Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 342 Chen Xianfeng pretends to be stupid, Wang Yali testifies

in court.

"Mr. Chen Xianfeng, one month ago, I remember that the time should be Monday. Your company group executives held a meeting. Do you remember?"

"Our company is so big, we have meetings every day, not to mention Monday. How can I still remember the meeting a month ago?"

Facing Zhang Wei's question, Chen Xianfeng narrowed his eyes, but quickly denied it.

"I don't remember, it was big news that day!"

"If you want to say that, every day is big news!"

"Are you pretending? The day before that day, my client hurriedly informed you that he had made a breakthrough in the PD project!"

"I really don't remember!"

"Chen Dong is really a noble man who forgets things. You, your son-in-law, and a few old subordinates are still cheering in the meeting room, have you forgotten all of this?"

"I know what you want to ask, but I really don't remember!"

Chen Xianfeng answered Zhang Wei's repeated questions with "don't remember".

He is not young anymore, and the company affairs are so busy, it is normal for him not to remember some things.

It's impossible for you to prove that my memory is fine, right?

There is no way for the defense to prove such a thing.

This is also the response method Chen Xianfeng got after asking the legal director.

"Are you sure, but I found the email he sent you in the file you gave me, and you replied!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked back to his seat and took out a silver "lighter" from his briefcase.


Judge Chen immediately coughed and reminded Zhang Wei: "This is an important place in the courtroom, please pay attention to the defense lawyers!"

"Old Chen, you misunderstood, this is not a lighter, this is a USB flash drive!"

Zhang Wei immediately opened the lighter cover and exposed the USB socket inside.

All of a sudden, all eyes were on the prosecutor's seat, and on Tan Yingying who kept her head down and said nothing.

The latter shivered again.

Well, what should come is inevitable after all.

I won't struggle anymore, come here, move yourself...

Tan Yingying sighed, and she also resigned to her fate.

Skillfully took out the notebook from his small bag, turned it on, connected the projector, and the action was done in one go.

Although she went to court to ask questions, she was not professional.

But as a tool person, playing files, videos and PPT, Tan Yingying is definitely a professional among professionals.

Zhang Wei handed the lighter USB flash drive to the other party, who immediately inserted it into the notebook, and then played the files inside.

"Everyone, please take a look, this email was sent by my client to Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen replied!"

On the projector, the content of several emails appeared.

"Chen Dong, please pay attention to the sending date of the email and the content of the email. I wonder if these can help you recall?"

Looking at the projection screen behind him and the content of the email on it, Chen Xianfeng showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Because he remembered that he had given Zhang Wei a lot of information. Could it be that this kid finished reading all of these materials just by relying on two days of the weekend?

No, he seems to be out on weekend afternoons.

Doesn't that mean that he only spent a day and a half?

It is unreasonable to read so many documents in one and a half days and 36 hours!

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask. It was clearly mentioned in the email that my client had made a major breakthrough in the PD project, and you also replied, but why did you express doubts about this matter in your reply?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the content of the email on the projection screen, and it was Chen Xianfeng's reply email, and asked directly.

Now I have shown you all the emails, and you replied in person, so don’t tell me that I have forgotten all about it.

Chen Xianfeng naturally understood that the evidence was all over his face, and it was impossible for him to continue pretending to be stupid and deny it.

"Well, this is actually very easy to understand!"

Chen Xianfeng adjusted and responded: "PD has always been a headache for the whole world. The defendant said that he has made a major breakthrough. In my opinion, he has only made a small progress!"

"Small progress?"

Zhang Wei repeated a sentence, and immediately retorted, "This small progress is a problem that has plagued scientists and researchers all over the world for many years. In my opinion, the progress made by Dr. Qian is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, right?"

"No, you are not a professional researcher, so you don't understand!"

"Are you?"

Faced with Chen Xianfeng's continuous denials, Zhang Wei immediately sneered.

Everyone is not a scientist, so stop pretending.

I am a lawyer who studies law, but you, Chen Xianfeng, are not much better. You are an entrepreneur who studies capital.

Zhang Wei pointed to Qian Zhisui on the dock and asked, "In my opinion, Dr. Qian is a professional, and he is also an expert in this field. He said it was a major breakthrough. Why don't you believe him?" What about this professional?"

"Because behind me, there is also a professional team, and there are also scientists and researchers in professional fields!"

Chen Xianfeng also retorted: "They told me that the progress mentioned by the defendant is only a small part of a larger system!"

"In their view, such progress does not play a decisive role in the overall project. On the contrary, it is very unnecessary to be complacent because of such a small progress!"

"Oh, as expected of Mr. Chen, with just a few words, he turned my client's 6 years of hard work into a small, inconspicuous phased breakthrough, and turned it into something worthless?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, his expression full of teasing.

"If you want to understand it this way, it's up to you, but I insist on my opinion, it's just a small progress in research!"

As Chen Xianfeng said, he looked at Qian Zhisui who was sitting on the prosecution table. The latter's expression was indignant and very dissatisfied.

But Chen Xianfeng doesn't care about that, he just needs to suppress the other party, that's his purpose.

"Well, Mr. Chen, after you replied to the email with my client on the weekend, you held another high-level meeting on Monday. Do you still remember the content?"

"Why don't Lawyer Zhang remind me?"

"Chen Dong's memory is not so bad, is it?"

"This man, he's getting old, worrying about the company's affairs every day, it's inevitable that his memory will decline..."

Chen Xianfeng said, and put on an expression that I am old and my mind is not very bright.

"That's right, then I'm also curious, because the minutes of the meeting that day seem to be missing 111 pages!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured to Tan Yingying, who immediately understood and started playing the PPT.

Page after page of meeting minutes appeared on the projection screen, but huge sections were missing.

The first page is there, the second page is missing, and the last page has page number 136, but the entire document has only 25 sheets.

"I believe Chairman Chen should still remember what he said at this meeting, right?"

"Sorry, I really don't remember!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei took out the missing meeting minutes, Chen Xianfeng of course denied it.

"Chen Dong, didn't you say the following at the meeting, such as the PD research project needs to be cut off, this project cannot be successfully researched because it will hinder the company's profits?"

"I never said that!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's aggressiveness, Chen Xianfeng denied it again.

"Really, then you probably didn't issue an order to deliberately cut off the funds for the PD project, and you didn't order the security department to lower the security level of the laboratory on the day of Qian Zhisui's operation, so as to achieve the purpose of blaming him? "

"These, I..."

"be opposed to!"

Before Chen Xianfeng could respond, Lu Wenwen couldn't help standing up.

"The defense is asking the witness to testify against himself, and the defense's questioning has no factual basis. Judge Chen, we think the defense is harassing the witness!"

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Chen nodded and looked at Zhang Wei at the same time: "Lawyer Zhang, please pay attention to the way you ask questions!"

"Since you have said everything, Old Chen, then I will..."

"Ahem, please give me a chance to clarify!"

But just when Zhang Wei was about to "admit his mistake", Chen Xianfeng spoke up.

He was sincere, and after glancing at the jury, he continued, "I can answer the defense lawyer's questions, please give me a chance from the judge!"

"you sure?"


"Okay then, if you want to answer, I won't stop you!" Old Chen thought for a while and agreed.

The witness asked for it himself, why should he stop it.

"I, Chen Xianfeng, can clearly tell the court here that I absolutely did not do what the defense law firm said. We, Pioneer Medical Technology, have always considered customers, patients, and the world suffering from diseases. Troubled people consider that we..."

Chen Xianfeng's self-testimony, or a series of speeches, seemed to be drafted in advance, more like a touching speech.

Of course, in the eyes of some insiders, this speech is a bit disgusting.

Qian Zhisui on the defense bench turned his face away, not wanting to go to the witness stand.

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to complain, and let Chen Xianfeng continue to speak.

On the prosecution table, Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen nodded from time to time, but Xiao Baihe couldn't help but vomit, because she knew Chen Xianfeng's true face.

It can only be said that as expected of the ZB family, it is too thick-skinned to lie plausibly in court.

After 5 minutes, the "speech" was barely over.

"Chen Dong, have you completed your self-certification?"

"Of course!" Chen Xianfeng sneered at Zhang Wei, "I would also like to thank Lawyer Zhang for giving me a chance to show it to everyone in court!"

"Oh, it's okay, this is what I should do!"

Zhang Wei smiled, then looked at the judging seat, "Judge Chen, we don't have any more questions to ask!"

Lao Chen was speechless for a while, you have this time too.

What is this called, lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

I was thinking of cross-examining witnesses and beating each other up.

The results of it?

The result was to let the other party play freely, and by the way, they also played a wave of advertisements for their company.

Didn't you see that the wind in the jury has changed drastically? Among the 12 jurors, he estimates that 8-9 are now supporting Chen Xianfeng.

As for Zhang Wei, he was naturally not worried.

Let Chen Xianfeng groan for a while, he doesn't care.

Anyway, the real killer move is yet to come!

"Prosecution, do you have any questions?" Old Chen looked at the prosecution seat again.

At this moment, Lan Zhengye was discussing with Lu Wenwen, and the two exchanged for a while.

They believe that the prosecution has a huge advantage and there is no need to continue to provide evidence.

"Judge Chen, the prosecution has decided to end its testimony, and will no longer submit testimony and evidence to the court!"

"Then I understand!"

Lao Chen expressed his understanding. With such a big advantage, it is normal not to want to make waves.

If you play steadily and steadily, the prosecution will be steady!

The next thing left is Qian Zhisui's self-certification, but the fact that the prosecution did not provide evidence does not mean that they are not prepared.

On the contrary, Lao Chen knew that the prosecution would definitely prepare all kinds of killer moves to deal with Qian Zhisui when he appeared in court.

"Defense, you can start!"

"The defense summoned Dr. Wang Yali to testify in court!"

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei immediately called out character witnesses to appear in court.

Wang Yali went to court and began to testify.

"Hello, Dr. Wang!"

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

"Dr. Wang, how long have you known my client?"

"The PD laboratory was established 6 years ago. At that time, I was the first batch of researchers to join the laboratory. I was a member of the laboratory until one month ago."

"So, you two have known each other for 6 years?"


Hearing Zhang Wei emphasize this point, everyone present understood.

Wang Yali is the character witness prepared by Zhang Wei.

"Well, Dr. Wang, please tell everyone in the court what kind of person my client, Dr. Qian, is!"

"Dr. Qian is a scientist with a firm goal, and he can be regarded as my elder. He can concentrate on researching projects without thinking about other things in his heart. He is also an expert in genetic diseases of PD. I also heard that his grandfather , even his father, brother had Parkinson's disease, and some of them died very early."

"In order to study the antidote and treatment plan for Parkinson's disease, Dr. Qian can be said to have devoted all his energy, forgetting to eat and sleep. I can say that among the researchers I usually meet, no one has the perseverance of Dr. Qian!"

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, and said with a smile: "This is inevitable. After all, he himself suffers from this problem, so he can understand the pain of suffering from Parkinson's disease!"

"He did it not only for himself, but also for thousands of patients all over the world!"

Having said that, he looked at Chen Xianfeng, who was seated on the witness stand for the prosecution, "But some people obstructed him for profit!"

"Objection!" This time, Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen on the prosecution's seat all stood up and spoke at the same time.

"Ahem, it's enough for the two of you to object!" Old Chen couldn't help complaining.

You guys thought it was a mixed doubles, and they stood up together, there was a tacit understanding, huh?

"Lawyer Zhang, are you serious about your last sentence?"

"Oh, Judge Chen, I'm sorry, I take back that last sentence!"

Zhang Wei immediately stated that he "knew" that he was wrong.

But he forced a sentence in his heart: I know I was wrong, but I will not change it!

"Dr. Wang, in your opinion, is my client the kind of person who would betray the country?"

This is the most critical question, because the words of a character witness will guide the jury and the court to a certain extent.

A person who has been with someone for 6 years can definitely vouch for someone's character.

"Dr. Qian will never do such a thing!" Wang Yali also responded to Zhang Wei's expectations.

"Thank you Dr. Wang for your testimony, the defense has no questions to ask!"

Zhang Wei immediately walked out of the courtroom and returned to the defense bench.

"Prosecution!" Old Chen raised his eyebrows towards the prosecutor, it's your turn to cross-examine.

As for the voice of this eyebrow raising movement, which one of you two is coming?

Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen looked at each other, and finally Lan Zhengye got up and walked to the court.

"Hello witness!"

"Hello, prosecutor."

Facing Lan Zhengye, Wang Yali was a little uncomfortable.

"Witness, you said that you also stayed in the PD project laboratory for 6 years, right?"


"Are the lab benefits good?"

"The conditions offered by Pioneer Medical Technology are very good."

"Then can I understand that a month ago, Pioneer Medical Technology disbanded the laboratory, and even fired all PD project members including the project leader, and you all may hold grudges against Pioneer Medical Technology?"

"be opposed to!"

Just when Lan Zhengye made his speculation, Zhang Wei immediately got up to express his protest.

"Your Excellency, my question is to prove whether the testimony of defense witness Wang Yali is credible!"

Lan Zhengye had already prepared his speech, and immediately explained: "If she has a grudge against Pioneer Medical Technology after being fired, then her testimony will definitely be biased towards the defense, and it will be unbelievable!"

Old Chen glanced at Zhang Wei, then nodded and said, "This court agrees with the prosecution's point of view. Lawyer Zhang, please sit down!"

There was a smile on the corner of Lan Zhengye's mouth.

Lu Wenwen, who was on the prosecution bench, also laughed, thinking in her heart that she is indeed a senior brother, Zhang Wei was stumped by the first question.

Zhang Wei sat down slowly with a calm face.

But others don't know whether his calmness is fake or not.

"Witness, please answer the question. After you were fired by Pioneer Medical Technology, did you feel dissatisfied with their actions?"


"Don't try to deny it. You went to see a psychiatrist, and that doctor is in court. If you deny it, I will summon her!"

Lan Zhengye pointed to the defense witness stand, and Jessica was sitting behind Zhang Wei.

He also learned this trick from Zhang Wei, if you dare to deny it, then I will summon rebuttal witnesses.

It just so happened that the witness was also in court, and I summoned him impromptu, and the judge would most likely agree.

Now that I have told you like this, if you dare to say "no", don't blame me.

Wang Yali glanced at Jessica, who nodded slightly.

"I admit that I do have some dissatisfaction with the decisions made by the company's top management..."

"Very well, thanks for the honesty of the witness!"

Lan Zhengye got the result he wanted, and then said loudly to the jury: "Now the witness tells us that she is dissatisfied with Pioneer Medical Technology, so in this case, how credible is her testimony? "

"Whether she will say something against her will in order to help the defendant and attack Pioneer Medical Technology, this needs to be judged by everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Zhengye didn't intend to ask any more questions, because what he just said was fatal enough.

"Judge Chen, the prosecution has ended its cross-examination!"

Lan Zhengye walked back to the prosecutor's seat gracefully, receiving Lu Wenwen's admiring gaze, with a calm and composed expression.

Wang Yali could only stand up in a daze. Her testimony in court obviously had no effect.

In the jury, many people were full of distrust of Wang Yali's testimony.

Obviously they were all influenced by Lan Zhengye's last speech.

Now, the defense can be said to be at an absolute disadvantage.

And Zhang Wei's only chance is for the defendant to prove himself!

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