Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 366 Wu Yuanzong's post, Wu Family Villa

On Friday, Jincheng Law Firm.

"Representative Cheng, I didn't expect you to call."

"It's okay, it's okay, what can I do?"

"Yesterday's court trial was actually not difficult. I also settled with the plaintiff, and it's just a small case settled."

"That's, that's, oh, your company happened to have a case recently?"

"That's fine, I'll let the newcomer take over, and if I can't figure it out, I'll do it again."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, that's fine, hang up first, Representative Cheng."


"Hey, Mr. Zheng, why did you call yourself?"

"Oh, I want to send drinks to our criminal department, and it's the latest hot sale. That's a good feeling."

"I see that the newcomers in our office seem to like to drink your brand of beverages, so let's order more. It happens that there is a refrigerator in the kitchen."

"Mr. Zheng, I know what you mean. For things like delivering drinks, you, the boss, need to come to express condolences in person. I understand, I understand."

"Okay then, you should be busy here first, and we'll get in touch if there's anything else to do."


"Mr. Ding, my case is over, and everyone is very happy."

"What are you talking about, Xu Zhifeng is not happy, that person has left, and if he is not happy, he will not be happy."

"Oh, oh, about the performing arts company you mentioned last time, there are newcomers with good qualifications, right?"

"Oh, I still have to accompany my girlfriend, how can I be ashamed?"

"That's fine, next time for sure, next time for sure..."

Zhang Wei hung up the phone, and the smile on his eyes instantly faded, replaced by indifference.

"Hehe, a group of people are still worried, and they still want to apologize to me, right?"

He naturally understood the purpose of these people calling.

One is congratulations, congratulations to him for getting rid of the lawsuit.

The other thing is to test his tone, and hope he doesn't mind their attitude before.

But generally speaking, Representative Cheng, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Ding and others still showed their attitudes.

Anyway, the case was won and everyone was happy.

The only unhappy person has already reached the Naihe Bridge, and may be about to drink soup.

So, everyone, be happy and don't think about those unpleasant things.

Tuk tuk tuk!

At the door of the office, Tie Cuilan suddenly knocked on the door.

"Sister Cuilan, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Wei, someone sent me an invitation, and it was given to you by name!"

After Tie Cuilan walked in, she handed over a golden post.

"For me?"

Looking at this post, Zhang Wei was silent and speechless.

What age is this, is it not good to just make a phone call, and still need to send a letter?


With this in mind, Zhang Wei opened the post directly after telling Tie Cuilan to leave.

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, I, Wu Yuanzong, is the second child in my family, so others call me the Second Lord Wu. Here, on behalf of the Wu family, I would like to extend a sincere invitation to you. I hope you can come to my Wu family manor tomorrow to participate in the martial arts leader meeting. At that time, My father, Wu Shentong, will be out of customs, and will meet challengers from all over the world to compete for the throne of the world's number one martial artist, and I also ask Lawyer Zhang to honor him..."

"Similarly, this time I also invited your girlfriend Xia Qianyue. She is the first qualified challenger of this conference. Please inform her later, because the address she filled in is the real estate under your name. I sent the post directly to you..."

Zhang Wei has read the contents of the invitation.

He never expected that the sender was from the Wu family.

There are five great masters in the East, and Wu Family is one of them.

For Zhang Wei, it is still a mystery what strength these five masters have.

But this member of the Wu family is obviously not a good stubble.

This can be seen from Wu Renjie's attitude.

If this Wu family is a big family and pays attention to the cultivation of offspring, how can it teach such an arrogant guy!

However, considering the positioning of the opponent's martial arts family, it is still reasonable.

Here comes the problem, Wu Yuanzong, as the son of the old leader of the Wu family, actually sent a post to Zhang Wei, and asked him to go to the Wu family villa to attend the meeting of the leader of the martial arts tomorrow.

Of course, this is also because Xia Qianyue filled in the address, and then Wu Yuanzong planned to save a little effort.

"It looks like tomorrow will be another Hongmen Banquet!"

Since it was a post from the Wu family, combined with Xia Qianyue's grievances over killing Wu Renjie at the Martial Arts Conference, Zhang Wei didn't think the Wu family would show kindness to himself and Hanhan.

Thinking about the worst, if the Wu family came to close their doors and beat dogs, it would be very speechless.

Zhang Wei only hopes that there will be fewer things to do tomorrow, so that he can have a good weekend.

"Exactly, go and see Hanhan and tell him about it."

"I don't know how Xiao Wu and the others are doing. Is this stinky brother's injury healed?"

"It seems that as the boss, I have to go and see my driver?"

Zhang Wei felt that he had to take another day off today.

No, he is an ace lawyer now, he doesn't need to report to the leader, and he has free time.

Walk out of the office and come to Tie Ruyun's office.

"Old Tie, I'm going to visit my friends today, so I'll leave first!"

"Oh, got it!"

Tie Ruyun put down the phone in a panic, and responded immediately.

This old man is hesitating again whether to send Lin Ruonan a message.

Zhang Wei smiled inwardly, but didn't say much.

Sometimes, you have to fight for opportunities by yourself, and others' suggestions are just assistance and guidance.

After leaving the law firm, Zhang Wei went straight to Zhang's martial arts gym.


Zhang's martial arts gym, in the backyard.

"I'm going up!"

Xia Qianyue looked solemn, while moving her body, while adjusting the breath in her body.

"Well, little sister Xiao Xia, come on, Xiao Yan depends on you!" Zhang Xinwu who was at the side was also ready to fight, her face was more dignified than Xia Qianyue's.

After all, it was their own younger brother who they wanted to treat.


Xia Qianyue snorted, clenched her fist with her right hand, and punched Zhang Xinyan who was tied to the wooden frame in front of her.


The wooden frame couldn't withstand Xia Qianyue's punching force, and it collapsed into pieces, and Zhang Xinyan even spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"It doesn't seem to be forced out!"

Zhang Xinwu took a glance and shook her head after realizing that Zhang Xinyan's breath had not recovered.

Xia Qianyue understood immediately.

If one punch isn't enough, hit another.

Xia Qianyue controlled the power in her body, gathered it at the tip of her fist little by little, and Zhang Xinyan hit the ground with her second punch.


Not surprisingly, Zhang Xinyan flew again!

Zhang Xinwu pricked up her ears again, adjusted her gaze, and fixed her gaze on her younger brother.

After a moment, she shook her head again.

Still fail! .

Xia Qianyue could only punch ahead, and chased after Zhang Xinyan who flew out.







Zhang Xinwu felt something was wrong.

Zhang Xinyan, who flew into the air, spurted a blood arrow from his mouth, and in the blood, a faint aura could be seen flying out.

"Come out, but only one!"

During the martial arts competition that day, Wu Renjie used three fingers to inject three silver needle breaths into Zhang Xinyan's body!

Now only one is forced out, and there are two left.

Zhang Xinwu nodded towards Xia Qianyue.

Although the one above is my younger brother, but you beat him hard, and if you beat him to death, I'll be the one!

Xia Qianyue understood. She stepped on the ground with her right leg and flew up.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of bang bang bang bang bang in the sky, which was continuous like a symphony.

About 30 seconds later, two figures faintly fell to the ground.

A light fluttered down, and his feet touched the ground, stabilizing his figure.



It was also limp on the ground, but the whole person had long since lost consciousness, as if all the bones in his body were falling apart.

Under Xia Qianyue's continuous blows, Zhang Xinyan had only one breath left.


But seeing her younger brother beaten to death, Zhang Xinwu suddenly laughed.

"Sister Xiaoxia, thank you for your hard work, I finally forced out the breath of the three silver needles!"

"Sister Xiaowu, I'm not working hard, but my hands are a little sore..."

Xia Qianyue said modestly, and then hugged Zhang Xinwu excitedly.

Days of hard work finally paid off.

Zhang Xinyan finally didn't need to be threatened.

"In other words, if you don't raise your hand again, the other person will be gone!"

At the entrance to the backyard, there was a reminder.

Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu finally came to their senses. Although they forced out the yin needle's qi, Zhang Xinwu was beaten by Xia Qianyue as a human sandbag for a long time after all.

This is not a joke, ordinary people can't stand the attack of this kind of power, not even Zhang Xinyan.

"Hurry up, hurry up and drink the medicine!"

Zhang Xinwu immediately rushed to the back kitchen to prepare soup and medicine.

Xia Qianyue also grabbed Zhang Xinyan and sent him to the ward.

When Xia Qianyue came out again, Zhang Wei had already arrived in the middle of the backyard of the martial arts hall.

Looking at the uneven, potholed ground, and the wall full of fist marks and large human-shaped characters, someone fell into deep thought.

These places have endured too much...

"Zhang Wei, aren't you going to work today? Why are you here?"

"Oh, I came to inform you that someone sent me a post!"

Zhang Wei took out the invitation card sent to him by Wu Yuanzong and handed it to Xia Qianyue.

The latter opened it, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Who is this Wu Yuanzong?"

"It should be from the martial arts family, but he seems to be a sponsor of the martial arts conference. I saw this name in the guest list of the conference!"

Zhang Wei recalled, but he didn't know Wu Yuanzong.

Because although the other party is one of the organizers of the conference, neither the opening nor the closing ceremony of the conference showed his face.

So for Wu Yuanzong, Zhang Wei didn't know him yet.

"By the way, I beat Wu Renjie before, will the Wu family retaliate?"

Xia Qianyue seemed a little worried.

After all, in the final of the Martial Arts Tournament, he knocked Wu Renjie down with one punch, and even the opponent suffered serious injuries.


Zhang Wei frowned tightly when he heard this sentence.

Yes, will the Wu family retaliate against themselves?

Or, have they retaliated?

Xu Zhifeng?

Could it be that someone from the Wu family did the latest case?

Although Xu Zhifeng's incident seemed to have nothing to do with the Wu family, Zhang Wei still felt that it was necessary to clarify the enemy's location.

Tentatively, Xu Zhifeng was created by the Wu family in order to avenge Xia Qianyue and herself.

Then everything can be explained.

Why is it a coincidence that this incident happened the next day of the Martial Arts Conference, and it turned out that it was all the Wu family's revenge for him.

Needless to say, this Wu family has a small mind.

Not to mention Wu Renjie, this is the same for Wu Yuanzong.

"Hanhan, you have a good rest today, and tomorrow we will go to the Wu Family Manor for this Hongmen banquet together!"

As Zhang Wei said, he comforted Xia Qianyue and asked her to go back to rest early.

After all, Xia Qianyue was probably tired after spending so many days in Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

After the two said their goodbyes, Zhang Wei went to the ward of the martial arts hall to take a look at Zhang Xinyan.

After the Yin needle was forced out, and after drinking the decoction, Zhang Xinyan's Qi and blood recovered a little.

Although he was still seriously injured, he should be able to go to the ground after recovering for about half a month.

After comforting Zhang Xinwu a few more words, Zhang Wei also said goodbye and left Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

All day long, Zhang Wei stayed in the Lin Mansion, searching for information about the Wu family.

But the result left him speechless.

Not only the Wu family, but even the other four of the five major families, there is very little information on the Internet.

To say that the only famous ones are all individuals.

For example, if you search for the Lin family alone, all the people you find are ordinary families.

But if you input the three words "Lin Xiangtian", there will be a lot of news on the Internet.

But Lin Xiangtian disclosed so many identities, but none of them could connect him with the Lin family and the five great families.

What does this mean? It means that the Five Great Families are not accessible to ordinary people.

The five families are relatively low-key, and it is estimated that only they themselves can know each other's existence.

Wait, my own?

Zhang Wei turned his head in a daze, and looked at the room on the second floor of the Lin Mansion.

Isn't the second daughter a member of the five families, and so is Uncle Zhao next door.

"Oh, the answer is right in front of me, why didn't I think of it?"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, rushed out of the supermarket to buy a box of happy water, a few bags of Zhao Xiaoxiao's favorite potato chip snacks, then licked his face and knocked on the door of the room on the second floor.


Saturday, rest day.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to fight with Xia Qianyue to the Wu Family Villa.

Because of the lack of a driver, although Zhang Xinyan is fine, he needs to rest and recuperate.

What's more, because Wujia Villa is located in the southern suburbs of Dongfang Capital, in a private manor near mountains and rivers, there are no subway lines nearby, and even bus lines are far away, so we can only take a taxi.

When the two got off the taxi, a magnificent manor appeared in front of them.

The metal gate with a sense of age gives people a design with a sense of age as a whole.

After entering the house, there are landscape gardens, fish ponds, rockery, small bridges and flowing water.

The manor covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters.

The security guards at the door are in suits and leather shoes, and they are all equipped with European-style black suits and black sunglasses.

Those who didn't know thought they were filming the man in black.

After submitting the invitation card from Wu Yuanzong, the security guard just said to wait, and got the news a few seconds later.

"It's Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, the second master has already informed the side hall, please follow me!"

Guided by the bodyguards, they walked through the beautiful entrance garden, through a magnificent front hall, and arrived at a relatively elegant side hall.

As a result, as soon as he entered the side hall, Zhang Wei found that many people were already sitting inside.

In the side hall, an old man with a fairy spirit was sipping tea. After seeing Zhang Wei and his wife appearing, he said with a surprised face: "Hey, you are here too?"

"Master Huang, hello!"

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue naturally greeted the old man.

This old man is none other than Master Huang Tianhong from Yangxin Hall.

And beside him, there were three people sitting and one squatting.

The three-person group of Daofo Temple has also taken their seats in the side hall.

As for the corner, it was the old beggar.

When the four of them saw Zhang Wei, they just lingered for a moment, but when they saw Xia Qianyue, fear flashed in their eyes.

The final day left a huge psychological shadow on them.

The four of them shot at the last moment and caught Wu Renjie who was punched flying.

As a result, all four of them suffered internal injuries to varying degrees. If they hadn't been recuperated in Yangxintang for a week, they wouldn't be able to come to Wujia Villa now.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, gave Xia Qianyue a look to sit down, and then came to the seat next to Huang Tianhong.

"Master Huang, you are..."

"Oh, we are all here to watch the battle or to challenge!"

Master Huang opened his mouth with a smile and explained: "This martial arts leader is unfamiliar to you young people, but we older generations, especially martial arts practitioners, are very concerned about this false name."

"So today it's not only your little girlfriend, some of us will challenge the position of the leader of the martial arts. If any of us are lucky enough to win the old leader, please show mercy to your little girlfriend, hahaha... "

Huang Tianhong was relatively talkative, and explained a few words to Zhang Wei briefly.

Taoist priests, monks and nuns are all martial arts seniors, so they are naturally interested in the position of the leader of the martial arts.

Not to mention the old beggar, he challenges the old leader every year, and this year is no exception.

And Xia Qianyue, because she won the championship of the Martial Arts Conference, is naturally qualified to challenge the leader.

"Isn't there only one leader? Why do you take turns to challenge? Doesn't it count as a round-to-wheel battle? Isn't victory invincible?"

"Victory is not martial, then you have to be able to win!"

Huang Tianhong said, with a flash of fear in his eyes: "This old leader is called "Wu Shentong", since he became the leader of the martial arts thirty years ago, he has never given up the position of leader! "

"You said that he has occupied the position for thirty years, and there are countless challengers every year, but he has not lost a single one. This strength is really impressive!"

"So fierce?"

Zhang Wei was also shocked. The name of the old alliance leader sounds awesome enough.

Unexpectedly, the record is even stronger, facing countless challengers in the past 30 years, and still being able to occupy the position of the leader of the martial arts for so long.

"Today's challenge is actually more about grievances. Those who have grievances with Wu Shentong can't help but challenge first. In short, you two just watch it. Anyway, when this little girl challenges, don't be mentally challenged." Burden, the Martial Leader himself doesn't care how many challengers come!"

Hearing Huang Tianhong's words, Zhang Wei naturally had no psychological burden. Anyway, he was not the one who challenged.

"By the way, there will be many challengers today?"

"Yes, and most of them are well-known people in the martial arts world. They come to the Wu family villa every year to resolve their grievances. Of course, some people's grievances and conflicts are caused by other people. At that time, the leader of the martial arts will also make room. , resolve conflicts for them personally.”

As Huang Tianhong said, he moved closer to Zhang Wei and the two of them, and said in a low voice: "If the two contestants cannot reconcile their conflicts, they may even sign a life-and-death certificate. Don't be surprised when you see such a thing!"

"There are still life and death signs!"

Zhang Wei was surprised. Isn't this a matter of life and death?

It's inappropriate to kill people, isn't it?

"Don't be surprised, there are always incidents of people being killed every year, but because the life and death certificates are voluntary, everyone turns a blind eye and closes one eye, acquiescing to this rule. After all, the rivers and lakes are the world's affairs."

"Anyway, you two young people don't care too much, we Jianghu people are used to fighting and killing, so we don't care about it,"

"Oh, we got it..."

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue looked at each other, and they were prepared.

Today, this Wu Family Villa may not be peaceful.

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