Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 341 OK? Is Zhang Wei abnormal?

Monday, court day.

City Court, a preparation room.

"Yeah, I see, Hanhan!"

"I had expected this, but I just didn't expect them to go so far!"

"Don't worry, this is just a small problem. It will not get in the way, and it will not affect today's trial!"

"Yes, yes, I have already made up my mind. If you are not busy, you can come and see my trial later!"

"That's it, hang up first, mua~"

After finishing the pleasant conversation with Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei hung up the phone and looked at Qian Zhisui in the preparation room.

"Dr. Qian, I want to tell you some bad news, but I can assure you that it's not a big problem. It's just that the key witness I told you just now can't come!"


Qian Zhisui was confused.

This is also called a small problem?

Didn't you just say that you found key witnesses who could prove the evil intentions of Chen Xianfeng and others?

But I was so excited, I thought I could finally prove my innocence.

Now that people are gone, you tell me this is not a big problem?

I # %¥\u0026%…

Forget it, the court is about to start, so stop swearing.

Qian Zhisui said that if there were not people from the special operations team guarding the door, he would really swear.

Are you fooling me?

"Dr. Qian, are you thinking of scolding me and hitting me?"

Zhang Wei seemed to have seen someone's inner thoughts, and calmly smiled.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect you to be a little bit desperate?"

Qian Zhisui didn't bother to complain anymore, and just made fun of him.

"Haha, Dr. Qian, don't worry, I said it's a small problem. Just like what I said to my family Hanhan on the phone just now, Ms. Huang's failure to come is actually within my expectations!"

Zhang Wei patted Qian Zhisui on the shoulder to comfort him.

"By the way, the court will be held later. The whole day today is our time. Don't worry, I promise to help you expose the ugly faces of those ZB families!"

Zhang Wei gave a guarantee.

"Okay, I hope you're telling the truth..."

The corner of Qian Zhisui's mouth twitched, but he couldn't do it again.

He knew that if he scolded Zhang Wei now, Xia Qianjun who was guarding outside the door might rush in.

At that time, he will not even be able to go to court, how can he prove his innocence.

He also knew that Xia Qianjun outside the door was Lawyer Zhang's brother-in-law inside, they were a family!

Therefore, Qian Zhisui decided to endure it, at least wait until the court.

He was going to expose Chen Xianfeng's ugly face!

"Well, it's almost time, let's go to court!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the time, it was time for today's court session.

He took Qian Zhisui, left the preparation room, and joined Xia Qianjun's trio outside the door.

Not far away, Zhou Xiaoli was sitting on a bench in the aisle of the court, holding a book.

When seeing Zhang Wei and the other three appeared, Zhou Xiaoli got up slowly and joined them.

"Director Zhou, after you didn't have to speak, you resumed work?"

"Of course, although I am a witness for the prosecution, I have finished speaking now. Even if I have contact with you again, it will not affect the validity of my previous testimony!"

Zhou Xiaoli is still clear about the rules. Now that she has finished her duties as a witness, she can resume her normal work.

And her job is to take care of Qian Zhisui.

"Let's talk about Lawyer Zhang, what are you going to do today, there may be tricks waiting for you in the prosecution!"

"Thank you Director Zhou for your concern, but I'm sorry, I'm afraid you are the person opposite, so I dare not say too much with you!"

Zhou Xiaoli was stunned, what do you mean I am the person opposite.

But when she thought of her previous status as a witness for the prosecution, it was difficult for her to refute.

"Director Zhou, I can only tell you this, someone is going to be unlucky today!"

Zhang Wei smiled and pushed open the door of the court.

Inside the big court, it was almost full of people.

The originally crowded and lively courtroom became completely quiet the moment the door was pushed open.

In the hearing booth, countless eyes cast down on Zhang Wei and Qian Zhisui.

These people know that this is the defense attorney and the defendant, the defendant who was indicted for treason.

And in the trial last Thursday, the defendant roared excitedly in court at the last moment.

This left a bad impression on everyone.

So now, they are all concerned about how the defendant will turn the situation around?

Of course, this is the thinking of ordinary people, the thinking of people who eat melons.

In the hearing booth, there are more extraordinary people.

"Today, we can see how this kid died!"

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng brought a new batch of recruits from the local prosecutor's headquarters to cheer for their own people.

At the same time, they wished Zhang Wei would die sooner!

Zhao Chunming could hold back, but Guo Wufeng's gaze towards Zhang Wei was blatantly unkind.

And next door to the newcomers at the local prosecutor's headquarters, there were the newcomers from the criminal department who came to support them.

Of course, the people who take the lead are Xiao Li, his apprentice, and Lao Tie...

"Lawyer Zhang, come on, I saw your performance today!"

"Master, come on, beat those prosecutors to death!"

The cheers and cheers also reached Zhang Wei's ears.

"Hey, Lao Zhao, Lao Guo, are you here to support me again?"

Zhang Wei walked to Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng with a smile, and greeted them with a face thicker than the city wall.


Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng couldn't help being rude in their hearts.

How the hell did you see that we came to court to support you?

If your eyes are crooked like this, why don't you go for surgery?

"Boy, you can only brag now!"

"That's not necessarily the case, I'll still be smug later!"

Faced with the provocation of the two, Zhang Wei smiled, waved at the little apprentice and others, and then walked to the court.

After the defense seat was seated, Zhang Wei cast a glance at the prosecution seat.

Lan Zhengye smiled at him, but there was not much friendliness in the smile, only the arrogance and sympathy of the winner for the loser.

Lu Wenwen also smiled, but she was more cooperative with her senior brother. Anyway, she would do whatever the senior brother did.

Tan Yingying lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei naturally couldn't see her expression.

Only Xiao Baihe had a complicated expression on her face.

Obviously, she also learned the news that Ms. Huang could not testify in court from a certain idiot.

When she thought that Zhang Wei's only possible comeback was gone, her heart was still really complicated.

On the one hand, as a member of the local prosecutor's headquarters, she naturally hoped that Zhang Wei would fail.

But she acted together with Zhang Wei yesterday, and she also learned some information about the dark side of the case.

As a member of the law enforcement agency, she also hopes that justice will be done.

Under these two thoughts, her heart is now extremely contradictory.

As a result, the eyes looking at Zhang Wei are full of two different meanings.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei looked at Xiao Baihe with only one meaning.

"It's good to come!"

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction, then moved closer to Qian Zhisui's ear, and said in a low voice, "Dr. Qian, don't worry, we're OK today!"

"OK, what's OK, it's OK if I go to jail?"

Qian Zhisui complained, and then turned back to look at the family seats. Accompanied by Jessica, Wang Yali also gave Qian Zhisui an OK look.


The corner of Qian Zhisui's mouth twitched, why did his defense lawyer and assistant look at him like this today.

Today is really not OK!

Qian Zhisui looked at Zhang Wei again, and he was going to ask about the situation again.

As a result, he turned his head and saw Zhang Wei interacting with Jessica at the family table.

The two exchanged eyebrows and waved and smiled from time to time.

This made Qian Zhisui so angry that he forcibly held back the words that had just come to his lips.

Don't ask this question!

Time is also waiting, and it will pass quickly.

Court time, finally arrived.

"stand up!"

Following Tingwei's announcement, Lao Chen, accompanied by the clerk Li Qinghua, walked into the scene.

Li Qinghua walked to the corner, and Lao Chen sat in the judgment seat.

He looked around and confirmed that no one was absent from the prosecution, defense and jury seats, and then he hammered and announced: "Since none of you are absent, the trial will continue!"

"Prosecution, did your questioning end last Thursday?"

"Your Excellency, our questions are not over yet. My junior sister still has questions to ask Mr. Chen!"

Lan Zhengye stood up, straightened his collar, and responded calmly.

"Oh, is Chen Xianfeng here today?"

"Your Honor, I'm here!"

The door of the court was pushed open by two court guards, and then Chen Xianfeng walked in.

Behind him are the son-in-law and the legal director. The three walked into the scene with their heads held high, like winners.

Chen Xianfeng glanced across the prosecutor's seat, and nodded to Lan Zhengye, who naturally responded one or two.

Afterwards, his eyes swept over the prosecutor's seat and lingered on Zhang Wei for a moment.

"Yesterday was very dangerous. Fortunately, I was prepared and sent that assistant abroad for a 'vacation' overnight!"

Chen Xianfeng sneered inwardly, looking at Zhang Wei and Qian Zhisui, full of sarcasm.

The key witness disappeared, you must be in a hurry!

"It's really generous. Guaranteed half a month's overseas travel, the travel money is still reimbursed by the company, just to prevent Lawyer Huang from testifying in court?"

Zhang Wei also looked at Chen Xianfeng with a sarcastic look, which seemed to be a response to his provocative gaze.

Just this morning, Xia Qianyue told Zhang Wei that Ms. Huang and her husband had left the country overnight.

It is said that they are traveling abroad, and they will go out for at least half a month. The couple left in a hurry and almost didn't even pack their luggage.

When Zhang Wei was about to summon Ms. Huang, the couple had already boarded the plane going abroad.

Chen Xianfeng responded very quickly, almost sending him away after Zhang Wei found him.

Now, there are no witnesses, so he will naturally be embarrassed.

The son-in-law and the legal director can only stay on the witness stand for the prosecution.

Chen Xianfeng once again sat on the court witness stand.

Lan Zhengye sat down slowly, Lu Wenwen got up, walked to the court, and continued the questioning from last Thursday.

There was silence as the trial began.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, last week's question was interrupted by someone, so it ended a bit hastily. Do you mind if we continue to summon you today?"

"Of course I don't mind. I'm even eager to go to court. After all, there are not many opportunities to prove my innocence for myself and my company in public!"

Chen Xianfeng showed considerable generosity.

It's as if a billionaire like her, an old director of the company, can spare time to come to the court scene, which is really giving face to the prosecution and the court.

"Okay, let's continue with last week's topic!"

Lu Wenwen smiled slightly and recalled: "I know everyone's eyes are focused on the PD project researched by the defendant Qian Zhisui. I don't know if it is convenient for you to tell us what is going on with this project?"


Without hesitation, Chen Xianfeng looked at the court and said, "Parkinson's disease has always been a difficult problem in the medical field, and it is a challenge to the medical technology field of any country in the world!"

"Only our pioneer medical technology has so much manpower, material resources and resources that can provide an independent laboratory to be responsible for researching this kind of project and choose to overcome this problem!"

"For this reason, we hired the defendant Qian Zhisui with a high salary, he is an expert in this field, and we also hired Wang Yali, who is in the dock, and other outstanding people in the medical and scientific fields to assist him!"

"But we finally found out that the project Qian Zhisui participated in is actually a bottomless pit. The annual investment is huge, but the returns are..."

When Chen Xianfeng said this, he showed a bit of embarrassment.

Of course, many people in the court could see that this ugliness was an act of faking.

"How about the return?" Lu Wenwen hurriedly asked.

Chen Xianfeng sighed, and then said: "There are very few!"

"There are very few. Can I think that the defendant takes hundreds of millions of research funds every year, but he can't give you any reply at all?"


As Chen Xianfeng said, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, "I'm not here to attack Dr. Qian, but for 6 years, a full 6 years, we have given him at least 100 million research funds every year, and the highest annual research funding is as high as 137 million. Wan, if he can make professional progress, then we will not make the decision to expel him in the end!"

"So, Dr. Qian received more than 600 million in funding, but didn't give you any results?"

Lu Wenwen pretended to be surprised, and immediately doubted: "Then where did he spend the more than 600 million yuan?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience understood.

With so much funding, there is no output. Qian Zhisui is the leader of the project, and he is the biggest in the laboratory.

Will he keep this money in his own pocket?

All of a sudden, the wind in the courtroom changed dramatically.

Countless people looked at the defense seats and at Qian Zhisui, but of course they were not very friendly.

Naked suspicion, even contempt, as if he really was a liar.

"Objection!" Zhang Wei stood up immediately, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Chen also hammered the hammer and agreed, looking at the jury, "Please ignore the last sentence of the public prosecutor, and the jury should not use this statement as the basis for the verdict when making the final verdict!"

After warning the jury, Old Chen glared at Lu Wenwen again.

Although you are new here, you dare to steal chickens in my court, you little girl, be careful!

After all, Lu Wenwen was also a former senior prosecutor of Nandao City, so naturally she would not be afraid of Lao Chen, and she even gave Zhang Wei a provocative look.

Because her goal has been achieved.

The seeds of doubt have been planted!

"The prosecution?" Old Chen asked again with a grim expression.

Do you still have any questions? If you have any, hurry up and slip away. Are you cold if you don't see it?

Sensing that Old Chen's eyes were not friendly, Lu Wenwen replied immediately: "Judge Chen, I have one last question!"

She said, and walked to the witness stand, "Mr. Chen, you just said a word, the project that the defendant Dr. Qian Zhisui participated in, why did you use the word participation? I am very interested in what you said?"

"It's easy to understand, because I am the funder of the project, and before the project started, we both signed a patent contract. I think that the output of an excellent project belongs to those who can afford to fund the project !"

"Oh, that's right..." Lu Wenwen nodded, expressing her understanding.

Because this is generally the old routine of the zb family.

If you find a good project, you will be given money to develop it and sign a patent contract.

The project was well developed and successful, and made a lot of money in the later stage.

Then when it comes to dividends, the employer will definitely get the big head, and the developer will get the small head.

This is not an empty-handed white wolf, because the management has paid for it, not for nothing.

If the employer has a conscience, they may give you more money and even ask you to sign the project.

If the management has no conscience, it may give you a little money, and it will not give you the researcher's signature.

Lu Wenwen noticed that this question seemed to have a negative impact on the jury, so she immediately winked at Chen Xianfeng.

You quickly explain, your answer is too wild, and the jury doesn't like it.

Of course, Chen Xianfeng saw Lu Wenwen's worry, coughed immediately, and explained: "Ahem, I think it's the same as a car repair shop. I go to repair the car, and I pay for it and return the car. The guy in the car repair shop Helped me get my car fixed and even rebuilt it from the ground up."

"In the end, he felt that the car belonged to him, and because he knew my car better than I did, he wanted to drive it away. Isn't that inappropriate?"

Lu Wenwen looked at the jury and found that many people in the jury showed understanding eyes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, I understand what you said, and thank you for your answer!"

"Your Honor, the prosecution has no more questions to ask!"

Lu Wenwen finished asking questions and abdicated the stage.

Zhang Wei got up immediately and went to court.

Now, it was his turn to cross-examine.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Hmph, Lawyer Zhang!"

Facing Zhang Wei, Chen Xianfeng sneered with sarcasm in his eyes.

"By the way, I want to thank you!"

"Oh, thank me for what?"

"Thank you for sending Ms. Huang on a foreign trip. To be honest, I thought you would kill people to silence them. I didn't expect you to be willing to spend money to send them abroad for half a month, and you sent them away overnight, which made me feel scared." There is no way to apply for a court summons!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei spread his hands and actually smiled.

Chen Xianfeng frowned, feeling that Zhang Wei was a little abnormal today.

Don't you panic when the key witness disappears?

What the hell are you thanking me for?

"I don't know what you're talking about!" But on the surface, he still had to deny it.

How could he admit to sending key witnesses away?

"It's okay if you don't admit it, anyway, you will lose today!"

As Zhang Wei said, an inscrutable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this expression, Chen Xianfeng always felt that the boy in front of him was a little abnormal today!

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