Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 374 Excessive conditions, Lao Ni is going to be depressed again?

Jincheng law firm.

On the 25th floor, a large reception room next to the criminal department.

Both parties to the case and their attorneys were present.

Zhang Wei and Jessica, Qin Shaocong and Wednesday two.

However, no one else followed Zhang Wei and Jessica.

And behind Qin Shaocong, stood six male subordinates in well-dressed suits.

So from the perspective of aura, Qin Shaocong's side is even better.

"It's Qin's honor to be able to fight against the famous 'murder lawyer' Zhang Wei this time!"

Qin Shaocong spoke first, and greeted him "politely", with a smile on his lips.

However, his casual sitting posture with his legs crossed, and his squinting attitude when looking at people are completely opposite to the tone of greeting.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei is not surprised.

He used to do even more outrageous things than this before fighting others.

"Young Master Qin, we smart people don't speak dark words. The purpose of your coming here should be to discuss the terms of reconciliation?"

"Lawyer Zhang is really quick to speak, so Qin will not waste any time and give you a quotation directly!"

As Qin Shaocong said, he raised a hand and spread his five fingers instantly.

"This number!"

"Young Master Qin, you are really generous. You agreed to settle with 500,000 yuan, and we agreed!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, as if agreeing to Qin Shaocong's request.

Qin Shaocong's face changed slightly, when did I say 500,000?

But then he regained his composure, with a smile on the corner of his mouth again: "Lawyer Zhang, you are pretending to be ignorant!"

"That's right, 500,000 to send a beggar!" Zhou Sanliang who was on the side suddenly said, and put on a dirty face at the same time.

"You are very greedy, brother!" Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party coldly.

Sensing Zhang Wei's pressure on Wednesday, he quickly turned to Qin Shaocong for help.

"Mr. Zhou, have I reminded you again and again, unless you have my permission, don't speak casually!"

This time, Qin Shaocong couldn't bear it anymore, and his tone was slightly reprimanded and unhappy.

Although your client and I have a cooperative relationship, in my Longteng case, I, Qin Shaocong, took the lead, and your client cannot refute me.


Wednesday two hastily lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake.

However, on his occasionally raised face, one can vaguely see a hint of ferocity and insidiousness. Of course, this is not for Qin Shaocong, but for Zhang Wei.

This kind of person never thinks about his own mistakes. He feels that it is Zhang Wei's fault that he was reprimanded by Qin Shaocong, so he hates Zhang Wei, but he does not look for his own reasons.

Qin Shaocong just glanced at Wednesday and then looked at Zhang Wei again.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm sorry, just pretend you didn't hear what my client said just now!"

Qin Shaocong waved his hand with a calm expression.

But in fact, he also felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he came early, otherwise, if he said such things in front of the judge in the mediation room of the court on Wednesday and Tuesday, the judge's impression of him would be deducted.

"Now, we're going to talk about the settlement amount."

"Didn't you just say it, this number!"

Zhang Wei imitated Qin Shaocong's movements, raised his right hand, and spread his five fingers, "500,000, we agree!"

"Lawyer Zhang, are you joking? Everyone knows that your client can afford to pay 500,000. Even with the relationship between you and your client, 500,000 is just a drop in the bucket!"

"What does Young Master Qin mean?"


Hearing this number, Zhang Wei and Jessica glanced at each other, both of them looked relaxed.

This amount sounds like a lot, but it can only be said to be a small problem for the financial capacity of the two.


5 million is a small problem?

This sounds a little too crazy... Let's take a medium question!

"Young Master Qin, for 5 million, Jessica and I actually..."

"Lawyer Zhang, you misunderstood. I know that 5 million is not a big problem for you, so I have two additional conditions!"

As Qin Shaocong said, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew even wider.

This time, Zhang Wei finally noticed the problem.

This additional condition will definitely not be easy.

"Young Master Qin, but it's okay to say!"

"Okay, I'll say it."

Qin Shaocong raised a finger: "First, if Lawyer Zhang and Dr. Jessica agree to pay compensation, we can sign a settlement agreement, but Dr. Jessica must make a promise that he will no longer engage in clinical work. "

"After all, your medical skills are not good enough and you killed my client's elder brother. My client is very worried that your medical skills will kill other patients!"

Hearing this ridicule, Jessica couldn't bear it anymore, clenched her fists and was about to get up.

But her hand was held down by Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei's eyes signaled, don't be impatient.

"Young Master Qin, what about the second condition?"

Knowing that Zhang Wei would ask such a question, Qin Shaocong immediately raised his second finger: "The second one is about you, Lawyer Zhang!"

"After the reconciliation, you have to publish a message in the news circle of Dongfang Capital. The content must roughly mark two points. One is that Zhang Wei really lost to Qin Shaocong, and the other is that Longteng International is stronger than Jincheng Law Firm!"

Hearing these demands, Zhang Wei could hardly bear it anymore.

However, his city mansion is deeper than others, and he can keep his smile on his face without showing any changes in his expression.

To say that the only thing that has changed is that the breathing rhythm is no longer uniform.

This also surprised Qin Shaocong.

He even made such an "excessive" request, but Zhang Wei didn't respond at all, and could still sit still.

Didn't this kid just graduate? How come Chengfu is as deep as those old rivers and lakes in the legal profession.

After Qin Shaocong made the request, the atmosphere in the reception room was somewhat dull.

After a long time, Zhang Wei finally said, "Young Master Qin, I wonder if you have used a calculator before?"


"Yeah, it's an electronic device that is usually found on the financial and front desk desks. It's a very interesting thing. I'll show it to you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked out of the reception room and borrowed a calculator from the front desk.

After sitting down again, Zhang Wei directly pressed a button three times.




The electronic sound was clearly transmitted throughout the reception room, and everyone heard it

"Lawyer Zhang, is this not only agreeing to 5 million, but also planning to raise the price by 1 million?" Qin Shaocong asked jokingly with a smile.

"Young Master Qin misunderstood, I just think your ideas are very six, so I couldn't help giving you a thumbs up!"

Zhang Wei also smiled, but the smile didn't last long.

"For your conditions, this is my answer!"

As he spoke, his smile faded away, and he continued to press the calculator with a cold face.

"Return to zero!"

"Return to zero!"

"Return to zero!"

At this moment, Qin Shaocong's smile quickly subsided.

This time, he also heard that Zhang Wei disagreed.

The answer given by the other party was "0"!

"So, is Lawyer Zhang ready to talk?"

"Young Master Qin, feel your conscience and ask yourself, is the condition you gave an attitude of preparing to talk to me?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, "You said that you came to me for a fight, I believe it, but it's really unimaginable to talk about peace~"

"That lawyer means..."

"My condition is very simple. We can indeed provide a few million, but your client must sign a non-disclosure agreement. Regarding this case and what happened today, you can't say a word, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"5 million, right? Then I agree!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words on the side on Wednesday, ecstasy appeared on his face.

This amount of money is very large, enough for him to buy a big house in his hometown, get a beautiful daughter-in-law, and spend the rest of his life leisurely.

"Oh, Mr. Zhou agreed?" Zhang Wei frowned and suddenly smiled.

But he knew in his heart that it was useless to agree on Wednesday and Tuesday, because the other party was a pure instrumental person.

Qin Shaocong agreed that this case is the real end.

"Mr. Zhou, have you never listened to my words?"

The smiles on both of Wednesday's faces suddenly disappeared, and there was some panic in their eyes.

He could hear that Qin Shaocong's tone was not kind.

Very bad, even with a hint of warning.

It was only then that he remembered what the other party told him before he set off.

But Zhang Wei's attitude just now irritated him.

That's a total of 5 million. He never expected to get so much money, so he couldn't hold back his excitement...

In fact, he really couldn't help it, and even wanted to agree immediately and sign the agreement on the spot.

It doesn't matter what agreement you sign, as long as you get the money, everything is easy to talk about.

But he desperately wanted to agree, but Qin Shaocong didn't want to.

"Lawyer Zhang, 5 million is not a small amount of money for ordinary people, but at your level, you should be aware of the nature of this case, right?"

"Young Master Qin wants to say, can you make decisions for your clients?"

"Of course, what we signed is a carte blanche contract, and I have the final say on this case!"

"Is it okay to go against the customer's wishes?"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't pretend to be confused. This case is not between the two of us, but between Long Teng and Jin Cheng!"

Qin Shaocong didn't intend to waste any more time, so he got up and was about to leave.

"Lawyer Zhang, I would like to advise you one last thing. When you fight against me, Qin Shaocong, you have to be careful. I am not Hu Yaode, who was defeated by you before, and I am not the group of rookies at the local prosecutor's headquarters!"

Throwing down a harsh word, Qin Shaocong led the people away.

He glanced at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei twice on Wednesday. Although he was eager to agree to Zhang Wei's conditions and took the money and left, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and leave.

"Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you in trouble this time..."

"Jessica, don't think so. It should be me who wants to thank you for giving me a chance to fight against Young Master Longteng."

Facing Jessica's self-blame, Zhang Wei comforted her again.

"By the way, before going to the pre-trial in the afternoon, is it convenient for you to talk to me carefully about what happened that night? I always feel that there is something wrong here."

"Why are you doctors hired from outside so busy that day? Logically speaking, when arranging tasks, the hospital should give priority to its own people, right?"

"The doctors in their hospital should have richer clinical experience. Shouldn't they send some high-priority wounded patients directly to these doctors?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Jessica recalled it carefully.

"When you say that, I do feel strange, but I was too busy that day. I remember that I didn't rest long after I had an operation, and another operation. I was finally busy until 4 o'clock in the morning. I went back I just went to sleep, and canceled all the appointments in the morning!"

"Why are you so busy?"

Hearing Jessica's self-report, Zhang Wei was surprised, "You have worked too hard, and I feel distressed."

"Zhang, it's your turn to work hard this time, so I can only help you."

"Really, can I ask for some encouragement?"


Jessica blinked, then smiled, and got up directly behind Zhang Wei.

With a pair of lotus root arms wrapped around his neck, Zhang Wei felt "huge pressure" on his back.

He yelled in his heart, who can resist this!

Can't stand it, can't stand it...

"Zhang, thank you..."

In the ear, there was the faint orchid sound of exhaling, which made people feel itchy and unbearable.

"Master, something is wrong~"

At this moment, a rush of shouts interrupted the two of them again.

"Yeah, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything~"

Lin Yumeng saw the two people in the reception room, who behaved extremely intimately, and quickly covered her eyes, pretending that she hadn't seen anything.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but sighed.

This little apprentice seems to be unacceptable!

Jessica got up quickly and released Zhang Wei from the "huge pressure".

"Xiaomeng, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Oh, the court just called to inform you that you are going to attend the preliminary hearing in the afternoon!"

"I've known about this for a long time."

"Also, my father called and asked you to give him a call. He wants to know the situation of this case!"

"Oh, your dad, right, I see."

I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out that the court came to notify again, and then Lin Xiangtian also asked about the case information.

Regarding this, Zhang Wei was speechless.

So what about your questioning, and it can't help me. If you ask, it's better not to ask.

But just as Zhang Wei was about to call back the big boss, the phone rang suddenly.

Incoming call shows "unknown number".

"Come on, the real big boss is here!"

After answering the phone, Zhang Wei said without waiting for the other party to speak, "Mr. Lin, I have confidence in this case, so don't worry!"

"Oh, have you learned to answer quickly?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Jincheng's voice really sounded.

"Nonsense, at this point in time, what else can old master Lin call me for? The only thing that can make old master Lin care about you is the battle for the top spot between Jincheng and Longteng, right?"

"You're right, that's it!"

After Lin Jincheng finished speaking, he was silent for a moment, and then continued: "The old man Qin in Longdu has never dealt with me, so you understand the importance of this case, right?"

"If you can beat his grandson, then the next time I go to Longdu, I will have a lot of face and I will be very happy; but if you lose to his grandson, then he will be very happy next time I go to Longdu , then I will be very unhappy!"

Zhang Wei was so compelled in his heart that he even cursed directly, whether you are high or not has nothing to do with me, Zhang Wei.

But on the surface, he just curled his lips to express his disdain, and did not respond.

"So, you must win this case, even if it is by any means, you must win it for me!"

"Mr. Lin, I can only say that I will do my best, but I cannot promise!"

"Then you can figure it out, but I, Lin Jincheng, hate failure very much, I hope you understand!"

"I, Zhang Wei, also hate failure, Mr. Lin..."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking half a sentence, the phone was hung up.


He sneered at the phone, then exchanged glances with Jessica, and the two were ready to go.

"Master, where is my father..." Lin Yumeng, who was on the side, saw it and hurriedly asked.

"Silly apprentice, your grandpa is calling, why should I report to your father?"

Zhang Wei chuckled again, directly saving the thought of reporting to Lin Xiangtian.


I have already informed Lin Jincheng, why should I report to Lin Xiangtian who is a son again, it is not a waste of time?

If your big boss wants to know the situation, you can ask your father!

Anyway, I have already explained to your father, so you can rest easy.

Lin Xiangtian didn't know at all that he already had no place in Zhang Wei's heart.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, set off directly with Jessica to the city court.


Before pre-trial.

judge's office.

Ni Qiuping rested her forehead with one hand, looked at both the prosecution and the defense, and felt a headache.

Similarly, her mood was extremely depressed.

"I said, you two are really going straight to court. Why don't you plan to try to settle this kind of medical dispute case? Why don't you sit down and talk about it?"

Ni Qiuping knew that she was asking the question knowingly, but she felt that she could try her best not to waste judicial resources.

In addition, she also had a headache seeing these two great gods in court.

"Judge Ni, we do not accept the settlement, or we do not intend to accept any conditions proposed by the prosecution!"

"Judge Ni, the purpose of our prosecution is actually very simple. To make the defendant admit his mistakes and negligence, he must also give us a guarantee that there will be no more victims in the future. Isn't that too much?"

"Judge Ni, the defense thinks the prosecution is farting. My client did not make a mistake. How can I admit it?"

"Judge Ni, the prosecution believes that..."

In front of Ni Qiuping, Zhang Wei and Qin Shaocong started arguing directly.

Ni Qiuping called secretly, good guy!

This hasn't even gone to court yet, so why are you making this kind of scene for me?

If this goes to court, you must not tear down my court?

The point is, even if I put on a bad face, you two won't even look at it.

Coauthoring me, Ni Qiuping's prestige in the court, does not have the slightest effect, and does not deter you at all?

But after thinking about it carefully, it really is.

I, Ni Qiuping, are only a civil court judge in the Municipal Court, but you two are not so simple.

One is a big shot from Longdu, and the other is well-known locally.

The confrontation between the strong dragon and the local snake!

Thinking of this, Ni Qiuping felt that she was going to be depressed again?

"Okay, you can do whatever you like, I give up!"

She quickly waved her hand and waved them away.

"Doctor Jessica, wait a minute."

Just when the two parties were about to leave, Ni Qiuping suddenly stopped Jessica.

"I want to ask, do you know a good psychiatrist? I feel like I'm going to be depressed recently. Please recommend a good doctor to me."

Hearing Ni Qiuping's request, Zhang Wei suddenly smiled: "Old Ni, you are joking, Jessica is an excellent doctor, you can consult her when this case is over!"

"Lawyer Zhang, you are really confident."

Qin Shaocong naturally heard another meaning contained in Zhang Wei's words, and immediately mocked: "Do you really think you are sure to win?"


Zhang Wei smiled confidently and left the office with Jessica.

Qin Shaocong snorted coldly, and left with the client.

Only Ni Qiuping sat in her seat with a look of astonishment.

By the way, where is the psychiatrist I want?

Would you recommend me one before leaving?

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