Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 367 Enmity Bureau? Veteran leader Wu Shentong

In the Wu Family Villa, there is an underground secret room somewhere.

Wu Yuanzong, the second master of the Wu family, came into the secret room and reported to the old man sitting cross-legged on a futon in the center of the secret room.

"Father, the guests have started to come one after another!"

Wu Yuanzong's father, of course, is the old martial arts leader Wu Shentong.

However, unlike the image of a master outside the world, Wu Shentong has thick black hair, and under the candlelight in the secret room, it is still shiny and black.

Although his face has the vicissitudes left by the years, but overall it gives people a mental outlook with excellent energy and spirit.

"Oh, I see."

Hearing his son's report, Wu Shentong just waved his hand with a dull expression on his face.


It has been like this every year for thirty years, and he has long been used to it.

As he spoke, Wu Shentong picked up a bamboo basket at hand, grabbed a handful of ginseng from it, put it into his mouth and began to chew.

Chewing and chewing, he grabbed the teacup on the tea table at hand and drank it down in one gulp.

Ginseng is real ginseng, and its medicinal age is more than a hundred years old.

What's in the teacup is not tea, but water soaked in Ganoderma lucidum powder, and Ganoderma lucidum is also a rare medicinal material that is old enough.

In this short period of time, Wu Shentong has already consumed hundreds of thousands of precious medicinal materials.

Wu Yuanzong was not surprised by this scene.

His father has continuously occupied the martial arts leader for 30 years, and has practiced martial arts for more than 60 years. What is it that he can maintain such a body?

It relied on these rare and precious medicines that their martial arts found from all over the world to help them prolong their lives and regulate their bodies.

Martial Arts is the magic needle of the Wu family, so it can have all the resources of the Wu family.

"By the way, Dad, that old beggar Master Hong is here again this year!"

"Oh, here again?" Wu Shentong's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even lift his eyelids.

This person surnamed Hong came every year, and he was a little annoyed.

So I don't remember which year, he and the other party made a rule, as long as I am still the leader of the alliance, you will go to the world to be a beggar.

He also found an excuse, euphemistically called helping the other party experience the world of mortals and exercise their state of mind.

Of course, those were all excuses for him to make nonsense, he just looked at the other party and made him sick.

I thought this would dissuade that guy from challenging me, but I didn't expect this guy to come every year, unshakable.

"Apart from this person surnamed Hong, who else is there?" Wu Shentong asked again.

"The others are all defeated under my father's command, so I can't get on the stage." Wu Yuanzong shook his head.

"The one named Hong, isn't he also my defeated general?" Wu Shentong raised his voice, "What do you mean, it seems that the one named Hong beat me?"

"Father is right, I know I'm wrong!"

Wu Yuanzong realized his mistake and apologized quickly.

But then, he suddenly approached Wu Shentong, and whispered: "Father, the little girl who hurt Renjie has arrived, as reported by her subordinates!"

"Oh, that rising star whose strength you mentioned is a bit terrifying?"

Wu Shentong's originally indifferent face finally changed, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"That's right, although that girl looks tender, her strength is still very terrifying."

Wu Yuanzong recalled the scene at the martial arts meeting that day, and said with lingering fear: "Renjie also learned a few successes from you, but at the meeting, he was directly punched by that little girl, and he is still seriously injured and unconscious. If you make a move, he will almost confess!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it, there really is such a terrifying girl in this world!"

Wu Shentong snorted coldly, quite disbelieving.

Wu Renjie, who is that?

That is the grandson of the old man.

Who is this old man?

The leader of martial arts, the leader of martial arts, number one in the world!

The grandson raised by the old man is naturally the best in the world for the younger generation!

But it was unbelievable to be defeated by a girl of the same age.

Therefore, Wu Shentong felt that the girl must have cheated and used some means to improve her strength to defeat Wu Renjie.

She most likely used some kind of method to deplete herself and increase her explosive power in a short period of time.

Anyway, Wu Yuanzong remembered at that time that the girl made a move, and then Wu Renjie was such a big person, plus such a big arena, they all said nothing and disappeared.

So Wu Shentong can be sure that this female doll will not be able to use the second move.

A little girl doll, and without the guidance of a famous teacher, her achievements must be limited.

How could it be possible to win, with him, the number one in the world, who was taught from a young age?

Anyway, in the eyes of Wu Shentong, there is no peer who can beat Wu Renjie.

That girl must have cheated, used a conspiracy, or some kind of improper means!

"Hmph, today, the old man is going to expose that little girl's tricks, and give justice to the hero!"

As Wu Shentong said, he was about to get up.

"Father, it's not even the hour yet!" Wu Yuanzong hastily stopped him.

"In the past at this time of year, you have to leave the group of people outside alone, and go to see them before noon. How do you grind their temper?"

"That's right, when I heard that the little girl who hurt Renjie came today, I almost forgot my rules!"

Wu Shentong was about to get up, but when he heard his son's words, he sat back down again.

Then he waved his hand and sent his son away: "Go ahead, treat those vulgar people casually, and say that the old man still has to retreat and leave at noon!"

"I understand!"

Wu Yuanzong exited the secret room respectfully, then walked through an underground passage, and then through a long corridor, to the main hall of the Wu Family Villa.

"There should be a lot of people coming next door, right?" He looked towards the side hall not far away, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.


In the side hall.

Zhang Wei originally thought that not many people would come today.

Unfortunately he miscalculated.

In the side hall at this moment, dozens of people have come one after another.

They are all dressed up like people from the quack.

Some wore long robes with their hands behind their backs, like literati.

Some are directly wearing animal skin vests, or are shirtless, with bare arms, and just wearing a pair of loose trousers, revealing scars all over their bodies by the way, as if to show off.

Anyway, as a warrior, I don't care so much, just how comfortable I am.

"Yo, Master Bai, are you here again this year?"

"Hero Zhang, thought you wouldn't be able to come this year?"

"Wang Shaoxia, is your father, Wang Daxia, okay?"

"Jiaoxi Zhou, I heard that your martial arts school has recruited a group of talented apprentices recently!"

"Master Lu, are you going to challenge the Martial Alliance Leader this year, or do you plan to wait and see?"

It has to be said that this group of martial arts people greeted each other very politely, and they were all courteous to each other, it didn't look like they were here to participate in the grievance game.

"Hehe, you think they are friendly, but they just haven't met any enemies!"

Master Huang on the side laughed, as if he had been used to it for a long time.

"Oh, I get it, the people who greet you now are all acquaintances, and later they will be enemies, right?"

After Zhang Wei heard it, he instantly understood.

Now people who are familiar with each other greet each other. This is called being polite and polite. Let's get in touch with each other.

But later it will be different, later it will be between enemies, then it will be a fight.

What is it called?

Courtesy before soldiers!

Say courtesy to your friends first, and then use weapons to your enemies!

While Zhang Wei was talking to Master Huang, a figure walked in at the entrance of the side hall.

"Second Master Wu!"

Seeing this person appear, many people nearby clasped their fists to say hello.

With the words "Second Master Wu", everyone present would try to save him.

Who let his father be the leader of the martial arts alliance, Wu Shentong?

"Everyone is here, everyone is here..."

Second Master Wu also politely clasped his fists in return. After scanning around, he fixed on Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue who were sitting in the corner.

Xia Qianyue is a foolish person, she doesn't look like a shrewd person.

But Zhang Wei beside her noticed it the moment Second Master Wu walked in.

"This kid, it's not easy!" Second Master Wu is also a well-rounded person. Although he has hostility towards Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue in his heart, he doesn't show it on the surface.

While greeting the people around him, he walked towards the corner.

"This must be Lawyer Zhang. Congratulations to your Miss Xia, who won the first place in the martial arts competition. Congratulations!"

"Where, where, it's just a game, whoever wins and who loses is actually luck."

Faced with Wu Erye's greeting, Zhang Wei naturally returned the greeting politely and with a humble attitude.

He was in his heart, but he was a little speechless.

Who was Xia Qianyue beating up? It was your nephew.

You can still come up to say hello so politely, without changing your face at all, you're lying.

You old boy, you must be wishing for us to suffer, do you really think I can't see it?

Wu Yuanzong's attitude towards Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei is naturally hostile.

Especially last night, Zhang Wei consulted his second daughter, Zhao Xiaoxiao, who said that the people in the Wu family are not big-minded.

To what extent?

That is, if Xia Qianyue beat Wu Renjie, then the members of the Wu family would definitely choose to retaliate, and even let a third-rate lawyer provoke Zhang Wei to the extent that Zhang Wei would be disgusted.

So, people from the Wu family are smiling with you, so don't believe it.

Maybe people are thinking about how to kill you in their hearts!

Although there is no evidence, Zhang Wei has decided in his heart that the person standing behind Xu Zhifeng is most likely the Wu family.

Since the Wu family can do things like directing Xu Zhifeng behind his back and disgusting himself.

Then in front of people, pretending that everyone is safe and polite, and can come up to say hello, it is even more disgusting.

"The two of you are drinking tea slowly, I'm going to greet the others first."

"Second Master Wu, go slowly~"

Zhang Wei and Wu Yuan Zong Xu and Wei Snake, both of them were quite polite on the surface.

Wu Yuanzong then greeted Master Huang and others beside him, and then walked to the middle of the side hall.

"Ahem, I, Wu Yuanzong, I believe that most of the people here know me, so I won't introduce myself much."

"I came here to inform everyone that my father will leave the customs at noon, so before he leaves the customs, if you have any grievances to be resolved between you, you can go to the martial arts field in the villa. When my father leaves the customs, Let’s proceed with the lord’s challenge.”

"Now, if you want to have some activities, you can also come to the Martial Arts Field, please!"

After Wu Yuanzong finished speaking, he walked out of the side hall and went to the martial arts field.

The side hall, which was originally bustling, fell silent for a while, and a needle could be heard.

Many of the martial arts professionals in the side hall changed their previous amiable expressions, and the look in each other's eyes changed.

"Hey, surnamed Bai, back then you deceived my master and got the head of the sect from him. Today I will challenge you. If you lose, you will give up the position of the head that should belong to me! "

"My surname is Zhang, thanks to your self-proclaimed hero, don't say you have forgotten what happened three years ago, today I will seek justice for those who were cheated of money by you!"

"Son of the Wang family, your father seriously injured my father back then, causing him to miss the martial arts conference, and even caused him to smolder in his heart and die. If your father didn't come today, I will seek justice from you!"

"My surname is Zhou, the facts of what your martial arts school does are too unethical. Everyone agreed to draw a road to divide disciples, but in the end, your martial arts school extended its hand to my family's sphere of influence, and even tricked other people's children into worshiping you." Under the door, this is not a proper business grab, if you don't give me an explanation today, this matter will never end!"

"You are a thief surnamed Lu, thanks to the fact that you claim to be a master, and you do all the shit behind your back. I really think no one knows about it. Today, I will challenge you on behalf of justice, and let the whole world see what kind of bastard you are!"

In the hall, a person suddenly spoke, and then the whole scene was out of control.

There was already a backlog of conflicts, but under this fuse, all of them broke out.

For a while, the entire side hall was basically seeking revenge.

Hit the table, hit the chair, and almost do it directly.

Zhang Wei saw people leaving in pairs, obviously they were all going to the martial arts arena to make an appointment for a fight.

"Good guy, I thought this group of people should at least give some courtesy, why do they all seem to be here to seek revenge!"

"Calm down, calm down, it's like this every year!"

Master Huang was used to it, he stroked his beard, and even picked up his teacup and took a sip.

All of a sudden, lively commotions came from the martial arts arena outside the side hall, and the voices of "Hum He He He" were heard endlessly.

"Is this the fight?"

Zhang Wei didn't need to go out to look, but he knew that there must be many people outside.

But he was even more curious, why did the old leader of the Wu family insist on leaving the customs at noon?

Moreover, this Wu family doesn't care about food?

He got up early today and ate little breakfast. He was a little hungry by noon.

There is only tea in the side hall, there is nothing to eat, and it doesn't matter if you drink tea.

Feeling helpless, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue could only wait and wait in the side hall, wait and wait...

Finally, when it was almost noon, Master Huang and others suddenly got up and walked outside to the martial arts arena.

"Well, there are masters!"

Xia Qianyue, who was originally sitting, also noticed something, got up and looked in the same direction.

"It looks like the old leader has finally come out, fuck it, go see him!"

Zhang Wei understood immediately, and left the side hall with Hanhan.

In the manor, there is a martial arts arena.

This place is still very large, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square martial arts arena, enough to accommodate dozens of people to compete together.

Of course, there are not many people in the martial arts arena now, everyone who should be fought has been fought, and all grievances that need to be resolved have also been resolved.

Judging from the scattered bloodstains on the smoke, someone really did something cruel.

Zhang Wei glanced around and found that there were indeed several people missing, but he didn't know if anyone had actually beaten them to death just now, and even signed a life-and-death certificate.

But at this moment, his attention was no longer on these martial arts figures, his attention was on Wu Yuanzong in the middle of the martial arts arena.

This person will definitely greet his father, who is the old alliance leader Wu Shentong, as soon as possible.


At this moment, a burst of wild laughter came.

In the manor, a figure flew up into the sky, carrying a strong aura, took a few steps in the air, and came to a high platform due north of the martial arts field.

This person was wearing a brocade robe and a jade pendant around his waist. His long hair was black and shiny, and the skin on his face was pale and moist. He didn't look like an old man in his seventies or eighties at all.

"The old man appeared elegantly. How many supplements did he take to maintain himself like this?"

Seeing the old man's face, Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining.

Ask how many supplements he takes?

I eat Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng as a meal every day, and the other party may not remember it.

"I have seen the leader of the martial arts!"

Seeing the old man appear, all the people present clasped their fists and saluted.

The person who came here was Wu Shentong, the leader of the martial arts, and the world's number one master recognized by the rivers and lakes.

Wu Shentong's gaze roamed around the group of people in front of him, and finally locked on the two people on the outermost side.

"Hey, there are people who don't know martial arts?"

"This little girl is the murderer who hurt my grandson?"

When Wu Shentong saw Zhang Wei, he was just surprised, but when he saw Xia Qianyue, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He didn't hide his thoughts, because he was the leader of martial arts, recognized as the best in the world in martial arts, so he didn't need such a thing as a city.

He can express whatever he likes or dislikes.

"Since everyone is here, let's follow the old rules. Anyone who wants to challenge the old man should come forward!"

Wu Shentong didn't waste time, or he knew that these people were waiting impatiently, so he started the challenge directly.

The so-called challenge is also very simple. Those who want to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts, directly stand up and challenge the Martial Arts.

Whoever wins will be crowned leader.

Of course, this person must not only be able to win the Martial Arts, but also hold this position.

Such a person can be regarded as having a sense of presence in front of the heroes of the world.

You are capable of keeping your position in front of so many people.

After all, whoever wants to be the leader of the martial arts must beat all the heroes with skill.

"I'll come first!"

Immediately, a martial artist shouted loudly, then stepped on the ground with both feet, and the whole person rushed up, killing Wu Shentong.

But the next moment, he only felt a black shadow flash before his eyes, and he was hit on the chest.


This person just flew up, then fell to the ground at a faster speed, and then did not get up for a long time.

The instigator stood there calmly, as if it wasn't him who made the move just now.

"What a speed!"

"Flying out with a palm, but able to fall back to the original position smoothly, I am no match for this kind of skill!"

"The speed and strength of Wu Shentong, and even the control power, are stronger than last year!"

"Tricky, quite tricky!"

Because one person became a stormtrooper, and after being hit by a second, everyone else felt the pressure.

You look at others, they start all at once, one move in seconds, what else can they do!

No one dares to be the second person, because they are not sure.

However, after all, they are the leader of the martial arts alliance in front of them, and they will not give up.

So the question is, who will be the second?

"You still claim to be masters, but in the end, a bunch of people are timid and cowering, what a shame!"

Suddenly, an old beggar in the crowd sneered and came out.

"The surname is Hong!" Wu Shentong frowned slightly when he saw this person.

The old beggar really came again!

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