Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 363 Zhang Wei gave up? Vengeance Alliance!

Thursday, court day.

Zhang Wei left the Lin Mansion in a low-key manner early in the morning.

Enter the law firm in a low-key manner, carefully prepare documents, arrange clothes and prepare to go to court.

When it was almost time, he took the subway in a low-key manner and walked through the back door of the court in a low-key manner.

In the preparation room, he looked through the documents in a low-key manner, drank tea in a low-key manner, and waited for the time to come in a low-key manner.

He was the only one in the whole preparation room, low-key and simple, quiet and silent.

Suddenly, there were bursts of noisy voices at the gate of the court.

"Ah, it's Lawyer Xu!"

"Lawyer Xu is so handsome!"

"Lawyer Xu looks confident, obviously fully prepared!"

"It's amazing, to be so calm in the face of that murderous lawyer. Lawyer Xu is my idol!"

"What idol, Lawyer Xu is my male god, I want to give him a monkey, I want to give him a monkey!"

A group of people gathered around the gate of the court. When Xu Zhifeng drove Fang Mingming there, the group immediately surrounded him and said crazy things.

Xu Zhifeng pushed aside the crowd, and said modestly: "Give way, I'm going to seek justice for the parties involved, I still have a lawsuit to fight!"

"Ah, Lawyer Xu talked to me, I'm dead!"

A female fan screamed and "passed out" on the spot.

When the media reporters around saw this scene, they naturally took pictures like crazy, and they had already started to sketch a small composition in their minds.

After they go back, it is estimated that dozens of good articles praising Xu Zhifeng's character and professional ethics will appear on the Internet media.

Surrounded by the media and crazy fans, Xu Zhifeng and Fang Mingming walked into the courtroom and into the waiting room prepared for them.

The crowd dispersed, and those who remained remained, and the gate of the court became deserted again.

"It's very noisy!"

Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the preparation room, didn't even need to look at the window to know that most of these people were actors.

There may be a small part of the media, but those fans are too fake, as if they are telling others that we are all paid.

For what reason, to create momentum for Xu Zhifeng.

He probably thought he would win, so he hired someone before the trial to create a popular and famous character for himself.

When I win against Zhang Wei in today's trial, then these people who have been warmed up will be able to come in handy again.

As for the possibility of losing?

Sorry, that's almost nothing!

This is Xu Zhifeng's idea, and it is also his idea to manage his own character design in the future.

From now on, there will be no more Zhang Wei in the entire East, only Xu Zhifeng!

Xu Zhifeng is the face of Longteng International!

Have to say, great idea!

At least Zhang Wei thinks that Xu Zhifeng's ambitions are quite big.

But opening champagne at halftime, isn't it a little too much?

"Human, you can't be too arrogant, or you will easily overturn the car."

Looking at the preparation room next door, Zhang Wei chuckled.

He opened the door in a low-key manner, and walked to the court in a low-key manner.

However, the reporters guarding the court gate recognized him immediately.

"Look, it's Zhang Wei!"

"Murder lawyer Zhang Wei is here!"

"Hurry up, don't let him in!"

A group of reporters swarmed and handed countless microphones to Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, do you have anything to defend against your accusation of threatening witnesses?"

"Now give you a chance to apologize to the witnesses you threatened, what would you say?"

"Lawyer Zhang, if you lose today, will your qualification be revoked? I heard that the local prosecutor's office is ready to trouble you. Is there such a thing?"

A group of reporters rushed to ask questions immediately.


Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei actually answered the first question.

"Okay, please tell me!"

The few reporters who squeezed to the front handed out the microphone again, and blocked the other colleagues behind them with their bodies, intending to get the first-hand interview.

"Say a fart, is it useful to tell you, don't I have to go to court to say it again?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and directly blocked the reporter's microphone with his hand.

"You..." The reporter in the front row was speechless for a moment, forgetting that he still had to work.

Reporters from all around flocked to surround Zhang Wei.

But his speed is faster, his eyesight is sharp enough, and his legs and feet are more flexible.

Surprisingly, under the siege of a group of reporters, he could still find a way to escape.

After a lot of chasing and intercepting, Zhang Wei had already entered the courtroom in less than 30 seconds.

There are court guards on duty in the court, and the court is approaching, so the reporters can't be presumptuous, so they naturally know that they can't take Zhang Wei down.

"Lawyer Xu is here!"

But soon, a sharp-eyed reporter spotted another lawyer in the case.

The plaintiff's lawyer Xu Zhifeng appeared.

This group of reporters rushed towards each other like sharks smelling blood.

"Lawyer Xu, are you confident today?"

"Lawyer Xu, you're going to fight Zhang Wei soon, how do you feel?"

"Lawyer Xu..."

Compared with the interview with Zhang Wei, the attitude of the media towards Xu Zhifeng is much better.

The content of the question is basically very harmonious, without any preconceived impressions.

"Today, I am fully prepared. Of course, no lawyer can guarantee 100% that I will win. I can only say that I am fully prepared for my client!"

Xu Zhifeng said with a confident smile.

"Lawyer Xu, I watched Lisa's talk show yesterday. I found that lawyer Xu's speech was too upright. I think you can't tolerate sand in your eyes. Is this the reason why you have been unable to be promoted to team leader all these years?"

"For this point, I can only say that my law firm is actually very good, but I also think that the current promotion system of the law firm may need to be improved a little bit, otherwise there are some lawyers who will do anything to achieve their goals. They will do anything for performance and money, which is really irresponsible to the society and an insult to hard-working and law-abiding judicial workers like us!"

This time, Xu Zhifeng acted upright, as if the light of righteousness shone on his face.

"Lawyer Xu, what you said is really good!"

The reporters were moved to tears.

Comparing the two, Zhang Wei's attitude towards reporters is really disgusting.

If you look at Xu Zhifeng again, he answered clearly and clearly, and it was a long paragraph, all because he was afraid that they had no material to write.

In comparison between the two, Xu Zhifeng is simply their father.

As for Zhang Wei, hehe.

Of course, when they thought this way, they didn't take into account that they also acted with double standards towards the two of them.

Anyway, for media people, the bottom line is that news materials are not important, and they don't care if they have double standards.

If you don't answer my question, you just have a bad attitude, and we will hate you!

On the contrary, you answered the question, you are our father, and we are grateful to you!

"Sorry, the court time is coming soon, I don't want the judge to wait any longer, please make way."

The media reporters consciously made way for Xu Zhifeng to pass.

This scene is obviously not comparable to that of an "unscrupulous lawyer".


Court scene.

It was originally supposed to be a small court of the civil court, but considering the influence of the case, the court deliberately changed it to a medium court.

But when Ni Qiuping arrived at the scene, she found that the middle court was still conservative and had to change to a big court.

Look at the hearing booth, how many people came from the local prosecutor's headquarters, and how many people from Zhang Wei's criminal department also came.

There are also media reporters, people who eat melons, a group of fans who may be Xu Zhifeng's brains, and even representatives of Longteng International and other major firms.

For example, Qin Shaocong, Longteng's young master, was surrounded by a group of lawyers in the center of the hearing booth.

They, Long Teng, had a lot of people here today, and they were the third largest force in the hearing booth, second only to the newcomers from the local prosecutor's headquarters and the Jincheng Criminal Department.

As for the media reporters, they are all working alone, from different media, and cannot be regarded as a team.

"Ahem, before the trial, this court would like to warn you, please strictly abide by the order of the hearing booth and the courtroom!"

"The court is a serious place. Yelling and making any noise are prohibited. Please put your mobile phones on airplane mode. If I hear a little noise, I will directly throw him out of the court!"

Ni Qiuping issued a serious warning with a cold face.

Many people in the hearing booth hurriedly took out their mobile phones and switched them to airplane mode.

Of course, there are also people who are doing small tricks secretly.

Ni Qiuping immediately gestured with her eyes, and the court guards on the left and right walked to the two sides of the hearing booth to monitor every move of this group of people.

"Well, it's almost time, let's start the court!"

While the audience was watching, Ni Qiuping announced the start of the hearing.


"Yes, Your Honor!"

Xu Zhifeng got up and announced: "The plaintiff summoned Fang Mingming to testify in court!"

No one in the audience was surprised that Xu Zhifeng summoned his client.

Because there is only one witness in this case, who will appear in court if he does not appear in court.

Fang Mingming took his seat and the hearing began.

"Mr. Fang, as the only witness in this case and the victim of lawyer Zhang's intimidation, can you please tell the court what happened that day?"

"Actually, that day was not bad. The problem is that the day before, I thought I had the best thing in my life, but it turned out..."

Fang Mingming sighed, and began to tell what happened in those two days.

In the hearing booth, many people's eyes became strange after listening to Fang Mingming's narration.

5 minutes of presentation passed...

"You mean, you were called by Zhang Wei to the office of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm, and then you saw that girl, but she is actually from Jincheng Law Firm?"


"That girl is Zhang Wei's subordinate, and she approached you for another purpose?"


"You were threatened in public by him in his office, even threatening to disclose your browser search records once you go to court?"

"Yes, it is……"

For the last question, Fang Mingming's face was a little unhappy.

Public browser search history, this is too threatening.

However, the audience around the hearing booth, as well as the six-person jury, were all a little speechless.

Isn't it just the browser search records, you should make it public, I'm afraid of ghosts.

Can this be considered a threat?

I buy things online every day, and I search for hundreds of records a day. Does he want to disclose each one?

Don't be ridiculous, so what if these are made public?

They just don't understand what's so scary about the browser's search records.

But if they don't understand, they still have a little sympathy for each other.

"Your Honor, I have no questions to ask about my client!"

After Xu Zhifeng finished speaking, he nodded towards Fang Mingming, and then walked back to the plaintiff's seat.

Next, it's cross-examination time.

Xu Zhifeng had already made all kinds of preparations for Fang Mingming to be cross-examined, and even taught him a few routines to get rid of the interrogation.

For example, pretending to be sick, pretending not to admit defeat, or pretending to be threatened, showing surprise, panic and other reactions.

Anyway, many intermittent mental illnesses have no means of verification. Unless a professional psychologist is found for a long-term evaluation, it is impossible to find the problem.

This is a method that Fang Mingming can't hold on to. If he can hold on, it will be even better.

After all, he also asked the team leader, supervisor and others to question Fang Mingming in a mock trial.

Originally, Xu Zhifeng couldn't dispatch the team leader and supervisor.

But who made him the first lawyer Long Teng was interviewed by Lisa, and he was going to fight the famous Zhang Wei.

Qin Shaocong said that before he and Zhang Wei decide the outcome, the entire team and even the entire department must cooperate with him and Xu Zhifeng.

So in the past few days, Xu Zhifeng was very shy in Longteng Law Firm, and even directly dispatched the supervisor.

Anyway, after he wins today, he can become an ace lawyer without giving the supervisor any face.

Shout out, I'll do my best!

"Zhang Wei, I will step on you and climb to the top of the lawyer circle in Dongfang Capital!"

Xu Zhifeng looked at Zhang Wei, with viciousness and excitement flashing in his eyes.

The viciousness is naturally jealous of Zhang Wei, jealous of this kid who is clearly his junior, but has such a big reputation.

Excited because, next, I will step on you, gain your fame, and even replace it, and even surpass you in the future.

"Zhang Wei, just put me in the sewer and rot away slowly. Next is my Xu Zhifeng era!"

And all of this requires the parties to survive today's questioning.

When Xu Zhifeng thought of the methods he had prepared, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was very relieved, he knew that Zhang Wei was skilled, but he had prepared a lot.

Today's case, he won!

All eyes were on Zhang Wei.

He adjusted the collar of his suit, got up slowly, and then sat down slowly.

"Judge Ni, we have nothing more to ask about the parties in this case!"





On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping opened her mouth.

In the jury seat, six people stared wide-eyed.

At the plaintiff's table, Xu Zhifeng's jaw dropped in shock.

In the hearing booth, countless people seemed to have eaten their heads.

They couldn't believe it, what did they hear?

The defense in this case, the defendant himself, chose not to question him.

The defendant is a lawyer himself, and he is also a well-known lawyer. He defended himself, but faced the key witness of this case, he did not come up for questioning.

why is that?

Have you given up?

Everyone couldn't believe it, even the people from the local prosecutor's headquarters in the hearing booth.

"What's the matter with this kid?"

"Could it be another prank operation?"

The duo of Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng looked at each other, none of them could understand Zhang Wei's purpose.

In fact, their brain circuits couldn't even figure out what benefits Zhang Wei did in doing so?

Obviously not!

This is a key witness, you don't even ask a single question, that's too... self-defeating, right?

The two of them have been looking forward to each other's failure and defeat since Zhang Wei's debut.

In the end, you told us that I am not going to win today, so you are looking forward to it, how about it?

This is obviously unacceptable?

No one can change it.

We have been looking forward to something that can't be expected, but you let us look forward to it like this today, who can bear it in his heart!

Perfunctory, really too perfunctory!

I feel that I am looking forward to it, and my heart is not comfortable.

Not only Lao Guo and Lao Zhao, but also Zhang Wei's strategy of not cross-examining, also stunned Ni Qiuping on the trial bench.

"Lawyer Zhang, let me confirm again, have you decided not to conduct cross-examination?"

"Of course, I've made it very clear!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, but stood up again, "But I want to have a word with Mr. Fang, the party involved in this case, is that okay?"

"What words?"

Xu Zhifeng stood up with a look of wariness.

"I just want to tell Mr. Fang that I've been busy these days, and it's been hard work!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he got up and nodded to Fang Mingming, his eyes were full of sincerity.

At this point, Zhang Wei's speech ended, and he sat back.


"That's it?"

Xu Zhifeng couldn't believe it, is this still the "murder lawyer" Zhang Wei?

To actually have an endless conversation with your client in court?

This is the end?

My God, what does this mean, it means that Zhang Wei has surrendered!

In an instant, Xu Zhifeng felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

Because Zhang Wei chose not to cross-examine his client, doesn't that mean I won?

Wealth, fame, status, everything seemed to appear in front of him.

These things, things that ordinary people strive for all their lives, I have at my fingertips!

Xu Zhifeng felt like his heart was going to float.

On the trial bench, Ni Qiuping was a little puzzled.

"Lawyer Zhang, are you sure?"

"Judge Ni, I have made it very clear that I am not going to question Mr. Fang!"

"Then... okay."

Now that they have been confirmed for the third time, Ni Qiuping has already understood.

Zhang Wei really planned to give up, so he rang the gavel immediately.

"Now that the only witness has finished speaking, the court announces that both parties can start preparing closing statements..."


When Ni Qiuping announced, Zhang Wei suddenly interrupted her.

"Judge Ni, why are you closing the case? I still have witnesses who haven't appeared in court!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

Do you still have witnesses?

"No, the defendant did not submit a public list of witnesses!"

Xu Zhifeng sensed something was wrong and interrupted immediately.

"Because this witness is a bit special, I only found the other party this morning and persuaded him to testify in court, so it's too late to submit the list of witnesses!"

"You explain..." Ni Qiuping resisted the urge to complain, but she nodded when she thought of Zhang Wei's coquettish routine.

"This court approves!"

"Your Honor, you..."

"I said it, this court approves it!"

Xu Zhifeng wanted to speak, but was bluffed by Ni Qiuping's stare, so he could only sit down resentfully.

At this moment, the door of the court opened wide.

I saw four women walking in from the gate.

The first three people have their own merits, but they are all beautiful women.

But the strange thing is that they walked into the court with a woman in the middle guarding, or carrying a woman in the middle.

Zhang Wei looked at the four women who appeared, then at Xu Zhifeng, and sneered in his heart.

You don't think you're the only one who has the Avengers, do you?

I have it too!

And it was the three women you offended when you were on the show yesterday.

They hate you now!

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