Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 345 Xiao Baihe's statement, Chen Xianfeng breaks the defense

Zhang Wei summoned Xiao Baihe.

This is definitely a move that no one has thought of.

And Zhang Wei's first question was actually about having a meal together on the weekend.

Now, it's easy to imagine.

Did they really have an affair?

This is not because we are thinking about it, but because you have made it clear that there is a problem!

The defense lawyer and the prosecutor actually had dinner together on weekends?

And you, a lawyer, still call the other party so affectionate?

If you two have sex, no one will believe you!

Because of this, Chen Xianfeng couldn't sit still.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, he definitely wanted to protest.

But unfortunately, the meeting between Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe was not on a private occasion, and there was a "third party" present at the time.

So Zhang Wei is very calm, and even hopes that you can investigate.

Anyway, nothing will be found in the end, since there is nothing between him and Xiao Baihe.

But now, everyone's mind must go back to the court.

Zhang Wei's first question was the weekend dinner.

Xiao Baihe's attitude was that he refused to answer!

"Ahem, just now I was just enlivening the atmosphere, so let's get back to business!"

Zhang Wei rarely put on a serious attitude, and asked with a serious face: "Then the weekend dinner..."

"En!" Xiao Baihe raised her willow eyebrows, her eyes were slightly frosty.

Damn, is it endless?

Don't you just have a meal together on the weekend, and you need to emphasize it repeatedly in court and in front of so many people?

Do you think the rumors between us are not spreading fast enough?

Zhang Wei hurriedly explained: "I mean before dinner on weekends, where did we go before dinner, after you and us meet?"

"After the rendezvous, we went to an apartment building in Central and met a lady surnamed Huang!"

Hearing the lady surnamed Huang, Chen Xianfeng suddenly became nervous.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, that woman will never come back!"

The son-in-law at the side hurriedly explained.

"That..." But the legal director on the other side opened his mouth.

Because he knew that there were some words that did not require witnesses to be present in person, but only needed to be recounted by others, and they could also become evidence in court.

All that is needed is for the person who relayed the story to have a clean identity and background.

But he didn't dare to say these words.

Because he knew that it seemed too late to say it now.

in court.

"Oh, then please tell everyone, this lady surnamed Huang, her identity is..."

"She is the secretary to the executive president of Pioneer Medical Technology, and assistant to the general manager!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and then looked at his son-in-law sitting beside Chen Xianfeng.

"May I ask your company, is this Ms. Huang the secretary to the president?"

Chen Xianfeng and the other three did not answer.

But Zhang Wei had expected it.

"It's fine if you don't want to answer, I have proof anyway!"

As he spoke, he gestured towards Tan Yingying, who was on the prosecutor's seat.

Xiao Tan was very cooperative and immediately clicked on a resume.

"As you can see, this is a personal resume report from the personnel department of Pioneer Medical Technology, and the information in it is all about Ms. Huang. Since she joined Pioneer Medical Technology 7 years ago, she has worked in the front desk service department, I worked in the HR department, and was transferred to the administration department of the company in the 4th year as the secretary to the president, and I have held this position until now!"

This document, of course, also came from the three major truck documents given by Pioneer Medical Technology, and was also dug out by Zhang Wei.

"Chen Dong, and the president and director, the stamped documents of your company, I believe you should know each other?"

Zhang Wei smiled at the three of them, then looked at Xiao Baihe, "Old Xiao, Ms. Huang's identity has been verified now!"

Xiao Baihe rolled her eyes.

You already have the information of the personnel department, so why are you asking me, why is it unnecessary?

"Ask again, may I ask what did Ms. Huang tell us when we chatted with Ms. Huang later?"


Xiao Baihe was stunned, because he talked too much that day.

"Okay, let me guide you!"

Zhang Wei smiled again, and asked, "Have the few of us and Ms. Huang talked about Pioneer Medical Technology?"


"So did we talk about a meeting?"


"When was that meeting?"

"It was the day after the defendant, Dr. Qian Zhisui, emailed Mr. Chen that he had made a major breakthrough in the PD project a month ago!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the audience changed their colors slightly.

Is there really such a thing, the defendant really made a major breakthrough?

In the trial seat, the hearing seat, and even the prosecution seat, some people became nervous.

But if you want to say who is the most nervous in the audience, it has to be Chen Xianfeng who is sitting behind the prosecution table, his hands are already tightly clenched.

The son-in-law at the side lowered his head, and the legal director turned his face away, neither of them dared to meet Chen Xianfeng's eyes.

Anyway, if I can't see you, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid...

Probably they all think so.

But the hearts of the three of them sank completely at this moment.

Because if Xiao Baihe is allowed to continue talking, it seems that something bad will happen!

Similarly, Zhang Wei noticed a change in the direction of the court.

He continued to ask: "What did Ms. Huang hear at that meeting?"

"She heard a lot!" Xiao Baihe seemed to know Zhang Wei's purpose.

Although it made people feel uncomfortable to make this guy in front of her laugh, but for some reason, she still felt a little happy in her heart.

"She said that at the beginning, the top management of the company were very happy, because the money they spent finally paid off, and many of them even cheered!"

"Then what?"

“Then they were having fun for a while, and the chief financial officer had a question about profits in Parkinson’s disease. Then the top brass were not happy, and even the conference room fell silent.”

"Oh, I wonder why they're not happy about a breakthrough in research, and what's the deal with profits?"

Zhang Wei asked the question knowingly, and looked at Chen Xianfeng with a strange expression on his face.

The latter gritted his teeth, frowned tightly, his face was terribly dark.

"Ms. Huang said that the chief financial officer called a certain department, and after a while, that department sent a form. After the chief financial officer showed it to Mr. Chen, everyone's faces were very ugly!"

"Did Ms. Huang say what this form is about, and why is Mr. Chen unhappy?"

"It's because of profit!" Xiao Baihe replied immediately.

"If the defendant's research makes progress, so that Parkinson's disease can be cured in the first place, then the company's profits will be greatly affected!"

"What, profits will be affected?!!!"

Zhang Wei seemed to have caught something, and suddenly said in a more serious tone: "When the whole world is looking forward to it, and the entire scientific community is paying attention to this difficult problem, the high-level leaders of Pioneer Medical Technology, headed by Chen Xianfeng, only think about profit. question?"

"Yes!" Xiao Baihe nodded solemnly.

Although this result made her feel very shameless, it was the truth.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

There really is such a thing!

But when they thought of Chen Xianfeng's identity, they understood.

But if they understand it, they can't forgive this kind of behavior!

There are tens of millions of patients with Parkinson's disease all over the world, but you are thinking about profit?

Absolutely unacceptable!

Absolutely unforgivable!

Absolutely unforgivable!

All eyes were on Chen Xianfeng's position.

These suspicious gazes made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, at this moment, he felt a monstrous wave appearing in front of him!

This huge wave may capsize the boat under his feet at any time!

So, under such circumstances, the only thing Chen Xianfeng can do is...

"be opposed to!"

Before the prosecution could express its position, Chen Xianfeng had already stood up first.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean, everyone is from the same family, can you give me some face?"

Old Chen's face darkened, and he stared at Chen Xianfeng with unkind eyes.

"Judge Chen, I refuse to accept it!"

Pointing to the two people in court, Chen Xianfeng asked, "The defense lawyer and the witnesses are clearly targeting me. Why don't you care about their collusion?"

"Mr. Chen, are you joking?"

Hearing Chen Xianfeng's accusation, Zhang Wei also laughed.

"This one in court is Prosecutor Xiao Baihe from the District Prosecutor's Headquarters. She has taken an oath, and it is her duty to testify in court. All her testimony in court comes from her heart!"

"You fart!"

Chen Xianfeng was unbelievable, he couldn't believe it, and it was impossible for him to tolerate Xiao Baihe's continued speech.

"Well, Mr. Chen, if you don't believe me, please show evidence to prove that the witness' statement is wrong?"

Zhang Wei immediately spread his hands, saying that you are free.


Chen Xianfeng stopped talking immediately.

Does he have evidence?

Of course not...

"Judge Chen, we think the courtroom needs to maintain order. Could you please arrange two court guards for Mr. Chen?"

"I'm afraid that he will get agitated again later and hit someone with a cane in his hand. Although I'm not afraid, I'm afraid that he will hit other people. Even if he hits flowers and plants, it's not good, right?"

Lao Chen nodded and ordered the left and right court guards to act.

The two tall and burly court guards immediately came to Chen Xianfeng's sides.

"Mr. Chen, I'm here to warn you for the last time, if you continue to be presumptuous, I will sentence you to contempt of court!"

Old Chen finally gave a warning, and then he looked at Zhang Wei and motioned for you to continue.

On Chen Xianfeng's side, the seizures have stopped for the time being, but his expression is still extremely ugly.

He looked around, the legal director and son-in-law all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at him.

He intends to teach these two useless subordinates a lesson, but Tingwei is watching on both sides.

Once he made a change, it was uncertain what the two court guards would do.

So, he can't move!

He could only watch, look at the pair of dogs and men on the stage, "slandering" himself.

Damn it!

in court.

The conversation between Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe is still going on.

Because of Lao Chen's warning, Chen Xianfeng could no longer stop them from speaking.

"Old Xiao, keep going!"

Zhang Wei smiled and continued to ask: "Did Ms. Huang say such a thing, the company's senior management held an internal discussion meeting for the benefit, and only Chen Dong and a few people attended?"


"After the meeting, what happened?"

"After the meeting, the group's top management decided to cut off the research resources of the PD laboratory, stop the research project, and even let the defendant, Dr. Qian, leave the company!"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the entire courtroom completely changed.

In the hearing booth, many people whispered and whispered.

In the jury box, the jurors looked at each other, and many of them showed indignation.

Even the faces of Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen on the prosecution's bench changed, becoming unbelievable.

Only Tan Yingying lowered her head, chanting "quickly end, hurry up" and other words in her mouth.

At the defense table, Qian Zhisui was also happy and let out a sigh of relief.

Because he knew that what happened to him was finally believed by someone.

Wang Yali and Jessica behind them also showed smiles.

Wang Yali looked at Qian Zhisui with joy on her face.

Jessica looked at Zhang Wei, her beautiful eyes shone with light.

At the trial seat, Lao Chen also understood.

He didn't need to guess what happened next.

"After all, that's the case. I can only say that Zb's family is Zb's family, hey..."

After heaving a long sigh, Lao Chen glanced at Li Qinghua, who was in the clerk's position, with deep meaning in his eyes.

You have found a capable son-in-law!

It's your son-in-law, who seems to be a bit too popular with women...

Li Qinghua also rolled her eyes, saying that I didn't know about it!

At this moment, Zhang Wei also felt the change in the direction of the court.

But he also knew that the accusation based on the words alone, the effect is not a lore.

What he needs is a real lore!

For this, he needs to show more evidence.

"Xiao Tan, don't be dazed, you still have tasks!"


Tan Yingying was immediately taken aback by Zhang Wei's call.

"Come on, open the file and click on those reports!"


Tan Yingying did her duty and tried her best to be a "good assistant" and opened the file for Zhang Wei.

On the projection screen, many reports suddenly appeared.

"Everyone in the court, I believe you have seen many reports. These are actually reports made by Pioneer Medical Technology on the projects that are running within the company. These reports are really incomprehensible to ordinary people, but don't worry, everyone. I will mark out some necessary numbers for you!"

"Let's look at the first copy first!"

Following Zhang Wei's command, Tan Yingying began to operate.

"This is a financial statement about the Alzheimer's disease treatment project, which clearly marks the project's running time, resources invested, expected income, and subsequent profitable revenue!"

On the projection screen, there are many numbers marked in red.

Many people can see what these numbers represent.

"Next is the second one, about the treatment items for ALS, and it also has these figures..."

"Next is the third..."

After disclosing several data in a row, Tan Yingying clicked on a document with much more pages than the previous report.

As the report data was displayed on the screen, a string of numbers emerged.

"This is the most critical report on the PD project!"

As Zhang Wei said, Tan Yingying began to operate.

"The running time of the PD project is 72 months, which is 6 years, and the investment resources are 700 million yuan. The original expected income exceeds 30 billion yuan!"

"But after Dr. Qian made a breakthrough and said that Parkinson's disease can be completely cured, the data in this report changed, and the expected return was actually on par with the input cost!"

As several numbers in the document were marked in red, Zhang Wei also explained: "As for why this is the case, because Pioneer Medical Technology's main revenue is to provide medical services and continuous uninterrupted treatment."

"But if Parkinson's disease can be treated once, then Pioneer Medical Technology will not be able to obtain revenue from continuous treatment services, and can only recover the profits of one-time drugs, and the income will be greatly reduced!"

Zhang Wei pointed at Chen Xianfeng and questioned word by word: "Chen Dong, I believe that you changed your mind after reading the report submitted by the financial department, and chose not to support my client Dr. Qian's project?"

"You really have a good plan. The whole world is expecting you to develop an antidote, but you choose to hide this fact for your own benefit and money. You are really a coward and a madman!"


Chen Xianfeng got angry when Zhang Wei pointed at his nose and scolded him. He stood up with a "crack" sound.

Seeing this, the two court guards on the left and right rushed to restrain him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Regardless of the pull from the left and right court guards, he looked at Zhang Wei and shouted angrily: "You are lying, there are no such reports!"

"Who said that, you gave me the information of the three major vehicles, how do you know that there is no such report?"

"Because I had someone dispose of these materials. These reports are all fake, and you forged them. They were really deleted from the database a long time ago!"

Chen Xianfeng roared angrily under He Tingwei's tugging.

After Zhang Wei heard this, he finally laughed.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Xianfeng dumbfounded.

Good guy!

You're pleading guilty in court, right?

"Chen Dong, thank you, because your confession saved us a lot of time!"

Zhang Wei laughed, and then looked at the trial seat: "Judge Chen, you heard it too. Chen Xianfeng not only rants in court, but also confesses to concealing public documents, destroying evidence, and obstructing judicial justice. His attitude of pleading guilty It's really good!"

"You, you fart!"

When Chen Xianfeng heard Zhang Wei's words, he couldn't hold back anymore.

You fucking set me up.

"Tingwei, get him out!" Finally, Lao Chen couldn't take it anymore, and waved his hand immediately.

The left and right court guards directly "invited" Chen Xianfeng out.

"Those are all fake, all are fake reports. I let the financial department delete the real reports. This bastard fooled you with fake reports. He is fooling you..."

However, when Chen Xianfeng went out, he was still shouting something, and the voice continued for a long time.

Obviously, he broke the defense, and pointed at Zhang Wei and began to curse.

But these are not important anymore.

"Here, let me explain to you that these reports are actually internal files of Pioneer Medical Technology. It can only be said that the network data disk is a magical thing. Even if you delete the data, a certain area in the disk is still there. Save this file!"

Zhang Wei smiled and explained to everyone in the court, and then waved to Tan Yingying.

Tan Yingying clicked on the last document.

It was a long series of meeting minutes, a full 136 pages.

"In the end, I think we need to make the Pioneer Technology Group and Mr. Chen Xianfeng's thoughts on the PD project public!"

"Everyone, please take a look. This is what Ms. Huang was responsible for recording at that time. Regarding all the records of that meeting, what Chairman Chen said at the meeting, there are all records in written form!"

The contents of the minutes of the meeting can be said to be unsightly.

For the sake of profit, the zb family can actually do this kind of thing.

"If you have doubts about the authenticity of the meeting minutes, there are two other participants in the court, so you might as well ask them!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wei also pointed out Chen Xianfeng's son-in-law and the legal director.

The faces of the two suddenly became extremely ugly.

They also know one thing!


It's all over!

Pioneering medical technology will be completely subverted!

The sky... collapsed!

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