Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 371 The security guards are all on the field, and the father-in-law is also here?

The door of the clinic.

The family members hadn't left yet, and after hearing Zhang Wei's "threat", they became even more excited.

"The lawyer of this dog day dares to threaten us!"

"Report the case, report it if you have the guts!"

"Doctors disregard human life, so let's not let it go. We believe in justice and fairness!"

"Justice is in the heart!"

The family team headed by the old mother and the young man chanted slogans louder and louder.

"Professional!" Even Zhang Wei couldn't help feeling that this group of people definitely did their homework.

However, such a person is not without a solution.

No matter how much the family members made a fuss outside, Zhang Wei remained unmoved.

He took out his phone calmly, and the first number he dialed was the property of United Financial Building.

"Hey, is it the property management company? Someone is making trouble on the 41st floor, which has seriously hindered the normal operation of our three companies. Please send someone to deal with it!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Weiyou dialed a number again.

"Hey, is this the Reporting Center? Some people here are suspected of provoking troubles. The situation is almost out of control. Please send someone to deal with it. The address is United Financial Building..."

After making two consecutive phone calls, Zhang Wei moved a chair from the office and sat directly in front of the family members.

More than a dozen family members, big and small, old and young, all looked at each other in blank dismay.

They don't understand, what's the matter with this young lawyer, is he hard-hearted?

I waited for someone to cry and make noise here, didn't I just want an "explaining", why did this guy move the chair, as if he was watching a monkey show.

But they were troubled in their hearts, and the show had to go on.

If you cry, you still have to cry, and if you make trouble, you still have to make trouble.

The family members headed by the old mother and the young man started crying again, what a miserable situation.

At the end of the corridor, people from Dongnanfei and the wedding company also continued to watch the show.

Anyway, there is so much movement here, they are also affected so much that they can't do business, and they don't see it for nothing.

Only Zhang Wei, no matter how the wind blows and the rain blows, the sky collapses and the earth collapses, he will not move.

These scenes are simply child's play to him.

Not long after, the elevator sounded, and the property staff arrived.

In fact, the people in the property management have received some complaints since noon, saying that the 41st floor is a bit noisy, which affects the upstairs and downstairs.

They are also preparing to discuss how many people it is appropriate to send over.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei called, and they had to send someone here immediately.

"Give way, we belong to the property owner, what's the situation here!"

Accompanied by two or three security personnel, a property manager wearing a suit, a leader, and glasses walked in.

"I'm the manager of the property. My surname is Chen. May I ask who you are?"

After going through the self-registration number, I looked at a group of family members, and then looked at Zhang Wei and others.

"Manager Chen, you came at the right time, can you help us deal with this group of people, they are lying and sitting here, seriously affecting the normal work of the owners on this floor!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the family members and spoke calmly.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Wei, and I'm Dr. Jessica's lawyer. I'm now entrusted by the doctor to handle this matter!"

"Oh, I see!"

Manager Chen thought about it, but was not surprised.

"Then ask them to get up!"

He hurriedly directed the security personnel, wanting to ask the family members to get up.

"No, we won't get up!"

"We want justice, we want justice!"

"This doctor disregards human life. Is there any justice in heaven, and is there any law of the king!"

But to Manager Chen's surprise, the family members were very resistant and even struggled violently, not wanting the security guards to touch them.

"Good guy, this is Yinao!"

Manager Chen felt it was tricky.

Often this kind of thing is very difficult to deal with!

Wait... He also knows Dr. Jessica. This is a psychological clinic. How could YN appear?

"Do you have any misunderstandings? Dr. Jessica is clearly a psychiatrist. Don't her patients come to her to confide and seek psychological treatment?"

"It's that woman who cured my son...give me back my son, give me back my son..."

Among the family members, the old mother burst into tears immediately, with a hoarse voice, which made those who heard it sad and shed tears.

"I don't care about these things. It was that woman who killed my elder brother. We will seek justice today. If you dare to touch us, you are the doctor's accomplices!"

Compared to the old mother, her youngest son was much more straightforward, pointing at Manager Chen and Zhang Wei's noses, and started yelling and cursing.

"This..." Manager Chen was in trouble, because this matter was really difficult to handle.

If you move them, they will cry and make noise, and may even scold us for the first move.

But if it is not dealt with, it will make other owners unhappy and complain about the poor service of a property.

The United Financial Building is not an old property in those communities, but a well-known good property in the East, at least Manager Chen thinks so.

The old property in the community is easy to deal with these things.

Because the security guards are all old men, although four people may not be able to get five teeth together, at least the old man has a deterrent effect.

At that time, if the family members dare to do something or push and shove, the old man will go directly to the ground, so no one is afraid of anyone.

But their security guards are all about 30 to 40 years old, strong and vigorous.

Compared with these security guards, this group of family members are old, weak, sick and disabled, so they belong to the relatively weak side.

If there is a conflict, I am the strong side, and it is easy for people to say that the strong oppress the weak.


It's really difficult!

Manager Chen is in a difficult situation, how should he deal with it?

He is a little upset now. Why did this young lawyer call just now? He shouldn't have come.

"Manager Chen, please deal with it. At least invite them all downstairs, and don't occupy the space at the door. This will seriously affect the business of the three of us!"

Zhang Wei spoke again, and while talking, joined forces with Dong Nanfei and the wedding company.

"Yeah, we have a client who can't come in today, how can we make money and pay the rent?"

"Before we found two new couples as clients. We had agreed to come to consult about the wedding on Monday. Now it's so noisy here, how can we consult?"

"It's the same with Dongnanfei. We originally made an appointment with two groups of clients to file a divorce lawsuit. They came before, but when they saw the noise at the door, they left again!"

Saying that, the two groups of people from Dongnanfei and the wedding company vaguely stood in line, and then looked at each other with weird eyes.

The two companies did not deal with each other in the first place, and their main businesses were still opposed to each other, so they really couldn't understand each other.

However, although the two families stood on both sides clearly, they also disliked the family members very much.

Noisy and noisy, seriously affecting the daily operation of their company.

"Manager Chen, hurry up, even if you invite them, you have to invite them out, otherwise you will not be able to hide the inaction of your property management!"

"And their behavior has seriously hindered the normal business of several companies. This is an illegal act. Are you sitting idly by and condoning crime???"

Zhang Wei also said something aside, although the voice was not loud, but the hat was buttoned up quite loudly, and the voice was just enough for people around to hear.

Manager Chen felt the pressure, this matter had to be dealt with.

And immediately, deal with it immediately!

Otherwise, this little lawyer might have to put more hats on himself.

"Hurry up, send more people over here!"

Manager Chen made another phone call.

In less than two minutes, the elevator door opened again, and more than a dozen security guards walked out.

"Hurry up, it's here, invite them to the lobby downstairs!"

Manager Chen beckoned, and the security guards moved quickly.

When the family members saw that the security guards were about to act, they immediately panicked.

"No, they want to do it!"

"Beat people, beat people, these dog security guards are doing it!"

"You dare to touch my mother, I will fight with you!"

Afterwards, the security guards didn't touch them, and the group started yelling and cursing.

Several family members waved their hands and beat all around, and they didn't know who they were beating?

The security guards aren't even close yet.

Manager Chen: ...

Security guards: ...

Zhang Wei: "Hehe!"

The audience around: "Hey guy, is this air defense?"

Seeing that the melon-eating people around were not leaving for a long time, Manager Chen thought about it, and finally gritted his teeth.

"Take them out, remember to pay attention to the scale, and don't hurt anyone!"

As soon as he gave the order, all the security guards took action. They directly picked up the family members from the ground by supporting them, and dragged them to the elevator.

"Kill it, kill it!"

Naturally, the family members couldn't leave. They struggled violently, punched and kicked the security guards, and even bit their teeth.

"Can't do anything, hold back, hold back everything!"

"This matter is settled, I will give each of you 500 yuan as a bonus!"

Seeing this, Manager Chen hurriedly reminded him and promised a bonus.

I have to say that he is still very experienced. He knows that this kind of thing is difficult to deal with, but he also knows that this kind of thing must be tougher.

Otherwise, if one is not handled well, friction is likely to occur.

At that time, the property will also be unlucky.

Therefore, the behavior of the security personnel must be strictly controlled, and they must not do anything, even if they are beaten, they must not fight back.

The security personnel dragged the family members into the elevator one by one under the fierce struggle of the family members, and even resisted by grabbing their hands and biting their mouths, and then sent them downstairs.

"You, you!"

The old mother and the young man were also brought into the elevator at last, and with strong anger, their voices disappeared into the corridor.

"Manager Chen, you are decisive enough!"

Finally, seeing the finally quiet aisle, Zhang Wei had no choice but to give a thumbs up to Manager Chen for his actions.

"Hehehe, lawyer, you are joking, I have no idea in my heart!"

Manager Chen took out a toilet paper and wiped his forehead and shouted, his heart pounding.

"Then let's go down too, the family members may report and sue you later!"

"Ah, can't it be?"

"Why not, these people are after money in the final analysis, as long as we don't give money, how can they give up!"

As Zhang Wei said, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Then if they really report the case, how will it be dealt with?"

"Don't worry, in order to prevent them from reporting the case, I have already reported the case in advance, maybe the field staff has already arrived downstairs!"

Manager Chen:? ? ?

Zhang Wei and Manager Chen went downstairs together. When the elevator opened, they saw a lot of people gathered in the hall.

The security guards stood on one side, and the family members were surrounded by a group of people on the other side, and there was a patrol car of the Wushu Association parked at the door.

"Brother in the field, you have to decide for us. These people just beat us and threw us out!"

"We just want to seek justice, but these people treat us like this. This is simply inhuman!"

"That's right, that's right, my old mother is over 60 years old and has always been in poor health, but is there any reason for them to treat the old man like this, is there still any law of the king?"

"This big brother in the field, you have to make decisions for us ordinary people!"

Inside the crowd, it was lively.

When Zhang Wei and Manager Chen arrived, although they couldn't see how the family members were doing, they could hear them crying miserably.

"Don't worry, we will never let any bad guy go!"

In the field team, a man promised.

But Zhang Wei was stunned by his voice.

The crowd dispersed automatically, and a middle-aged field worker walked out as the leader of the team.

"Fuck, father-in-law!"

Seeing the appearance of the field staff, Zhang Wei secretly said that it was true.

This time, after receiving the complaint, the reporting center directly assigned several groups of nearby field workers to deal with it.

Xia Donghai is one of them. Recently, his area of ​​responsibility includes the United Financial Building in the city center.

The son-in-law and father-in-law did not expect to meet on such an occasion.

"Zhang Wei, why are you here?"

"Yue... Xia Waiqin, I am the reporter!"

Seeing Xia Donghai, Zhang Wei almost called his father-in-law.

But he changed his words in time, because he was afraid.

If these family members knew that the field office and the lawyer were a family, they might start crying again, so they made use of the problem.

So at this time, it's better not to reveal your identity.

"Xia Waiqi, based on what our witnesses have heard and seen, we have reason to suspect that this group of people deliberately blackmailed my client, and the entangled personnel harassed, intimidated and threatened my client and the company in an attempt to blackmail me. party."

Seeing the person in charge came, Zhang Wei immediately spoke first, pointing directly at the "family members" and said.

"You fart!"

Among the family members, the young man was the first to bear it and was about to get up.

"Especially him, who took the lead in instigating other people to make trouble. He is the main culprit in this case. I think that even if he is not punished according to the criminal law, he should be dealt with according to the public security law. He should be locked up for ten days the first time!"

"What are you talking about, I've been locked up for ten days, who the hell are you!"

The young man couldn't bear it immediately, pointed at Zhang Wei and yelled and cursed, "I came here to seek justice for my elder brother who died, he died so inexplicably, but the hospital didn't give an explanation, and the doctor didn't dare Come out to see us, this is simply insane, disregarding human life!"

"It's not up to you whether to disregard human life or not. It has to be certified by an authoritative organization. If you are not satisfied with the appraisal of the authoritative organization, you can spend your own money to hire a trusted organization to do it!"

Why didn't Zhang Wei get used to the other party, and asked directly in a cold voice: "But you came outside my client's clinic without any evidence provided by any authoritative organization, and slandered her recklessly, which caused a very serious impact on my client's reputation. Fang believes that you are involved in defamation and defamation, which is also a criminal act."

"And you are still occupying the passage outside the clinic, which has seriously affected the normal work of my client, and also affected the normal business and public order of the two companies next door. Your behavior has seriously disrupted the normal operation of their company. I will also Please ask the other two companies to come forward and sue your actions, and ask you to compensate for the direct economic losses caused!"

"You..." The family members were speechless when they heard Zhang Wei's threat.

I just came here to "make a fuss", but as a result, not only did I not get any benefits, but I also lost money.

This is unacceptable!

The young man immediately winked at the old mother.

The old mother immediately understood, and after forcing out a few tears, she cried out immediately: "Comrade Wuxie, please make the decision for us..."


She started crying again.

"Oh, by the way, and the matter of you beating and biting people, you should also be investigated!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to a security guard and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a row of clear teeth marks.

Then he walked over to another security guard and rolled up his sleeves. There were a few scratch marks on his arm, with traces of blood on it.

"Xia Waiqi, this group of people not only made trouble for no reason, but also attacked and beat these security guards. Their actions constituted provoking trouble, right? For the sake of public safety, it shouldn't be too much to take them back and lock them up for a few days, right? ?”

"You fart, we didn't!"

"It was obviously the security guards who beat people. They were all tall and big, and threw us out."

"That's right, that's right, these people are bad people, we are all victims, and we still need justice!"

The family members protested one after another, and the young man directly denied it.

"If you say there is no, then there is no. There must be evidence for everything!"

Zhang Wei smiled. He took out his phone and played a video directly to Xia Donghai.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"You dare to touch me, I have learned kung fu, be careful and kill you!"

"I'll kill you bastards, a bunch of bastards in dog skins, let me down, let me down!"

In the video, it was this young man who kicked and beat the security guards. Although the security guards were angry, they did not fight back.

"Xia Waiqin, did you see, this is what happened just now, the security guards are too difficult, they dare not fight back when they are beaten up, and they are the ones who beat them up"


Xia Donghai nodded, he could see it.

These families are here to make trouble.

"Take them away, bring them back to the branch!"

With a wave of Xia Donghai's hand, the field staff went straight to the family members.

"You can't touch me, I..."

"I advise you to save yourself some effort. Field workers have the power to enforce the law. If you resist and beat them again, it will be a serious assault crime against law enforcement officers. You can try to make a fuss and see if the prosecutor dares to prosecute. You, let you go to prison for three to five years!"

Just when the family members were still struggling to resist, Zhang Wei said something coldly from the side.

Now, they didn't dare to really do it.

At least they were all scared.

People are in awe of knowing that they will go to jail if they do so.

The family members headed by the young man and his old mother were taken away in this way.

But Zhang Wei knew that this group of people would definitely not let it go.

From the way they looked at me when they left, I knew that this group of people would definitely continue to stalk.

Zhang Wei looked up.

He felt that Jessica's work needs to be adjusted recently.

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