Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 355: Outstanding Warrior, Acupuncture Method

Martial arts tournament, at the scene.

"Oh Duo~"

"It was an amazing engagement, and once again refreshed our eyeballs!"

"Another female martial artist has won, let us congratulate Zhang Xinwu!"

On the stage, Zhang Xinwu raised her right hand high, declaring her victory to the surroundings.

His opponent fell under the ring, struggling to stand up while clutching his chest.

He knew that the blow from the woman on the ring just now actually controlled his strength, otherwise his chest would be shaken, and it would definitely not be as simple as falling out of the ring.

The woman on the stage is not only strong, but also full of martial arts!

The opponent was also in awe of Zhang Xinwu, couldn't help but nodded in admiration, and then left quickly.

As the host on the stage raised his arms and shouted, the atmosphere in the surrounding stands gradually became lively.

"Miss Wu is so good!"

"Yeah, you are worthy of being a martial arts instructor!"

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue also cheered and got up with excitement.

At the celebrity table.

"This girl doll is nice!"

"Especially the last blow, pay attention to one point, not only defeat the opponent, but also not hurt the opponent!"

"This is probably Wude. In a little girl, I saw the Wude that only a master can have!"

The three-person group of Daofoan, once again commented.

This time, the comments from the three of them were all positive, and they looked at Zhang Xinwu with approval.

"This female doll is not bad!" Master Huang also stroked his long gray beard and couldn't help saying.

After speaking, he looked at the seat next door.

"Hey hey..." The beggar smiled foolishly again.

"Master, it seems that you agree with it!" Master Huang seemed to understand what the beggar said, and agreed.

Zhang Xinwu won the game and returned to the waiting room.

The lounge is very large, or it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a lounge.

In the hall, Zhang Xinyan saw his sister appearing, and immediately came up to meet her.

"Old sister, you are too powerful, here, here are towels and water!"

Zhang Xinwu took out the towel and mineral water, and then asked: "Xiaoyan, my competition is over, it's up to you to play soon, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, old lady, I will definitely advance this time, otherwise I will broadcast the handstand washing hair live!"

"Go, don't set up any flags!"

Zhang Xinwu spat, and couldn't help but hit Zhang Xinyan's head.

"Zhang Xinyan, please prepare, the next round is up to you!" Suddenly, a staff member shouted.

"Sister, I'll go too!" Zhang Xinyan got excited immediately.

Watching her younger brother leave, Zhang Xinwu's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

She always felt that there seemed to be many things about to happen.

"Wu Renjie, may I ask if you are there?" Someone at work started shouting again.

In the corner of the lounge, a figure slowly got up.

He walked up to the staff in just a few steps, but his eyes locked on Zhang Xinwu's position, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Wu Renjie, please follow me. Next is the match between you and Zhang Xinyan!"

The staff led another contestant into the passage and walked towards the ring.

In the arena.

Under the yelling of the host, Zhang Xinyan was the first to walk into the scene.

the stands.

"Smelly brother is on stage?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Xinyan who came up, with no expectation on his face.

There are too many legends, you still expect a ghost.

Anyway, there is no gold content in the promotion path of the stinky brother.

In the end, it was not because of Hua Chaoli's ability to give up his qualifications that he was lucky enough to get the last ticket for the main match.

In professional terms, that is...

You, Zhang Xinyan, are all here to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, can he fight?

Can't fight, don't have the ability to know!

If there is no expectation for Zhang Xinyan, then there will be no disappointment.

So seeing Zhang Xinyan on stage, Zhang Wei even took out his phone and started chatting with other people.

[Zhang Wei: Miss Xiaowu's stinky younger brother is on stage, hehe...]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Not optimistic/curling lips】

[Xiao Baihe: Fist and embroidered legs, I second the proposal/lip curls]

【Jessica: It's a pity that I'm in the infirmary of the gymnasium, so I can't see what's going on in the main match venue/lip curls】

[Mo Yuzhu: @Zhang Wei, are you and Hanhan in the sponsor seats? I'm here to find you! 】

In the chat group, after seeing Mo Yuzhu @'s own message, Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

Aren't you in the VIP seat, why do you want to come to the sponsor seat?

[Xia Qianyue: Okay, okay, Yuzhu, come here, we Zhang Wei are in the corner of the sponsorship seat / cheering]

Zhang Wei was stunned. He didn't expect Xia Qianyue to reply to the message first.

At the same time, VIP seats.

"Dad, I'm going to meet up with my friends!"

Mo Yuzhu said something to a middle-aged man in a suit in the front row, and without waiting for a reply, he left the seat and went to the sponsorship seat.

The man just glanced sideways at the back of his daughter's leaving, without any fluctuation in expression.

Not long after, Mo Yuzhu left the VIP seat and joined Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, Hanhan, I..."

"Here we come!"

Unexpectedly, before Mo Yuzhu finished greeting, two more people came out from the sponsorship channel.

"Good guys, you are here too!"

Zhang Wei was stunned, because Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying also came.

"Let's say it first, it's Yingying who is coming to join you, it has nothing to do with me!"

As Xiao Baihe said, she pretended to be indifferent and walked to the side of Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, while Tan Yingying grabbed the corner of the former's clothes, trying not to expose herself to Zhang Wei's sight.

As for the sentence just now, she said that she didn't say it by herself, and it has nothing to do with her.

As for her shrinking behind Xiao Baihe, isn't this normal?

Although this is not a court, although the time is not a working day.

But being afraid of something like Zhang Wei doesn't matter when or where.

Suddenly there were three more girls, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

"Zhang Wei, do me a favor, I want some popcorn too!"

Suddenly, as if ordering Zhang Wei, Xiao Baihe pointed to the happy water and popcorn in his hand, with a smirk on his face.

Her eyes seemed to be crazily implying... No, this is already a clear indication.

I'm going to kill you Zhang Wei for a snack today.

"Old Xiao, I..."

"Zhang Wei, just buy a copy for someone~"

Zhang Wei wanted to refuse, but Xia Qianyue suddenly supported Xiao Baihe.


Someone curled his lips, he turned his elbow outside before he even passed the door, right?

"Zhang Wei, I want it too!" Mo Yuzhu on the side also raised her hand in a low voice.

"Then, I..." Tan Yingying shrank her body and poked her head out cautiously.


Zhang Wei was also speechless, either he didn't ask for it, or he asked for it all, right?

He got up out of love, ready to sell popcorn for these girls.

"Let us welcome contestant Wu Renjie to the stage!"

Just as he walked out of the sponsorship area, the host's voice rang in his ears.

"Wu Renjie, surname Wu?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, he suddenly thought of something that the second girl had mentioned.

There are five families in the East, and the Zhao family where Zhao Qingyan belongs is one of them, as well as the Hua family where Hua Chaofan is, the Lin family where Lin Xiangtian is, and the Wu family and the Zhang family.

This time a person surnamed Wu appeared, could it be one of the five great families?

"Maybe it's a coincidence..."

Shaking his head and dispelling these thoughts, Zhang Wei went straight to the commissary.

Five minutes later, when Zhang Wei returned with several barrels of popcorn, a bag of snacks and happy water, he found that Xia Qianyue and the others looked unhappy.

"What's the matter?"

After handing the snacks and popcorn to Tan Yingying and the others, he was puzzled.

"Your driver is going to lose!"

Xiao Baihe took the popcorn, then pointed to the stage.

"Isn't this normal?" Zhang Wei spread his hands.

It's not normal for the stinky brother to lose?

What level is he, haven't you figured it out yet?

"That's not the case. His opponent is not weak, but Zhang Xinyan should have lost long ago, but his opponent is torturing him!"


Hearing what Xia Qianyue said, Zhang Wei quickly looked towards the ring.

Seeing the two people in the competition, after fighting for a few moves, they separated quickly.

But the so-called fighting was nothing but Zhang Xinyan's unilateral beating.

All of his attacks were dodged by his opponent, but he had a few more bruises and blood marks after a round of fighting.

The corner of Zhang Xinyan's mouth was bleeding faintly, obviously the injury was serious.

And his opponent, Wu Renjie, was so calm and abusive.

"Boy, I've taken a fancy to your sister, let her be my woman!"

Suddenly, Wu Renjie communicated with Zhang Xinyan in a low voice with a voice that only the two on the field could hear.

"Don't even think about it!"

Hearing the words about her sister, Zhang Xinyan's eyes turned red and she was furious.

With a roar, he rushed towards his opponent like a crazy beast.

"Hmph, I don't know how to compliment, none of the women I Wu Renjie likes can escape!"

Wu Renjie sneered, his figure was just a dodge, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

Zhang Xinyan's swoops all attacked the afterimage, so they were naturally ineffective.

"Since you don't know good from bad, don't blame me!"

Wu Renjie saw that Zhang Xinyan didn't know how to flatter him, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

He loosened the five fingers of his right hand, and instead of making a fist, he pointed out three fingers.

With a movement of his body, he quickly approached Zhang Xinyan, pointed out with three fingers, and the target was the person in front of him.

Chi Chi Chi!

Blood flew, his clothes were torn, and three thin blood holes instantly appeared under Zhang Xinyan's ribs.

"Go to hell!"

The latter seemed to be a sense of taste, and with a flick of his hand, it almost brushed Wu Renjie's brow.


Wu Renjie was a little unhappy because he was almost hit, but when he saw the three fingers under Zhang Xinyan's ribs, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

Because this means that his plan has succeeded.

Next, is his favorite moment.

"You have already lost!"

Wu Renjie sneered, and left without looking back, as if he was about to step off the ring.

"Wu Renjie, the opponent hasn't fallen or surrendered yet. If you continue like this, you will be judged to lose!"

When the host saw this scene, he immediately shouted.

"No, he has already lost!"

But Wu Renjie didn't turn his head back, and lightly left a word.


This is naked pretense!

But when he reached the edge of the ring, Zhang Xinyan suddenly fell to the ground with a "plop", and lost consciousness.


This scene, even the referee standing on the edge of the ring, was unexpected.

He hurried up to the stage to check on Zhang Xinyan's condition.

When he found that Zhang Xinyan was still breathing but had no possibility of continuing to fight, he directly announced: "The winner is Wu Renjie!"

It wasn't until this moment that Wu Renjie stepped off the ring with one foot.

For a time, the audience boiled.

At least this force, he is pretending!

The audience around only felt that this outstanding martial artist was very masterful.

Young, good-looking, the key is to have great skills, and there is a way to make people lose their fighting power through the air.


Young master!

Such a person is what the Martial Arts Conference needs and can increase the ratings!

Unlike the cheers in the surrounding stands, the celebrity seats were very silent.

"Did you see everything?"

"I can see it!"

"Nonsense, as long as you are not blind, you can see it, right?"

The trio from Daofo Temple each sneered.

"The last move just now, if Huang is not mistaken, could it be..."

"You can't be wrong, that's the "Yin Acupuncture" technique! "

Before Master Huang finished speaking, the old beggar beside him suddenly stopped pretending to be stupid, and calmly analyzed a sentence.

"Master Hong, are you not pretending to be stupid?" Huang Tianhong immediately reminded him.

"Ah, oh...hehehe..."

After being interrupted by Huang Tianhong, the old beggar suddenly showed his trademark silly smile.

It turned out that he had been playing stupid all along!

But that's right, no matter how stupid the sponsor of the Martial Arts Conference is, it's impossible to choose a fool to be the celebrity of the platform, right?

"The Yin acupuncture method, this is a crooked method of evil spirits, but since the martial arts lord wiped out those families, he took all these insidious methods into his own hands under the pretext of 'being a future trouble'. I didn't expect his Among the juniors, there are actually some people who have learned these methods!"

Huang Tianhong stroked his beard again, his eyes lost the calmness of the past.

He knew that this martial arts leader was also a double-standard dog.

If other people use it, it will be a crooked way of evil spirits, and it will bring disaster to the martial arts world!

As a result, your own family used it, and then you said that martial arts are not good or bad, it depends on the character of the user and so on, a bunch of blah blah blah.

But this kind of insidious martial art is inherently harmful to the peace, but you still let your juniors practice it. Isn't this a double-standard dog?

"The key is that kid, he has been hit by Yin acupuncture without knowing it, and he will be in trouble next time!"

Huang Tianhong thought about it, and then thought of the scene of Zhang Xinyan being carried down, and felt a little worried.

There is a reason why the martial art of Yin Acupuncture is called evil and crooked.


at the same time.

Zhang Wei here.

"Smelly brother was eliminated in the first round like this?"

"Sure enough, you can't have any expectations of him, this kid is always a round trip!"

"Fortunately, I bet on you, Hanhan, if I bet on him, wouldn't it be a blood loss?"

He didn't know about Zhang Xinyan's situation, so he could only mutter a few words.

Xia Qianyue beside her frowned, with a little worry on her face.

Xiao Baihe, Mo Yuzhu and the others picked up the popcorn and stuffed it into their mouths.

Obviously, in their eyes, watching a game is not as interesting as eating popcorn and drinking happy water.

Zhang Wei also watched a few games in the next game, but felt that nothing was better than nothing.

However, Ta Mu, Ani, Captain Wu Yong and others also successfully advanced.

Then Zhang Wei took Xia Qianyue and left, because today's match was the first round, and tomorrow's match was the second and third round.

This was also what Xia Qianyue requested, she wanted to see Zhang Xinyan.


In the evening, inside Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

"Ahem, my chest hurts so much..."

Zhang Xinyan was lying on a bamboo mat, coughing blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, Xiaoyan, drink the medicine!"

Zhang Xinwu walked quickly with a bowl of hot soup.

After drinking the decoction, Zhang Xinyan's condition improved slightly.

But before the improvement lasted for a while, another mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and then he passed out in a coma.

"What's the matter, the medicine is useless?"

After taking Zhang Xinyan's pulse, Zhang Xinwu looked worried.

"Sister Wu, we're here to see him!"

Outside the door, Zhang Wei's voice sounded.

Zhang Wei brought Xia Qianyue to Zhang Xinyan's bedside.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xinyan did not wake up and continued to be in a coma.

"What's the matter with this kid, is he not cured after drinking the medicine?"

"Yeah, it seems that there is something wrong with Xiaoyan's body. As for the specific situation, I don't know too much!"

"Then don't send it to the hospital?"

"We have seen a doctor in the infirmary before, but the doctor can't do anything."

"Has Jessica seen it?"

"She can't see it."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Jessica used to be a surgeon, and your brother's condition is obviously an internal medicine problem!"

Zhang Wei slapped his head and forgot about it.

"Sister, I can't lose you!"

Just when the group was at a loss, the unconscious Zhang Xinyan suddenly yelled.

Zhang Wei and the others thought that Zhang Xinyan's condition had improved, but they didn't expect that after he yelled, his voice went silent again.

"This stinky brother, is he unsafe even if he's in a coma?" Zhang Wei was speechless.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

"What's the situation, the martial arts hall is not closed, who is so polite and knocks on the door?"

Zhang Wei looked at the door, only to see an acquaintance.

Liang Canguang, the big brother of Yangxintang, is here.

Zhang Wei walked out in a hurry, but Liang Canguang saw Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue appearing, with an extremely scared expression on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang... hello..."

He was still very afraid of Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, and his tone was a little trembling.

"Liang Canguang, what are you doing here?"

"I came here... because the master asked me to bring you some words..."

"Your master, Master Huang Tianhong?"

"Yes, Master asked me to tell you that what the kid is using is a vicious technique called 'Yin Acupuncture', which is a dark and vicious kung fu using true energy. If the recruiter does not remove this trick within seven days If you do this, the yin needle in your body will invade the heart meridian, so this trick is also called 'Yin acupuncture seven-day kill'!"

"Yin needle, kill in seven days?"

Zhang Wei frowned, and then immediately asked: "Is there a way to crack it?"

"The method of cracking is only known to the caster."

Liang Canguang said, explaining: "My master said, he thought that the method of Yin acupuncture would have been lost with the destruction of those evil ways, but he didn't expect that the old leader of the Wu family violated his original promise and let the younger generation practice it. Learn these insidious kung fu!"

"Oh, Wu family, please tell me in detail!"

Hearing Liang Canguang's explanation, Zhang Wei immediately caught something.

Liang Canguang received his master's instruction, so he knew everything, and quickly told all these old things.

After hearing these grievances and grievances in martial arts, Zhang Wei looked indifferent.

Anyway, these things are far away from him.

All he cared about was how to heal this stinky brother's injury.

He doesn't want to lose a driver who can call him around!

Recommend a book, "I don't accept anyone as a matchmaker" by Er Snake

PS: This is the first novel on the whole network that focuses on matchmaking. It has good ideas and big brains. It is worth reading! The author himself is also a bigwig in the top ten of the new book list, an old author with a starting point, and his character is guaranteed!

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