Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 348 Dating, don't you bully girls into being poor?

Bai Meiqi was sent away.

Zhang Wei and Su Xiaoqian chatted in the office.

"If this case is difficult, let the customer and the merchant settle!"

This is Zhang Wei's tentative countermeasure.

"But Lawyer Bai didn't say that..." Su Xiaoqian obviously had a different opinion.

Bai Meiqi's request is definitely to win!

And she can't reveal the truth about her client's kleptomaniac.

In other words, convincing a jury in court that her client really wasn't trying to steal.

But apart from kleptomania, what other means can convince the jury?

"Zhang Ace, is it impossible for the merchants to reconcile, so what should we do with this case?"

Su Xiaoqian also had a hard time.

The main reason is that she can't disclose the matter of kleptomania, which makes her feel puzzled.

Other merchants also refused to settle, making it clear that they would go to court to sue.

And once it goes to court, the fact that the defendant stole cannot be changed, so...


Zhang Wei waved his hand, pointed in the direction Bai Meiqi left, and muttered, "What kind of person do you think Lawyer Bai is?"

"Lawyer Bai?"

Su Xiaoqian recalled what she had heard about Bai Meiqi in the company, and what she knew about Bai Meiqi after some contact just now.

"Lawyer Bai is a very strong woman. She is also beautiful, has a strong aura, is very proud, and is also very cold..."

"That's it!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands: "Look at Lawyer Bai, do you think she can lower her rank if she is asked to lower her profile and intercede with small traders?"

In Su Xiaoqian's mind, the scene of Bai Meiqi going to talk with the merchant suddenly appeared.

Bai Meiqi was domineering, with her head held high and her nostrils turned upwards, she said to the merchant: "My client is the executive president of a listed company with an annual salary of more than 5 million. We will pay you ten times the amount of your daily revenue. Let me withdraw the accusation. If you don't withdraw , I am the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, and my clients also have plenty of tricks, and you have no good juice to eat!"

Su Xiaoqian shook her head, this attitude was really not good.

If you encounter some weak characters, you can still hold back.

If you meet someone with a tough personality or a bad temper, and want to confront you head-on, then you really can't compromise.

Obviously, Bai Meiqi's aloofness put her in an awkward situation.

And this question was pointed out by Zhang Weiyi, who was stunned.

Su Xiaoqian looked at Zhang Wei, and asked tentatively: "Then, what I'm going to do next... find the vendors, and then have a peaceful reconciliation with them?"

"Well, you're right, but there's not much hope!"

"what should I do then?"

"I said there is little hope, but it doesn't mean there is no hope. If you don't try, you will never know if you have a chance."

"That said, I still have to try."

"That's right, newcomers, don't be afraid of failure. In your first case, the old man said that your performance is the best among the newcomers of the same period, so I am very fond of you~"

"Really, Zhang Ace, do you like me?"

"You are doing very well, of course I am optimistic about you!"

Zhang Wei nodded calmly on the surface, but complained in his heart: "Except for you, everyone else has lost the lawsuit. Who else can be optimistic about you?"

After finishing speaking, he urged: "By the way, get off work early. You can go back and think about the communication with the vendors, but my suggestion is to impress the other party with sincerity. Don't try to hide your purpose, and communicate with them with sincerity." Wait, maybe people will be as honest as you!"

Zhang Wei assigned a homework and asked Su Xiaoqian to go back and think about it, while he got off work by then.

After walking out of the Jincheng Building, Zhang Wei sent a message to Jessica.

I have already booked a place for dinner, which is in a riverside restaurant by the Dongjiang River.

This restaurant is most famous for its candlelight dinner. With the melodious piano and violin performances in the hall, the atmosphere is very good. It is a must-see restaurant for couples in the Oriental Capital.

After calling Zhang Xinyan and driving himself to the place, Zhang Wei waited in his seat.

The dinner time was 7 o'clock, but when the time came, Jessica did not show up for a long time.

This surprised Zhang Wei a little. Jessica didn't seem like someone who would release her own pigeons, and neither of them liked being late.

"What's going on, did today's candlelight dinner go to waste..."

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, Zhang Wei frowned.

But just as he was about to get up, the situation changed.

Just a few steps away, among a couple at the next table, the man suddenly raised his head, and then he couldn't look away anymore.


He gasped and stared straight in a certain direction.

This naturally caused the woman to be dissatisfied, she turned around immediately, and then understood.

"What are you looking at!"


"Look at digging out your eyeballs!"

The woman was so angry that she stepped on the man's foot, which made the man reluctantly look away.

Noticing the small movements of the couple, Zhang Wei smiled instantly.

The person who can cause such a situation must be...

"Zhang, sorry, I'm late..."

At the entrance of the restaurant, a tall and plump blond woman in a black evening dress appeared.

Although she was late, she kept her elegance without posting, with a slightly apologetic smile on her beautiful face.

Seeing her appear, Zhang Wei knew that the wait was worth it.

"Jessica, thank you for giving me an extra ten minutes to prepare!"

Zhang Wei immediately thanked the beauty in front of him.


It's really high!

All the men around showed envious and admiring eyes.

It is obvious that the woman is late, but she can still express her thanks!

Thank you, let us learn a lot!

"Come on, please sit down!"

Zhang Wei issued an invitation, Jessica smiled, lifted her skirt slightly, and slowly took a seat.

Today's Jessica is wearing an off-the-shoulder evening dress and light makeup, but even so, she seems to be a finely crafted work of art.

In Zhang Wei's line of sight, he could see a large area of ​​snow-white tenderness, the beautiful collarbone, and the plump and shiny skin, all of which made him unable to look away.

"I'm sorry, Zhang Wei, I still want to apologize to you for being late. I was able to get out early today, but the city hospital suddenly arranged a temporary surgical assistance operation for me. I can only prepare to meet you today dinner…”

Zhang Wei listened carefully, nodding from time to time.

After Jessica finished speaking, he tapped his wine glass.

The waiters around heard the wind and moved, and the melodious violin sound also played at this time.

Taking advantage of the preparation efforts of the waiters, Zhang Wei asked curiously while tying a napkin: "City Hospital, did you participate in the surgery?"

Zhang Wei vaguely remembered that when he met Wang Yali for the first time, Jessica and Wang Yali seemed to come out of the city hospital.

"Well, it's an assistance project that the dean invited me to participate in."

Hearing Zhang Wei mention this matter, Jessica became interested and explained:

"Recently, martial arts conferences will be held in the east, which makes the city's medical resources a little tight, and the director launched a project. The main purpose of the project is to attract non-linear doctors like me who have licenses and can perform operations to assist the hospital and ease medical treatment. resource constraints.”

"The feedback of this project is not bad. Many licensed doctors responded to the call and joined the assistance system. In the past, the city hospital was understaffed, and many doctors had to work intensively for more than 15 hours a day, but now their working hours are reduced. When it reaches 10 hours, many of them can even rest one or two days a week.”

Jessica obviously cares about her job at this stage and talks a lot.

"Then you are at the psychological office, are you still receiving medical treatment?"

Zhang Wei also asked curiously.

If you spend every day in the city hospital, wouldn't it be impossible to take care of the psychological clinic?

"Yeah, recently I have been seeing patients in the morning. After 2:00 p.m., I have to report to the hospital's surgical emergency department. Sometimes when I encounter surgical assistance tasks, I really have to be busy until very late before I can rest. The time is really tight. "

As Jessica spoke, there was a trace of discomfort in the corner of her eyes.

"But don't worry, I don't hate this kind of life. On the contrary, after assisting in many surgical operations, the dean even plans to let me perform simple surgeries."

Jessica was originally a surgeon, and these skills came from her father's teaching.

And her father is an excellent surgeon.

"Do you still need an operation? That's true..."

Zhang Wei muttered, at this moment, the waiters also brought up the dishes one by one.

"Zhang, don't talk about my work. I want to know about your recent work. There should be no problems, right?"

"Don't worry about this. Dr. Qian's case is over. He and Dr. Wang are now going to the North Lab to continue researching the PD project. By the way, I also helped them get the patent!"

Seeing Jessica's question, Zhang Wei naturally knew everything, "And today I received news that Pioneer Medical Technology is going to be doomed. It is said that there are many consortia planning to swallow Pioneer Medical Technology, and there are also many companies in the same industry. The company is targeting the market they originally occupied!"

"I feel that those who oppose you will end badly. Chen Xianfeng is a medical giant. Not only is his reputation ruined, but the company is about to go bankrupt. His whole life's hard work will be in vain. In addition, Cheng Lisha before, she has made you even more." Killing lawyer' reputation."

"Jessica, are you here to tease me too?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands with an innocent face.

Good guy!

Will my title of "Murder Lawyer" be inseparable?

Do I need another title of "Bankruptcy Lawyer" now, because I bankrupted my opponent's company and brought down Chen Xianfeng and his company by myself?

"That also shows that you are amazing!"

Jessica picked up her glass and took a sip.

The bright red wine flowed into it along the bright red and sexy lips, a drop of wine hung on the corner of the rosy mouth, and the white neck was stained with a seductive blush because of the wine.

What a beautiful and delicious picture of beauties drinking wine.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but be engrossed.

At the same time, he shouted wildly in his heart, really wanting to join in.

"Zhang, we should clink glasses and wish you success in your work!"

"Okay, then I wish you success in your work, but don't tire yourself out!"

The two lightly clinked glasses and began to enjoy a rare candlelight dinner.


Wednesday, a working day.

Zhang Wei came to the office early in the morning.

Recalling the beauty of yesterday's dinner, a "happiness" smile appeared on his face.

Speaking of which, the relationship between him and Jessica seems to have surpassed the level of ordinary confidants.

They also held hands and kissed on the lips, and even in Tonghu Town, Jinying City, the two even slept together in the same bed for many days.

Of course, it is only limited to sharing the same bed, and the last step can not be surpassed.

In contrast, although he and Xia Qianyue have always been referred to as a male and female couple, there has been no substantial progress at all.

"No, I have to promote the relationship with Hanhan. This weekend seems to be the opening of the Martial Arts Conference. I have to go to the scene to support it!"

"Why don't you ask for a few more days off? Anyway, I have collected 250 million in legal fees this month, and there are billable hours. The performance should be enough..."

Just when Zhang Wei was about to give up the competition for the outstanding employee of the year, someone knocked on the office door.

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door was very hasty, and it could be seen that the person was a little impatient.

"come in!"

"Ace, I thought about it all night, but I still didn't think of a good opening!"

Su Xiaoqian stared at the two dark circles under her eyes, and walked in with a melancholy expression.

"Calm down, you don't need to worry. It's just a case anyway. If you lose the client, you lose it. Bai Meiqi is worried, but you don't need to worry!"

"But that's Lawyer Bai's client. If I lose it for her, won't she bear a grudge against me?"

As Su Xiaoqian spoke, there was still a little worry on her face.

"Xiao Su, Lawyer Bai is also a human being, so she can't eat you!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, chatting to express comfort.

"Let me ask, when will the pre-trial start?"

Su Xiaoqian looked shocked, and quickly opened the notebook: "It seems to be this morning, I forgot to prepare!"

"Ace, that, can you..."

As Su Xiaoqian said, she lightly touched the index fingers of both hands, and then twisted, obviously making a slight request.

"I understand, I'll go with you, let's meet this Mrs. Xu together!"

Zhang Wei immediately agreed.

"Then thank you Zhang Ace!"

Seeing Zhang Wei helping her out, Su Xiaoqian immediately expressed her gratitude.

One and a half hours later, the Municipal Court.

Although the case is in Midtown, both the Midtown District Court and the City Court are in the same building.

Generally, small cases are handled by judges in the Midtown District, and judges in the city court are called for major cases.

At this moment, there are two groups of people sitting in the office of a certain judge belonging to Zhongcheng District.

On one side are Xu Suyun and his follower, assistant and apprentice Chai Ping, and on the other side are Su Xiaoqian and Bai Meiqi.

"Lawyer Bai, you said this lawyer Su is the defense representative in this case?"

The judge pointed to Su Xiaoqian, who was full of nervousness, with an incredulous look on her face.

Isn't this a joke, you put a newcomer in charge and let her face Mrs. Xu?

Isn't this pushing your client into the fire pit?

Oh no!

This is a small case in the first place, so there is nothing wrong with letting newcomers exercise.

Only then did the judge realize what the nature of the case was.

To put it bluntly, a woman picked up a towel in the shopping mall on the first floor.

No matter where this case is placed, it is a minor crime, and the impact of the case is so small that it is almost negligible.

In fact, the judge is also helpless. Why does Mrs. Xu insist on making a big deal out of a molehill?

Could it be that because the opponent is Jincheng Law Firm, she still remembers that Zhang Wei defeated her and wants to avenge her?

"Ahem, Master Xu..."


Xu Suyun's face darkened, and his eyes lit up.


Feeling the killing intent, the judge quickly changed his words: "Well, Prosecutor Xu, I think the two parties' settlement is better in this case. If we really have to go to court, it would be a waste of judicial resources!"

"Judge, what did you say? It's a crime. Besides, what is the identity of the defendant? She is one of the representatives of a famous company in the Eastern Capital, and she can be considered a half-public figure."

"Such people behave disorderly in normal times and specialize in petty theft. If we can't expose their behavior, won't they break the bottom line again and again!"

"So for the sake of judicial justice and to restrain these public figures, tell them that they can't do anything even if it's a small crime. This case must be resolved in court!"

The corner of the judge's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help asking: "The plaintiff also agrees?"

"Of course!" Xu Suyun smiled, and snorted towards Su Xiaoqian and Bai Meiqi, "The plaintiff naturally agreed, and he made it clear that he would not accept any form of reconciliation!"

She said, staring at Su Xiaoqian, "This time, my opponent is you? I thought I could face the famous lawyer Bai Meiqi, but it's a pity that it's a newcomer!"

"Although I'm a newcomer, I'm not afraid of you!"

Su Xiaoqian said, but she was very confident in her heart, and added: "Besides, I have a strong support team!"

"Strong support, even if lawyer Bai helps you, it's not considered strong support in my opinion, right?" Xu Suyun smiled.

You are still so shy as a newcomer, so what if you add Bai Meiqi, they mainly focus on business cases and civil lawsuits, but now they are facing criminal lawsuits, so you can be arrogant just because you think she is the trump card.

"Hey, the lawyer is here!"

But suddenly there was a mocking voice at the door of the court office.

Judge, Chai Ping and Xu Suyun, when they heard this voice, the hearts of the three of them "thumped" at the same time.

Because of this voice, they are too familiar.

"Hello, everyone, I am Zhang Wei, a strong supporter!"

Zhang Wei walked into the office calmly, walked up to Su Xiaoqian, and pretended to stand for her.

Now, the three people in the office, including the judge, are not calm anymore.

Xu Suyun's eyes were burning, Chai Ping's legs and feet were trembling, and even the judge's forehead was dripping with sweat.

Who is this person in front of me?

That is the famous murder lawyer Zhang Wei!

To be an opponent with him, you have to be mentally prepared.

You look at the fate of those opponents, Cheng Lisha died, Chen Xianfeng was ruined, the company was basically gone.

There are also high-ranking prosecutors and supervisors at the local prosecutor's headquarters, all of whom will be psychologically shadowed.

This strength can only be described as - terrifying!

"Mr. Xu, I'm not talking about you. Why didn't the plaintiff agree to a settlement? I think you forced me to do so?"

After Zhang Wei arrived at the scene, he looked at Xu Suyun with a smile, "In my opinion, there is no one who doesn't love money as the plaintiff. You make it difficult for us to deal with it!"

Although he said it was difficult, the expression on his face was very relaxed.

"Zhang Wei, you also want to participate in this case?"

"I just can't understand Mr. Xu's way of doing it. This time it's a newcomer from my Criminal Department's office, but I will also go to court at that time!"

"Then let a newcomer deal with me, am I underestimated by you?"

"Mr. Xu, I don't know if you have heard a sentence, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people... Oh, no, don't bully young girls to be poor!"

The judge and others all looked at Zhang Wei in a daze.

What kind of talk is this? You thought you were the protagonist of a fantasy novel, and your fiancée broke off the engagement in person, and you still throw such harsh words?

Isn't this funny!

"Well, let's compete in court!"

Xu Suyun didn't plan to talk to Zhang Wei anymore, and left without looking back after throwing down a harsh word.

This pre-trial motion also broke up unhappy with Zhang Wei's sudden appearance.

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