Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 344 Zhang Wei's Sophistry, The Last Witness!


Lan Zhengye thought his move was the ultimate killer!

He didn't care about Qian Zhisui's self-certification, nor did he care about his grievances with Chen Xianfeng.

He just mentioned one point, the starting point and purpose of Qian Zhisui's illegal actions.

Since you said that you are for tens of thousands of Parkinson's disease patients all over the world, shouldn't you disclose the information as soon as you get the data?

But you didn't, why?

Isn't it because in your heart, you think about overcoming Parkinson's disease, thinking that you can become famous?

Don't you dare say you don't?

Lan Zhengye was lucky.

Qian Zhisui did not deny this, and was caught by him!

"I... this... I..." Qian Zhisui was speechless when asked.

"Dr. Qian, I still have the same question. Why do you have to choose the Northern Laboratory, just because they don't care about patents and can provide funds?"

"Then why not other laboratories in the South? Even if there are problems with pioneering medical technology, for the sake of Parkinson's patients all over the world, there must be laboratories that are interested in your research, right?"

"Do you think that making outstanding contributions in this field of terminal illness can make you famous, make your name known to everyone in the scientific and medical circles, and make you go down in history , Guangzong Yaozu?"

Lan Zhengye walked up to Qian Zhisui, and asked in a cold voice, "Dr. Qian, do you dare to say that you have no idea about this?"


"Dr. Qian, yes or no, you can simply answer me!"


Qian Zhisui was left speechless by the question, looked around, and even looked at Zhang Wei and Wang Yali as if asking for help.

It's a pity that the two of them couldn't help him.

It is he who is being questioned now, not the two of them.

"Witness, please answer the question!"

Lao Chen also added a fire, and immediately warned.

"I... I actually did have this thought, but..."

"That's it!"

The moment Qian Zhisui let go, Lan Zhengye immediately saw the opportunity and sneered.

"Okay, I've finished asking my questions, and I believe that everyone here understands what Dr. Qian is like!"

He didn't give Qian Zhisui a chance to defend himself at all, so he came up with a quick solution and ended the question.

Qian Zhisui opened his mouth, there was still something to say in his mouth, but nothing came out.

After all, his experience in court was too inexperienced, and he was completely taken advantage of by Lan Zhengye's tricks.

So much so that now, he feels as uncomfortable as a kid who was robbed of his toy, so wronged and pitiful...

Qian Zhisui looked at Zhang Wei as if asking for help, and his eyes were about to shed tears.

"Hey, you old man, why are you so fragile?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was also helpless.

But the other party is his client after all, so he can't just leave him alone, can he?

"Judge Chen, the defense wants to ask additional questions!"

"Okay..." Lao Chen thought about it and agreed.

Zhang Wei went to court again, and gave Lan Zhengye a strange look.

You are so good at playing tricks, why are you learning from me recently?

Lan Zhengye gave Zhang Wei a look.

I am called to master the skills of the barbarians to control the barbarians!

Zhang Wei returned to court again.

"Dr. Qian, seeing you working so hard, I won't waste everyone's time. Let me ask you a few simple questions!"

"Excuse me, how big is the impact of Parkinson's disease in the world, how many patients are there in our country, how many people die in the world every year, the international response to Parkinson's disease, etc., are you clear?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Qian Zhisui's eyes lit up.

He is too familiar with these questions.

"Ahem, PD has always been an international problem. It is a truly terminal illness. At present, there is no complete cure. The current countermeasures in the scientific and medical circles are only to use drug treatment to delay the onset of the disease and reduce the suffering of patients. Purpose."

Qian Zhisui said, looking at the jury, "At present, there are more than 10 million people suffering from Parkinson's disease in the world, and there are more than 3 million people in Longguo alone. How many patients die of Parkinson's disease every year? 200,000-300,000."

"It can be said that curing Parkinson's disease is definitely a major problem in the scientific and genetic circles, and even countless people in the world are looking forward to it, waiting for this problem to be solved."

"Well, countless people are looking forward to it, so if you solve this problem, will you be able to gain great fame and fortune!"


Zhang Wei nodded, and then asked: "Then I want to ask, Dr. Qian, are you an ordinary person?"

"I'm sure it is."

Qian Zhisui glanced at Zhang Wei, what the hell are you asking?

"That's fine, you're an ordinary person!"

Zhang Wei smiled indifferently: "In my opinion, everyone is selfish and wants to become famous overnight, earn a lot of money, gain unlimited fame, and even climb to the highest position in society. The ambition is also the goal to strive for!"

"My client, Dr. Qian, has devoted six years to curing Parkinson's disease, studying it day and night, just to solve this century-old problem."

"Then what's wrong with him pursuing a little fame and fortune?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and asked with a strange expression: "He wants to let his name be praised by the world like a physicist who discovered the three laws of mechanics, and an inventor who likes to stick out his tongue, so what? gone?"

"Didn't you all dream about this when you were young, and my client is just sticking to his childhood dream. Why do you look at him like a bad guy?"

"What's wrong with sticking to your childhood dreams?"

Everyone, including Lan Zhengye, was dumbfounded by Zhang Wei's question.

Can this shit be used as an excuse?

"Is this... these two things related?"

Lan Zhengye glanced at Lu Wenwen who was beside him, who also looked confused.

They feel that they seem to be surrounded by someone's statement.

Even the two high-level prosecutors were involved, so the jury naturally couldn't bear Zhang Wei's "sophistry".

Many people really had a little thought.

Qian Zhisui perseveres, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, he just wants to make a name for himself, but the starting point is also to solve Parkinson's disease?

With that said, it seems that he can understand him again.

Zhang Wei's sophistry has had an effect, at least it has saved many people's minds.

"Dr. Qian, let me ask one more thing. If you took the research materials and data out, why did you choose the Northern Laboratory?"

"Because they have enough research funds." Qian Zhisui replied.

"So can it be said that there must be enough funds to support you to complete the next research?"

"Definitely yes, any research needs financial support, revenge and ideals are not enough."

"The other laboratories mentioned by Lan Gaojian just now, even if they want to support your work, they can't provide strong financial support, so you don't consider them, right?"


Qian Zhisui nodded hastily, and explained: "I have devoted 6 years to this project, and I naturally don't want this project to die in the later stage due to some financial and resource reasons, and finally return without success. "

"So when I inspect these laboratories, I will not only consider scientific research strength, but also whether they have sufficient resources to support the advancement of this research."

"Oh I see!"

Zhang Wei nodded and concluded: "So you consider the North Laboratory because you think they are the only laboratory that can satisfy you to continue to study the solution of PD genetic diseases, because they have sufficient financial guarantees and also have insufficient funds. Vulgar scientific research strength, and other laboratories that are interested in your project, they can't meet these two conditions?"


"So you think about them, but also for the completion of the project, and for the more than 10 million Parkinson's patients around the world?"


"I never thought Dr. Qian, you are such a thoughtful person, I thank you for the patients all over the world!"


Qian Zhisui said that although your question sounds very good, is there something wrong with the ending of the last sentence?

But generally speaking, Zhang Wei's supplementary questions still had a good effect.

At least many people in the court felt that Qian Zhisui had thought so much about the patients.

Why do people go to the North Laboratory, in fact, there are many considerations!

"be opposed to!"

Sensing the change of wind direction in the courtroom, Lan Zhengye couldn't sit still, and immediately protested.

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Chen glanced at Zhang Wei and warned, "Lawyer Zhang, your last statement is definitely not a joke. Patient departments all over the world don't need you to represent them!"

"Sorry, Judge Chen, I was a little excited at the moment, but my question is over!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, and at the same time walked back to the defense bench.

At the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye sat down and did not intend to ask further questions.

"Defendant, you can go back!" Lao Chen waved his hand and sent Qian Zhisui away.

The latter returned to the defense table in a daze, his expression suddenly tense.

The same goes for the entire court.

Because the defendant's self-certification is over, what is left is the closing testimony of both parties.

"It's finally the last moment!"

On the judging seat, Lao Chen also sighed, is he finally going to compete at the last moment?

Closing arguments from both sides!

Whether it was Lan Zhengye or Zhang Wei, they all belonged to the kind who could speak with eloquence, and their closing arguments were very contagious.

The current case is still somewhat unclear, and the final moment will be the winner of this case.

Thinking of this, Lao Chen raised his gavel and announced that the trial had entered the final stage.

"Old Chen, wait a minute!"

But suddenly, a voice interrupted his raised hand.

"You boy, what's the matter?" Old Chen couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately questioned the person who interrupted.

Seeing Zhang Wei raised his hand and stood up, the eyes of the audience immediately focused on him.

"Judge Chen, I still have witnesses to call!"

"Huh?" Old Chen was puzzled.

And witnesses?

Others in the court also looked at each other in blank dismay.

You still have witnesses, who else?

Chen Xianfeng, who was sitting on the witness stand for the prosecution, hurriedly pulled his son-in-law over and asked coldly, "That woman, are you sure you sent her abroad?"

"Father-in-law, don't worry, the people I sent have completed the task 100%, the woman has really gone abroad, and I still have photos of them boarding the plane and the plane taking off!"

The son-in-law hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and even showed all the photos on his phone.

Seeing the photo, Chen Xianfeng heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Zhang Wei at the same time.

The most threatening women have left, what witnesses do you have?

Are you going to summon other people in my company? They are all my loyal subordinates, and it is absolutely impossible to betray me!

You boy, there is absolutely nothing you can do!

Not only Chen Xianfeng, but many people think that Zhang Wei is actually planning to delay the final ruling.

As for the defense, this is a common operation. They all like to procrastinate for a while.

"be opposed to!"

Facing the routine of the defense, some people in the prosecution couldn't stand it anymore.

Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen stood up at the same time.

These two people have a tacit understanding.

"It's fine for you two to get up alone, but not together?"

Old Chen waved his hand to appease him.

Then he hooked his fingers at the prosecution and defense seats at the same time.

Zhang Wei and Lan Zhengye stepped forward at the same time.

"Lawyer Zhang, what's your situation? There should be no one on your announcement list, right?"

"Old Chen, we smart people don't speak dark words, I still have one last witness!"

Zhang Wei looked at Lao Chen, his face became extremely serious.

Then, just when Lan Zhengye was about to speak, he answered first: "I know Lan Gao prosecutor is going to bring out the publicity system to make an argument, but I can't help it, because this witness is a bit special, even if I want to Adding him to the defense witness list will not work!"

"Oh, how special is it?" Old Chen suddenly became interested.

Zhang Wei pouted at the prosecutor.

"Fuck, you kid..." Old Chen suddenly lost his composure.

You fucking started again, right?

"Judge Chen, I haven't spoken yet, can you..."

"Lan Gaojian, don't talk, I want to take it easy!"

Lan Zhengye was about to say something, but was also interrupted by Lao Chen.

Lan Zhengye's heart is bitter, it's okay to be interrupted by Zhang Wei, and now you, Old Chen, don't give face.

I am a high-level judge!

But at this moment, Judge Chen is in a bit of a difficult situation, because Zhang Wei is obviously going to play tricks again.

"Lawyer Zhang, the importance of this witness..."

Judge Chen was frightened. Zhang Wei naturally caught this point, immediately straightened his face, and said seriously: "This witness can directly affect the outcome of this case, and her testimony is very important!"

Zhang Wei tensed his face, and Judge Chen also tightened his face.

Lan Zhengye could only tighten his face when he was squeezed by the two of them.

The three faces looked at each other, all expressionless.

In the end, Lao Chen didn't hold back and compromised.

"Alright then, this is the last witness. If you can't prove anything, then don't blame me!"

"Thank you, Old Chen!"


"Ahem, thank you, Judge Chen!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly changed his words, everyone knew about Old Chen, but he didn't dare to call him casually in court.

"Ahem, after deliberation, this court has decided to give the defense a chance to call the last witness!"

Judge Chen announced with a hammer, and then signaled Zhang Wei to start.

"The defense requested to summon witnesses, and Xiao Baihe, the prosecutor of the Serious Crimes Division of the District Prosecutor's Headquarters, appeared in court to testify!"

As soon as Zhang Wei opened his mouth, the audience was stunned.

Countless eyes focused on the prosecution seat.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

This great show operation broke through the sky again!

It is not good to summon anyone, directly summon the opponent, and it is still Xiao Baihe.


At the hearing stand, both Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng couldn't sit still, and they stood up immediately.


Tie Ruyun next door couldn't sit still anymore, he also exclaimed and stood up straight.

The newcomers brought by both sides were all dumbfounded, their jaws dropped in shock.

They never expected that such a thing as the defense lawyer subpoenaing the prosecutor to testify in court really happened.

Right in front of them, Zhang Wei summoned Xiao Baihe.

Looking at a hundred and a thousand court trials, it is estimated that there will be no one, right?


Refresh the three views!

Amazing operation!

Only Zhang Wei can make it out.

The hearing booth was already stunned by Zhang Wei's showmanship.

But in court, the most frightened one had to be the prosecution seat.

"How dare this guy!" Lan Zhengye turned his head.

"This, this simply leaves me speechless!" Lu Wenwen turned her head.

"Sister Baihe, why have you been summoned?" Tan Yingying immediately felt sympathy for Xiao Baihe.

Of course, Xiao Baihe himself was also surprised.

She also didn't expect that Zhang Wei would summon herself.

"Old Xiao, stop the ink, come up quickly!"

At the other end, Zhang Wei was already waving hello.

On Xiao Baihe's beautiful forehead, there was a faint bulge of blue veins.

Damn it!

Don't call me Lao Xiao, I have a name, Xiao Baihe.

Although Xiao Baihe was upset, she still sat on the witness stand.

She said that if it wasn't for justice, the ghost would agree to this unreasonable summons!

"Hello, Old Xiao!"

"Lawyer Zhang, please call me Prosecutor Xiao!"

Xiao Baihe felt that it was necessary for him to emphasize the title issue.

"Okay, Lao Xiao, I understand Lao Xiao!" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, expressing his understanding.

Well, Xiao Baihe gave up.

Just do what you want, at worst, you ask me to answer, and I don't care about the rest.

I'm too lazy to deal with fools!

Seeing Xiao Baihe's eyes as if looking mentally handicapped, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Ahem, Lao Xiao, we had dinner together on the weekend, do you remember?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

You prosecutors and defense lawyers can still hook up?

"Objection, opposition, they are in the same boat!" Chen Xianfeng was the first one who couldn't sit still, and immediately protested.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, your protest is invalid!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, "Old Xiao and I are old friends, and she is not the prosecutor of this case, but just an assistant. She does not participate in the prosecution process of the case, and is only responsible for simple tasks such as paperwork."

"And Lao Xiao and I didn't have any private contact. When the two of us ate, there were people from the investigation department watching!"

The person watching was naturally Xia Qianyue.

This is also the reason why Zhang Wei asked Xiao Baihe to come out and brought Xia Qianyue with him.

Two people count as private contact, but if there is a third person, it doesn't count.

What else does Xia Qianyue have?

People from the serious crime team of the investigation department.

So with people from the serious crime team on the side, the contact between Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe was not private.

"Chen Dong, if you have any complaints about my contact with Lao Xiao, you can complain to the relevant agencies, but I think you will be in trouble for yourself after today!"

Zhang Wei said with a look of coldness on his face.

As for Chen Xianfeng, he immediately felt the pressure.

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