Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 356 Victory without a fight? Wude is abundant!

The next day, morning.

"Brother, I will definitely avenge you, and at the same time, I will also help you find the means to break the acupuncture technique!"

Looking at Zhang Xinyan, who was still unconscious on the bamboo mat, Zhang Xinwu's face was heavy.

Seven days to kill, Zhang Xinyan has only six days since he was recruited yesterday.

"Don't worry, Miss Xiao Wu, even if you don't make a move, I will still make that Wu Renjie look good!"

Xia Qianyue at the side hurriedly chimed in, and Zhang Wei also nodded.

If it weren't for the fact that "true qi" is really mysterious and mysterious, modern science can't explain it.

He can't guarantee that he will collect enough evidence to sue Wu Renjie for attempted murder, and sue the other party for being jailed.

But now, all I can say is...

Rivers and lakes matter rivers and lakes slightly!

The three of them set off together to the martial arts conference site.

Compared with yesterday, today's city gymnasium is even more lively.

Not only because there are no speeches by leaders or sponsors today, but also because today's competition will start in the morning.

Yesterday was the end of the first round of the competition, but today is the competition for the first place in the Martial Arts Tournament and the first place in the world.

Of course, this so-called number one in the world is just a gimmick of the conference.

According to gossip, the former martial arts leader will also appear, and the person who wins the first place in the competition is eligible to challenge the martial arts leader.

If he wins against the old alliance leader, he will be truly number one in the world.

As a participant of the No. 1 Martial Arts Association in the world, it would be very lucky if I could witness the birth of the Martial Arts Leader.

This also attracted many martial arts enthusiasts, even players who had been defeated before, to watch the match. The entire gymnasium was almost completely surrounded early in the morning.

And because it was the weekend, there were more people here than yesterday, and the streets outside the gymnasium were almost completely blocked.

When Zhang Wei and the others came out of the subway, they happened to see Mo Yuzhu and Xiao Baihe who had also just arrived.

A few people meet up and walk naturally through the sponsor channel.

As a result, Zhang Wei found a few acquaintances when he walked to the sponsorship table.

"Yo ho, old iron, you are here too, and you brought Xiaomeng and Xiaoli?"

Among the friends from the criminal department, apprentice Lao Tie and Xiao Li also came, and the three of them had already prepared snacks and drinks.

"I'm here to cheer for Team Lin today!" Tie Ruyun scratched her head in embarrassment, her face turning red.

"Master, we are also here to cheer for you!"

The little apprentice on the side also waved his hand with excitement on his face.


Zhang Wei pointed to himself, "Farewell, I won't be on stage again!"

"Then we will support whoever you support!"

"It's okay..."

Since the little apprentices have said so, Zhang Wei also thinks it is reasonable.

"Sister Xiaowu, Hanhan, you go over there, I will cheer you on!"

Let Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue go to prepare, while Zhang Wei took Xiao Baihe, the little apprentice and others, and sat on the sponsorship table.

At the same time, the players rest hall.

After Zhang Xinwu came here, she looked around, obviously searching for someone.

Soon, he was around the corner and saw the target.


Zhang Xinwu took Xia Qianyue closer to the target.

But when the opponent was less than 5 steps away, many people around the target stood up.

These are not players, but they are the opponent's dogs.

"Stop, don't get close to the young master without permission!" A bodyguard in a suit immediately stopped in front of Zhang Xinwu with a warning face.

"Step aside!"


"Then don't blame me..."

"Hey, what are you doing, I didn't see the beauties coming to me, let them come over!"

Just when the atmosphere was tense and Zhang Xinwu couldn't help but want to do it, the martial artist inside laughed.

The bodyguard stepped aside, Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue saw the real master.

"Beauty, I didn't expect you to come by more than one person, and you brought one with you. Is this a plan to buy one and get one free?"

When Wu Renjie saw Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue appear, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Yin acupuncture, you hit my brother?"

"You knew already?"

Hearing Zhang Xinwu directly express his intention, Wu Renjie was a little surprised.

However, when he thought that there were so many people at the scene, and there were a few veterans sitting in the seats of celebrities, he was relieved.

It must have been revealed by those old things. They were all defeated by my grandpa. They were not convinced when they lost, so they secretly communicated with these girls.

But this is also good, and save myself explaining.

"That's right, I did it, but the martial arts competition is out of control. The fists and feet are speechless, and the sword hurts people. That's too much. My young master is just in the competition, out of control. After using such a trick, how can you bear me?"

After Wu Renjie made this moment, he was quite embarrassing and arrogant.

"By the way, I heard that he is your younger brother, right? In order to save your younger brother, are you willing to sacrifice yourself?"

As he said, he glanced at Zhang Xinwu's exquisite curves, and then showed a very satisfied smile.

"I believe that you don't want your brother to have something to do, do you?"

"You really are shameless. You beat Miss Xiao Wu's brother, and you still use such clumsy excuses to threaten you. You are a scum!"

Wu Renjie's shamelessness annoyed Xia Qianyue, and he immediately reprimanded him.

"Yo ho, another beautiful woman, you... your breasts are too small!"

When Wu Renjie saw Xia Qianyue open his mouth, he wanted to appreciate this at the same time, but when he saw that the latter had no material on his chest, he couldn't help complaining.

"Hahaha, what the young master said is true!"

"This is the airport!"

"It's such a pretty face, what a pity, what a pity!"

The bodyguards around also laughed, as if they were trying to please their young master, they all started to mock.


Xia Qianyue's face was annoyed, and she couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly, making a gesture to strike.

"Sister Xiaoxia, hold back!"

Zhang Xinwu hurriedly stopped her, she was afraid that if Xia Qianyue really wanted to do something, it would be over.

Although she knew that once Xia Qianyue made a move, this group of people, including Wu Renjie, might not be able to stop her.

But Xia Qianyue herself will also lose her qualifications, so she must exercise restraint.

"Okay, then let's decide the winner in the ring. If I win, you have to tell me how to break Yin acupuncture!"

"That depends on you winning!"

Wu Renjie sneered, "Don't forget, your brother's life is still in my hands, so I don't believe you won't submit obediently!"

Zhang Xinwu took Xia Qianyue away, she obviously didn't want to see Wu Renjie again.

Wu Renjie is full of confidence, but he hasn't used all his methods yet.

He didn't pay attention to Zhang Xinwu, who was just a mere Zhang Xinwu.

His goal is to take the first place in the Martial Arts Conference, and then take this opportunity to make a big splash and let the entire East know that their martial arts family is powerful.

The Wu family is also one of the five great families.

And he, a martial artist, will become a representative of the rising stars of the Eastern Capital in the near future.

In this case, before "that person" comes back, he can draw the attention of the entire upper circle of Dongfang Metropolis as much as possible.


The martial arts tournament started again.

And today's schedule will be quite tight.

The second round, the third round, and even the fourth and fifth rounds until the final winner emerges.

These will end today.

That is to say, today we can see the appearance of No. 1 in the martial arts competition.

In the first game, someone familiar to Zhang Wei took the stage.

"Ani, the serious crime team of the investigation department, is invited to come on stage!"

"Of course her opponent is not simple, it is Xia Qianyue who still maintains the record of winning without fighting!"

Following the host's announcement, Ani and Xia Qianyue stepped onto the stage.


Seeing Xia Qianyue, A Ni's face, which was already darkened, became black beyond borders.

I met this guy in the second round, how do I fight?

All I can say is, bad luck!

So the moment the host announced the start of the competition, Ani raised her hand.

"I surrender!"

Xia Qianyue curled her lips, and walked off the ring with a dull face.

Ani also sighed and left as well.

In the arena, only the host looked bewildered.

The referee at the edge of the ring also couldn't hold back anymore, with a melancholy expression on his face.

"Good guy, is it the Wude Bureau again?"

Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the sponsorship seat, couldn't bear it anymore.

I was really just talking yesterday, I didn't ask you all to talk about martial arts with Hanhan, but you did it for a symbolic fight?

At that time, everyone who meets Xia Qianyue will surrender, then it will be a lot of fun.

From the beginning to the end of Xia Qianyue's competition, there was not even a second, so the next pair of contestants came on stage soon.

After a few more combinations, it was finally the turn of Zhang Wei's acquaintance.

"The two contestants this time are also incredible. Captain Wu Yong of the Investigation Division Serious Case Group 7, and his opponent is also from the Investigation Department, Captain Lei Hu of the Serious Case Group 1!"

Wu Yong came to the stage, but his eyes were serious.

Although he is very confident in his skills, his opponent is also not an ordinary person, and it is still the Thunder team.

The prestige of the Tiger of the Serious Crime Squad is not for nothing.

The battle between the two is naturally a battle between dragons and tigers.

It's a pity that the tiger was even better in the end!

Wu Yong and Lei Hu fought for a hundred rounds, and finally was hit in the chest by Lei Hu's palm, and he was blown out of the ring.

Thunder Tiger narrowly won.

Cheers erupted from the stands, and many people also saw the strength of the serious crime team, and the hearts of ordinary people were relieved a lot.

After all, they are all guarded by such powerful members of the serious crimes team, can you not be reassured?

This is also the purpose of the martial arts association to send Leihu and the others, to let the public see the strength of the serious crime team.

For the next competition, Zhang Wei didn't pay much attention, but he watched the matches of some acquaintances.

Zhang Xinwu defeated her opponent in the second round and won easily.

Ta Mu's luck was very bad. When he met Lin Ruonan, if his own people didn't beat his own people, Ta Mu immediately gave up.

Zhang Wei recalled that although Ta Mu looked like a rough guy, it seemed that the rules of the grassland were not to use force against women, so in terms of principle, Ta Mu still maintained his original intention.

This also relieved Tie Ruyun on the side. He thought he would see Lin Ruonan in a hard fight, but he won without a fight.

After that, Zhang Wei's master Zhagu, his mentor and his disciples, also appeared, and they all defeated their opponents.

Especially Master Zaku, with his ability to control Qi by blasting the enemy through the air with one hand, coupled with his image of a hermit master, won the applause of many people.

Even the five judges in the celebrity seats nodded their heads "pretentiously" to express their approval on the scene.

But they are complaining in their hearts, it's fine that you are from abroad, and you are bullying a group of children, so shameless.

If we can't see it, you have decades of skill, is it interesting to bully a group of brats who can't even use their energy?

In the field of martial arts, old age actually has advantages, especially in internal energy cultivation.

The so-called boxing is afraid of the young, and the old master may overturn the car. They are all exaggerated and superficial, so they can't hold the young people's fists.

If you really meet a master with decades of skill, he will use the dark energy and true energy in his body to deform the iron plate with a single palm. No matter how muscular you are, you can't hold it back, right?

Therefore, in the eyes of these masters, Master Zaku is bullying people by relying on his age and strength.

In the end, the samurai was outstanding.

It's a pity that his opponent was not strong this round, and he took care of him in two or three hits.

Not only that, but his attack was also not serious. His opponent not only coughed up blood in public, but also broke several ribs, and his hands and feet were fractured to varying degrees.

Cruel and ruthless!

This is the impression Wu Renjie gave people.

Of course, if you know what he has done, then he has a sinister, cunning and unscrupulous character.

The second round ends and the third round begins.

Xia Qianyue was the first to take the stage again, and her opponent was...

"I didn't expect that I would meet you Xiaoxia!"

Lin Ruonan looked at Xia Qianyue who was standing opposite, with a helpless face.

She also has confidence in her own strength, except for the captain Lei Hu, she is not afraid of anyone.

But except for some bugs!

Among all the contestants in the martial arts competition, there is only one person who can be called a bug, and that is Xia Qianyue in front of him.

If she and Lei Hu can still fight, then the contest with Xia Qianyue is really an egg hitting a rock, and there is absolutely no chance of winning.

So when the host announced that the two female investigators of the serious crime team and the two heroines were going to fight.

The audience was cheering, hoping to see the two women fighting, one of the heroines raised his hand directly.

"I surrender!"

Not surprisingly, Lin Ruonan chose to abstain after weighing the pros and cons.

This scene shocked everyone's jaws again.


In the stands, Zhang Wei also sprayed directly.

"Ahem, cough, do you want to talk about martial arts like that!?"

He couldn't help complaining, Xia Qianyue was in the third round, so she didn't make a move, and she won without fighting, right?

The highest level of martial arts convincing people with virtue is really just me joking and talking about it casually.

Why do you two seem to have made an agreement?

It's still a competition, if everyone surrenders like you, wouldn't it be worthless to watch?

Many people in the audience booed and expressed their dissatisfaction.

We spend money to buy tickets to watch the dragon fight, not to see you show martial arts.

But the audience complained about it, and the game still had to continue.

In this third round, there were naturally more interesting matches.

Apart from Xia Qianyue winning the first match without a fight, Zhang Xinwu's opponent was actually Zhubianzi, the second disciple of Master Zhagu who had defeated Zhang Xinyan.

After a fight between the two, Zhang Xinwu used her body skills to avoid the bamboo whip's stunt "five consecutive whips of lightning", and then took advantage of the gap between the opponent's moves and defeated her opponent with one palm.

Of course, Zhang Xinwu spent a lot of energy in this battle, and there were a few red marks on his body and hands, which were all caused by the attack of the bamboo whip.

And next, Bamboo Whip's brother, Hei Jingang, encountered Wu Renjie.

Hei King Kong was surprised because Wu Renjie was his target.

But he still underestimated the young master of the martial arts family. Although the opponent's methods were cruel, his strength was indeed not weak.

Although King Kong relied on his physique, he had some advantages at the beginning.

But Wu Renjie relied on the use of true qi, as well as insidious moves such as Yin acupuncture, to forcefully consume Hei King Kong to exhaustion.

In the end, Hei Jingang's burly body was unwilling to fall down, Wu Renjie was only slightly out of breath, and he should be able to recover after a short breath adjustment.

As for Lei Hu, the only second representative of the serious crime team, he also advanced, and Master Zaku also easily defeated another opponent, showing his superior demeanor.

If Xia Qianyue hadn't made a move from the beginning to the end, Master Zaku might be the easiest one among all the contestants.

In this way, three or four rounds of the competition have passed, until now it happens to be the fifth round.

"I would like to invite Xia Qianyue, a member of the serious crime team, who has won the competition with abundant martial arts virtues since the competition!"

The host seemed to know the word "Wu De", and directly boasted that Xia Qianyue was the biggest dark horse of this conference.

"And her opponent is the favorite to win this tournament, a master from foreign martial arts circles, Master Zaku!"

Following the host's announcement, Master Zaku sighed and stepped onto the stage step by step.

"This time, this girl is doomed!"

"Once Grandmaster makes a move, it's impossible for her to win easily again, right?"

"Master Zaku is a teacher with decades of skill, that girl is probably dead!"

"What do you mean by guessing? I don't have to fight this game, so I surrendered!"

In the stands, many spectators complained.


At the sponsorship table, Zhang Wei looked at the two people on the stage. They stopped eating popcorn and drinking happy water.

Is it such a coincidence?

He couldn't help complaining crazily in his heart, because he had already guessed the result.

"Then, please take your place, and the competition will officially begin!"

Following the host's announcement, Xia Qianyue put up a martial artist's gesture and was ready to make a move.

But Master Zaku was faster, he crossed his arms and performed the etiquette of his hometown.

"The strength of this little friend, I am ashamed of the master, so I will let you win with the etiquette of your country!"

At this moment, there seemed to be a light of righteousness shining on Master Zaku's face.


If I don't make a move, it won't count as my loss!

You want me to say that I'm not as good as Xia Qianyue, but I didn't admit anything!

What is my name? This is called Wude!

I am quite old, and I disdain to bully other young people, this is called abundant martial arts!

Hey, slip away!

Master Zhagu surrendered and jumped off the ring without looking back.

The audience was silent, no one could believe this scene.

The favorites to win the championship all gave up the game directly, and this still depends on the game of the ball.


There must be something shady here!

Could this Xia Qianyue be the investor's woman?

But isn't this the show business circle? Why are people still praising her like this?

From the beginning of the game until now, he has never made a single shot, but he can reach the semi-finals all the way?

Even the five people in the celebrity table all had weird faces.

This Master Zaku, why did you give up?

No matter how powerful that girl is, she can't possibly threaten your decades of skill, right?

Could it be that there is really a shady scene here?

Even these celebrities are doubting the fairness of the competition.

And Master Zaku obviously wouldn't explain to them that he did this entirely to save his life.

He has now slipped away with two apprentices!

Another chapter is to push a book, "Vice President Deyun, Starting from Quitting the Mainstream" by Snow Champagne

"Uncle! Uncle! Tell us the story of how you assisted Master through several crises in the Deyun Society, angered traitors, and taught all the brothers to be horns!"

"Hehe, if we want to talk about this, we have to start from the cross talk sketch contest held by Yang Ma in 2003. The contestants in that year included me, Jia Ling, Tao'er, and your uncle Qian, your master, Uncle Qian is the third prize, but I regret that I only won the first prize..."

Many years later, at a party in the Deyun Club, under the expectant eyes of the actors of Yunhe Jiuxiao, Chen Huanyu lit a cigarette leisurely, and spoke very modestly.

PS: The author under the name of the operating officer Baili, readers who like cross talk themes, please give it a try!

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