Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 370 Medical Malpractice? Jessica please help!

Monday, a working day.

In the blink of an eye, it has come to the last week of July.

Now Zhang Wei is sitting in his office, browsing the information on the web.

"Shocked, martial arts insider, the leader of martial arts is actually narrow-minded! "

"If you don't talk about martial ethics, such a person is still the leader of the martial arts? "

"Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, come to bully comrades in their twenties, okay? This is not good! "

"I advise this old leader to take care of himself, reflect on himself, and don't commit such cleverness in the future"

The headlines on the home page and the hot search list all appeared on reports about the leader of the martial arts, and the content of the reports pointed directly at martial arts.

But many netizens left messages below, asking who is Wu Shentong?

The matter of Wulin is still too far away for them.

As a result, within five minutes, the content on the hot search page began to gradually replace.

Those pieces of news were all brushed down and disappeared without a trace.

After waiting for a few minutes, the webpage opened by Zhang Wei also directly displayed the words "404 not found".

"Sure enough, the methods of the five great masters are still strong!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei knew it in his heart.

He asked someone to release these messages on the webpage, just to disgust the Martial Arts.

But he obviously underestimated the means of the Wu family, or the influence of the five families in the Eastern Capital.

It took only 5 minutes, and all related reports were withdrawn, and even the articles and webpages were taken off the shelf, and they could not be found at all.

"It's a pity. I knew that if I let the second girl do it, I could save a lot of money. It costs money to find those media reporters. If I find the second girl, not only can I prostitute for nothing, but the article can survive for a long time." a little!"

Zhang Wei muttered, but he didn't take these things to heart.

With these news, it is naturally impossible to really hit Wu Shentong, at most it will disgust the Wu family.

Youdao is to come and not to be indecent, you are disgusting with martial arts, right, then I, Zhang Wei, will pay you back with a trick, which can be regarded as mutual contact.

Now, this matter is over.

Although Xia Qianyue was very embarrassed, because of the martial arts competition, she broke something in the villa.

But Zhang Wei thinks that this kind of thing is a small problem, even if the Wu family really wants to sue for compensation, he can handle it!

Who made him specialize in resolving such lawsuits!

"By the way, speaking of lawsuits, it's the last week of July, do you have to find a case for yourself?"

Zhang Wei was a bit bored, although he was busy these days, it was all for Xia Qianyue.

On the contrary, he himself was fine, and he had no other cases after defeating Xu Zhifeng.

Originally, he planned to pursue Xu Zhifeng, but in the end he was also "suicided", so it can only be written off.

After all, Xu Zhifeng's suicide added another record to his list of "murder lawyers".

Now when he is at work, even the other colleagues in the law firm look at him with a little something wrong.

The reputation of the "murder lawyer" has become somewhat unbearable.

"It's far away, let's take a look at what is worth paying attention to in the East recently!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and focused on the webpage again.

As the hot searches he bought were continuously dropped, the original hot searches returned to the top of the list again.

Soon, Zhang Wei found an eye-catching hot search.

"City Hospitals Disregard Human Lives, Unscrupulous Doctors Are Harmful! "

"There is a case!"

Seeing this news, Zhang Wei got excited immediately.

This is a case, and it's a medical claims case.

He quickly clicked on the trending news and began to check the articles.

The content of the article is generally biased towards the victim. For the sake of popularity, it is naturally impossible for the media to report absolutely fair and just.

Zhang Wei just browsed through it, and vaguely grasped the outline of the matter.

It probably means that a patient was seriously injured and went to the municipal hospital for treatment, but he died in the end.

Now the family members went to the hospital to ask for compensation, but the hospital seemed to disagree, and then the family members hung banners at the entrance of the hospital to make a fuss.

Naturally, there was a scolding war in the comment area and on the Internet.

Most of them support the families of the deceased, scolding the hospital for being unscrupulous and disregarding human life.

But there are also some people who scold the family members of the deceased, saying that these people want to make money when they touch porcelain.

Then stand on the side of the family members, label the person who stands in the hospital, and call the latter a navy hired by the hospital.

Naturally, the "Water Army" couldn't bear it, and also labeled the opponent as "troller", "diaosi", and "poor guy", and then the people on both sides scolded them completely.

Zhang Wei clicked on hundreds of comment posts, but even a reasonable person couldn't see them.

Either the two sides are colliding, or some people who eat melons leave messages to occupy the building.

Not even a single person who pretended to be "knowledgeable emperor", "whistleblower emperor" and pretended to analyze the incident.

Obviously, this comment area cannot be read. If you want to know the situation, you have to wait for a professional.

"I remember the city hospital. It seems that Jessica has been busy with a medical mutual aid project recently, but it's this morning. She should be receiving a doctor. Send her a message to ask!"

In this way, Zhang Wei opened the V letter, sent Jessica a link to the event, and then sent a "?".

Next, is to wait for the news.


at the same time.

Municipal Hospital, Dean's Office.

The old dean stood by the bed, looking at the crowd in the hospital square below, frowning.

Behind him are the directors of several departments of the hospital.

"Director Sheng, you did it this time, right?" The old dean didn't look back, but his tone was not kind.

The door is like this, and the daily work of the hospital has also been affected. He is planning to pursue responsibility.

"Dean, you are wronged!"

Director Sheng saw that the old dean had operated on him, and hurriedly complained: "At that time, there were too many patients, and you also know that in those few days we not only had to receive patients from the Martial Arts Conference, but also emergencies. I can't be too busy."

"As a last resort, I asked the doctors of the mutual aid system to help us deal with it. They were all excellent doctors, but what I didn't expect was that something like this happened."

The old dean finally turned his head back, and looked at Director Sheng with a cold face: "So, it wasn't you or our hospital's doctor who performed the operation?"

"Yes, it is a doctor named Jessica. She is from abroad, and her father is Professor Fergus, an internationally renowned medical and surgical authority. I am aiming at her father's reputation, and she is also a very famous doctor. A practicing doctor who let her join our mutual aid system."

"How could such an excellent doctor make such a big mistake?"

"Maybe it's her, she hasn't had major surgery for a long time..."

"Ah, didn't you say that she has been practicing in the East?"

"Yeah, she's a practicing doctor, but it's just a psychological clinic. Strictly speaking, she's actually a psychiatrist."


The old dean finally felt something was wrong.

You asked a psychiatrist to perform surgery, and he was a seriously injured patient?

Is your way of employing people too challenging and eclectic?

"She is actually qualified to practice surgery, so what I do is also in compliance with the regulations!"

Facing the old director, Director Sheng decided to fight with reason.

After all, the one who is responsible cannot be me!

I also thought that when I was grading in the second half of the year, I could step up from the position of department director. I can't make mistakes at this time!

The old dean pondered for a while, then analyzed: "The question is, is it the doctor named Jessica who did the surgery? Now that the patient is dead, these family members are making trouble at the entrance of our hospital. Is that what it means?"


"That's fine. Any of you go out and tell the family members that the problem is with that doctor, and tell them not to come to our hospital to make trouble. As for them refusing to leave and still pestering us, they should report to the police and arrest them!"

The old dean said, and looked at Director Sheng: "And you, you must explain everything about the medical mutual aid system clearly, to ensure that our hospital has no responsibility, and even if there is, we must minimize the impact. If necessary, contact the cooperative law firm to resolve these matters!"

"We get it!"

All the directors of the department nodded, and Director Sheng answered with a particularly loud voice.

"Jessica, since you haven't given me face many times, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

When he walked out of the dean's room, Director Sheng's face was full of sinister.


There is still noise at the entrance of the hospital.

The crowd of onlookers was on the inner third floor and the outer three floors, and the innermost one was the family members of the deceased holding banners.

The crying was heartbreaking, after all, a loved one died.

However, as Director Sheng and others appeared, the onlookers at the door backed down automatically, and the patient's family members cried even louder when they saw the person in charge appear.

There are old people and children in the family, and there are men and women, adding up to more than ten people.

Among the representatives of the hospital, a deputy director walked up to the family members and took a deep breath.

"Several family members, now our hospital is here to inform you that our hospital expresses its apologies for the death of your relatives, but the doctor who was in charge of the treatment at that time did not hold a temporary post in our hospital, but was only a temporary external employee who accepted the medical mutual aid plan of our hospital. doctor."

"Although our hospital has conducted tests on the medical level of these doctors, the clinical performance of these doctors is not completely under our hospital's control."

"Moreover, our hospital inspected and tested the patient's body immediately after the patient's death. Our hospital believed that the situation was urgent at that time, and any kind of accident was possible. For the death of your relatives, our hospital can only express our apologies. "

"Now your behavior has seriously affected the normal work order of our hospital. Please leave immediately, otherwise we will not rule out reporting the case. If you have any doubts about the deceased's medical treatment, our hospital is willing to give any form help!"

After the vice president finished speaking, he left without looking back.

The family members of the deceased will naturally not be satisfied with such a result.

"We are here to seek justice!" Immediately, a young man shouted angrily.

Among the hospital representatives, Director Sheng rolled his eyes when he saw the young man standing up.

You say you want justice, but what are you thinking in your heart, do you really think we don't know?

"Young man, don't be impulsive, our hospital still understands your situation, and understands that you are very sad now!"

"So our hospital decided, out of humanitarianism, to compensate you with a pension, and please leave quickly!"

Director Sheng did not specify the amount of the pension, because he was afraid that people around would interpret it at will.

After all, if you say too much about the loss of money, you are afraid that other people will follow suit, and if you say too little, you are afraid that the family members will make trouble, so they simply do not publish the figures.

As soon as they heard that the hospital was losing money, some of the family members stopped making noise and their eyes flickered.

"No, my brother is dead, so we can't just let it go!"

But the young man was still dissatisfied, and started to cry with the old woman beside him.

"Oh, my poor son, he lost his life at a young age. He still has two children. He lost his father at such a young age..."

The old mother burst into tears in public, and the surrounding audience were a little uneasy.

Seeing this, Director Sheng immediately walked in front of the family members.

He stretched out his hand, supported the old mother, leaned in front of the other party and the young man, and whispered: "This old man, although our hospital can't say that we have no responsibility, the real responsibility is not with us. If you want to find someone, If you have a wronged person and a debtor, go find the doctor who performed the operation!"

"Let me tell you, the person who performed the operation has nothing to do with my hospital. Even if you really want money, we can find a lawyer to clear up most of the ties. Then we will compensate you a few thousand yuan at most. Do you want it?"

Hearing these words, the old mother swayed and almost fell down again.

The young man on the side was even more angry.

Thousands of dollars, send beggars!

My eldest brother is dead, that is a life!

But Director Sheng said again: "Let me tell you the truth, the hospital's pension is only tens of thousands of yuan at most. If it's a big deal, it will go to court. We are not afraid of you!"

"But if you really want money, you can go to that doctor. According to us, she is very rich. She has opened psychological clinics in the East and specializes in serving business elites. It is not a problem to pay you several million!"

As Director Sheng spoke, he put on a tough look on his face, as if he was really not afraid of these family members making trouble.

As he said, the big deal is that we will go to court. There are barristers behind our hospital. If you just find a small lawyer, can you still win against us?

If you procrastinate, you may not get a penny, and your family members will not be worth the loss.

The old mother quickly glanced at the young man, who also had worry in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, the young man looked at Director Sheng: "What's the name of that doctor!"

"Jessica, that's her name!"

After Director Sheng answered, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This matter has been resolved, and it will not be a headache for me next.

"Let's go, let's go back!"

He beckoned, and went straight back to the hospital with his colleagues.

At the entrance of the hospital, the family members of the deceased also got together, and after discussing for a while, they dispersed.

The onlookers who were eating melons saw that there was no excitement to watch. Many entered the hospital, and many left directly to go home.

A farce, just like that.

However, the real problem has not been solved yet.


That afternoon.

Jincheng Law Firm, Zhang Wei's office.

Zhang Wei had had lunch and was about to take a nap when his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, Jessica, what's up?"

"I sent you a message in the morning, did you see it?"

"What, you said someone was making trouble in your clinic and threatened to beat you?"

"Good guy, let them wait, I'll be right there!"

After Zhang Wei hung up the phone, his face sank.

Good guy, who is so bold that even Jessica dares to move!

This is simply not taking Zhang Wei seriously.

The clinic where Jessica works is located in the United Financial Building in the city center, not far from the Jincheng Group Building. You don't even need to take the subway, you can walk there in more than ten minutes.

Zhang Wei rushed to the 41st floor of the United Financial Building in 7 minutes.

As a result, as soon as the elevator was opened, there was a lot of noise at the door.

In Dongnanfei and the wedding company next door to the clinic, people all came out to look around, crowded in the corridor, almost occupying the intersection.

"Sorry, give me a break, I'm a lawyer!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and came to Jessica's clinic.

He saw more than a dozen people occupying the entrance of the clinic, holding banners in their hands.

Among them were children and old people. A young man supported an old mother and was crying in the waiting area of ​​the clinic.

"Tracey, what's going on?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly found Tracy, the aunt at the front desk of the clinic, to find out about the situation.

"Sorry, I don't know! (Sorry, I don't know!)" Tracy spread her hands with an innocent face.

At noon, this group of people rushed in, crying and making noise.

She didn't understand the thinking of this group of people, and felt very confused.

Then, Trish pointed to the office again, "Jessica is waiting for u! (Jessica is waiting for you!)"


Zhang Wei glanced at the group of people, and then went straight into the office.

In the office, Jessica stood by the window, quietly watching the scenery downstairs.

When Zhang Wei walked in, she didn't look back.

"Zhang, I'm very puzzled and confused. I didn't expect that after I came to Dongfang Capital, I would be involved in a medical accident!"

Hearing the words "medical accident", Zhang Wei realized instantly.

He pointed to the direction of the door, "Are the family members of the deceased outside?"


"You performed the operation?"


"That person is not saved?"


"Have the forensic doctor given the autopsy report, are you responsible?"

"The hospital made a report to the deceased, and believed that under the conditions at that time, the probability of death of the deceased was over 60%, but there was also a certain probability of survival, so I..."

When Jessica said this, she paused and couldn't continue.

"So you gave up on him?"

"No, I didn't give up on him, I just wanted to save another person in a hurry, so I performed a treatment on him, and then went to save another person. I was lucky at that time, and the other person was saved, but the deceased but……"

Zhang Wei nodded, the deceased was naturally not saved!

"Speaking of where the operation was performed, is it in the municipal hospital?"



Zhang Wei walked directly outside the office, and soon came to the door.

"Ahem, I'm the lawyer representing Dr. Jessica, and now I'm here to inform your family members that we don't believe that the responsibility lies with Dr. Jessica, or that the main problem is not with her. , if you want to find the responsible party, then my suggestion is to conduct a full autopsy on the deceased and confirm the cause of death before we talk about it!"

"But I can tell you here that what Dr. Jessica made that day was the correct medical choice in line with the norms. Please don't continue to make trouble here. If you continue to pester me, I will directly report to the police to harass or Prosecute you for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble!"

"Don't think I'm joking, I'm serious, even if you want to pursue responsibility, please use formal methods instead of lying here and stalking!"

Zhang Wei's words were very straightforward, but he didn't say much, he just solved the immediate problem first.

He knew that this group of people would never let it go.

Because this group of people had already made a fuss at the gate of the city hospital before.

Looking for Jessica now, it is obvious that he suffered a loss from the hospital.

They obviously think that persimmons should be picked softly!

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