are there only 25 left? Where are the remaining 111 pages?"

This document is a high-level meeting.

However, due to the lack of too much content, the content of the speeches and discussions that led to the memories were all out of context.

Generally speaking, meetings of large companies will have special document backups. If it is an important record, the clerk will also review the completeness of the record, record it in the warehouse, and so on.

But why is this backup missing so badly?

There are more than 130 pages of content, but 111 pages are missing. Why?

Moreover, it was a high-level meeting, and the time of the meeting coincided with the time when Qian Zhisui made a major research breakthrough in the laboratory.

Zhang Wei can be sure that this document must discuss the content of Qian Zhisui's research results.

And the missing part was what Chen Xianfeng didn't want Zhang Wei to see.

"If I confront Chen Xianfeng with this fragment of meeting minutes, will he admit it?"

Zhang Wei muttered, then shook his head.

People will definitely not admit it!

At that time, he will help the other party figure out what reason to use.

For example, the storage is not good, the file is lost.

In the past few days, the archives were plagued by rats, and the files were all bitten.

Or maybe the recording staff was careless and "accidentally" lost more than a hundred pages of documents...


Record staff!


A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhang Wei's mind, and he suddenly thought of something.


Although they are all multimedia offices now, whether it is a court or a workplace, there will be occupations within clerks, secretaries, and clerks.

They are responsible for recording document information, including this meeting minutes naturally!

In other words, even if Chen Xianfeng and the others didn't remember the content of the meeting that day, the meeting recorder might know it.

On the first page of the minutes of the meeting, the participants were clearly stated, and the recorder was also marked on the notes page.

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, just in time to see the name.

But soon, he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"No, I can't be too happy. This recorder is an employee of the other party. Even if she is summoned, she may not be able to tell the truth, and..."

In Zhang Wei's mind, he thought of dozens of ways to make a person unable to speak.

The worst of them is, of course... killing people to silence them.

Although he doesn't want to speculate on others with his worst side, if Zhang Wei really finds a breakthrough, he can destroy everything about Chen Xianfeng.

So as Chen Xianfeng, what will he do to protect himself?

Hundreds of billions of big groups, tens of billions of personal assets, in order to protect his status and wealth, how crazy things will he do?

Did Chen Xianfeng climb to his current position because of his own hard work?

Stop being funny, okay!

How many people who can climb to such a position have a clean foundation?

"It seems that we have to look again... wait, did the second girl find out that now is the age of the Internet and digital media, even if the paper files are deleted, will the files in their database stay? ..."

Zhang Wei suddenly thought of something, immediately took out his phone and sent a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

[Zhang Wei: Second girl, did you find the information on Pioneer Medical Technology that I asked you to find? 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: You don’t even look at who I am, I’m a Skynet hacker/tactical retreat]

[Zhang Wei: So, you found it/doubtful]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Nonsense/hmph】

[Zhang Wei: Then look for it, is there such a document record, attached picture.jpg]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Oh, let me take a look~】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Yes, but they deleted the files in the backup library, do you need me to restore the data? 】

[Zhang Wei: That's a good relationship, please recover/happy]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Recovery is possible, but the data I got was obtained through illegal means. I remember that these documents cannot be used as court evidence/doubts]

【Zhang Wei: Hey, that's because you think less/insidiously】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao:? ? ? / scratching head]

[Zhang Wei: It’s very simple. If I take the documents you recovered as evidence, and Chen Xianfeng wants to refute this, saying that the means we obtained the documents were illegal, then he must first admit that these documents are indeed in his company’s internal database middle. And once he admits that these documents exist, then the documents he gave me on Friday are not all the information, and he is tantamount to indirectly admitting that he has obstructed justice and failed to provide all the documents. 】

【Zhang Wei: So, I'm waiting for him to refute my point of view/insidious】

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: You are good or bad/insidious】

[Zhang Wei: Each other each other~/reach a consensus]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Get out, this lady won't be with you! /snort】

Looking at Zhao Xiaoxiao's last words, Zhang Wei smiled slightly, feeling full of energy immediately.

"By the way, we need a double insurance!"

He thought of something again, and immediately found another contact.

[Zhang Wei: Old Xiao, come out to play on weekends? 】

[Xiao Baihe: Ha, weekend, you want me to come out to accompany you? 】

【Xiao Baihe: Do you want me to accompany you to read the documents of those big cars? Get the hell out of me/anger】

[Zhang Wei: Lao Xiao, how can you think of me like this, I just want to walk around the East with you, and have dinner together by the way, I really have no other thoughts/sincerity]

[Xiao Baihe: Get lost, only ghosts believe you! 】

[Zhang Wei: Old Xiao, really, I have read all those documents, I really want to treat you to a meal]

[Xiao Baihe: Come on, you must be hiding some dirty thoughts/I don’t believe it]

[Zhang Wei: How about this? I put Hanhan on her feet. You can rest assured that she is here, right? 】

[Xiao Baihe: Call her? 】

【Xiao Baihe: That can be considered...】

[Zhang Wei: That's fine, I'll take it as your promise, and we'll gather at this place in 1 hour. "Coordinates\

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