Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 375 Rumor? Do judges dare to blackmail?

civil court.

Court scene.

Ni Qiuping finally took her seat, but she looked at both the prosecution and the defense with some resentment in her eyes.

Ask you to recommend a psychologist to me, do you all think I am joking?

Let me tell you, I'm really getting depressed, and it's still the kind that can't be cured!

But no matter how much she wants to push her heart, she must always keep calm.

"Then, this court announces that the preliminary trial has officially begun!"

After hammering the hammer, Ni Qiuping announced: "First of all, please state your arguments in court!"

She didn't want to say any more.

Because these two people in court are veteran drivers of the court.

Know everything you should know!

If you don't understand, it must be pretending.

On the prosecution seat, someone stood up first.

"Ahem, I'm Qin Shaocong, the lawyer representing the prosecution, and the prosecution is the plaintiff. I was entrusted by the plaintiff to sue the defendant, the defense, for their crimes!"

Qin Shaocong raised his finger and pointed to Wednesday Two on the prosecution table, and introduced: "He is Mr. Wednesday Two, the family member of the deceased, and the deceased in this case is his elder brother. Behind us is my client's mother, a family A rough, but very kind lady."

Everyone in the court looked at the witness stand for the prosecution. Mother Zhou took out a tissue in due course and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

In the eyes of everyone, this is an old mother who has lost her son in old age, has a rough life experience, and can only live a miserable life with her youngest son.

But Zhang Wei on the defense bench rolled his eyes. This old mother was more threatening than his son when it came to "making troubles".

Especially the method of crying and acting at the entrance of the hospital is obviously professionally trained, crying as soon as you say it, it is very powerful.

"Now, let's get back to the topic!"

Qin Shaocong's voice suddenly intensified, and he raised his hand again to point to the defense bench.

"Doctor Jessica is the negligent party in this case!"

"I know that you have seen a blonde with blue eyes and a hot body. You may sympathize with her, pity her, and even have a good impression of her."

"Let me guess, I guess the defense will also use all means to show the weak side of this woman in court, in order to win everyone's sympathy."

"But we will tell you that next time our prosecution will prove that because of her mistakes, her misjudgment of her own medical technology, and her misjudgment of her on-site actions, led to the death of my client's brother! It also led to the death of my client's brother. An old mother lost an excellent son forever, and caused her children and wife far away in their hometown to lose their most beloved father and best husband!"

Qin Shaocong made a loud noise, almost pointing at Jessica's nose and growling.

As for the emotion, he has pretended.

At this moment, he seemed to be on the side of justice. For the families of the victims, he needed to stand up, uphold justice, and not shrink back in the face of powerful enemies.

"Good guy, using family members to win sympathy is another emotional card!"

When Zhang Wei heard Qin Shaocong's words and saw Qin Shaocong's expression and movements, he knew the opponent's routine.


Moving out of an old mother, moving out of a home with two children who are waiting to be fed, and moving out of a woman who has lost her husband is definitely a killer in court.

"Oh, by the way, I also heard a gossip!"

At this moment, Qin Shaocong suddenly interjected, "You may not know that the lawyer Zhang Wei sitting in the dock is a well-known 'murder lawyer' in the capital of the East. His defense methods are cruel and his actions are fierce. It’s really frightening and frightening!”

As soon as this remark came out, all eyes were on Zhang Wei.

"Hey, hey, you're going too far..."

Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining, I was wronged.

The deaths of Cheng Lisha and Xu Zhifeng really have nothing to do with me, Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei repeatedly cried out for himself, but unfortunately no one else could hear him.

And it's useless for him to explain, explaining is tantamount to covering up, it's better not to explain.

"By the way, I have another gossip, and that is the tidbit about Lawyer Zhang."

When Qin Shaocong said this, he suddenly changed his tone and said in a teasing tone: "I heard that Lawyer Zhang has a girlfriend, and she is also an excellent operative of the serious crime team of the investigation department."

"In the end, not only did he get along with his psychiatrist, but I heard that for the convenience of handling the case, he even hooked up with a certain female prosecutor at the local prosecutor's headquarters. Such a person is simply..."


On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping coughed suddenly.

Qin Shaocong's words paused, and then he immediately changed his words: "I'm sorry, everyone, what I said just now is just hearsay and gossip, please don't pay attention, just listen to it casually!"

Just listen?

Many people in the court looked at each other in blank dismay, and some even logged in to search on Qiandu already planning to go back.

They wanted to see if a certain lawyer was really that bad, exactly as Qin Shaocong said.

If so, then this lawyer is really shameless!

Not only has a girlfriend, but also hooks up with a female prosecutor, and has an unclear relationship with a psychologist.

Maybe, there are other women of unknown origin in his family, and maybe he hooked up with others in other places.

Such a person is simply too enviable... No, it's too hateful!


In the hearing booth and the jury candidates, many people showed hostility towards Zhang Wei.

And Qin Shaocong, who felt this wave of hostility, obviously achieved his goal.

"Our claim is over!"

Qin Shaocong walked out of the courtroom, returned to the prosecution's seat, and sat down calmly.

Next, it's the defense's turn.

"Defense, you can start!"

Ni Qiuping gestured to Zhang Wei, while complaining inwardly.

You were so hacked just now, do you want to live out the whole thing?

You can do the whole job, but don't make too much noise, or be careful of me!

On Zhang Wei's side, he naturally got up calmly and walked to the center of the court.

"Everyone, I'm Zhang Wei, the defense lawyer, and I'm representing my client, Dr. Jessica. We will prove that she is a good doctor who is dedicated to her duty in the next trial. She just did something that day. In times of crisis, she thought it was the most reasonable and most in line with medical norms, but on the contrary, she treated 5 other patients that day, and she is an out-and-out good doctor!"

"In addition, we express our regret for the death of the deceased on Tuesday and Tuesday, and at the same time express our sincere sympathy to the family members of the deceased, Mr. Zhou's brother and his mother..."

Scene talk!

At this moment, everyone in the court felt that Zhang Wei's words were a little false.

You sound good in court, but it's just some scene talk. We have participated in dozens of court trials, and we basically heard this routine.

Naturally, words in these scenes will not be effective.

Didn't you see that Qin Shaocong was still sneering, Wednesday's expression was sarcasm, and the old mother was still secretly wiping away tears?

But Zhang Wei also knows that these scenes must be said. After all, this is a matter of attitude, and you must at least express your attitude.

Even if it is a hypocritical statement, one must show an attitude.

And after talking about the scene, it's time to live.

Zhang Wei raised a finger, and suddenly said: "The next step is the key point, and it is also my response to the statement made by the prosecution!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ni Qiuping was the first to open her eyes wide.


What's the matter with you kid, the pre-trial speech has to be done, and it's not time to select jurors yet?

Not only Ni Qiuping, Qin Shaocong is not calm now.

It never occurred to him that Zhang Wei had prepared a counter-routine for his method just now?


Did he even think of this step, even predicting my move to hack him?

"Fake rumors!"

Zhang Wei said two words, and then pointed at Qin Shaocong, "What he said just now is completely a rumor!"

"It's true that I have a girlfriend. Her name is Xia Qianyue, and she's from the Serious Crime Squad of the Investigation Division. But we are still college classmates. I often help her with her homework. The relationship between us didn't develop overnight."

"As for the other accusations made by the prosecution law firm, I completely deny it and reserve the right to trace the prosecution's rumors and slander!"

Qin Shaocong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Zhang Wei said.

If you deny it, just deny it, why bother with such a big fight?

If you just deny it like this, then I don't care, anyway, I still have a trick, that is...

"Ahem, I haven't finished talking yet..."

Zhang Wei coughed again, "I know that some of you will definitely go back and search for these entries, but I can tell you that these Internet hotspots and entries, etc., have been tampered with!"

"If you have recently searched for information about me and searched for the word 'Zhang Wei', the information that pops up is basically against me. This is the method used by the prosecution lawyer. Made tricks!"

"be opposed to!"

At the prosecution table, Qin Shaocong stood up, "Judge Ni, the defense lawyers are the ones spreading rumors, completely fabricating things that don't exist, and slandering my innocence!"

"Judge Ni, is it slander? You can tell everyone in the court to use their mobile phones to search!"

Zhang Wei said, emphasizing: "If you want you to type in the word 'Zhang Wei' on Qiandu, the links that appear on Qiandu's homepage must be aimed at my comments and articles, and must be black material about me!"

"Judge Ni, Attorney Zhang is joking, the court is an important place, but the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited!"

Of course Qin Shaocong would not let Zhang Wei get what he wanted.

Just kidding, although I spent money behind my back, I don't want you to point it out now.

This search result will not be meaningful until the jury, or the audience goes back.

So he must object.

And not only to object, but also to let the judge take a stand.

"Judge Ni, you won't condone Lawyer Zhang's behavior!"


Ni Qiuping did make a mistake, but she also knew that mobile phones are not allowed in court.

So she decided not to agree to Zhang Wei's...

But Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago. He smiled lightly and then changed his tone: "Oh, by the way, Judge Ni, I found out that the prosecution lawyer not only targeted me, but also targeted you!"



Two sounds of astonishment came from the mouths of Ni Qiuping and Qin Shaocong respectively.

Ni Qiuping was surprised because she never expected that someone would have such courage.

Qin Shaocong was surprised because he never expected that even the judge would be "taken care of" when he checked the trending searches.

did i do it

I didn't do it!

"It's impossible!" Qin Shaocong immediately denied.

"Why is it impossible? Young Master Qin, stop pretending. Are you afraid that Judge Ni will be unjust, so you also arranged black material for her?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and looked at the trial seat again.

"Ahem, this court has carefully considered it just now. Since Lawyer Zhang suspects that there is something wrong with Qiandu's hot search, everyone should take a look!"

As she spoke, she winked at the clerk beside her, who immediately took out her mobile phone and handed it over.

In court, everyone turned on their phones and started searching.

Qiandu searched for the word "Zhang Wei", after entering...

Countless messages were sent out, each of which was black material about Zhang Wei, of all kinds.

"Please click into any trending search, and then check the publication time, are they all posted today?"

Generally, no one would pay attention to the release time of the article, but after everyone clicked on the trending search, they took a look and found that it was true.

"Please continue to enter keywords, such as my client's name, or 'Jincheng Law Firm', 'Murder Lawyer' are all fine, let's see if this is the case?"

Everyone in the court complied, and it was later discovered that this was indeed the case.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then said loudly: "Please search for the name of Judge Ni, and everyone will have a look."

Many people entered the words "Ni Qiuping".

"Shocked, the decisive battle between Jincheng Longteng and Guangmingding, the outcome is in the hands of Miejue Shitai! "

"Ni Qiuping, the old head teacher of menopause in the eyes of the world? "

"Cold judges (×) like judges with bad faces (√)"

"It is rumored that the child of the judge's relatives will join Jincheng Law Firm as an intern. Can she still maintain justice? "


Swipe and pull a few messages, all of which were released today, and they were basically black material.

Seeing this, the audience who came to listen looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qin Shaocong also felt the pressure.

On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping's face was so dark that it almost looked like Bao Qingtian.

"Hiss - ho -"

Fortunately, she finally adjusted after taking a deep breath.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm not angry, I'm not a judge who likes to put on a bad face..."

After hypnotizing herself countless times in her heart, Ni Qiuping finally showed a "kind smile".

"Lawyer Qin, what are these hot searches?"

Although Ni Qiuping was asking and she had a very pleasant face, the twitching corners of her eyes seemed to be telling everyone that her heart was not at peace.

The voice of this sentence is: If you don't answer well, I, Ni Qiuping, will ask you to look good today, so that you can see and see, what is Miejue Shitai!

On Qin Shaocong's forehead, there was a little sweat.

At the same time, he was also pushing in his heart. I never did this step at all. Aren’t those hot searchers so boring? There is also a buy one get one free service?

I want you to brush Zhang Wei's set meal, but I didn't want you to even brush the judge's set meal!

Wait... who said I did it!

Qin Shaocong finally realized what the problem was.

He glared at Zhang Wei, and began to curse in his heart.

Well, you bastard, you dare to use your tricks and use my strategy to deal with me.

Zhang Wei also gave Qin Shaocong a "friendly" look at this moment.

I'm just playing tricks, what's wrong?

Xu Zhifeng used this trick on me before, but I didn't expect you to come too, it's really laughable.

"Young Master Qin, Judge Ni is still waiting for your answer, why are you silent?"

"Damn you..."

"Young Master Qin, this is a place where the court is important. You don't want to be expelled from the court, do you? The mighty young master was expelled from the court on the first day he fought against me. If this news is on the top of the list, you think it can dominate the list. How many days?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Qin Shaocong finally realized that he almost fell for Zhang Wei's way.

But then, he felt the sharp eyes on the trial seat, and he quickly raised his head.

"Judge Ni, I am wronged!"


Ni Qiuping performed an eye-rolling stunt for Qin Shaocong on the spot.

I believe you ghost oh.

You said you were wronged, do you really think I'm an idiot?

It's clear that you want to create pressure on me, that's why you brush these things, do you think I don't know?

I'm a judge, can't I see something like this?

Seeing Ni Qiuping's distrustful gaze, Qin Shaocong felt bitter.

He wanted to say, he really didn't do this, he wasn't so boring, and went to brush up the judge's "black material".

It's all Zhang Wei, and it's all on purpose by this kid. He knows my tricks, and then uses them against himself.

Damn it!

Qin Shaocong has no choice now, he knows that denying it is unnecessary, so he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"This court announces that thousands of hot searches cannot be taken into account in future evidence, and when the jury makes a verdict in the future, hot searches must not be used as a basis for judgment!"

"If I find out that during the jury discussion or during the court hearing, someone talks about the trending content, I will directly expel him from the court!"

"If it is a jury discussion, this court will directly judge him to be disqualified, and his seat will be filled by a backup juror!"

After making several demands in a row, Ni Qiuping put on an indifferent expression.

But in the end, she did not forget to give Qin Shaocong a fierce look, leaving the latter speechless.

It's all Zhang Wei's fault!

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, looked at Jessica and smiled.

"Zhang, you are amazing, you have expected this."

"It's not that I'm good, it's that I have suffered a few times, so I have gained experience!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, but his heart was very calm.

Buying hot searches to blackmail others is not the first time he has been targeted.

So before he set off, he prepared countermeasures.

Trending searches cannot be suppressed, and you spend money to create trending searches, why should I spend money to remove trending searches, and then let the hot search company make two ends of the money?

Even the hot search company took my offer and asked the other side to add more money to make a third wave of money?

So I simply dispatched my second daughter, who will use your trending search to pave the way for my "judge black material".

Now, let the judge directly declare that there is a problem with the hot search, and it will be settled immediately.

"In the final analysis, I have drawn attention to the trending changes from the very beginning, and I have been on guard against your move for a long time!"

Zhang Wei looked at Qin Shaocong, with a flash of guard in his eyes.

For any enemy, he must be fully prepared, which is also his advantage.

All aspects need to be considered, this is an excellent defense lawyer.

And the next step is the more important work, the selection of the jury.

Zhang Wei and Qin Shaocong were ready to go again.

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