Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 350 Friendly Negotiation Threat Warning

Chapter 350 Friendly Negotiation (×) Threat Warning (√)

the next day.

Thursday, work day.

Inside Zhang Wei's office.

Su Xiaoqian is reporting to him.

Bai Meiqi sat aside, listening carefully, and at the same time, a trace of curiosity and doubt flashed in her eyes.

"Well, I had contact with that witness yesterday and made a lot of noise."

"His surname is Fang, and he joked that he used to be a social animal. He used to work in a toy sales company. He found this job because he liked the flexible working system of the sales company and could arrange his time flexibly. Unexpectedly, his superior supervisor Force them to 996, even on weekends they have to stay on standby 24/7, and use the PUA in the workplace."

"If you succeed in the future, you will thank yourself who is suffering now; what is left is king, and persistence is victory; customers abuse me thousands of times, and I treat customers like first love; there are no customers who cannot be dealt with, only sales who don't work hard; the harder you work, the better you will be. The luckier..."

"The above are the awkward conversation topics that he dragged me to talk about most of the night after he was drunk."

As Su Xiaoqian spoke, her face was full of speechlessness.

"It's normal. It's like this in sales in the general workplace. The superiors often drink chicken soup for their subordinates. Sometimes the boss will talk to you about success, but no matter how much money you earn, you are still a social animal. After all, it’s the boss’ wallet.”

Zhang Wei waved his hand with a calm expression, "By the way, what else did he tell you, these are not what we want."

"He said that when he was a social animal, because he couldn't open an order, he was scolded by the supervisor every day in the office. He was almost depressed. He had to see a psychologist and prescribed some antidepressants."

"Well, this is useful information." Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

"Is there any more?"

"He also said that he likes to collect figures. There is a wall of figures in the house he rented. He also said that he likes young idols and listens to them singing and dancing. He also joined the support clubs of these idols. Every event He will be there to support.”

After hearing this, Zhang Wei said with emotion: "This is very similar to a carrot!"

"Who is the carrot?" Bai Meiqi who was on the side interrupted suddenly.

"Ahem, he is my classmate and friend!" Zhang Wei coughed and explained.

It does not matter!

What matters is the present case.

"Xiao Su, go ahead!" He waved his hand, signaling Su Xiaoqian to continue.

"Yesterday he pulled me to talk a lot, and said he had a crush on me..."

Su Xiaoqian sighed, and then, Barabara, began to pour bitter water.

After a full 20 minutes, Su Xiaoqian's revelation finally ended.

That Mr. Fang pulled her and talked a lot.

It may be that the other party has been depressed for a long time and needs to find someone to talk to, but Su Xiaoqian's appearance made him feel warm.

From Su Xiaoqian's body yesterday, he may have seen the sadness when he first entered the workplace and became a social animal.

The other party feels that the two of them have some sympathy for each other, which is why the other party poured out so much bitterness.


Zhang Wei nodded, then hooked his fingers towards Su Xiaoqian.

The girl leaned forward.

"You, go and call the old man!"

"Ah, do you need to dispatch the boss for this kind of thing?"

"No need, I called Lao Tie here, and I didn't ask him to work, just let him show his face!"

"Oh, then I'll call the boss to come over!"

Su Xiaoqian passed by and took Zhang Wei's mission to find Lao Tie.

In the office, only Zhang Wei and Bai Meiqi were left.

"Lawyer Zhang, are you sure?" The latter was a little curious.

"It's hard to be sure, but I know what this kind of person is afraid of. If you make threats, the other party may give in!"

Zhang Wei thought about it seriously, and replied like this.


Bai Meiqi also thought about it, and then said scrupulously: "If the prosecution asks him to be a witness, aren't you threatening the witness?"

"Then the prosecution has to pass the application!"

Zhang Wei smiled strangely, and said in a teasing tone: "Although I know that Xu Suyun will definitely do everything possible to get the person surnamed Fang to be a witness and let him go to court to provide eyewitness testimony. But it will take time to pass the application, which is why I asked him to come in the morning. Now he is not a witness for the prosecution!"

"As long as it's not a witness, we can ask him to talk about anything."

"That's what you said, but what are you going to talk to him about..."

Bai Meiqi was puzzled again.

"Of course it's a 'friendly conversation'!" Zhang Wei smiled sinisterly again.

Not long after, Tie Ruyun came to the office under the leadership of Su Xiaoqian.

"Zhang Wei, what's the matter, you still want me to go out?"

"Old man, please post this!"

Zhang Wei handed a sticker to Su Xiaoqian and asked her to stick it on for Tie Ruyun.

"what is this?"

"This is something for children. I will put a knife scar on your face. You will be needed to support the scene later!"

Zhang Wei explained that Su Xiaoqian had already started greeting Tie Ruyun.

"This thing, can it work?"

Feeling that there was an extra sticker on his face, Tie Ruyun felt a little unnatural.

"Of course, you can sit over there later. You don't need to say a word in the audience, as long as you show your scarred face, it will be the greatest help to us!"

Zhang Wei smiled, and ordered so.

"Can this thing be washed off?" After tearing off the sticker, Tie Ruyun pointed to the "knife scar" on his face.

"Don't worry, it can be washed off with soap. This thing is a child's thing."

Zhang Wei waved his hand to show you don't worry. How can I cheat you?

"That's fine." Tie Ruyun couldn't say anything, after all, it was a case that Lawyer Bai asked for help, and he didn't need to speak, just treat it as a friendly role.

"Very good, we will wait for this Mr. Fang to come!"

Zhang Wei said, looked towards the elevator door, and waited.


15 minutes later.

Jincheng Building, lobby on the first floor.

The man with eyes arrived, and stood in the lobby on the first floor of Jincheng Building with a melancholy expression, feeling uneasy and slightly uneasy.

"Hello, is this Mr. Fang?"

At the door, a female assistant saw him and immediately asked.

"My... my surname is Fang..."

"Oh, it's Mr. Fang, please follow me. Lawyer Zhang from the criminal department has been waiting for you for a long time, so I'll lead you up right away!"

"Oh, sorry to trouble you..."

Under the leadership of the female assistant, the man with glasses followed step by step, took the elevator, and came to the 25th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he was amazed at the magnificent reception hall.

It is worthy of being the Jincheng Group, and it is worthy of being the No. 1 Jincheng law firm in the top ten firms in the Oriental Metropolis. It is really rich.

He felt in his heart that if he had applied for the law school and became a lawyer, he might have joined such a law firm and become a powerful lawyer.

As a result, he was admitted to a second-rate university, and after graduation, he heard that others were tricked into becoming a salesman.

If it weren't for being young and able to bear it, he would have had occupational diseases long ago.

"Lawyer Zhang and the others are already waiting for you in the conference room, please come in!"

The man in glasses was led by a female assistant to the door of a large conference room, and then opened the door for him.

The female assistant left, and the man with glasses could only walk in by himself.

As soon as he walked into the conference room, what caught his eyes was a fierce face.

"Such a person is also a lawyer?!!!"

Seeing the gloomy eyes, the hideous scar on his face, and the disheveled hair.

The man with glasses feels that this person is definitely not a good stubble, maybe he is a ruthless person who licks blood with a knife and has a life in his hand.

Then sitting next door was a woman with a cold aura, she was very beautiful, like a domineering flower, which made him dare not take another look.

On the contrary, the third one looked younger, but the gloomy smile on his face made him feel a little terrified.

"It's Mr. Fang, please sit down!"

The young man smiled, pointed to an empty seat, and asked him to sit down.

The man with glasses stiffened and sat down slowly.

As soon as I sat down, the pressure came.

Because of this seat, you can just see the three people in front of you.

Scar-faced lawyers, high-cold female lawyers, and young lawyers who hide their knives in their smiles.


It's too scary!

The man with glasses felt that he shouldn't have agreed to them today, and he shouldn't have come to Jincheng Law Firm.

This is still the criminal department, which specializes in criminal cases.

Maybe these lawyers know a lot of people from various religions, some social elements, gang members, and maybe some people who do black work.

If I was the one who said something bad and was remembered by them, wouldn't it be... I will suffer!

There may even be... life-threatening.

Thinking of this, the man with glasses felt a little restless.

And the trio sitting opposite him all saw this.

Immediately, one got up.

"Mr. Fang, let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Wei, and I was given the nickname 'Murder Lawyer'. Of course, this nickname was given by others and has nothing to do with me. Don't search for anything. Cheng Lisha, I don’t know anything~”

The man with glasses lowered his head, quietly took out his mobile phone, and quickly typed the three words "Cheng Lisha" on Qiandu.

Not long after, all the reports about Cheng Lisha's death were updated.

In the report, the word "Zhang Wei" appeared many times, and the expression of the man with glasses suddenly changed

Murder lawyer Zhang Wei!

This is the legendary murder lawyer?

It can only be said to be horrible, too scary!

"Oh, by the way, these two are my colleagues, and they have also shown great interest in the cases you may be involved in, but you don't have to worry, they generally won't meddle in other people's cases..."

When Zhang Wei said this, he changed his words quietly: "As long as some people know how to measure, they will generally not use any means..."

It's like he said it casually.

But the speaker has no intention, but the listener does.

What if some people don't know how to measure?

Like Cheng Lisha, committed suicide?


The man with glasses swallowed a mouthful of saliva, barely suppressing the unease in his heart.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Outside the meeting room, someone knocked on the door. .

"Oh, by the way, you haven't met the defense lawyer for the case yet, let me introduce you, Su Xiaoqian, Xiao Su, she is the defense lawyer representative for this case!"

The door of the conference room opened wide, and then Su Xiaoqian walked in.

"You are yesterday's, Xiao Su..."

Seeing the person coming, the man with glasses opened his eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Su Xiaoqian, as if she didn't see him, walked to Zhang Wei's side coldly, and handed the latter a document.

"Mr. Fang, we are smart people who don't speak dark words. I came to you today because I want to talk to you about your affairs."

Now, it is still Zhang Wei who speaks: "You know, we are defense lawyers, people who help clients solve their troubles."

"The client paid us to come here, just to help her solve her troubles!"

As he spoke, his tone changed again and became extremely cold: "Sometimes we may do more. If we really can't solve the trouble, then we may solve the person who raised the trouble!"


The man with glasses swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva in a row, and the pressure in his heart increased greatly.

He felt that there were two mountains on his shoulders, and he was a little out of breath.

Sweat on the forehead, sweat on the back, sweat on the legs...

I feel like I'm sweating all over my body.

"Mr. Fang, let's be honest!"

Zhang Wei also stood up at this moment and walked in front of the man with glasses.

"Xiao Su is the defense lawyer in this case, there are some things that are not convenient for her to say, so let me say it!"

"It doesn't matter who our client is, nor does it matter what the outcome of this case is. What matters is whether you need to go to court in the next moment."

"Personally, I don't want you to appear in court very much. If I see your face in my sight during the next court session, I will be very troubled."

"At that time, I don't rule out what kind of cross-examination Xiao Su will have on you. He may tell you all about your previous experience as a social animal, and he may inadvertently tell you that you are still taking antidepressants. If you reveal it, she may even disclose your private interest in collecting figures, chasing idol stars, and participating in fan clubs!"

"Mr. Fang, please imagine!"

As Zhang Wei said, he bent down and leaned in front of the man with glasses, and said in a sinister tone:

"The next time you're in court, you're on the witness stand, your friends are sitting in the hearing stand, your family is sitting, anyone you know, and you're going to give up all your privacy in front of so many people. What a terrifying thing it is to explain everything in detail!"

"They, they won't come to the court..." The man with glasses almost trembled, his teeth chattering, said these words.

"They won't?"

Zhang Wei frowned, and said with a sneer: "You seem to have underestimated the strength of our Jincheng. I guarantee that they will all be there, so they will definitely be there!"

The man with glasses swallowed another mouthful of saliva, and had no doubt that Zhang Wei's words might come true.

If the other party really wants to invite his friends and relatives to come, then maybe all these people will be there.

At that time, wouldn't it be...

"Oh, by the way, we don't rule out publishing your browser search history!"

At this time, Zhang Wei raised his mouth again "inadvertently".

As soon as the words came out, the man with glasses trembled all over, and his body trembled subconsciously.

It's over!

It's all over!

" can't be..."

"What's wrong, Mr. Fang, are you joking? If you want to be a witness in court and question the character of our client, then we will also impeach your character, and the browser search records, It is one of the evidences of character impeachment!"

Zhang Wei said, and patted the shoulder of the man with glasses: "After all, a person who likes to search on the Internet on weekdays may let the jury and the people in the hearing stand know what kind of person he is!"

"Mr. Fang, there is no shameful content hidden in your browser search history, right?"

"I..." The man with glasses opened his mouth again, but he couldn't say a word.

He decided that when he went back, he would delete all the browser's search records.

"Oh, by the way, our company has senior hackers who cooperate. Even if you delete the browser search history, they can get it back."

"You know, even if you delete the things on the webpage, there are still visitor records and clues in the background. As long as your technology is good enough, it is not difficult to restore these records!"

The man with glasses was completely lost, his face turned blue and white, his body seemed to have lost support, and he sat down slumped.

"So, Mr. Fang, in order not to tear your face apart in the future, I think you can reconsider the case you are involved in and the prosecution's request for you to testify in court."

"Do you know that although Mrs. Xu will use various methods to 'coerce' you to go to court, I can tell you that even a witness in a major criminal case is only obliged to testify in court, and the prosecution must not force you to do so!"

"Our case is such a small case that can be said to be trivial, I don't think there is any need for everyone to go to war!"

"Mr. Fang, do you think so?"

Finally, Zhang Wei looked at the man in glasses with a "smile".

The latter felt a "thud" in his heart, and began to panic.

Is this about making a statement?

If I don't agree, will I be killed like that "Cheng Lisha"?

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang.

"Well, I'm calling..." The man with glasses embarrassedly took out his phone, and his face changed after seeing the number.

Because it was the prosecution number, he kept a record.

"Mr. Fang, you can go out and answer this call. Our conversation today is officially over, please walk slowly!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and dismissed directly.

"Tell... goodbye!"

The man with glasses fled away as if flying, without looking back, and went straight to the elevator.

For him, this is hell, and he just escaped from hell.

As for the phone, fuck it, it's important to escape now, why answer the phone.

In the office.

"The prosecution called, it should be to inform him that the court has approved the witness application, and he is going to testify in court!"

"But Lawyer Bai, please rest assured that this Mr. Fang will definitely not testify in court. Xu Suyun will definitely do everything possible to mobilize him, but he will never change his mind!"

"So in the end, Xu Suyun will definitely put this account on my head, but it doesn't make sense!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and said confidently: "Who made her slow down? After all, time is in our favor. As long as this Mr. Fang has not received a formal notice, he is not a witness for the prosecution, so we don't need to talk about it." Disregarding witness protection treaties does not count as witness harassment."

"As expected of Lawyer Zhang, he is really amazing!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was so confident, Bai Meiqi couldn't help but nodded.

"However, by the way, is the browser's search history really that threatening?"

"Of course, for an otaku, browser search history is always the most threatening killer!"

As Zhang Wei said, he thought of his good friend Luo Xiaobu.

If the court says to disclose his browser search records, he might be ashamed and ashamed...

This thing is too lethal!

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