Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 357 The semi-finals, is there really something shady?


In the afternoon, the time is approaching evening.

After a whole day of competition, the martial arts tournament finally came to the final stage.

"Oh duo, today's competition has come to the final stage!"

"After fierce competition, the four on stage are our finalists."

The host raised his hand, pointed to the four contestants on the ring, and began to introduce them respectively.

"They are respectively, the representative of 'Wu De' contestant Xia Qianyue who won the match without making a single move from the beginning to the end. The opponents were photographed by her martial arts deterrence and had to abstain."




Hearing Xia Qianyue's name, the audience booed.

As for the reason for the audience's booing, the host has already said it all.

Since the competition, all the opponents have abstained, and no one has really made a move.

The audience at the scene called the game shady.

The host also heard the boos at the scene, but he, who has experienced big scenes, chose to ignore them and continued to broadcast with his voice.

"In an invincible posture, crushing opponents all the way, and also Captain Lei Hulei from the serious crime team like Xia Qianyue!"

"Tiger King!"

"Tiger King!"

"Tiger King!"

Because of Leihu's strength, the word "tiger" was in his name, so the audience gave him the nickname "Tiger King".

Of course, some people actually know that the Tiger King doesn't have a good reputation.

"You fart!"

Lei Hu watched the host introduce himself, and cursed inwardly.

I don't like the title of "Tiger King", this nima is not human at first sight.

Of course the host couldn't hear Tiger King... Oh, no, Captain Lei Hu complained inwardly.

He hurried to the third contestant and introduced: "The third contestant is also a heroine. This female contestant is the instructor Zhang Xinwu from Zhang's Martial Arts Academy in the Eastern Capital!"


"This is my wife!"

"Nonsense, she is my child's mother!"

"Do you have kids, you single dog?"

"Then you can't have a baby with her!"

Many male spectators at the scene cheered, after all, there are not many female warriors who are both good-looking and capable of fighting.

Zhang Xinwu not only has outstanding looks, but also has a good figure after practicing martial arts, and because of her outstanding performance before, she has already accumulated a lot of fans.

If it is normal, Zhang Xinwu must be very happy, and will take the opportunity to come up with a wave of advertisements to make Zhang's Martial Arts famous.

But now, all her attention was focused on the fourth contestant beside her.

"Next, is the biggest dark horse of this competition, the heir from a hidden family, Wu Renjie!"

"This is the real favorite to win the championship!"

"Handsome and capable of fighting, he must be the default champion. The sponsor of the Martial Arts Conference will definitely choose him as the face representative!"

"That's not necessarily true. The two female contestants before are not equally good-looking?"

"Anyway, I don't care, I support this martial artist!"

"Then I support Zhang Xinwu!"

The audience started to discuss heatedly. Some people already guessed that the person who is most likely to win the championship is either Wu Renjie or Zhang Xinwu.

As for Lei Hu and Xia Qianyue, it should be over.

A person who is powerful, but whose background represents the martial arts association and who is in the serious crime team, it should be impossible for him to win the championship.

Because after winning the championship, the sponsors will give endorsement contracts, and the leader of the serious crime team will not have the time to film movies, or even endorse advertising contracts.

In the same way, Xia Qianyue should not be able to, of course Xia Qianyue can resign and concentrate on accepting commercials as an artist, but the premise is to win the competition.

And Xia Qianyue hadn't fought since the first match, so no one knew how strong she was.

How can a person whose strength is unknown and who may have a shady background win the championship?

Don't be ridiculous!

If such a delicate little girl with slender arms and legs could win the championship, they would eat the chair they were sitting on today without adding any seasoning!

Many people have even set up all kinds of weird flags that lie about eating and drinking.

This also shows that Xia Qianyue's chances of winning the championship are really low, and they are all pessimistic about it.

They believed that the one most likely to win the championship was between Zhang Xinwu and Wu Renjie.

"Next, let's draw lots to decide the final opponent!"

"Everyone, please watch the big screen!"

The so-called lottery is not drawing bamboo sticks, but is done by a computer system.

Anyway, there are only four people, fighting in pairs, and there is no other possibility.

Soon, the lottery will be completed.

The first group was Xia Qianyue vs. Lei Hu, and the second group naturally only had Zhang Xinwu vs. Wu Renjie.

"Is this little girl?"

Seeing the lottery result, Lei Hu's eyes flashed a strangeness.

Just before the start, Lin Ruonan found him, and gave him a word of advice.

"Captain, be careful with Xia Qianyue, she is the strongest of the remaining three, and may be much, much stronger than you!"

Strong, and much, much stronger than himself, this is simply a joke.

Although Lin Ruonan is not a person who knows how to make jokes, Lei Hu takes it as a joke.

"Little girl, don't think that I will give Wu Yong face, I even beat him up, and you are naturally even more careless!"


Facing Lei Hu's provocation, Xia Qianyue simply responded.

On the other side, Zhang Xinwu looked at Wu Renjie with high fighting spirit.

"Finally I can deal with you. Not only do I want to avenge my brother, but I also want to defeat you, and force me to find out the method of cracking Yin acupuncture from your hand!"

"Beauty, it depends on your ability, but if you really want to save your brother, you might as well be my young lady!"

Until now, Wu Renjie was full of self-confidence, and even sarcastically and teased him.


Zhang Xinwu snorted coldly and didn't intend to continue answering.

"Okay, please prepare the two contestants in the first group, and the contestants in the second group can go to the side to rest, and the competition will begin immediately!"

Zhang Xinwu and Wu Renjie stepped off the stage, leaving the ring to Xia Qianyue and Lei Hu.

The atmosphere at the scene also became dignified.

At the celebrity table.

"Tell me, who is better in this round of competition?"

"Although this big guy is good at practicing kung fu, has a strong physique, and is full of evil spirits, why do I think that little girl will win?"

"I think so too. This big man's horizontal kung fu is amazing, but external kung fu is external kung fu after all, and a real warrior depends on inner kung fu after all!"

The three-person group of Daofoan expressed their opinions again.

Both the Taoist priest and the monk glanced at Xia Qianyue, but they couldn't see anything.

The nun glanced at Lei Hu, her brows were furrowed, and she was a little pessimistic.

"Master Hong, what do you think of this round of competition?"


"You mean, you also like that little girl?"



On Huang Tianhong's side, he was chatting with the beggar.

Obviously the beggar didn't say much, he was just pretending to be crazy, but Huang Tianhong understood and nodded in agreement from time to time.

At the sponsorship seat, Zhang Wei also stood up excitedly.

"Hanhan is finally going to get real!"

"That's not right, have I ever seen Hanhan really do it, she doesn't seem to use all her strength once..."

"That was the first time she was handling a case. She seemed to be fighting gangsters, but it was her first time fighting someone with a murder weapon. She probably had no experience. If that time wasn't counted..."

"That's right, Hanhan has never used all his strength."

Zhang Wei found that Xia Qianyue seemed to have never encountered an opponent who could fight with all her strength.

I don't know if Lei Hu can stimulate Xia Qianyue's full fighting power this time.

All in all, including Zhang Wei, everyone's eyes were focused on the ring.

"The competition begins!"

Following the host's announcement, the two on stage each made preparations.

"Drink!" Lei Hu yelled loudly, and stepped out with his right foot violently.

The figure is like a Tyrannosaurus rex, rampaging, rushing towards the opponent with absolute crushing momentum.

Although Lei Hu doesn't know martial arts, he doesn't know inner martial arts.

But he understands a truth better, that is, in the face of absolute power, all moves are meaningless.

That's why Lei Hu didn't care about other things, he just wanted to end the fight with one punch.

Of course, judging from the strength with which he could smash the interrogation table with one punch, and the strength of Xia Qianyue's body, he only used 70% of his strength in this punch.

The strength of Xia Qianyue and the interrogation table, according to common sense, is naturally better than the latter.

With 70% of the strength, the interrogation table will probably be broken, but not completely broken!

So Lei Hu punched out, he was full of confidence.

When Xia Qianyue saw Lei Hu's attack, she felt that the captain of the serious case 1 team was so slow, she was about to yawn.

And not only is the speed slow, but the strength is also weak.

"What should I do, should I avoid it, or next, give others a little face?"

She was already thinking about whether to save some face for Lei Hu, or just avoid it without saving face.

But her brain capacity is not big, once she thinks about things, she will be distracted.

So much so that after thinking about it, Lei Hu approached him.

"Oh, it's too late to hide!"

Sensing that the fist wind had already hit her face, Xia Qianyue secretly said helplessly.

Think about things, and forget the time.

She could only raise her palm and make a hard catch.

"You want to parry my attack, are you courting death?"

Seeing Xia Qianyue raising his hand to block, Lei Hu instinctively wanted to reduce his strength from 70% to 50%, so that at least he wouldn't have to kill anyone.

But he found that he couldn't hold it anymore, because the distance was too close and there was no room for manipulation.


This little girl's hands are about to break, and she's even about to lose her life!


The fists and palms of the two collided, and the air around them exploded.


Then there was a slight bone cracking sound, and someone's hand seemed to be broken, or broken.

Lei Hu looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. He had struck with almost 70% of his body's strength just now, but the person on the other side didn't move at all.

This unscientific!

No, this is not in line with ergonomics and the laws of mechanics, right?

Why do I use up so much power, but you are fine?


Bark! Bark!

Lei Hu looked at his right arm, not only the bones were trembling, but also the skin cracked and blood dripped from the fist and the knuckles of the fingers.

He was injured, or his entire right arm was temporarily useless.

"It's a neutralizing force, and it's a very high-level neutralizing force!"

Suddenly, someone shouted from the sidelines.

"Suppressing power?"

"Reduce force!"

The audience followed the prestige and saw that those watching the game were all players who had been eliminated before.

"It must be energy neutralization. I heard that only extremely talented martial arts masters can master this kind of high-end combat skills. At the moment when the opponent attacks, use the coordination of the whole body to dissolve the force, and transfer the opponent's huge attack power to other opponents. somewhere!"

"Look at that girl, although she didn't move a single step, most of the plank of the ring under her feet has been broken. What does this mean? It means that she transferred all the opponent's attack power to her feet!"

The knockouts and spectators all followed the prestige, and they saw that the arena under Xia Qianyue's feet was about to shatter.

In an instant, they all "understood".

This girl doesn't seem to be strong, but she can "eliminate strength" with one hand, which is considered amazing.

They all know about the four or two moves.

For a moment, many people felt sorry for Lei Hu.

You are obviously a powerful player, but you meet someone who restrains you. Isn't this clearly being targeted?

But their opinions are very different from those of the celebrities.

"What are these people talking about? What kind of power reduction, is there such a thing?"

"Although it sounds decent, I just think they are noisy!"

"Hehe, it's clear that the big man didn't penetrate the girl's defense. Why did he become a means of 'neutralizing force' in the eyes of these laymen? In the words of their young people, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" blow?"

The three-person group of Daofoan once again complained collectively.

Please, can you look more carefully even if you are embarrassed.

The arena was shattered by the girl's foot before Lei Hu attacked.

It was only after Lei Hu's attack arrived that the girl hardly moved a single step, blocking at least 70% of the opponent's blow with just one hand.

What else are you talking about?

People don't use skills, okay, just go straight to the next, simple and simple, there is no fancy at all.

This is the Martial Arts Conference, excessive interpretation is prohibited!

In the arena.

Lei Hu was also in an embarrassing situation at the moment.

He found that he couldn't help Xia Qianyue, and even, he might suffer.

"Captain Lei, are you still fighting?" At this moment, Xia Qianyue spoke.

If you still can't type this sentence, it's like asking Lei Hu again, if you're still coming, I'll make a move if you don't come, and you'll be in danger when the time comes!


A naked threat!

But others have the capital of threat.

Lei Hu's right hand is almost useless now, and the viscera in his body are also shocked by the blow just now, and they also hurt a little.

It was too much for him to endure the internal injuries while fighting against the captain, a formidable enemy whose strength was unknown.

After decades of law enforcement, Lei Hu has encountered various powerful enemies, but none of them are as strong as Xia Qianyue today, which caused him a lot of pressure.

Just a few seconds after Xia Qianyue asked the question, Lei Hu finally made an on-the-spot decision after going through a battle between heaven and man.

"I surrender!"

These three words seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body, and they were squeezed out from his jaw.

After saying these three words, Lei Hu's expression was decadent, with a hint of helplessness and unwilling surrender to reality.

He conceded, as the captain of Team 1 of the Serious Crime Squad, the tiger of the Serious Crime Squad, unexpectedly surrendered to a little girl.


At this moment, the host was also confused.

What's your situation?

Throw in the towel again?

How many is this?

If this continues, let alone the live audience, there will also be the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even I have to doubt whether there is something inside our martial arts conference.

Why did you all choose to surrender when facing that little girl one by one.

Especially you, Lei Hu, you are the master of the crime team, you just punched him, made a little sense of it, and then surrendered?

You don't pay attention to the audience, you don't pay attention to the referee, and you don't pay attention to me, the host.

It seems that Wen Tailai, my thunder hand, is going to do it myself today?

The host's heart was full of turmoil. A heart that had been silent for a long time suddenly started beating.

He swears that if one side voluntarily admits defeat in this final, he will end himself!

But now, not yet that time.

"Ahem, in view of Captain Lei Hu's abstention, now I announce that the team that advances to the final is contestant Xia Qianyue!"

Xia Qianyue once again advanced to the final with the attitude of winning without a fight.

The audience at the scene all cursed the shady.

They also left behind the so-called power reduction theory before.

What stilling power?

What kind of martial arts conference, isn't there a lot of shady scenes?

The sponsor made it clear that they want to support a girl, what can they do?

Don't talk about it, hurry up and post on Moments, post a V blog, and complain about the inside story of the martial arts conference!

Just when the audience couldn't help but want to complain collectively, Xia Qianyue had already stepped off the ring as a winner and a promotion.

"Congratulations, little sister Xiaoxia!"

"Miss Wu, I look forward to meeting you in the final!"

"Well, I'm looking forward to it too, but I still have things to do now!"

After Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue finished speaking, they stepped onto the ring.

"Oh Duo, the second round of this final match is now underway, they are contestant Zhang Xinwu and contestant Wu Renjie!"

Following the introduction by the host, the two of the second round entered the ring.

Zhang Xinwu and Wu Renjie looked at their opponents with different eyes.

"Finally it's our turn. I want to seek revenge from you, but I have been waiting for a long time!"

"Beauty, you don't want your brother to have something to do, do you?"

"If there is even a slight mistake in Xiaoyan, I will definitely demand your life!"

"Very well, I like strong-tempered women, it must be a pleasure to conquer you!"

"Then you'd better be careful, I might kill you!"

"It's a joke, I'm a martial artist, I'm not afraid of heaven, I'm not afraid of earth, even if the king of heaven comes, I have to give in to me!"

When the two faced each other, each spoke harsh words.

The host didn't expect that the two would actually have a grudge.

But he complained in his heart, how can you two be so aggressive?

You want to chat, right? After you finish playing, find a place to chat. You can chat for as long as you want.

But now, he's about to announce it.

"Please prepare yourselves, the competition will officially begin!"

With the host shouting loudly, the competition began.

All eyes were on the ring, and many spectators prayed in their hearts.

This time, there must be no inside story of surrender. We just want to watch a game, so don't mess around.

Similarly, Zhang Wei and the others in the stands also became nervous.

Because the opponent Zhang Xinwu faced this time was quite difficult.

"Sister Xiaowu, if you can't beat me, don't be brave, let Hanhan come!"

Similarly, Zhang Wei was quite worried about Zhang Xinwu's situation.

He knew that this person would definitely grit his teeth and hold on, wanting to avenge his younger brother himself.

The result is not good!

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