Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 349 The key witness is not present? Routine!

Wednesday afternoon.

Municipal Court, small court.

Because the impact of the case was too small, the court arranged a small court to hear the case.

In the small court, there were really few people there, and there were not many people there.

This is also the client's request. The whole matter should be as low-key as possible, and it is best not to come with any colleagues.

Therefore, Bai Meiqi also used resources to keep the case as low-key as possible and not reveal too much information.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the court is deserted.

And not only was the atmosphere deserted, many people in the court even felt bored.

More than half of the 12-member jury were yawning boredly.

In the hearing booth, the few observers were almost distracted, and few people paid attention to the movements in the courtroom.

Even the judges in the trial bench yawned boredly.

In court, only Xu Suyun was making an opening statement.

After all, it is a small case, and the pre-trial + court session are all today.

The courts also don't have so many judicial resources for you to squander. Don't worry about these small cases. It's good to have a trial.

"This is a crime that cannot be ignored. You may think it is a minor crime, but we must not condone the defendant's theft."

"Once we set a precedent, business people like the defendant, working in large companies, will think that as long as they have money, all charges can be settled. This will be an important challenge to the rigor of the judiciary!"

"So, as the public prosecutor, I formally prosecute the defendant on behalf of the judiciary!"

Xu Suyun said, pointing to the dock.

The defendant is a middle-aged woman in her forties, wearing professional suits and glasses, with clearly visible crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

She remained silent, and occasionally looked back at Bai Meiqi in the hearing seat, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

The defendant obviously didn't understand why he asked Bai Meiqi for help, but the lawyer sitting next to him was a newcomer.

As for Zhang Wei, he also sat in the hearing booth, and sat in the corner of the first row, closing his eyes and meditating.

"The prosecution called the first witness to testify in court!"

The first witness was the security guard of the shopping mall, a man of medium build and ordinary face.

"Hello, Witness!"

Xu Suyun walked to the witness stand and asked, "Last weekend, you sent the defendant to the field branch. Can you tell us why you sent her there?"

"She took a hand-woven towel worth 200 yuan from the showroom on the first floor of our mall!"

The male security guard pointed at the dock, and after the accusation was over, he added: "The most important thing is that she didn't pay!"

"Well, the hand-woven towel worth 200 yuan should be the merchant's painstaking efforts!" Xu Suyun walked to the jury seat and said so.

In the jury seat, few people glanced at the dock.

They saw that the defendant's face was a little abnormal.

It seemed to be ashamed and angry, but it also seemed to be ashamed. In short, the defendant obviously had something hidden in his heart.

They know it.

"Witness, are you sure the defendant did not pay?"

The male security guard nodded, and said in an affirmative tone: "Yes, I asked the store selling towels, and they didn't have any impression of the defendant, and they didn't remember that she paid for it!"

"Well, thanks for your answer!"

Xu Suyun thanked, and said to the trial seat: "The prosecution has finished asking questions!"

As she walked out of the courtroom, Su Xiaoqian slowly stood up on the defense bench.

It has to be said that she was a little nervous, so that she took a deep breath while walking.

"Come on, you can do it, Zhang Ace is here today, and lawyer Bai is here to help, you can..."

She whispered in her mouth, as if she was saying something to encourage herself.

When she got to the witness stand, Su Xiaoqian took another deep breath and asked, "Witness, how did you find out that my client took that handmade towel?"

"I searched her bag and found it in it!"

"I know you searched her bag, but even if you are the security guard of the mall, you can't search my client's personal belongings without evidence, right?"

"I know, but someone saw her stealing!"

"Does this person include you?"

"Uh..." The male security guard paused.

"Did you not see with your own eyes that my client took the towel?"

After hesitating for a while, the male security guard quickly replied: "I didn't see it, but I received a report from someone else!"

"You mean to say that you searched my client's bag when you were not sure?"

As Su Xiaoqian spoke, her expression became a little strange.

"But someone saw it, saw that your client took the towel!" Of course the male security guard argued hard.

"Is it the owner?"


"Who is that?"


Su Xiaoqian's words made the male security guard hesitate.

"Witness, is this question difficult to answer?" Su Xiaoqian was puzzled.

"Witness, please answer this question. Whose testimony did you rely on to search the defendant's carry-on bag!"

At the trial seat, the judge also spoke.

This is a crucial question that will directly affect the court's judgment and cannot be left unanswered.

The male security guard immediately looked at Xu Suyun, but the latter was expressionless.

"Well, Your Honor, the person who provided the testimony was a store owner from another booth. Due to some personal reasons, it is not convenient for him to go to court..." the male security guard said, his expression becoming a little unnatural.

Hearing these words, Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the hearing booth, raised his head instantly, his eyes sparkling.


He finally found a breakthrough in this case.

Similarly, Su Xiaoqian in court seemed to have captured something.

She quickly walked back to her place, and picked up a list.

"You mean, the most critical witness in this case is not only not on the witness list, but also did not come to the court. And all your actions in searching my client are based on the testimony of this mysterious man?"

The male security guard stopped talking for a moment.

"I want to ask another question, was there a lot of people in the mall that day?"

"It was the weekend, and our store focused on cheap products, and there were promotions and discounts on that day..."

Needless to say the rest, everyone already understands.

There were more than just a lot of people that day, it must have been a sea of ​​people.

Su Xiaoqian pointed at herself and guessed: "That is to say, if I also went to the showroom on the first floor of your shopping mall that day and bought a towel, even if I paid for it, the shopkeeper would definitely not remember me?"

"Because that day, the shop owner probably saw thousands of faces and contacted hundreds of customers, right?"

"You should be right..." The male security guard hesitated again, but still responded to the question.

"My honor, my question is also over."

Su Xiaoqian finally breathed a sigh of relief and ended the questioning.

In the jury seat, many people were discussing, and the boring jurors were not sleepy anymore.

They all noticed the abnormality of the case, or the effectiveness of the testimony and witnesses seemed to be a little bit low.

In particular, the male security guard searched the defendant's bag relying on the testimony of another store owner, which is obviously inappropriate.

So many people went there that day, maybe the defendant paid for it?

The store where I bought the towels doesn't remember, it's normal, there were so many customers that day, maybe I don't remember it.

As for the other store, no one came, they believed in a ghost.

At the prosecution's seat, Xu Suyun's expression also became slightly unnatural.

No way, there is actually a difficulty in this case, which happened to be found by the defense.

That was the only witness for the prosecution, and his character was a bit timid.

He didn't even dare to testify in court, so if the witnesses couldn't be there, the validity of the testimony would indeed be greatly reduced.

So far, that seems to be the case.

"Ahem, in view of the special circumstances of the witnesses in this case, and I have to catch up with a court later, it's a little late, so let's adjourn the court for now!"

The judge struck the hammer and announced that the courtroom began to dissolve.

People walked out of the court one after another.

"Ace, this case..."

"Xiao Su, you are very lucky. The most important witness did not come, so you have a great chance!"


"Let's go back and talk about it, there are too many people here!"

Zhang Wei took Su Xiaoqian and Bai Meiqi back to Jincheng Law Firm.

Not long after, he printed a page of materials, the first page of which was a photo.

The man in the photo is a little fat, wearing pair of glasses, about thirty years old, he looks honest and honest.

"The store's name is Fang. It sells toys and school supplies on the first floor of the shopping mall in this case. The main product is marker pens. The location is just opposite the towels. It seems that the person mentioned by the security guard is him!"

In the office, Zhang Wei passed the information to Su Xiaoqian and Bai Meiqi.

"Is this person the key witness?"

"It should be. He is 32 years old and unmarried. Judging from his appearance, his personality should be timid, which fits the description of the security guard!"

Zhang Wei pointed at the photo and analyzed it like this.

Bai Meiqi looked at Zhang Wei and frowned slightly, "Then what do you mean..."

"If you get him done, you can get this case over!"

Zhang Wei pointed at the photo and said with a smile: "That's why I said that Xiao Su is lucky!"

"Ace, but isn't this just interference with witnesses? This is..."

"Xiao Su, to interfere with a witness, the other party must be a witness?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "If a person is unable to testify in court due to his own reasons, and there are legitimate reasons, then the prosecution cannot force the other party to appear in court. Even in criminal cases, the prosecution can only rely on persuasion. .”

"This is also the reason why it is difficult for witnesses to go to court in criminal cases. On the one hand, it is because of retaliation, and on the other hand, it is because they are afraid and dare not go to court. They have a burden in their hearts."

"The same is true in this case. The testimony of this key witness is very important, but as long as he dare not go to court, then the case will be fine."

Bai Meiqi nodded, and couldn't help but said: "Then our job is to ensure that this witness cannot testify in court?"

When Su Xiaoqian on the side heard this, a picture immediately appeared in her mind.

Under the darkness of night, Zhang Wei walked up to a man with a flustered expression.

"Sorry, for the sake of the case, I have to make sure you can't come forward!"

The knife was raised and the blood was splashed.

With the sound of "puchipuchi", the man fell to the ground.

Su Xiaoqian's whole body trembled, and she looked at Zhang Wei with a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Xiao Su, you see something wrong with my eyes, are you thinking about something illegal?"

"No, no, I was just a little distracted just now, I didn't think about anything!" Su Xiaoqian quickly denied.

But her expression obviously wasn't good enough, Zhang Wei could tell what she was thinking at a glance.

"Little Su!"

Zhang Wei beckoned and asked Xiao Su to come forward.

"Listen, the prosecution also knows the current situation of the case. If I were Mrs. Xu, I would definitely include this eyewitness on the witness stand. I would even use any means to force him to appear in court for the sake of the case."

"However, it takes time. It's almost time to close get off work now, and this is a small case. It is impossible for the judge to open the back door to them overnight. The judge will not accept these requests before going to work tomorrow, so you have one night and one morning to operate. "

Zhang Wei patted Xiao Su on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "There are some things that I really don't want to teach you, so you decide. Do you want to use a special method to deal with this witness?"

Su Xiaoqian only hesitated for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

Compared with Zhang Wei's righteous warning, she doesn't want to lose the lawsuit.

"Well, I will only teach you the routine this time. How much you can comprehend depends on your own ability, but you have to remember that this trick will be used less in the future, and it must not be caught by anyone. Your luck this time Well, it is because the impact of the case is small and the circumstances are special, giving you enough time to respond!"

"Well, I understand!"

Seeing Su Xiaoqian heard these words, Zhang Wei changed his relaxed expression and said seriously: "Then listen carefully, you usually have to deal with this kind of witness and use your own advantages. The routine is generally... like this, Like that..."

Su Xiaoqian listened carefully, nodding her head from time to time, "Yes", as if she had realized something.

"Okay, let's go!"

Finally, Zhang Wei waved his hand and sent the baking soda away.

In the office, only he and Bai Meiqi were left.

"You can rest assured that a newcomer..."

"Otherwise, you should go to the mall and have a 'friendly negotiation' with them, right?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Bai Meiqi's face.

Is the so-called friendly negotiation really friendly?

"So, all we have to do is trust Xiao Su, this girl has a bright future!"

"Can the future be expected?"

Bai Meiqi was speechless, as if the leader said this to the newcomers now, everyone is a "future soldier", right?

If you are optimistic about their future, you have to wait until they grow up.


the other side.

Dongfangdu, a down-to-earth night market street.

This is a famous snack street nearby. There are not only many local gourmet shops, but also many trolley-like stalls.

The price is affordable, small and exquisite, attracting many young people with low consumption to patronize.

For a meal, you can have a delicious meal for more than ten yuan, which is already very cost-effective in the high-consumption Oriental Capital.

In front of one of the small stalls, the boss is making fried noodles.

A man wearing glasses blushed, lowered his head, and stared motionlessly at the ingredients flying up and down in the boss's hand.

"Young man, why are you here again these days? I remember that when you were at work, you liked to patronize my shop. After you resigned, you seldom came here!"

The boss seemed to be very familiar with the man with glasses, and joked while handling the ingredients.

"Hey, don't mention it." The man with glasses waved his hands and sighed.

"Why, met the boss who made you unhappy again?"

"That's not true. Now I'm self-employed, selling stationery and markers, and I'm working for myself!"

The man with glasses said, but smiled self-deprecatingly.

Even in a shopping mall, did he really ask a disgusting boss?

He just changed his working environment. Although he doesn't need to see stingy bosses and overbearing bosses, he still has to look at the faces of moody shopping mall executives. You can nod and bow to please any director in charge.

Therefore, it is difficult to be a wage earner, and it is even more difficult to start a business on your own.

"You start your own business, that's not the same as me, you should be happy!"

The vendor owner laughed, and brought a bowl of steaming fried noodles to the glasses man.

"Hey, I want to be happy too, but I got into trouble recently..."

The man with glasses lowered his head, ready to eat fried noodles, but unfortunately, the heat covered his glasses, and after a while, the place was covered with mist.

The man with glasses took off his glasses and was about to move his chopsticks when a person sat down beside him.

"Boss, have a bowl of fried noodles!"

Listen to the voice, it is a delicate girl.

When he turned his head, he saw a young girl in a well-dressed dress, put down her satchel and sat beside him.

The girl is very young and has good looks. Although she looks young, she makes the man with glasses a little bit excited.

"Girl, is this your first time here?" The vendor owner looked at the girl and greeted with a smile.

"Yeah, I just joined the company recently, and I've only been working for a few days!"

As the girl said, she took out the hairpin from her bag, pulled up her hair and tied it into a ponytail.

"How are you doing, is your job going well?"

"Hey, don't mention it, the boss is relying on himself as the boss's brother-in-law, domineering in the company every day, bossing everyone around, I can hardly bear it!"

The girl sighed, and complained, "If I hadn't worked so hard to get this job, and my family still needs me to send money back, I really want to resign!"

What the girl said made the man with glasses startled slightly.

When the vendor owner heard it, he was immediately happy.

"Yo, isn't this the same as the guy next to you?"

"Really, you have annoying supervisors too, do you have stingy bosses too?"

The girl seemed to be familiar with herself, she turned her face and greeted the man with glasses.

At this moment, the man with glasses suddenly felt that there is not only maliciousness in the world, there are actually people who can understand him in this world.

"Yeah, I used to be like that too."


"The young man is starting his own business now, and there is a shop in the mall!"

"Really, self-employment, I'm so envious. If I don't have money, I really want to work for myself."

"Farewell, it's actually more difficult to open a store. Sometimes I miss the days of working part-time."

"Really, but I just think part-time work is so hard~"

The girl said, winking at the man with glasses, "By the way, my surname is Su, let's get to know each other!"

"Oh, my surname is Fang!"

When the vendor owner saw it, a smile flashed in his eyes.

This boy, could it be that spring is here?

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