Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 362 Mere Xu Zhifeng, many pressures? (guide reading plus more)

Longteng International Office.

Qin Shaocong put down the document in his hand and looked at Xu Zhifeng in front of him.

"You did a stupid thing!"

Although there were only a few simple words, these words made Xu Zhifeng feel a chill.

"Young Master Qin, I..."

"You don't need to explain, I know you are only at this level!"

Qin Shaocong snorted coldly, losing interest.

He knew the level of the person in front of him, and it was almost impossible to be an ace lawyer.

In the previous promise, he was only interested in the fact that if the other party could defeat Zhang Wei, it would improve the reputation of Longteng International.

Xu Zhifeng is indeed a bit smart, otherwise it would be impossible to enter the top ten.

But this can only be said to be clever, and he cannot be on the stage.

For example, this time, guiding public opinion, spending money to buy popular searches to put pressure on Zhang Wei, to interfere with the jury, are all routines.

But instead, Zhang Wei used it, and even affected the judge's feelings towards you, which is not worth the candle.

"Didn't you expect that Zhang Wei could use the trending search you bought in turn to come up with a solution in a short period of time?"

"Young Master Qin, I admit that this Zhang Wei is quite capable, but I..."

"It's called a bit of skill, don't you think he's nothing special?"

Qin Shaocong sneered again, "Although there is a saying that you despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically, but now you only have contempt, but you don't pay any attention!"

It's not bad to despise Zhang Wei.

At least you won't be afraid of him anymore, you can let go and fight him.

But at least you need to know that if this kid can be the ace lawyer of Jincheng, the top ten firm, he must be capable.

You can't treat people as fools, can you?

Look at you, the public opinion trick has been used by the opponent. If you still underestimate your opponent now, you will lose badly.

Xu Zhifeng's eyes turned, and he immediately admitted his mistake: "Young Master Qin, I know, I know what to do!"

"That's fine, you go!" Qin Shaocong waved his hand and sent the other party away.

Watching Xu Zhifeng leave, his expression was not much better.

"Did Zhang Wei show his confidence in the first confrontation? It seems that he should have been prepared."

"By the way, a mere Xu Zhifeng, who gave him the courage to challenge Zhang Wei, himself?"

Qin Shaocong also noticed the problem, why Xu Zhifeng suddenly provoked Zhang Wei, it was simply unreasonable.

Although Long Teng is not afraid of Jincheng, Qin Shaocong thinks he is no weaker than Zhang Wei.

But that's him too.

Could it be that any cat or dog who jumps out now can challenge the ace lawyer?

"Forget it, don't care about him, if Xu Zhifeng wins, it will be an advertisement for Dragon International!"

Although Qin Shaocong felt that this matter was unlikely to happen.

But what if?

What if Xu Zhifeng had unlucky luck and really beat Zhang Wei?

You have to think about the good in everything, right?

Therefore, Qin Shaocong didn't get entangled anymore, and let Xu Zhifeng play freely.

As for the court session, he will definitely be there to take a look.

He wanted to see how far Xu Zhifeng could push Zhang Wei.

It's impossible. On the first day of the trial, the case will be over immediately, right?


On the other side, Jincheng Law Firm.

It was approaching the end of get off work time, and there were newcomers leaving outside the door one after another.

However, when they passed by Zhang Wei's office, they would take time to take a look, and then quickly walked into the elevator.

In Zhang Wei's office, he is reviewing today's harvest.

"Generally speaking, Xu Zhifeng is not a big threat. If I'm lucky, the case can be closed on the same day!"

Zhang Wei said something that sounded very arrogant.

The day begins, the day ends!

This kind of thing is generally impossible.

But if the opponent's level is too rough, it is not impossible.

As for Xu Zhifeng, he is a very rough type, so he has room to play.

After sorting out the necessary documents, Zhang Wei began to wait.

Not long after, the phone came.

The Municipal Court Tribunal called and informed him of the hearing time of the case.

The pre-trial is Wednesday, tomorrow morning; the court time has also been finalized, Thursday morning; presiding judge Ni Qiuping.

Generally speaking, it has no effect on Zhang Wei.

After knowing the information, Zhang Wei naturally went home to sleep and prepared for the next day's trial.

Nothing happened overnight.

the next day.

Wednesday, pre-trial day.

Municipal Court, Civil Division.

"Is the number of the jury too small..."

Looking at the jurors who could only make up two tables of mahjong in the jury box, Zhang Wei fell into deep thought.

On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping knocked on the gavel and explained: "Defense, according to your request, this court has added the consideration of the impact of public opinion hot searches when selecting the jury, so the candidate jurors who are in court today , there are only so many!"

The implication of this is: you asked for it, and I did it, but please consider the degree of development of the Internet. There are really not many people who don't read trending searches these days.

So since you made your request and we complied, there is nothing we can do with just a few jurors here and there.


Looking at the candidate jury, Zhang Wei could only nod helplessly.

Anyway, the civil court only needs a six-member jury, and now there are eight people, and two can be screened out.

But considering the most difficult problem, the Internet public opinion has been solved, so he didn't use too many weird questions to ask questions.

After asking two random questions and screening out the two older jurors, the jury was finalized.

Generally speaking, there is no problem with the pre-trial, just follow the process.

So, the pre-trial is over soon.

Following Ni Qiuping's hammering, it was announced that the court will begin to be dissolved after the hearing tomorrow morning.

Xu Zhifeng looked smug, and walked in front of Zhang Wei with a happy face.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm looking forward to meeting you!"


Zhang Wei's response was only two words, and a burst of ridicule.

"Hmph, Lawyer Zhang, Junior Brother Zhang, you're only going to be stubborn now!"

Having said that, Xu Zhifeng moved closer to Zhang Wei; "Don't think about the reconciliation terms. I know you are not short of money, so the 200,000 yuan shouldn't be a problem, right?"


Zhang Wei responded with two words again.

He is too lazy to talk nonsense about power with this guy.

Because both of them knew that this had nothing to do with money at all. If money could settle this, Fang Mingming would have agreed to Zhang Wei's "50+50" reconciliation condition a long time ago.

Xu Zhifeng frowned when he heard Zhang Wei's response.


Too tm perfunctory!

They don't even have any interest in talking to me, they simply don't treat me as a human being.

And your eyes, as if to say: Are you still a person?

"Okay, senior, I want to see how you, a junior, will fight against my methods!"

Xu Zhifeng didn't intend to waste words with Zhang Wei anymore, he still had other things to do.

He turned his head, put on an attitude of disdain to talk to Zhang Wei, and left the court directly with Fang Mingming.

Watching Xu Zhifeng leave, Zhang Wei sneered: "Hehe!"

That afternoon, Jincheng Law Firm.

When Zhang Wei returned to the office again, the phone started ringing again.

But this time, it's about the V letter discussion group.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Zhang Wei is going to suffer this time ヾ( @^▽^ @)ノ】

Seeing that the second girl was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, Zhang Wei could hardly bear it anymore.

[Zhang Wei: What the hell, you want to eat your own cooking tonight/Insidious]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: /scorn/scorn/scorn]

[Xiao Baihe: The leader told us, this time I want you to look good @Zhang Wei]

[Zhang Wei: Lao Guo and Lao Zhao probably say that they want me to look good every day, am I still alive and well? 】

Seeing Xiao Baihe's appearance, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

Lao Guo and Lao Zhao, right? They probably just took a small paper doll and wrote my name on it, and gave me an injection every day.

But it's okay, it's not a big problem, you can hold it!

Zhang Wei didn't pay much attention to these things.

[Jessica:? ? ? 】

[Jessica: I've been busy with the clinic and medical mutual aid association recently, Zhang Wei got into trouble again? 】

【Zhang Wei: Small problem, don't worry/disdain】

[Zhang Wei: It's you, you are so busy every day, be careful to be exhausted, I will feel distressed/wink]

[Jessica: /shy/shy/shy]

[Mo Yuzhu: Hey, hey, this is a group chat, if you want to ask p, go to private chat/disdain]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Remember to prepare a small balloon / smirk]

[Xiao Baihe:? ? ? 】

[Xiao Baihe: By the way, what about that stupid one? 】

[Xiao Baihe: @Zhang Wei @Xia Qianyue, this bastard has gone too far, why didn't he say a word? 】

[Zhang Wei: Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Hanhan is still at Miss Xiaowu's place, I'll make a call to ask about the situation! 】

【Zhang Wei: slipped away.gif】

After the pleasant chat, Zhang Wei hurriedly called Xia Qianyue to inquire.

From Hanhan's mouth, I learned that she is practicing the manipulation of inner energy, and Zhang Xinwu has gradually figured out the wounding trajectory of Yin acupuncture.

Next, you only need to rely on the powerful qi in Hanhan's body to attack Zhang Xinyan's internal organs.

However, this is a very delicate process, which requires Hanhan to have a very strong micro-manipulation ability.

Overall, it will take a few more days.

After learning that Hanhan's task was heavy, Zhang Wei naturally asked for a few words of concern before hanging up the phone.

There is no way, after all, they want to save people, and they can't bother them too much.

And it was his own driver who was rescued, so he must be treated seriously.

Zhang Wei had already prayed in his heart that Zhang Xinyan would be safe this time.

Because such an obedient and easy-to-manage driver, where can I find a second one?

Jingle Bell!

Another phone call came.

"Hey, it's Representative Cheng!"

"What's going on, you ask about that case, don't worry, I know what's going on, and the outcome will be determined tomorrow!"

"Yes, yes, I know you are just asking casually, and have no other meaning. How could I care about it? Don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes.

Jingle Bell!

The call came again.

"Oh, it's Mr. Zheng. I didn't expect you to call me in person. I really didn't expect it."

"I can assure you that tomorrow will be fine."

"Ah, where did you hear that my opponent has an interview?"

"Oh, I'll pay attention when the time comes, don't worry, I can't lose!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Zheng!"


"Oh, it's Mr. Ding."

"Why do you film industry giants suddenly care about me, a little lawyer?"

"Hahaha, you're right, we do need to walk around occasionally, that's a good relationship!"

"Oh, you also heard the news that someone was targeting me, then you heard it right. It seems to be the case at present."

"Mr. Ding, you have confidence in me. That's a good relationship. It just so happens that I also have confidence in myself."

"What, a group of newcomers have come to our performing arts agency, all of them are very pink...Here, Mr. Ding, you're right, I'm a serious person!"

"That's fine, I'll make an appointment another day. I can take a look at the newcomer in that firm, but don't worry, I just understand, and only understand..."

After hanging up the third call, Zhang Wei's eyes narrowed.

All of his clients who "coincidentally" called just now.

On the same day, almost at the same time period, that is after today's pre-trial.

What does this mean, they all received the message.

This is not groundless, apparently someone outside secretly released the information that he will suffer.

So it put pressure on his long-term clients, and they were worried that Zhang Wei might be affected.

Once something goes wrong with Zhang Wei, the long-term contract between them will be affected.

Of course.

It can also be seen from the attitude of these customers on the phone that Zhang Wei and their status are almost equal.

Back then, when uncle Li Qingmu took over Xia Qianjun's case, he was pressured by public opinion that night.

Customers called one by one, directly forced to terminate the contract, and forced him to make a judgment that he thought was "correct", and finally issued a statement, licking his face and begging the customer to re-sign.

Compared with his uncle Li Qingmu, Zhang Wei's side is much stronger, at least the client didn't mention the matter of voluntary termination of the contract.

Is it embarrassment, or I have confidence in Zhang Wei, anyway, this is the benefit of equal status.

These clients all know that Zhang Wei has the ability to save himself from danger every time.

This is also an act of trust.

"Xu Zhifeng, he probably doesn't have such great energy?"

Zhang Wei immediately thought of someone, but quickly shook his head.

After all, Xu Zhifeng is a puppet on the bright side, and there must be forces behind him.

With this in mind, Zhang Wei kept thinking about countermeasures until after get off work.


In the evening, at 7:00 sharp.

Lin Mansion, inside Zhang Wei's room.

Why is it at 7 o'clock, because this time period happens to be the broadcast time of the evening prime time program.

Zhang Wei turned on the computer and began to watch the live broadcast of a certain program.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the interview with Lisa, I am your host Lisa Wang!"

"Today we are honored to invite Xu Zhifeng, a young lawyer who has recently become famous in the legal circle of the Oriental Capital, as our guest!"

"Hello, Lawyer Xu!"

"Hello host!"

The program on the live broadcast is "Interview with Lisa", but the host has changed from the original Cheng Lisha to the current Wang Lisha.

And the guest invited to the show today was actually Xu Zhifeng, who was facing off against Zhang Wei during the morning pre-trial.

During the show, the two started chatting.

"Lawyer Xu, I heard that you have been involved in a case recently, and the defendant in the case is also famous!"

"Yes, host, this recent case has put me under a lot of pressure, but I believe that justice will not be late, and I will definitely win!"

"Lawyer Xu looks very confident!"

The host Wang Lisha said, turning to the big screen.

"Dear viewers, you may not know the information about this case, so let's do some popular science here, what is the situation of this case."

"Everyone, please read the text description at the bottom of the screen, or log in to Vbo to search keywords such as "Zhang" and "Lawyer Zhang". The top-ranked articles and reports are all about this case."

"Of course, you can also pay attention to the public account of our "Interview with Lisa" program group, which also contains related reports and articles about lawyer Xu and his opponent lawyer Zhang."

After Wang Lisha finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Xu Zhifeng.

"I heard that Attorney Xu and that Attorney Zhang are still brothers from the same school?"

"The host is right. Both Zhang Wei and I graduated from the Law School of Dongdae University, but after I graduated, I relied on my own efforts to enter Longteng International Firm as an intern, and then I was promoted to a lawyer for five years. The legal profession has been working for a long time!"

"Lawyer Zhang seems to be the same. After graduation, he entered Jincheng Law Firm as an intern, and now he has become the ace lawyer of Jincheng Criminal Department."

As Wang Lisha said, she smiled again: "It looks like your junior is better at being a lawyer than you are!"

"Being a lawyer should not only be based on professional skills. If a lawyer has been litigating against his conscience, helping rich clients oppress the poor, and helping the strong oppress the weak, then such a person will have limited achievements after all!"

Xu Zhifeng said, giving an example: "For example, my junior, although he earns a lot of money, but most of it is black-hearted money. He helps the insurance company to file a lawsuit and bullies his mother who is terminally ill. This mother still has money. Two kids in kindergarten."

"Before this case, he helped the CEO of a big company to file a lawsuit, bullied an honest and law-abiding citizen like my client, and even used threats and intimidation. Such a person is not worthy of being a lawyer!"

"By the way, host, I have some gossip, I don't know if I can share it?"

"Of course you could say that Interview with Lisa is a show that lets you speak your mind."

"Okay, I said it, I heard that this junior is currently maintaining improper relationships with many women, including prosecutors from the local prosecutor's headquarters, investigators from the serious crime team of the investigation department, and helpers. She works as a psychiatrist for psychological counseling, etc. Relying on these women, she can get along smoothly in the legal profession."

"Oh, I really didn't expect this famous lawyer Zhang to have such a romantic history?"

"Yes, I also heard that the previous host of your program group seemed to be forced to death by him?"


Wang Lisha's expression became a little unnatural.

"Sorry, host, I seem to have said too much, sorry."

Xu Zhifeng seemed to be aware of his gaffe, and quickly apologized.

"Yeah, thank you Lawyer Xu for your speech. I believe that tomorrow's trial, two excellent lawyers, will definitely bring us a wonderful trial!"

Wang Lisha quickly changed the subject and distracted the audience's attention.

Zhang Wei also turned off the live broadcast, because he didn't need to watch the content to know the content

At the same time, his cell phone rang again.

Zhang Wei just glanced at it and knew it was the information of the discussion group.

Obviously, in the discussion group, someone is going berserk.

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