Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 369 Power of a punch? Martial arts do not talk about martial arts! (Add updates on weekends)

(Someone in the book friend group scolded me for breaking chapters, I wondered, isn’t this the normal operation of the author of the starting point... emmm... But forget it, the author will add an update to the big guys on the weekend, finish writing the plot of the martial arts conference, and start on Monday New case!)


Xia Qianyue is not interested in being the leader of the martial arts alliance?

But he wanted to fight Wushentong, and it was only a competition in name.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is a bit pretentious.

Your mouth says no, but your body is very honest!

Said that he is not interested in the leader of the martial arts, isn't he still planning to challenge the martial arts?

If you win, isn't the position of leader still yours?

Do you still have to pretend and say something like "Oh, I obviously don't want to be the leader, but who told me to win the Martial Arts, I deserve it if I don't"?



Little girl, I didn't expect to be so rich!

A woman with a deep heart!

This is how the people around them feel about Xia Qianyue.

But off the field, only one person felt that you were overthinking.

With a simple mind, I can't think of so many things.

She may be really not interested in the martial arts leader, but out of respect for martial arts, she just wants to fight with Wu Shentong, that's all.

Zhang Wei said, you really think too much.

Hanhan is actually very simple, without any scheming at all, what she tells is the truth.

But no matter the truth or not, anyway, the purpose of Martial Arts has been achieved.

"Okay, you are really good junior, since you want to challenge me, let's start!"

"I said, I just want to compete with you, it's really not a challenge..."

Xia Qianyue felt bitter, how many times she said, it was just a contest between warriors, not a challenge.

Why don't you believe it?

Thinking of this, she could only sigh and put on a warrior posture.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei felt that he had not retreated far enough, and immediately ran 50 meters away from the martial arts arena.

At the same time, Huang Tianhong, who was watching the match from the sidelines, picked up the unconscious Master Hong and quickly ran to the sidelines.

The trio of Daofoan also frowned, and all retreated to the sidelines, still next to Zhang Wei.

Even the four of them were still not at ease, and found a nearby gazebo as a cover, planning to watch the battle here.

"Three masters, what a coincidence, you are here too!"

After taking his seat in the gazebo, Zhang Wei greeted the three people around him with a smile.

The faces of the three of them were also a little embarrassed. It was just a competition. In theory, they didn't have to treat it so seriously.

But all three of them knew that the strength of Wu Shentong was strong, but the strength of the opponent was even more terrifying.

Dodging so far is also just in case, even if the other martial arts people around look at the three of them, they are a little puzzled and speechless.

But they chose to endure it and not refute it.

After all, no one dares to take their own lives as a joke, right?

They dodged so far because they were afraid!

Now, the trio of Daofoan had set their sights on the center of the martial arts arena a hundred meters away.

The people watching the battle around them only took a special look at Zhang Wei and the others.

"Coward!" They despised in their hearts, but only for a while.

Next, they want to see how Wu Shentong can defeat this little girl.

In their minds, it is absolutely impossible for Wu Shentong to lose.

After all, Wu Shentong is the leader of the martial arts alliance, with sixty years of experience in martial arts, he is almost a sixty years ahead of his opponents in skill.

What about Xia Qianyue?

There is a yellow-haired girl, she looks pink and tender, she will not be more than 25 years old.

How can such a little girl have fighting power?

Wu Shentong will definitely take care of the opponent's face, give full play to the newcomer, and then defeat the opponent with one move, showing a superior demeanor.

This is the guess of the martial arts people who watched the battle around.

As for the defeat of Martial Arts?


How is this possible?

The leader of the martial arts, if he is defeated by a little girl today.

They don't set up any flags or eat anything, because this is absolutely impossible!

Everyone held their breath and looked at the field.

Wu Shentong and Xia Qianyue are already in their positions.

The battle begins!

Xia Qianyue puts on a martial artist posture, but Wu Shentong still holds her hands behind her back.

In doing so, one is to intimidate the opponent, and the other is to show a superior demeanor.

To deal with a brat, how can you not let me pretend?

Therefore, even in the face of the enemy who seriously injured his grandson, Wu Shentong still has contempt in his heart.

"Little girl, I'll give you a trick!"

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his right hand and made a "come and hit me" gesture.

"I'll just stand here and do nothing, and I'll take a move from you, which is a special treat for you, a junior!"

"This, this is not appropriate..."

Xia Qianyue put away her posture and scratched her head at the same time, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Little girl, why are you so embarrassed, what happened to the leader of the Wu League asking you to take a round?"

"That's right, don't be ignorant of flattery, the leader of the Human Martial Arts has already said it, just listen to him!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, when your challenge is over, we will continue!"

But the martial arts practitioners on the side couldn't bear it anymore, and they all fired taunts.

"Oh!" Xia Qianyue saw that this group of people said so, so she could only agree.

She opened her posture again, and at the same time focused on raising her Qi, the Qi in her body continuously gathered on her fist.

"Then I'm here!"

"Come on, little girl!"

Wu Shentong has not realized the danger until now, and still maintains his composure.

Because he has self-confidence, he has the kung fu of shifting stars, and can defuse any attack.

The so-called giving way is also because of strength!

But Xia Qianyue didn't think of this, she just thought that the old man in front of her was too polite.

She thought about it, and it seemed that she couldn't go too far, so she just used 50% of her full strength to test the water.

Thinking of this, she used half of her body's strength, poured it into her fist, and then rushed out.

Wu Shentong saw a blur in front of him, a figure had already tore through the air and rushed to him, and he raised his hand and punched, extremely fast.

"Hmph, I'm pretty good at it!"

He sneered, but he had already thought of a countermeasure in his heart.

Said to let you a trick, but it is not.

I have already used the star shift to displace the meridians in my body, and at the same time, my whole body is ready to unload the force.

No matter how powerful your punch is, it will be removed by my body in the end, and the force will be injected into the martial arts field under my feet.

It is said to be a move, but how could Wu Shentong really give in to the enemy.

That is the enemy who seriously injured his grandson, he will definitely not hold back.

This superficial concession is just because he has something to rely on.

The stars move and the stars turn, that's how amazing it is.

So at the moment Xia Qianyue punched, Wu Shentong gently raised his hand and aimed his palm at Xia Qianyue's fist.

Come on, come on, hit me!

With this punch, I just stood still. Next, I not only showed my superior demeanor, earned a wave of fame, but also let you see my martial arts skills.

Hey, no matter what, I win!

At the critical moment, the fist and the palm met in an instant.

An overwhelming force surged from the palm of his hand and rushed into his body crazily.

Wu Shentong's originally calm face suddenly changed at the moment when the fist and palm met.


What kind of power is this, what the hell is this!

He felt that a huge force poured into his palm, like opening a gate to release a flood, impacting the meridians, blood vessels, and even bones in his body.

The skin of his entire arm was shattered, blood vessels burst, and blood spattered everywhere.

The incomparably surging fist power was directly transmitted into the body along his right arm, and began to stir wildly.

He tried his best to run the Star Shifting Dou Zhuan, trying to remove all the power.

But the shifting of the stars is really a drop in the bucket, this power is so strong that even if he removes half of it, it will be difficult.

Just like that, the ground under his feet also began to crack, and the entire martial arts arena was crumbling under this blow, as if it had been hit by a powerful earthquake, it began to shake violently.

And the remaining half of the unaffected strength is still destroying the viscera and organs in his body.


In the end, Valkyrie spewed blood from his mouth, and the whole person flew backwards at high speed.

He actually took the initiative to distance himself from Xia Qianyue, and was in a hurry to get away from the move just now.

If you don't pull away, you will die!

But in the eyes of outsiders, it was Xia Qianyue who punched away the Martial Arts.

So all the spectators around were dumbfounded.

Wu Shentong's figure flew back, flying directly for a distance of 50 steps, and after landing on the ground with both feet, he retreated a dozen steps in a row, and then he stopped to see his figure.

"You..." He raised his still movable left hand and pointed forward, but unfortunately, his internal organs were injured, and another mouthful of old blood spewed out.


Martial arts, extremely embarrassed.


All the spectators around were stunned.

This is the old leader of Wu Shentong, who was directly injured internally by a fist of a little girl?

They still wanted to say something, but their feet suddenly loosened. It turned out that the entire martial arts arena finally couldn't bear the pressure and shattered.


The Martial Arts Field was originally cracked all over by the blow just now, but now it couldn't bear the pressure and collapsed directly.

The movement was huge, and many people moved away one after another, rushing towards the surrounding area of ​​the martial arts field, and escaped by chance.

When they looked into the arena, they saw Wu Shentong and Xia Qianyue standing in the rubble of the collapsed Martial Arts Field, and they were quite normal.

However, Wu Shentong's trembling legs and a nearly useless right arm all showed that the blow just now was definitely not a joke.

The collapse of the Martial Arts Field also illustrates this problem.

The surrounding spectators, after seeing this scene, all took a breath of cold air!


This little girl is so powerful!

"That, I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength and broke this place!"

Suddenly, Xia Qianyue bowed her head apologetically, with a face of shame.

This martial arts arena doesn't look cheap. It must have cost a lot of manpower and material resources to build such a large place for martial arts.

Now that she was smashed by her own fist, she felt a little embarrassed.

The people around were all stunned.

Now the question is this?

The problem now, isn't it that your fist smashed the ground of the martial arts arena, that's the problem, okay?

Wu Shentong stood in the field, but he felt a problem now.

"Little girl, just now... how much strength did you use..."

"Me?" Xia Qianyue pointed at herself when she heard the question, and said innocently, "Just now, I used about 50% of my strength..."

"Fifty percent!"

When Wu Shentong heard the answer, he couldn't hold back immediately.

Fuck, your grandma is a chicken thigh, and her 50% strength is so terrifying.

If he used 100% of his strength, wouldn't he have to confess?


This little girl may be born with supernatural power, and his son Wu Yuanzong also reported it.

But so what, this little girl may be amazingly powerful at such a young age, but there are some things that cannot be won simply by using strength.


That is the exquisiteness of the moves and the experience of fighting!

These are irreparable power!

Wu Shentong regained his confidence in an instant, no matter how strong you are, as long as you can't hit me.

It doesn't matter if you can kill me with one punch, I just need to rely on experience to escape, you will always be exhausted.

So, the advantage is still on my side!

Wu Shentong suppressed the panic in his heart, tore off the robe with his left hand, removed the cloth strip, and wrapped it around his injured right hand.

After suppressing the blood from the wound and treating the wound briefly, his right arm finally regained some mobility.

"Little girl, come on, I just asked you to make a move, but this time I will use all my strength!"

"Ah, use all your strength, then I will use it too!"

Xia Qianyue answered innocently again.

But when Wu Shentong heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The girl only used half of her strength just now, but following what the other party said, she will use 100% of her strength next.

If this is will die!

That being the case, then try your best to avoid it, and you must not be hit!

Wu Shentong thought so, the muscles in his legs tensed up, and his whole body also raised twelve points of energy, locking forward firmly.

His eyes were locked on Xia Qianyue's body, as long as the other party moved, as long as the other party...


But under the hiss of the air, Xia Qianyue disappeared in place!

"How can this be!"

Martial Arts was stunned, pupils quake!


The little girl in front of me disappeared!

No, it didn't disappear, but the speed was too fast, even his naked eyes couldn't catch it!

Wu Shentong said to himself, good guy, this little girl's physical fitness can catch bullets with bare hands!


There was another neigh, and he felt a faint movement in the air on his right side.

A figure appeared as if teleported, it was Xia Qianyue.

As soon as Wu Shentong reacted, the muscles of both legs contracted violently, and the whole person was about to jump high and escape the attack range.

But Xia Qianyue's fist had already blatantly killed.

A huge sense of crisis flooded into his mind.

This kind of feeling is like walking in the mountains and forests, and suddenly a big worm with a height of ten feet appears in front of you!

"To suffer!"

Almost in an instant, Wu Shentong felt the breath of death.

If this punch hit him, he would definitely die.


At the critical moment, Wu Shentong didn't care about anything else, and immediately shouted.

Xia Qianyue's fist stopped in front of Wu Shentong's right face.

The distance between the fist and the face is less than two inches.


The fists rushed forward, crushing the collapsed rubble behind Wu Shentong all the way.


The walls tens of meters away were all crushed into flying ash under the punch of the distance.

I can't stand it anymore!

I can't stand it anymore!

After seeing this scene, Wu Shentong and the surrounding spectators couldn't breathe anymore, but roared inwardly.

Are you still human?

Are you on the hook?

Don't come out to challenge if you are a coward, isn't this cheating?

"Then, did I win?" After withdrawing her fist, Xia Qianyue asked again in a daze.


Wu Shentong didn't dare to speak anymore, and he didn't dare to make a sound for a long time.

"Then, the sparring is over!"

Xia Qianyue thought for a while, and didn't intend to continue to do anything, but turned around and was about to leave.

"This little girl..."

Wu Shentong saw that Xia Qianyue was about to leave, but felt ruthless for no reason.

It's a shame that I was forced to such a point today!

I am the leader of the martial arts alliance, the number one in the martial arts world, and even the number one in the world.

It turned out to be a little girl, which is a shame.

Can't bear it!

Absolutely can't bear it!

The hatred for his own failure and his grandson are all stimulating him.

Wu Shentong's heart was full of gloom, his eyes suddenly turned hard, his left hand suddenly raised, and with five fingers together, he pointed forward.

"Hanhan, that old thing sneaked up on you, fuck him!"

But the movements of Wu Shentong cannot be hidden from someone's eyes.

He was staring at each other from beginning to end.

Almost at the moment of Wu Shentong's shot, Zhang Wei issued a reminder from the sidelines.

"You sneak attack, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Xia Qianyue reacted almost subconsciously, turned around and kicked, and ran over with a horizontal sweep.


There was a sound of bone shattering, and Wu Shentong's five fingers on his left hand were swept away by a foot, and they were broken directly.


With a scream, Wu Shentong even practiced martial arts for 60 years, never experienced such pain as today.

It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, his right hand is useless, and now the five fingers of his left hand have been continuously kicked off.


It hurts so much!

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't expect..."

Xia Qianyue cried when she saw the "grandpa" in front of her, she immediately felt sympathetic and apologized quickly.

"Hanhan, why are you apologizing? This old guy doesn't talk about martial arts. He came to cheat, come to attack, and bully you, a comrade in his twenties. It's shameless!"

Zhang Wei hurried over, pulled Xia Qianyue away and said, "Let's go quickly, don't take him to play!"

Crash and sell!

Zhang Wei took Xia Qianyue and ran straight out of the Wu Family Villa.

Everyone in the audience watched the two leave without daring to stop them.


That girl is so scary, who dares to stop her?

However, as Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue left, everyone's eyes turned to Wu Shentong.

Now the outcome has been decided, at least in the eyes of everyone, the outcome has been decided.

Wu Shentong lost, lost completely!

No matter in martial arts or force, he lost to that little girl.

Therefore, the position of the leader of the martial arts...

"Ahem, that little girl left by herself, which is regarded as abstaining from voting. The old man has never said to surrender from the beginning to the end, so the position of the martial arts leader still belongs to the old man!"

"And because the Martial Arts Field is broken, the follow-up competition has to be abandoned. When the Martial Arts Field is repaired, if you still want to challenge the old man, you can continue!"

Wu Shentong hurriedly dropped these two sentences, and ran into the villa without looking back.


Lying down a big trough!

You are really shameless!

We have so many eyes to see you lose.

In the end, not only did you not admit it, but you also bit the little girl and left the stage halfway, saying that the other party voluntarily abstained?

And that's not counting, everyone was able to challenge today, but you made an excuse that the martial arts arena is broken, you can't continue the competition, and just slipped away?

Is there anyone more shameless than you?

All the onlookers in the arena complained one after another.

However, they complained about it, but they couldn't resist the martial arts.

After all, he is still the nominal leader of martial arts right now.

"Everyone, it's getting late, I won't keep you in the Wu Family Villa!"

Just after Wu Shentong disappeared, Wu Yuanzong came out and greeted everyone around him.

His voice-over is: Today's martial arts competition is over, you can come back wherever you come, don't even think about staying overnight in my Wu family's villa, we don't welcome you!

To put it more bluntly: Get out of here!

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