Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 365 Successful instigation, Xu Zhifeng's end

Court scene.

"Mr. Fang, I respect your opinion, please make a choice!"

At the moment of the final closing statement, Zhang Wei finally showed the trick he had prepared.

This was also the move he had thought of from the very beginning, in order to deal with Xu Zhifeng.

He hid this trick and used it at the last moment.

incite defection!

Moreover, it is instigating against the plaintiff and against the parties.

From the first motion, until the hearing, until the hearing stage of the trial just now, Zhang Wei has been observing Fang Mingming.

He found that there was very little communication between Xu Zhifeng and Fang Mingming.

The two of them represent the lawyer and the client.

It's absolutely abnormal that such a relationship doesn't communicate much.

Combined with Xu Zhifeng's identity, it is not difficult to guess his purpose.

Zhang Wei knew that Xu Zhifeng wanted to defeat him because of his identity.

Beat the master!

Then don't you become a master?

Therefore, Zhang Wei had already seen through Xu Zhifeng's purpose, and pointed it out in public.

You, Xu Zhifeng, said it nicely, you helped clients get justice, and by sanctioning me, Zhang Wei, you are on the side of justice.

But you are all for yourself from the beginning to the end!

Talking about benevolence and morality, but secretly doing selfish and selfish things!

Xu Zhifeng, it is obviously more appropriate to call you Xu Buqun now!

And as Zhang Wei pointed out Xu Zhifeng's real purpose, the audience's attention also came to Fang Mingming's side.

"Mr. Fang, please believe me, who is Zhang Wei, you must not believe him!"

Xu Zhifeng also noticed the problem, and hurriedly shouted at Fang Mingming.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't shout, Fang Mingming suddenly thought of the hard days these days.

He was dragged by Xu Zhifeng to Longteng Office for a simulation, he was yelled at by his team leader, and yelled at by his supervisor.

They euphemistically called it cross-examination for you to simulate a trial trial, pointing at their own noses and scolding them one by one.

He not only scolded himself as a fat house, but also called himself a loser, a dick, anyway, he was scolded every day these days.

If this was a court trial, Fang Mingming would have endured it.

But what happened?

Not only did Zhang Wei not question him in court, he was even polite to him, and in the end he even cared about himself.

By doing this, Zhang Wei made all the suffering and scolding he suffered in those few days all in vain.

No, it's not in vain!

Then can't I let it go in my heart?

Fang Mingming thought, he had to do something, otherwise he would be sorry for the suffering he had suffered these past few days.

At this moment, he no longer hated Zhang Wei, and was even moved in his heart.

Because not only did Zhang Wei not treat him like that, he even said that the terms of the settlement are still valid.

What's this?

This is because adults don't remember the mistakes of villains, and the prime minister can pull a boat in his stomach.

Anyway, Fang Mingming felt Zhang Wei's sincerity and tolerance.

So Fang Mingming has already made a decision in his heart.

And the other party also gave me a good reason, how can I not make a choice.

"I want to withdraw the case, I want to reconcile!"

Fang Mingming contemplated for a long time, and finally expressed his inner thoughts in court.

The whole audience fell silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Everyone looked at the plaintiff's seat, at Fang Mingming.

The plaintiff wants to settle and withdraw the case?

This is simply...unbelievable!

Zhang Wei actually instigated the plaintiff, moved the plaintiff in court, or alienated the relationship between the plaintiff and the plaintiff's lawyer!

This move is really... Caught off guard.

"Mr. Fang, what are you doing, are you crazy?!!!"

When Xu Zhifeng at the side heard it, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he roared immediately.

"I'm not crazy, I just want to withdraw the case and reconcile with others!"

Fang Mingming didn't know where he got the courage, raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Wei, and responded with the same rigidity: "He has given sincerity, why can't I accept it, because of your purpose, if you want to defeat him, I have to listen to you Is it not working?"


Seeing that Fang Mingming, who was always weak, suddenly dared to contradict himself, Xu Zhifeng didn't know what to say for a while.

"Objection, objection, Your Honor, my client is in a bad mood, I apply to postpone the trial, let me communicate with him!"

"No, Your Honor, I accept the settlement, and I don't want to have any more contact with this lawyer Xu!"

Xu Zhifeng immediately asked Ni Qiuping for help, but Fang Mingming added the same sentence and interrupted him directly.

still communicate?

Communicate with a ghost!

It's clear that they want to drag me to Longteng International Office, and then give me "ideological education", right? I'll go to you.

At this moment, Fang Mingming decided that he would never go to Longteng again, and he would never listen to Xu Zhifeng.

"Mr. Fang, you..."

"I just want to reconcile, now, immediately, immediately!"

Facing Xu Zhifeng who still wanted to speak, Fang Mingming fought back forcefully.

Anyway, this is a court, and you, Xu Zhifeng, dare not do anything, so I feel safe here.

If I leave the court and go to your law firm, I won't worry about it.

"Your Honor, I request an adjournment of the trial. My client is crazy, and he..."

"I don't accept your request!"

Xu Zhifeng still wanted to fight for it, but was interrupted directly by Ni Qiuping.

You've already lost, can't you see it yourself?

"In addition, your objection is invalid. I think your client, Mr. Fang, is sane and has made a rational judgment when he is fully capable of acting. Please stop interfering with him!"

Regardless of whether Xu Zhifeng wanted to continue speaking or not, Ni Qiuping directly announced with a hammer: "In view of the plaintiff's request, this court approves a temporary adjournment for 30 minutes, so that Mr. Fang can negotiate a settlement agreement with the defendant!"

The gavel fell, and the dust settled!

Zhang Wei nodded as if thanking Ni Qiuping, and then made a "please" gesture to Fang Mingming in the plaintiff's seat.

The settlement agreement, in fact, does not need to be negotiated, the two parties have already negotiated it.

Fang Mingming got up and walked to the preparation room outside the courtroom with Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang..."

Xu Zhifeng stood behind him, shouting loudly, not wanting to give up.

Unfortunately, Fang Mingming and Zhang Wei had already walked out of the court, and the former didn't even look back at him.

Everyone in the entire court knew one thing, that Xu Zhifeng lost.

What is his purpose?

It is to defeat Zhang Wei and put himself in the position.

For his own purpose, for his own ambition, he ignored Fang Mingming's thoughts.

Even in his eyes, Fang Mingming is just a tool for himself.

But now, this tool is reversed!

Xu Zhifeng slumped on the plaintiff's seat, his eyes dull and his heart ashamed.

If you want to ask what kind of time is despair, then he can tell you that it is despair now.

Falling from heaven to hell, this is despair!


Qin Shaocong got up from his seat, without even looking at Xu Zhifeng, he snorted coldly and left.

Long Teng's lawyers, seeing that the boss had left, naturally did not dare to stay.

Many of them gave Xu Zhifeng a meaningful look.

Tell you to be embarrassed!

You haven't won yet, so you dare to drink champagne at halftime, and treat yourself as an ace lawyer, right?

It's all right now, the ace lawyer flew away, everything is gone, you just wait to die!

Even if Supervisor Li doesn't handle you, Young Master Qin doesn't handle you, we will handle you and let you feel the feelings, what is workplace oppression!

"Hmph, an idiot!"

Those who also left were Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng.

They had already seen it, and now that Xu Zhifeng had no hope of making a comeback, Zhang Wei won again.

Since Zhang Wei is going to win, there is no need for them to stay. They might as well take advantage of the other party's time to sign the settlement agreement and leave quickly.

Lao Zhao and Lao Guo withdrew, and a group of people from the local prosecutor's headquarters also left.

Although Xiao Baihe still wanted to take a look, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to be too obvious, so he left with his colleagues.

With so many people leaving the hearing booth, it became much empty in an instant.

But the remaining members of the criminal department, as well as the media reporters, were all a little excited.

The friends in the criminal department were excited, naturally because Zhang Wei won.

The reporters were excited, naturally because of Zhang Wei's shocking reversal, they also had material.

Although in their expected plan, the winner should be Xu Zhifeng, and they even publicized it like this to the outside world.

However, the news from the media is somewhat true and somewhat false, and everyone actually has a certainty in their hearts.

The big deal is that when we go back, we will download all the previous posts and articles.

Then replace it with a new one, won't it be done?

As for publishing false reports?

As long as you don't get caught, isn't it all right?

It’s okay even if you get caught, the most netizens can do is to post some doubts, our skins are already thick enough, we just pretend we didn’t see it!

Therefore, those who remained in the court all had various thoughts.

10 minutes!

It didn't even take 30 minutes, the settlement was signed in a third of the time.

After Fang Mingming wrote his name on the agreement, he felt relaxed and even a little excited.

Because I can get 500,000 in compensation and 500,000 in interest-free loans, I can open another toy store and continue to stick to my entrepreneurial dream.

Recession time is up.

"Ahem, this court now announces that in view of the fact that the parties and the defendant have reached a settlement, and the plaintiff insists on withdrawing the case, this court approves it!"

"Thanks to the support of the jury and the hearing seats, the case is now dismissed and the court is dissolved!"

Ni Qiuping finally breathed a sigh of relief after beating the hammer in public to announce.

This case is okay, at least nothing difficult has happened.

And the trial is only for a short while, so it's not difficult for me to do it myself.

In other words, I thought it was a difficult trial, but the result was so unexpected.

A witness, with a few words, can tell the winner.

She is also relaxed and does not need to be depressed.

Ni Qiuping left the court happily, and the court was officially dissolved.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you for your generosity!"

"Mr. Fang, you can't say that, but I think you must be very uncomfortable these few days?"

"Yeah, very uncomfortable!"

As Fang Mingming said, he turned his head to look at Xu Zhifeng who was still sitting paralyzed in the plaintiff's seat.

In the past few days, only he knew how much he had suffered for the other party's ambition.

Fortunately, all of this was worth it, at least Lawyer Zhang didn't hold grudges against him.

"Then, I take my leave!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Fang!"

Fang Mingming left, happily, and left the court with his dream and the 1 million yuan he was about to get.

Zhang Wei also joined the friends from the criminal department at this moment, and everyone was very happy.

"Let's go back to the law firm!"

Zhang Wei didn't even look at Xu Zhifeng, a loser, don't need to pay attention to him.

When he walked out of the court, countless media reporters surrounded him.

Countless flashing lights made him almost unable to keep his eyes open.

This is also something that can't be helped, these media reporters are waiting here.

"Lawyer Zhang, you won the lawsuit again, what do you think?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you actually alienated the relationship between Xu Zhifeng and the plaintiff in court. Did you intend to do so from the beginning?"

"Lawyer Zhang..."

A series of questions displeased Zhang Wei, but at the moment he became playful.

"Ahem, in view of the fact that there have been many false articles about me on the Internet recently, I have decided to launch a lawsuit against the authors of these articles and the media behind them, hoping that they will compensate me for the psychological pressure I have suffered during this period !"

As soon as this remark came out, the media outside the door was in an uproar.

Good guy, are you going to hold us accountable?

This is not the end, murder lawyer Zhang Wei wants to hold us accountable?

"Lawyer Zhang, are you joking, you..."

"Yeah, I'm joking!" Zhang Wei chuckled and showed a smile.

All the reporters breathed a sigh of relief, you were just joking, you should have said it earlier.

"But I say that, do you believe it?"

The hearts of all the reporters were raised again.

It doesn't matter whether we believe it or not, what matters is whether you are joking or not?

"Don't worry, I won the case today, and I'm in a good mood!"

The media reporters breathed a sigh of relief again, and I am relieved when you say that.

"But being in a good mood doesn't mean I won't pursue you!"

Let go of the heart, raised it again, and raised it to the throat.

"But there have been too many reports on the Internet recently. If you really want to pursue it, you will have to spend a lot of energy and time. The gains outweigh the losses!"

The media reporters breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said they were lucky.

"So I'm going to catch a few typical ones, whichever article and post has the highest number of clicks and shares, then I will take revenge on whoever!"


Can you finish your sentence sooner!

"Lawyer Zhang, are you joking this time?" A reporter raised his courage and asked in a low voice.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Zhang Wei's face darkened, showing a serious expression.

"Run, go back and delete the post!"

In the next moment, someone who didn't know who yelled, and the surrounding reporters dispersed in a rush, all running faster than rabbits.

They scrambled, rushed out of the court, and then returned to the publishing company, leaving in a hurry.

Obviously, they were scared too!

I am afraid that Zhang Wei will really pursue them and sue them, then it will be over by then.

This is "Murder Lawyer" Zhang Wei. No one in Dongfangdu can guarantee to win him in court. Obviously no one.

Deleting posts now can make up for it, so I have to act quickly, the only ones who can save them now are my own hands.

How proud they were when they posted earlier.

How embarrassing they are now when they go back to delete posts!

Zhang Wei is really terrifying.

And the friends from the criminal department, watching Zhang Wei scare away a group of reporters with a few casual words, immediately showed expressions of admiration.

No, it should be said to be playing tricks. With just a few words, a group of reporters were brushed around.



As expected of an ace lawyer, a murderous lawyer with a great reputation, who can suppress and manipulate the media at will, is simply our idol!

"Let's go, go back!"

Zhang Wei is very calm, a bunch of unscrupulous media reporters are all local chickens and dogs.

He is too lazy to waste time and energy on these people.

He has more meaningful things to do.

For example, accompany Hanhan, accompany Jessica, accompany the second daughter...


that night.

Xu Zhifeng's apartment.

Those who lose the case are naturally cast aside.

Xu Zhifeng was even more so.

After losing the lawsuit, he has no way out, or hope.

He didn't have the face to go back to the law firm, let alone see Young Master Qin.

He did not return to his apartment until the court closed.

As a result, as soon as he sat down on the sofa, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

When he regained his vision again, he found himself supported by two masked men who had already reached the rooftop.

"Brothers, I was wrong. I shouldn't have underestimated Zhang Wei. I had calculated thousands of times. I didn't calculate that he would instigate the parties involved!"

"I was stupid. I will definitely correct it next time. Please give me another chance. Give me another chance to defeat Zhang Wei!"

Seeing these masked people appear, Xu Zhifeng trembled with fright, and begged for mercy in a hurry.

"Hmph, it's not good to do things, you have no chance!"

The leading masked man snorted coldly, and gestured to the two who were supporting Xu Zhifeng.

The two understood immediately, and carried Xu Zhifeng to the edge of the sky.

"What are you going to do, what are you going to do, I want to report the crime, I want to call for help!"

"You shout, this is the rooftop, the wind is so strong, how can anyone hear it?"

The leading masked man sneered, as if he didn't care about Xu Zhifeng's life or death.

"Help, help, help..."

Xu Zhifeng yelled continuously, but it was a pity that at this moment, he was really screaming that every day should not be done, and the ground was ineffective.

Two masked men pulled him directly to the edge of the roof, and then the two kicked him out.



A scream echoed in the sky, and it lasted for a long time.

The next day, Lin Fu.

Zhang Wei flipped through the newspaper in his hand, it was "Dongfang Metropolis Morning Post", a relatively good newspaper in Dongfang Metropolis.


When he saw a piece of news, he spit out the breakfast in his mouth.

"Murder Lawyer adds another record, and those who oppose him will end badly? "

Among the news content was about Xu Zhifeng's execution.

He jumped off a building again, and committed suicide again.

But everyone knows why he "suicide".

Because he offended Zhang Wei, and even went to court with Zhang Wei.

But what happened?

he died!

Just like Cheng Lisha before, she chose to jump off the roof and end her life.

Although it was a suicide, the investigation department collected evidence overnight, which also proved that it was a suicide.

But in the Eastern Capital, all discerning people know that the cause of Xu Zhifeng's death was not because of himself, but because of Zhang Wei.

"Murder Lawyer" really lives up to its reputation!

Another addition to Zhang Wei's record!

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